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A member registered Jan 05, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks! I made some mistake with collisions, and bullets travel so fast that they sometimes don't register collisions.

(1 edit)

Thanks! I was hoping to make melees satisfying, so I'm glad that you liked them.

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it

I definitely went a bit overboard on the settings. Don't worry about needing to make it easier, I only beat the game once without changing the settings. 

I tried to make it like that, so I'm glad you thought so. I purposefully chose the Hitman character from the asset pack to be the default skin.

Thanks, will do

Its a very interesting concept and you executed it well. My biggest complaint is that I feel like there is too much time at the beginning of each level before the level starts moving.

I enjoyed the game, even though I wasn't good at it. I like how the buildings are 3d too, good job!

I liked the mechanics, but I found it to be hard

Thanks! I'm glad you think it has potential

I enjoyed the game, but I found the controls for turning to be clunky.

I enjoyed the game, but I found turning to be difficult.

I enjoyed the game, but I found it to be pretty hard, even though I cheated a bit and gathered all of the waste before starting the incinerator.

I enjoyed it; combat felt very good and satisfying

I was hoping for them to be juicy, so I'm glad you liked them!

I've never played Hotline Miami before, but I can see some similarities. Thanks for your comment!

Thanks! I considered adding in a timer, but I was low on time and it wouldn't be fair with the difficulty settings. Maybe after the jam, I will look into it deeper.

That was so fun! Great job!

I enjoyed the game, but I felt like some enemies had too much health. Otherwise, it was very fun and impressive fora game made in 9 days.

Its hard to believe that you made this in GDevelop. Great job!

I really enjoyed the game! The controls felt very satisfying.

(1 edit)

You did very well, especially considering that you made a 3d game

I really like the hammering sound. The rest of the game was fun too!

I found the swinging to be satisfied, but sometimes the swingbot grabbed onto the wrong swing point.

It's fun, but I felt like it was a bit too simple. It would be nice to see more mechanics, like maybe bombs that fall with the hammers and end your run if you touch them.

I enjoyed the game, although I found the first level to be hard. I like how you added in the detail of the player unsheathing their sword at the beginning of the level

I enjoyed the gameplay, but I found that it became boring without a goal. One bug that I noticed was that crops can have a negative price.

Thanks! If you want, you can change the difficulty in the settings.

It was very fun to play. My biggest issue was that it was hard to choose the right direction to enter the dragon's cave, though I guess that that contributes to the instability.  My favorite ending was probably the first; it was very unexpected.

The game is fun, but I found aiming to be hard

That was so fun! My only critique would be that I felt like HP regen was too weak

That was so fun! My only critique would be that I felt like HP regen was too weak

Simple, but fun

I'm glad you liked the pushing, I tried to make it as juicy as possible. I do agree that the AI could use improvement. About the difficulty, I agree that it is pretty brutal (I intentionally made enemy bullets impossible to dodge), which is why I put in difficulty settings. I can see where you're coming from with the theme since the instability mechanics don't always affect gameplay. Thanks for taking the time to comment!

Thanks! I'll check it out soon

I wanted to have a different music for fighting/sneaking around, but I kept putting it off until the end, so it is buggy.
Thanks for your comment!

I really liked being able to customize my stats with the mutations. I just wish that I could see what each mutation did.

Its hard to believe that that was a GDevelop game...  Great job!

If you don't mind my asking, where is the music from? I really liked it