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A jam submission

Titan GearView game page

Submitted by Circus Freaks, BitterCennic, Kurisuuuu, SgtWeirdo, legendstudio — 17 minutes, 36 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Fun Factor#233.4003.400

Ranked from 20 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Is your game a video game or a physical game?
Video game

Was your game made solo or in a team?
DevTeam: Khairul - Programming Fouad - Programming Music/sfx Chris - Character Spriting, Tileset design Vaughn Langen - Character Rigging, Animation, Planning

Did you use any third party assets, if yes what assets did you use?
Pixel Chests Pack - Animated by karsiori

Did you choose from one (or more) of the optional secondary themes?
Signal Failure

Does your game contain 18+ content (Nudity, Gore, Language)?

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Hey I really love this one! I'm definitely a sucker for turn-based Worms kind of games. I like that it was an actual level to go through too, and the other mechs wouldn't take their turn unless in radius. I fumbled a lot at the beginning figuring out how everything worked and then after it clicked I restarted so I could enjoy it from the start. The idea of having to get to the crates to resupply cards was sweet. I also really loved the animations, how did you guys achieve that?

I think the card clicking could have been a bit smoother as I didn't get why it wasn't selecting at first. Figured out the drag up pretty quickly, however it did lead to an obnoxious bug where if you dragged it too far then it would activate the weapon and you'd miss that action turn. I also shot myself with the shotgun somehow with the big guy. I think I quite literally shot myself in the foot while shooting down at an enemy I was on top of lol. Maybe a feature?

More in-game introduction to the controls and how everything works is something I think sorely missed in a lot of jam games, and our game is no exception- didn't have the time. But its good I think when even without that you can figure it out pretty easily, so kudos there too. I quite liked this one a lot, and I'd honestly play a whole game of this if you kept going. Sweet stuff in  here!

Developer (1 edit)

Heya, thanks for the kind words! I try to learn something new every Jam I enter, I actually followed this tutorial to learn how to do 2D Rigging and animation during this jam. Programming settled the actual transitions of the animations.

Yeah as most are ensuring their core loop works without breaking down, tutorials are usually the last thing to be implemented in jams if any time is kept for it hahaha.


Definitely a cool game to kill some time with! Pretty refreshing take on card mechanics x sidescrolling games which I thought was really interesting. LOVED the graphics. Looking forward to sinking some time after spending a while figuring out the mechanics of the game (not too long!)


Appreciate the feedback! Happy to hear that you enjoyed the experience! <3


Definitely a cool game to kill some time with! Pretty refreshing take on card mechanics x sidescrolling games which I thought was really interesting. LOVED the graphics. Looking forward to sinking some time after spending a while figuring out the mechanics of the game (not too long!)


Definitely a cool concept overall, card-based/turn-based sidescroller tactics.  Someone mentioned worms and I agree there is some of that DNA here. Some brief kinda tutorial would definitely help this one a lot but understandable there wasn't much time in the jam.  Took a bit of experimenting to figure out how to activate cards and how to charge up rockets/etc.  Some more visual feedback on attacks overall would help too, particularly with rocket explosions / etc to understand how big the blast radius is.

Solid start, this could definitely be fleshed out for a more refined experience.


Thank you for your feedback.


Looking very good and very interesting! 

For some reason on my machine it was difficult to click and select the cards reliably.

I love the look and the gameplay, would love to play more of this !


Like drag and drop the cards?


Fun game! I tried it a few times and eventually got all the way to the end. Once I realized that the best strategy was to sprint and stop strategically, it became a lot more fun in some kind of platformer/worms-hybrid kind of way.  I think you should lean into this and make cards that enhance movement/traversal and cover mechanics! 

It would also be very nice to get a better sense of if I will be damaged by my own explosives, the grenades got me more than once :D  


Thank you for your comment and feedback. I loved your game so much,It's a banger. Are you willing to play it if it was developed further more


So much fun! Would love to play a game like this multiplayer!

Developer (1 edit)



Neat Worms style strategy game. Pretty tough. I beat the game buuuut did cheese the enemies. Grenades hit through walls, not sure if they should or not. Adding arcs to help assist players aim would be really nice. 


thanks for your kind words


It took me a while to realize how to properly interact with the cards since clicking on them wasn't working. I didn't realize I was meant to drag them slightly upward until midway through. At that point, I'd pretty much ran past everything, which was a fun type of strategy in and of itself. I did accidentally completely blow up one of my mechs with a rocket when I figured out how the cards work though! 

It does feel like a rough concept, but I like the overall feel and the gameplay ideas work well! It definitely does remind me of Worms, which is always a great franchise to harken back to.


Well if you have seen the trailer.... JK The game needed a tutorial but the deadline was very close to make something. What your suggestions to implement?

Submitted (1 edit)

you refresh my memory with some old good games i played during my childhood on FLASH (press f)

strategic and tactical are the best words for this game.

just drag card to play the card isn't intuitive but if we understand it, it walks alone



I really enjoyed playing this game ! The artstyle is very good, and so are the animations. Feels like Worms, even tho it is kinda inituitive to drag the cards to use them. Had a fun time killing myself with rockets by shooting them point blank !


i killed myself countless times


That's a sign of great game design


thank you.


Very cool round based combat game. At the beginning i didn’t realize that i could move the mechs and got confused which’s turn it is, but as i got it it made much more sense. The physics based mechanics are very funny, that you can just push enemies away and especially that you can stack your mechs on top of each other. :D

I just found it hard to keep track of the cards each of my mechs had, so i didn’t know which mech should get the chest and has still usefull cards. I think this needs to be shown somewhere.

There are 2 major annoyances:

  1. Granades can kill you through walls. That is very strange, i especially threw granades and then hid behind a wall to not get damaged, but died from it anyway, that is quite frustrating
  2. The rockets often just go off on their own (without aiming) which is also quite annoying

all the mechs share the same cards. Are you willing to play it after developing it furthermore .


Pretty cool worms inspired entry !

i like the base concept, the mech sprites also look really rad and the music was quite fitting for the sci fi battle going on.

The game is just a bit difficult with how many enemies you have to defeat with only a team of 3 especially since you have to restock your arsenal at crates, but other than that i didn’t have any particular issue with this one.

The fact that you can climb onto your teammates to gain height for some wild shots is also just the best aspect XD

Good job to y’all ^^


thank you 


Made me nostalgic for the flash game territory war, fusing it with a card game is an interesting idea. although only being able to use one card per mech feels limiting as a player, and encourages the player to creep slowly through the level. I think that theres alot of possibilities with this concept if you chose to continue development, adding more mechs, cards, and deck building.


Thank you for your comment. What are your suggestions ?if you have.


I liked this idea! combining cards with a turn based platformer! It is a good mix of genera that all work together. 
So, there are lots you could do to implement better platforming, but that is all documented out there. I thought the pushing my own mechs / other mechs was a little silly, and I was totally confused about which mechs were friendly or not at first. At least change the color of the bad-guy mechs. Or make the good guy ones blue.

Some ideas:
•I wish only one of your team mates was solid, and that you could use them like a block to jump on.
•I wish the different mechs you have could be easily switched between before ending your turn collectively. Along with that instead of stamina for the turn, I wish there was a range that you could travel to so I can position myself carefully
•I wish you leaned a little more toward infiltration / stealth games. with things like line of sight, staying in the shadows, avoiding / disabling sensors, and guards that alert other guards, and finding a good spot to hide for the end of your turn.
•I would love to see your stamina system apply instead of movement, to the actions of your cards. A missile might take 3 stamina, where an energy or shotgun only takes 1. and be able to take more than 1 action per turn.
•I want the mechs to have more different decks / cards available. Preferably pre-mission during a load-out screen.
•I wish you had a little more feedback such as projectiles flying, damage numbers popping up, etc

I say all of this because I like your game. These are suggestions to take or leave - your choice.


Thanks for your suggestions. We actually were thinking about the ranges of movement to be by a drone, the mechs could not surpass a certain space and if they surpassed it their damage will decrease or something like that. Also We Wanted to make unique cards and classes of mechs but unfortunately time ran out. Would you play it again if we developed furthermore?


I had fun with this game! Once I figured out I had to charge the rockets/grenades, I managed to beat it first try (even though I blew up 2 of my own mechs lol).


Thank you for your comment. We had many ideas to implement. Would you be interested if the game is developed further more ?