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A jam submission

Four Seasons LandscapingView game page

Godot Wild Game Jam 71 Entry
Submitted by Twisted Helix — 1 hour, 47 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 15 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Godot Version
Godot 4.2.2

Wildcards Used
ZZZ, Seasons

Game Description
As a gardener of the gods, solve puzzles to give offerings and progress through the game.

How does your game tie into the theme?
Sometimes solving a puzzle in an expected way leads to unexpected outcomes.


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Participation Level (GWJ Only)
Two as this team.

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Is that loss? Great music and feel! The puzzles do seem a bit unbalanced with how easy or hard they are, but otherwise great game!


Wonderful little cozy puzzle game! Loved the water/fire/wind systems! Did you two do all of the art and music?


Thank you!  One of my sons did all the art and music and quite a bit of the programming. I did programming, and my other son did game design and testing. 


Awww, that’s incredible that you got to work on it as a fam!


In a lot of rooms there were tiles that looked the same, but had different function. Furthermore there were a lot of buttons for which it was impossible to see what the function was untill you pressed it. This gave each room an order of: First mess around a bit doing random stuff to see what does what. After having done that for a while, try to figure out how to solve the puzzle and lastly solve the puzzle, which was quite tedious for a lot of the rooms. It worked for a bit, but after a bunch of rooms it got stale. It did help make it fit better with the theme of the jam though!


Thanks for playing and for your comments!


Good atmosphere. There were some levels that I had some difficult solving, so the skip button helped a lot. Congrats!


Thanks for playing!


Nice little puzzle game.

At first I struggled with the diagonal placement of water, needing to hold the two keys then let go of shift, but then it was a lot of fun.

Thanks for submitting


Yeah, we should have added a bit to the tutorial about that. I want to explore better ways of doing that sort of thing with the keyboard. A controller would make that a lot easier. Glad you enjoyed it, and thanks for the feedback!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I really dig the aesthetics of this! The art and music hit that nostalgic sweet spot for me for sure. The elemental puzzle solving mechanics were very interesting and felt satisfying to experiment with. nice work!


Thank you for playing!

(1 edit) (+1)

A very nice puzzle game, that at some points feels a bit like a rage game - but in a positive way, since it feels like some of the challenges are annoying / rage inducing on purpose.

I especially liked the water spreading mechanic. The in-game tutorial was very nice.

And the music! It's a perfect fits to a puzzle game!

And the amount of levels! I find level design to be the most annoying and time consuming part of making games, so I appreciate the effort that resulted in so much content!


Thanks for playing and for your comments! Yes, some of the puzzles were tough to get through. Hopefully you found the skip button! 


Really great puzzles, and I love the water flow mechanic. They started off nice and easy but eventually got beyond my abilities. I'm grateful you added the skip button, especially for a jam, so we got to experience the whole game


I love the theme and concept of elementals! I agree with some comments that some of the puzzles were a bit too challenging for me (novice puzzler here), so maybe a hint system or clearer link between which buttons corresponded to which doors would have been helpful (I did feel bad for having to skip levels I was stuck on). The menu with the skip and resetting was a little hard to find at first so an indicator would also be great! I found myself trapped between two rocks and thought "surely there's a way to reset the level" so clicked around until I found it. The bed is a nice nod to the wildcard zzz by the way! The water and fire systems in the game are such cool features, I wish more was done with the fire as it did feel "water bucket spammy" at some points, and pyromania is just. fun lol.

Otherwise, great game! And I love the art too, especially the flames and bg sprites!


Thank you for your comments! Yeah, some of the puzzles involved some guesswork to figure out, so hints would have been helpful. Don't feel bad having to skip a couple, I may or may not have skipped a couple myself (we had multiple people on the team designing them). We would have liked to have had more fire and wind levels, but ran out of time.  Thank you again for playing and for your comments!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I am not someone who's good at puzzle games, so I wasn't able to get much done at all. I just sort of spammed the water bucket in certain locations until it was enough to reach the statue. Art and audio are very nice though, and I appreciate the ability to skip puzzles.

(Also, I see what you did there with the title hehe)


Love the Dwarf Fortress water. ^_^


Nice puzzle game
You reallly put work on the interactions
Great job


Some of those puzzles are really challenging. Appreciate the simple introductions to each offering. A few times, I couldn't figure out how to get to the portal, so the skip option was nice. The reset level was super useful. Every level felt unique and brought their own challenge. Love the music.

I felt that the fire was inconsistent. I couldn't burn all the trees / hedges / barricades, even though I could burn the same ones in other levels.

Tons of well-designed levels. Well done.


Thanks for your review!

Yeah, we missed "burnable" settings on a lot of things if they weren't directly part of a puzzle. We're happy you tried to burn everything, though :)


Such a great game! Really creative water-spreading mechanic. The puzzles were quite challenging so great level design as well. I also loved the sprites for the god shrines. Very well done so impressive for just a week!


Thank you!