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The MayorView game page

Play as a mayor who has to manage the people of your city!
Submitted by Stixxy — 1 hour, 48 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 28 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Godot Version

Wildcards Used

Game Description
Play as a mayor who has to manage the people of your city!

How does your game tie into the theme?
You have to balance the decisions you make, as some choices will have consequences you didn't intend for.


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Participation Level (GWJ Only)

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This game was a ton of fun! The dialogue and characters are great! It would be cool if there was a reset game button whenever I get fired though, but still, this game was great and pretty close to the theme. Great job!


I’m glad you liked it! And yeah, restart buttons are kinda necessary to a good experience but I skimped out on it for time constraints lol, but it’ll come, don’t worry!

Thanks for checking out my game and leaving some nice feedback. I appreciate it :)


Relaxing town sim, and it was great to meet all the characters you put in the game! Did you do all the art for them? What did you use to manage all of the decision trees?

  • Tutorial through the phone was a really nice touch.
  • When fast forwarding the dialog, I wanted to read quicker but then not have it auto-close or move on. Maybe a bit more like a traditional RPG dialog?
  • The rotating dialog box for townsfolk was a bit intense for my tastes, but it was nice to have some movement there.
  • When I completed a game, it would have been nice to have had an option to start a new one, etc.

Great work on this!


Thank you for the feedback and playing my game. I did everything for the game, bar a few sounds I got from, and I'm still in the learning phase of art and 3D modelling, but it was fun to design all the characters nonetheless. For the decision trees I made my own system, mainly a lot of spaghetti code, but it works haha, so I'm quite happy. 

Some other people have said the same thing about the text boxes, with the rotation being too fast and not having enough time to read the text after skipping, so these are definitely things I'm gonna work on to improve. I'm glad you enjoyed the phone tutorial, it turned out being one of my favourite things to add, as I usually hate doing tutorials.

And for the last point, to be honest I just got kind of lazy towards the end of the jam. Instead of writing a function that would've reset all the variables (which probably would've taken only a few minutes to code), I opted out of adding a restart button. This is something else I want to add in the future aswell though.

Thanks for the lengthy review, I'm glad you enjoyed the game!


Very cool and fun game! Loved the different npc's and their different personalities. A small nitpick, but whenever i skipped the text it would complete the dialogue but automove to the next text immediately, not giving me time to read it. Great game with the theme implemented really well!


Thanks for playing my game, I’m glad you enjoyed it! And that feedback about the text skip is very helpful, I appreciate it for future updates!


This was a lot of fun, I loved the kooky characters and random familiar faces. I'm going to have to play this again to see where some of these characters are up to. Great game!


I'm happy you liked the game. Adding all the characters was very fun, and there's definitely some more I want to add in the future. Thanks for the review


Nice work! This is really cool.

I was annoyed for a  bit that there were no taxes to get money out of your growing population. Then I realized...Necro Ghost IS taxes :)

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for checking it out! Taxes are definitely something I want to add in the future, so the feedback has been duly noted. But I like your take on Necro Ghost aswell, he's definitely got some sneaky tricks up his sleeve.


Very good Game, loved the idea and you created a really good environment.


I really like this entry for the theme of unintended consequences. It reminds me of games like "Yes your Grace" where that was also an element that always worked nicely and required careful consideration! I thought the sleep screen was a nice representation of what was going on and I liked that the menus and options were presented through the phone and radio. The graphics of the mayor's room are lovely.

I didn't quite finish the game because I couldn't tell how long it would go on for or what the end-state would be and since the NPCs repeat a fair bit I lost steam on day 9. Obviously more variety if you keep working on it would be great, but it's a lovely scope for the jam!

Couple thoughts on improvements if you do want to expand the game:

- I thought the text box swaying left and right made the text at times a little hard to read

- whilst Y/N makes sense thematically, I don't find them the easiest keys to navigate whilst casually answering requests

- I found the  mayor's room and idea so nice, it threw me a little that so many fantasy characters keep coming in. I loved the alien, I think that works with the time-period the game has chosen to go for, but wizards and blacksmiths and necro spirits always took me out of the world a bit, and made the town beyond the window less immersive to me. I wonder if it would feel more cohesive to reskin these NPCs as something more modern-day appropriate. The potion seller could be someone who wants to set up homeopathy treatments in town, the dark spirit could be an official looking occultist, etc.

Great game!


Thanks for playing my game, I’m glad you think it’s a good contender for the theme. I did take some inspiration those types of games, also one called Sort the Court, but I think it turned into something more unique which I’m pretty happy about.

The game running out of its charm after a few days due to the lack of variety is something I really want to improve. Initially, I wanted to throw in way more NPCs than there currently are in the game, but just didn’t have the time. And it doesn’t really have an end, I wanted to leave that up to the player to decide when they want to call it, but some end game content would work nicely.

I’m still transitioning from my art sucking to it being considered decent, so it’s a bit strange to hear people like it, but I appreciate everything you said about it! The 3D UI was something I felt would fit really well with the style of the game, so like 30% of development just went to that. And the sleep screen is definitely something I want to improve if I update the game in the future, maybe. I’ll even make it 3D.

And thanks for all the feedback! I might add a toggle to enable box swaying, or even just reduce it so it’s more readable in the future.

I wasn’t actually that aware of the Y / N keys being a bit difficult to navigate, but that’s why you’re also able to click them physically on the screen. However I should probably make that more clear to the player, as the tutorial brushes over that functionality a bit.

Finally, about the NPCs, thank you for bringing this stylistic issue to light! Due to me taking inspiration from the more medieval games like this, I kinda defaulted to using some of their characters as well, but you’re completely right that some of them don’t fit! I need to make the game more my “own” thing, and build some characters that fit in better haha. I really like the suggestions you left for reskinning them, so thanks for that!

And of course, thank you so much for the detailed feedback. I really appreciate it! :D

Submitted (1 edit)




Glad you notice haha, I tried slipping some references in here and there


I really like the art style of this! the 2D sprites contrast nicely with the background, and the office color scheme makes me really nostalgic for an old PC game I cant remember the name of haha. I think the game play is fun, but it can be difficult to read the text bubbles with the rotation effect you have. I think its a nice touch that brings a dynamic element to the dialog, but it could maybe be tweaked down a bit?


Thank you for checking out my game and the helpful review! I personally love the 2D/3D fusion artstyle but never had the confidence to go for it until recently. In the future if I update the game, I'll certainly keep in mind to add in a slider for the speech bubble rotation effect. Thank you for the constructive advice about it :)


Had quite some fun, until I got fired. XD


Haha good to hear it was enjoyable until then!


Nice little choice making game, I do love the attention spent on the details of the office, I do love a good UI for that type of game and you made it happen! Although a nitpick on my end would be the text skip just doesn't give me enough time to read it. I also wish there was more different choices to see from similar characters, I did like the diversity of pixel art but it was a bit weird to see the same offer being shown over and over again (perhaps the randomness was just making me the same prompts everytime?)
Other than that I really enjoyed my time playing, I definitely hope you do update this game!


Thanks for checking my game out and leaving a review! I'm glad you liked the small details with the office and the artstyle in general, I'm especially proud of the UI! And thanks for the feedback on the text skip, I thought it wasn't really that much of an issue in my playtesting, but I guess it would help to have it anyways. My initial plan was to add enough NPCs so that the player hopefully wouldn't get the same choices over and over, but I didn't have enough time to get nearly as many as I wanted, so I'm afraid as it is the gameplay does get stale after a little while.

Still, I appreciate you taking the time to play it and leave some feedback :)


Yeah I'm a bit of a slow reader so it was a bit difficult to catch every word, but I didn't want to wait for the text to write itself...

I do have to say kudos for making so many different NPCs!



I love the visuals and pace of the game. 

The theme is fully respected too! 

I laughed heartily when I discovered GigaChad!


I'm glad you enjoyed the game! Yeah, gigachad is one of my favourite characters, I hope to expand his character in the future if I update the game.


Fun game, cool implementation and a nice mood. The 3D UI is pretty cool as well! Good job on this one! 


Thanks so much for the kind words and checking out my game! I was very proud of the UI as I think it fits a lot with the style of the game hehe

Submitted (1 edit)

I think I beat it because the image of the city isn't growing anymore. But it was fun to play! And also: this dude just comes up, I have 5 money and he wants 150 bucaroos or whatever he said, for just a little bit of bowling. The gigachad is defenitly a gigachad btw.


Haha yeah, 500 people was like the soft limit on beating the game, but I decided to let people play forever in case they wanted to lol. The businessman can definitely have some bad timing, but I'd like to give him more of a storyline in the future. And yeah, I wanted to make the gigachad act like a true gigachad, which I think I got kinda close to. Thanks for playing my game and the nice review!

Submitted (2 edits)

This game is super fun! I enjoyed it a lot. It reminds me a lot of the match Sort the court. The art looks really nice as well, especially in the office. Too bad I wasn’t able to jump out the window lol

I got to day 8 and then I lost, I had almost finished the city :(



Thanks for playing my game! Yeah, I took a good bit of inspiration from Sort the Court, I just hope my modernish version does it justice. I'm happy I've improved enough with my art skills now that people are saying it looks nice, so thanks for that! I love the 3D/2D fusion style, so that's what I tried to get right with this game. Also the window jump could have been implemented with the death minigame wild card if I had the time lol.

Oof, I can feel the pain of nearly getting to the end but then losing. Still, you did pretty well!


Fun game loved the consequences.  good dialogue. 


Thanks for the review and checking out my game! I love writing so one of the most fun parts for me was just creating characters and their dialogues :)


Really great game, i like these dialogs <3 keep on developing =>


Thank you so much! This kind comment means so much as I've never really gotten a comment without any criticism before. I'm happy you enjoyed the game! :D