This stole my attention and i think you own me a new mouse 😅 I ended up playing this for quite a while and was on level 3000 by the end.
I really liked the way the mechanics worked together, i thought it made for an interesting sense of progression and was very intuative. Im not sure the autoclicker was balanced though as it never seemed to be worth it compared to upgrading the manual click?
I think the level difficulty ramp was good with the game being fairly easy at the start but leaving it to you to ramp it up as you select which level you want to play. I really liked leaving it in the players hands as a sort of risk vs reward situation as to whether it was better to play a higher level for less time, or play it safe and say in the air longer. I also thought the portals home were a nice touch.
Graphically it was ok, though i think it didnt end up having a strong visual identify. What was there was nice and it was clear what things were and telegraphed mechanics well to the player but i think it could do with some more variety. I liked the fire effects on the rocket, and the bounce and squish of the fuel as you clicked it, these are the bits of the visuals that really shined!
This was a good implementaiton of the mechanics and is clearly fun to play I think theres a lot of ways to go forward with this or eeven just really focus on polishing whats already here to make it even more adicitng!
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