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Slice & DiceView game page

Dice based tactics, GMTK2022 Submission
Submitted by illusivebyte, cmdr0, Nitekrwlr, Korivain, bluefoot, ParrTay Gaming, gr1fty, draco_ranger, C-Edge — 1 hour, 31 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 47 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
Reimagined tactics game that utilizes dice as characters. Each face of the die is an ability and the exposed face indicates the power they currently wield.

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We used pre-existing art

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We used pre-existing audio

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I really like the gory animations:P I think the icons are  from it would be nice to credit folks in description. Also, I know the haste of the jam when there is something not working last minute, but You could add information in-game or in description at the top in bold "This game was cut in web version, play the desktop versions if You can, see below". And the game is much better in its full version;)

Everything was great, I really like it, though I always have a problem with tactical games like this - its best to just hide and wait for what is coming. But I have no clear solution for this. And at least its not like in fire emblem, where You hide and then "enemy reinforcements are coming!" And suddenly 5 units spawned behind your healers. Yikes...

Overall really nice, though I didn't know what different colors of dice mean:P Are they just different dice with always same faces?


Oh hey, thank you for keeping us accountable on proper artist credit.  Seriously.  Not to make excuses, but I don't think anyone on the team expected the amount of work that comes "post-jam."  It's corrected now.  I also took some time to tighten up the info delivery in the description, we'd gotten some feedback about that previously as well.

We had some ideas for the 'hide and wait' issue - but they didn't quite make it in time.  I don't want to talk too much about cut features, but hopefully post-jam you'll get to see some of those ideas implemented!

As for different colors of dice, they were originally to be another visual indicator for when the game eventually got complex - if a Goblin and a Skeleton both had a 'dagger' attack as one of their faces, the colors would help differentiate them to the player if they both had daggers face-up.  I think it was a little less important in the product we delivered, however.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Amazing! I took me some time to get, but the battle mechanic is amazing. Very creative!


I was not expecting full gibs for the combat haha. Who knew those dice were so meaty. It took me a little bit to understand how the combat worked. I like how you need to think about movement but also how that effects what type of combat you can engage in. So it gives the game a good bit of strategy. There was one level however where I started out as the assassin and I could just sit there and take everyone out without moving. The final level 6 in the WebGL version challenged me. I had a lot of fun.


Brutal animations that really make this project memorable compared to most of the other submissions! Could do with some more juice and player feedback, but this project was a great match to the theme!


Fun game, I enjoyed playing! I liked how gory it was, didn't see a lot of that this jam. My favorite thing about the game was the ghost die and previewing your moves, I thought that was a stroke of genius! Props to whoever came up with that. Visually I think there could be more of a theme, brighter colors, and more visual feedback to juice things up even further, but the audio was great and awesome sound effects. Overall a great effort and can't wait to see what else the team adds!

I would appreciate if your team would check out my submission and provide any feedback you have, I am trying to gauge interest to see if I should continue further development too!


Interesteing combat puzzle game. I enjoyed the graphics and the gore animations :D


Glad you liked the animations! Thanks for playing


This is a really cool combat-based puzzler with a very impressive amount of content and features for such a short jam! Figuring out that different die faces had different weapons was an exciting moment, although I never did figure out how you're supposed to beat level 3. Great work!

I'm on camera trying your game here if you'd like to see, a timestamp link to your game is in the description!


Hey thanks for playing our game and thank you for the feedback!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

brutal death animation, there’s a bug where you can get off the board by pressing w a few times

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Had fun, beat all 6 levels. Assassinate order seems a bit OP as in the last two levels you can take everyone out that way without moving. Aside from that, the only thing I think was missing were health bars.  Loved the music. Well done.


Great feedback, thank you and thank you for playing!


pretty good game.


Was fun and brutal and a clever use of the theme to make some unique gameplay!


I appreciate it, thank you!


Nice game! Attack effects and quite brutal and varied :)

My feedback would be to improve the presentation of the game. Take more freedom with colors, I think that games i too grey / dark right now. Nothing really pops that much. That probably has to do something with lighting as well.

Also, controls for attacks feels a bit unresponsive, so more feedback on that side would've been nice.

Other than that, great job! :)


Thanks for the feedback!  We'll definitely take a look at those areas

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

Wow, I really love it! The last level was gut-wrenching and wonderful, having to manage different heroes and enemies was really interesting. Great job! The game would benefit from some UX improvements, maybe showing enemies' health, layout of your heroes' sides or adding a range for arrows and assassinate abilities, and I also encountered few bugs where I wasn't able to attack or my range was all wrong (for example, a knife that attacked only on range 2 and strange diagonals), but for a game jam this is a wonderful entry! Thank you, I really enjoyed playing it once I got the gist of it!


Thanks!  I loved your word dice game, too, it was a blast!


I love that this game used the Dice-theme without just being "random". Very interesting gameplay overall, and makes me want to see a version after getting more time put into it!


Thanks!  We had a lot of discussions about randomness and player agency in our design process, so I'm glad they paid off.

I love your dice puzzler/platformer, by the way.


Interesting idea, I can see how this might be satisfying to play. For me the controls were very unintuitive, and sometimes the transitions a bit slow and cumbersome, so I didn't get too far in before becoming frustrated. 


Hey, thanks for taking the time to play, and I appreciate the feedback!  We definitely want to work on those areas, so hopefully there'll be a smoother product sometime post-jam to enjoy :]


Ok, this is actually pretty clever. Best use of the dice theme I've seen so far.
It's quite interesting having different abilities but you can only use them depending on how you move, as well as enemies changing their threats based on their movement. I think the skill ceiling on this could be quite high for clever strats. Maybe you could even expand it to more than six sided die.

I don't like the controls though, I really want to move with the arrow keys, and having the other buttons next to the movement keys feels prone to accident. I also wish you didn't have to commit to a move before attacking though, feels a bit cludgy.
Also I think theres a bug where sometimes the assassinate skill wont let you move the attack cursor, but nbd.

It was nice how the first few levels kind of tutorialize you as well. 
I think I'd enjoy this as a full game if there was a fun story and characters, probably abstract the dice rolling a bit so you can have actual characters, and they can all have some kind of dice that represents their personality that shifts around as they move. Just my thoughts though.


Thanks for taking the time to play, and leaving a detailed comment!  There's definitely a lot that we wanted the game to be, and that may get implemented moving forward, but I don't want to talk too much about them until post-jam so that it can stand on its own.  But there's definitely similar vision.

Submitted (1 edit)

Yeah, 48 hours is pretty limiting, but still, this is pretty cool for such a short time factor. Also first game I think I've seen to use dice that dont just have numbers on the faces. And it's neat to hear you have plans for this as well.


I enjoy how this game forces you to reposition in order to use the correct weapon! It's a really nice take on the grid puzzler style of jam entry. Great work!


Thanks for taking the time to play it!  Really enjoyed your take on it, as well, really cool to see similar mechanics as a strong puzzle identity.


Pretty fun and challenging game with an unexpected amount of blood and gore(definitely a good thing). The one flaw in this game I think is that its pretty hard to pick up, but once you understand it its really fun. Also I did stumble into a bug which stopped me from playing, but I somehow managed to get back to the level select menu. Also the animations are pretty nice and look impactful+the blood really helps. Overall, a satisfying game, but one which could have benefited from more intuitive controls. -Sincerely, Henry_Hamster


Hey thanks for taking the time to play it!  Enjoyed playing Dice is Right, I intend to come back and beat it by the end of the week.


The controls felt skewoumpus (scattered everywhere) and the gore was a bit much, but a good game. Not polished, not pretty, but a good game.


I'm glad you liked it!  I'm happy we got to showcase the core mechanic, catawampus controls and all.


Really interesting tactics game! Could do with just some "little" updates to the UI to give intel on the enemies this would really bring the game to the next level!


Thanks for playing our game! Appreciate the feedback, definitely something for future development efforts!


Thanks for the feedback, and for playing it live!  Really enjoyed being able to have a conversation about the game, and to watch you work through it.

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