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A member registered Apr 25, 2022 · View creator page →

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I also placed 4 ais once and saw which one won hahaha

Yes, I didn't have time to optimize. In general, I tested with smaller grids, when I went to test with the larger one it was already delivery day. :/ At least for me, even the 8x8 works ok, the 9x9 takes about 2~3 seconds to calculate, but I thought it was an acceptable time and kept it.

But anyway, the AI first looks to see if there is someone in front of it due to some difference (I had put 3 at first, but it was too easy, so I lowered it to 1). If so, it tries to erase an adjacent tile between that piece and its objective. If it is in front or it is not possible to erase a tile, it looks for the shortest path to its objective and moves.

I managed to win with all the upgrades and almost 1500 enemies defeated! :D

The game was super fun, I loved the art and effects, especially the enemies being erased with damage and the visualization of the next level when using the grenade.

Still, perhaps there should be a limit on how much the enemy can be erased before dying, because as there are many enemies, sometimes those with low health are almost imperceptible among the others.

Great game, congrats!

I missed ambient music during the levels, maybe even the menu music. By the way, when returning to the menu after completing a level, the music glitches.

In the first phase, I didn't understand that I needed to grinder before painting, and I just painted the coins without understanding why it wasn't being accepted. ^^'

Other than that, the game was really well done, congrats!

I had -3 life and the game didn't erase itself! ;-;

The game was cool, although sometimes it flickers a little. Congrats!

Says it's missing the .pck file²

I was only able to move the red line with ad keys. I also use Windows.

(1 edit)

I had to try twice, but I did it! :D

I didn't find iron beyond the initial vein, which made the game a little difficult, I got almost 2k wood on the other hand.

The game lags a little, perhaps because the map is very large and there are many enemies. If so, look into ways to optimize so that enemies only execute when they are on screen.

Other than that, the game was super interesting. I ended up using the wagon as a scout, looking for paths with fewer enemies before sending my warriors! hahaha

Congratulations on having done so much in such a short time, it couldn't have been easy!

PS: About the exports... Next time, put the export of each system in a different zip and select the correct option in itch (.exe and .pck as win, .sh as mac and .x86_64 as linux only). You put all the files as being from all systems, which is a bit confusing.

Maybe you'd better put the warning on a separate screen, before the game starts.

The moving game mouse was a nice touch. hahaha

The atmosphere of the game was very well done. Congrats! :D

The atmosphere of the game was very tense, despite the simple minigames in the files. Congrats! :D

No problem, it happens :) And in the end I was able to download and play, so it worked.

It would be interesting to see the money I have without having to open the briefcase.

Two pairs were supposed to be 10, not 7! ;-;

I bought the black chip, the cards ran out and that was it! hahaha

I couldn't win once ;-; But I found it super interesting. Pretty cool, really. Maybe there could be an extra tip for each guess. Maybe inform if the trick card has a higher or lower value, or if it is of the same suit or not. But even though it was difficult, I enjoyed playing it. I think I played about 20 games (and lost them all) hahaha;-;haha

I liked the progress, I just missed some background music and some sfxs. I arrived at the purple floor area and picked up, I believe, the last ball. It turned out really cool, congrats!

I'm sorry, but there was a cacophony of sounds that made it difficult to play. :(

The game looks interesting, apparently it has a whole process to follow and places to explore. Using the ability to hide to get past the bank's lasers was also interesting. But I believe an adjustment to the sound is necessary.

In any case, congrats on the project. :)

The button hover animation was really good!

There was no background music during the game, it could even be the same as the menu.

I believe the collision system has a bug, sometimes I pass through rocks.

My character is gone! @_@

The game was really cool, I loved the art. I believe that some adjustments to the code will improve it a lot. Congrats! :)

Very creative interpretation of the theme!

I just felt like it lacked a little more challenge, nothing stops me from throwing everything in the trash to continue. Perhaps the virus could take control of the mouse for a few seconds or hide the option to empty the trash somewhere else?

Still, it turned out really cool, congratulations!

It would be interesting to have some visual indication of the enemy's HP, not to mention that it would be more interesting with some sfxs and background music. But other than that it was cool, congrats! :)

(1 edit)

I couldn't play on Chrome, has anyone had this problem? :/ It gets stuck in this scene and the button doesn't work

I downloaded it and it worked normally. I thought it was very creative, congrats! Some sfxs and background music would have made it even better. :)

PS: It would be nice to have some visual representation of the 'touch' of the rubber on the enemy.

I played until I had a score of 6724 :D

Sometimes it is not possible to select the first char in a line to delete, I also couldn't find a way to cancel the operation.

The font is not ideal for reading a lot of text.

Other than that, great game! The vibe is very similar to Papers, Please!, especially the music! Congrats!

I got fired, but I won! :D

The text is very blurry when selecting the document. Since it doesn't rotate much, perhaps it would be possible to rotate just the paper and not the text?

I think on the third level the music stopped after a while, but came back on the next level. In fact, the 'evolution' of the music was very good.

The game was super interesting and super well done! Congrats!

A cozy horror game? Hahaha

Lots to interact with and very interesting story. Congratulations on your creativity in how you connected everything to the theme! :D

The aim seems inaccurate, but I don't know exactly why I felt that. Maybe it's the bullet falling with the distance, or maybe it's the collision, I don't know. Or maybe I'm just bad at it! :p

Other than that, the game was very interesting, congrats! :D

I think I died in the fifth wave. ;-;

There is a small bug where, if I am too close to the wall, the mouse attacks with the dash and disappears, but remains there inside the wall attacking me.

Other than that, the game was very interesting, congrats!

Super polished! Wow!

The font is not that good to read.

I don't know if it was a bug or not, but the colors of the password challenge changed between one attempt and another.

Maybe I'm bad at it, but I found it very complicated. I almost don't get past the tutorial :( Between having to read the instructions with the time decreasing, the colors changing between attempts and me having to remember what the results of the previous attempts were (with my terrible memory), I needed to try six times to complete the tutorial and I couldn't complete the next level. Even setting the time to infinite, the password kept resetting without me being able to guess the correct one.

The game is SUPER polished, very beautiful and the SFXs are great (I would just make the clock tick a little quieter than the other sounds), but I believe an adjustment in difficulty would help a lot. Maybe a history of the last attempts, maybe instead of having a limit on attempts, after a certain amount, each error decreases a few seconds off the time.

Anyway, congrats on getting so much done in just nine days! :D

I loved the music in the minigame.

Greg is gone! T_T

I wish there was a button to speed up the falling of letters and it was when trying to use Space for this that I discovered a bug ^^' You can select a file on the PC while in the minigame, which mixes everything up and gets everything confusing.

Congratulations on your creativity and for making a story like this in the short time of the game jam. :)

I played until level 25! :D

If I understand correctly, the enemy tries to predict my direction to attack. If I'm moving left, it fires further to my left instead of directly at my current position, correct? I had the impression that the shot is going too far to the side, perhaps the adjustment should be smaller or take into account the average movement of the last few seconds instead of just the current movement (although I know that doing this is a little more complicated). I say this because sometimes I would adjust my character to the side and the enemy would shoot towards the wall, and the greater the distance between us, the more visible this difference was.

Another thing is that enemies absorb bullets from other enemies, I think it would be more interesting if this wasn't the case, as it would make the level a little more chaotic and difficult.

Other than that, super creative and fun. I loved the art and the sfx. Congrats!

What stops me from just erasing everything? Oh...

Super creative and well planned, I also loved the art and the way the jump works. Congrats!

Oh yes. I think it's the attacks that target the most vulnerable that confused me. Other than that, it was easy to understand the attacks of the group's characters and the enemies' attacks were understandable after a while.

I focused my group on healing between turns and fighting undead. Towards the end I healed half of my characters' health between turns (and revived anyone who had died) and took more than half of the undead's health. XD

Then the spiders came T_T

I understand (because I already made the mistake of making a background that was too flashy) hahaha

But look at the background of this game, for example. It's something very subtle, perhaps at first glance it seems like it's a static image, but it still gives a little movement and makes the game, overall, more dynamic. I believe your game would benefit from something like this. :)

First of all, wow! Congratulations on being able to do this in nine days! If you add sounds and animations in the future, this game will be amazing.

I managed to get to halfway through the third map, I died to a group of spiders and a strange robot(?). Sacrificing your allies ended up making each level even more difficult. The only thing I didn't understand was why sometimes an attack targets the first position and sometimes the second.

I was also unsure if there was a way to defeat Chronotyrant or if I had to go until there were none of the 5 left. ;-;

Gasoline is consumed even when I'm stopped, which is logical, but ends up making the game more difficult. I think that if the gas ran out more slowly or the player didn't spend it while stopped/rotating, it would make the game more enjoyable.

Other than that, the game was interesting, with good art and music. Congrats! :)

The background image having some animation would make the game more dynamic. Especially in level 4, with all the blue blocks, I missed an option to speed up the ball.

Other than that, the game was very interesting and I managed to play until Ciao. :)

I survived until 2031-05-14.

The game is interesting and the visuals, despite being simple, are very well done. The sound matches well and adds to the atmosphere.

But I missed some indication of what my choices would affect. Maybe it doesn't even need to be precise, it could be something like:

Economic Recession++

Social Unrest+

These two were the ones that rose the fastest and led the world to collapse, and I didn't know how to control them, since everything I chose seemed to increase both of them.

The text is very small, there was a lack of a fullscreen option, perhaps, or some type of zoom in on the text with scrolling.

Other than that, the game was very interesting and, although most of the passwords were easy, there were some that I needed to think about and test a little before I managed to solve them. Congrats!

If I draw too much, the game crashes, I discovered this when trying to draw two lines instead of one in an attempt to receive a better score :v

My only complaint is that the enemies appear very quickly at the beginning, there is barely time to 'see' the screen before the first one appears in the corner. Perhaps a preparation period of a few seconds would improve this point a lot.

Other than that, the game was very fun and interesting. Congrats!

The animation of him erasing himself was really cool.

I'm a terrible skateboarder, unfortunately, but the game looks really well made with great art and lots of mechanics to explore. Congrats!

Reference to TTGL *-*

To be honest, I didn't understand how the game worked, I had to read the comments to understand. Once I understood it, I really liked it, it's very interesting. I played enough to buy almost everything. Maybe you just need to improve the tutorial.

When it is not in fullscreen, the window is cropped and part of the information does not appear. You can fix this in Godot's settings, go to Mode and put Canvas Item.

It's strange having to select the attack with the mouse and confirm the enemy with the keyboard. The coins are above the end of the action text.

Apart from that, good game. If you add some background music and some animations to the enemies, it will be even better. Congrats! :D

I discovered the error, it was something I coded wrong. T_T Instead of taking the closest opponent to the objective, I take the FIRST closest one. And the worst part is that it will only be possible to update this after the jam. Sorry about that.

Sorry to be picky, but when the game is really good, I need to talk about the little things! hahaha

The font could be a little bigger.

The first level was very well built. I was even more surprised when I realized it's random.

I found that right-clicking deselects everything, quite useful.

I think the collision of the shooter' bullets (or perhaps the collision of the character himself) should be a little smaller. The shooter can hit me even if I'm on the other side of the wall.

Beside that, great game as always! Congrats!

I kept Olaf safe! :D

The increase in difficulty was quite extreme from one moment to the next and I think a slightly greater contrast between the 'shadow' of the pencil and the paper would be better, still the game looked really cool and managed to use the theme well as a basis for the rest. Congrats!