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A member registered Feb 25, 2023

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(1 edit)

cool game! the concept was neat and i haven't seen a doom style shooter yet, so it was unique as well! music was nice and the art was good. i would've liked some pickups or power ups maybe, and i did get hard locked when i died as mentioned in another comment. i also did NOT know you could reload either lol. either way well done!

i had a lot of fun with this platformer! combat and movement was pretty seamless, i like that you gave options on routing and combat in this game. well done! froggy supremacy 馃惛

really enjoyed the art and sound effects, took me a second to get adjusted to the controls but had fun with it when i did. unique concept and solid entry!

i think the camera is bugged so it had a weird placement, unfortunately i wasn't able to get much gameplay in :( very nice artstyle and animation though! looks like it would've been a fun game

really cute and silly game, cats doing backflips in space was not something i knew i needed until now! funny little tooltip messages while loading as well. great work! did notice there is no game over screen and had to refresh to retry

really unique concept, very charming pixel art as well! i enjoyed the puzzles a lot and it was a very cozy game up until the teleporter jumpscared me LOL. i did get stuck on the last puzzle but i enjoyed myself either way, great work!

cute game! as a previous comment stated i really enjoyed the movement once i got the hang of it, took a LOT of patience though on the last section lol. also liked the little fun fact at the end, great tie in for the theme. well done!

LOL the racoon scream caught me so off guard, very silly and charming game. very creative way to fit the theme in as well! great job

simple and straightforward platformer with a few twists! cool physics too with the portals, being able to overshoot it, and bump your head. i thought this was a cute entry, the player sprite being a little grasshopper was very fitting too. nice job!

i don't think there is a way to play this currently :(

really fun traversal mechanics and they're well implemented too! art style was simple but the aesthetics were immaculate, awesome music too. i agree with a previous comment that said they would definitely love to play more levels. overall a really solid platformer, great work!

can't stress enough how much i enjoyed this game. the soundtrack was insane, the art style was really charming, the gameplay was fun and challenging. i wish there were more than 3 abilities but i get due to time restrictions it most likely wasn't possible. i did notice some minor collision issues when walking up the wooden beams and stairs. thank you guys for making one of my favorite games of this jam so far.

fun concept and i love the idea of teledashing through enemies, did encounter a fair bit of lag when using the teledash ability but overall a pretty cool and unique entry.  great work!

i could not get past the first level, but the physics were great and i really enjoyed the look and feel of the game!

this was was adorable!! kitties and sfx were super cute, fun puzzles, cool concept. i really enjoyed it, great work!

very interesting mechanics! a little difficult for me to play personally, but that doesn't take away from how polished and how much depth the game has. overall a fun, solid entry

THIS WAS SO FREAKIN GOOD!! i absolutely loved everything about this, the puzzles, the music, the ambiance, the artstyle. everything was great, i found myself wanting for more and was so upset to have finished it. truly a standout amongst the other submissions. great work guys, very solid and cozy game

thanks, we sure learned a lot! we would鈥檝e been able to flesh it out even more but sort of halfway into the jam we pivoted to another idea for the game

thank youu, we had a lot of fun making it!

not too sure honestly, it happened on the same level as the final boss bug where i couldn鈥檛 move past the victory screen. the round started and i had two towers going. the glitched tower was all runes, rocket boost floor, and warp. sorry i can鈥檛 be of more help :( 

very nice, had a lot of fun experimenting with different tower builds. simple art style but its charming and cohesive. the sfx were very much appreciated. did run into some minor bugs, such as being stuck on the victory screen for the final boss and having 2 towers going at once. but overall great game, had a lot of fun with it!

super cute artstyle, really unique concept, and well executed too! i had a lot of fun figuring out how to load things up onto the ship, and the resource management wasn't too overwhelming or overly complicated. the skillchecks were a nice touch as well, luckily i play a ton of dead by daylight so hitting those were a piece of cake for me LOL. overall a very fun entry! 

really awesome concept, such a creative way to fit in the theme as well. really enjoyed it, around level 3 i did notice some frame drop issues but overall very solid entry. the art style and animations were also very cute and polished. would definitely play a fleshed out version of this game. 

super cute art style and theme, the concept is cool and unique as well. had a tough time navigating the shop and had no feedback as to whether an item was purchased, equipped, etc.  it also was not clear if there was a class system and whatnot. UX issues aside, a charming submission nonetheless!

really cute art, music, and concept, though i think it could be balanced a bit more. it's nearly impossible to stay alive for long unless i'm doing something wrong, but had fun regardless. nice job guys, my record is 34 seconds!

(2 edits)

overall simple and cute but one of the more addicting submissions i've played ^^'  i love it sm

..i might be slightly obsessed with your game..

very cool concept, cute character sprite and animations, solid gameplay loop, i enjoyed the abilities that i did have and i would like to see how this game would look if it were fleshed out! as a previous comment mentioned i would've liked a stronger emphasis on the theme, and it would be cool if there was level variety or maybe even procedurally generated levels. overall very solid and fun!

sweet and simple, fun to walk around and interact with your fellow crewmates. tasks were pretty straightforward. very charming game. would like to see what a fleshed out version of this game would look like!

unique concept, great visuals, awesome music, solid core gameplay loop. heavy stuttering and performance issues, also wasn't clear on the theme. putting that aside, i think it was great! 

really cool concept and use of the wildcard, took me a while to figure out how it works but once i did i wished the gameplay was longer!! solid work on the core game mechanics, wish there had been some music. good overall

only made it 46m but still had a blast! like how the game plays, smooth controls and mechanics. as a previous comment stated would like some sort of warning letting me know that i'm about to get yeeted. 

whoever designed level 13.. i want to fight. all jokes aside, very fun and challenging game w clever level design! appreciate the art style as well. great work guys

fun game, charming art style. i had a little difficulty with the whip controls, but other than that pretty solid game! great work

solid cake. 10/10 flavor.

only made it to wave 5 but still very fun! it can be a little disorienting with the sensitivity being a little wonky. great visuals and concept

genuinely terrifying  for me. immersive and challenging puzzles, navigating the offices was a bit rough but overall pretty good feel. the rough controls almost make the game scarier though to it's benefit (ie. classic resident evil games). i had a great time, i did reach the floor where (without giving too much away) you had to gather some parts, and once i had said parts some of them would go into the container and i'd hear the ding and others would not. not sure if this was a bug or if it was something i was missing. either way solid game!

thank you for playing! it was my first time working with pixel art and i was being a bit too critical of myself so i appreciate your comment :) i agree that it is difficult, i can't make it very far myself. but the dev got to wave 30 somehow. i'll check out your game when i get back and let you know what i think

i was pleasantly surprised with this game! its simple but challenging, and unique from the other submissions i've played so far.  some music would've been nice, but i like that you focused on the core gameplay. also thank god for the checkpoints, i would not have made it as far as i did without them lol

stunning. great visuals, great audio, amazing ambiance. surprisingly polished for a game jam! your submission is definitely amongst my top 5. my only complaint is that there is no endless mode!