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This is a cool idea for a puzzle game. I found it a bit tricky at first but once I learned to use the glow of the stars as a guide I got the hang of it.

Audio would really elevate this to another level but fun none the less.

This was fun. The pocket of space looks cool and the mechanics are quick to learn. I like the risk/reward of throwing the spike and having to pick it up before you can attack again.

I'd say a bit more reach on the default attack would feel better and maybe some less calming music but maybe that plays into the aspect of it being a void.

That transition between main menu and starting the game is really nice. The background stars during the game look great, I wish I'd improved mine to have the parallax feel to them.

Expanding as your consume would give some nice feedback to the game. 

A fun game that feels frantic and makes you want to do things as quickly as you can against an ever ticking clock. The tutorial text felt a bit heavy but I understand the need for them in a short space of time to develop.

I did get into a bad state after not reading how to drill and pressing space a few times it looked like it was reloading the current planet I was on and duplicating the music. I restarted and learned to read properly, the drill minigame is quick and fun which is a great balance for minigames I think. I finished it on my second attempt :)!

Really nice art style and ambience was really effective and unnerving. Felt like a DS style title!

I really wanted to add a small objective overview to the UI but time was short for this jam. Haha they do look like wheels, perhaps I should have shaped them differently.

Thanks for trying it out.

This had a great art style and the twist of being able to jump during the pac man section was neat. I wish there was a bit more of the using perspective to progress.

It took me a few times but I finished it eventually haha.

Thanks for giving it a try!

Not my type of game typically but I really liked the visuals in this. It felt very dream-like which definitely elevates the narrative.

The blackhole effect is nice. It plays nicely, some warning that you're about to overheat would have been great. It's cool that you can see your stats after a run... though my accuracy is not so cool to see!

A quick game to pick up and the contracts give it a nice twist. Really nice visuals and audio that fits perfectly with the retro style.

Well since I was so close... Went back and did a bit of a speed run then ended up almost dying right at the end again but I did it!

Oh yeah absolutely. I meant to add them, even enabled a few of the post processing effects, but missed something. Then I ran out of time.

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Really nicely polished, nice one. An intriguing narrative kept me going but a slip up at 380m killed me :(.

Decided to switch to headphones with the light off, I was sweating a little. Great atmosphere.

Actually I remember seeing this one early on in the discord and thinking it definitely had the "Void" factor!

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Haha I'm glad you had fun. Trawlers work hard so they earn themselves a right to a little fun spacing around!

The hooking isn't implemented that well too be honest it was just "good enough" with everything else I needed to do. In short there's no physics just a line renderer a vector maths, happy to go into more detail or I'll just post the repo directly if I can ever be bothered to upload it :D.
Edit: It was a little quicker than I thought so here a direct link if it helps: https://github.com/WinterProgramming/Trawler861/blob/main/Scripts/Ship/tow_line....

Really nice art and fun to "master" (I'm bad at platformers). It'd be great if the camera gave a little look ahead based on player velocity to try and succeed in a challenge first time.

If the void/normal transition was a little bit faster it'd feel better when fixing your mistakes mid jump but maybe that's the point and would detract from the challenge.

Really polished and easy to pick up and play. I got to about level 5, I also had the issue others mentioned about enemy's only firing once.

I love the little details of the weapon recharge and reload graphic and a full options menu. I've yet to get that into a jam game, one day...

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Hi Otter,

Sorry about that, were you playing in full screen?

Unfortunately I originally chose a font that didn't work in web builds then had to quickly find another.

This game looks great and has so much polish. The sticker-like characters look awesome and it's fun to figure out what trinkets to equip and where.

Thanks for playing and the great feedback. My vision was to flesh out the combat in such a way that the player would want to craft shields against sword heavy armies, to reduce damage and have a chance to block. As well as craft swords against armour heavy armies.
Unfortunately my levels didn't really work out that way haha and I didn't put as much time into design as I wish I had.

It was more of a "slap numbers into it and hope for the best" kind of creation. I saw your game a few times on the discord and really liked the art. I'm hoping to give it a try when I've got some time.

Sorry to hear you couldn't progress. There have been times in my testing where the RNG rolls just aren't in your favour, I wish I had more time to work out a better balance but when I'd tweak small things it'd make other levels too easy/difficult haha.

Yeah there's some similarities there :). It's satisfying to watch a battle playout while the player has some influence at the higher level I think.

This game made me think of FAR: Lone Sails which I really enjoyed. The art is great and it feels really polished. Love the name as well.

I like the loop in this one. It's a fun perspective equipping people with weapons then watching them get into battles. You got a lot working in such a small space of time, nice one!

The crafting minigame was maybe required too precise a button press but I got the hang of it eventually.

Really awesome game. Great art, audio and cool dice combat. Really high quality considering the time period!

I like the interactive main menu. A really solid fun game, I had trouble seeing that the left hand side UI was for recipes, maybe putting an "=" after the item before the ingredients would hammer (no pun intended) the point home.

I did 7 days. You've got a really nice balance of hectic and feeling like you're being super efficient. The pulling/snapping of rope is oddly satisfying!

I quite liked getting into the swing of this one. Certainly an interesting sound for the game over haha. I almost got the 1000g!

Really beautiful art in this one. Hard to fault anything really. The minigames were a bit tricky but that adds nicely to the frantic nature of it all.

I love that you keep upgrading your weapon until you end up with a crazy and unique sculpture haha. The text can sometimes get in way while playing.

I might reupload after the voting it done with some fixes to see if I can make it feel better. Do you think a better textured button would make it clearer?

I'm also considering images to go along with the tutorial text to give the player better hints.

I should have put a hammer icon or something on the button to make it more clear. Thanks for giving it a shot!

"clearly not added during crunch time..." haha I feel this :)

Cheers Vindictivity. I would have liked to add spells that could be cast by the player to expand the gameplay further but didn't want to scope creep too much. I'll check out your game when I'm able.

Thanks Kaishido, appreciate the kind words.
I'm absolutely lacking on the presentation side of things as I'm primarily a programmer but I'm looking to improve my art/presentation skills through doing jams solo like this.

This is a really cool idea. A game with multiple phases it no small task. Love the switching in perspective!

Maybe I didn't get far enough (or missed it) but if you were able to have a brief recap of the painting you were trying to forge that'd be great for fish brains like mine. There's also a fair amount of tutorial text to take in all at once.

Simple to pick up and super polished. Nice job!

The only thing, that wasn't too much of an issue, would be knowing exactly where the hammer is going to hit. But regardless you get a feel for it after a while and perhaps that's better.

Enjoyed this one. Really like the art and the Overcooked style!

It took me a while to figure out what I  was supposed to do but appreciate the helpful prompts. Only got a score of 800 but I was being a bit dumb for a while.

Doh, I think I'll consider switching the sword game up slightly to address this. Thanks for playing.

Thanks for the feedback. I had similar comments about the sword game from friends when testing the game. I was hoping it'd differentiate it slightly from the shield minigame but it does feel a bit odd.

Ahh apologies that might be one of the rarer bugs that was happening with the capture system. Thanks for giving the game a try!