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A jam submission

Plan B: BOOM!View project page

Submitted by Old_One_Eye — 2 hours, 15 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Flow & Clarity#14.3334.333
Adherence to Theme#24.1254.125
Concepts & Originality#114.0004.000

Ranked from 24 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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I really liked the characterisation in this one, but I must say I kept waiting for some reveal as to why Julius was so madly driven with this plan.   I was thinking there was some sort of sinister force at play...


Really enjoyed this one, very evocative I could feel the awkward tension in the room. The Chief Strategist is obviously respected and seeing him like this is hard on those that respect him.

Excellent delivery of "this isn't part of the plan" too.


A fun, short story. I liked the characterization of the other officers. A very Guard style ending too, haha, although I would've phrased it as an orc default victory


Really good work. I could see the main character being played by a sleep deprived coked up Jeff Goldbloom


Heh, actually reminds me of a story my Dad told me when he was at the National War College in the early 1980s doing Cold War scenarios, but he had done the one he was assigned to previously and told the instructors that. They said to just do the scenario rather than recuse him, so on the first opening turn he nuked the Soviet troop assembly areas making it impossible for the OPFOR to meet objectives so the instructors threw him out of the room :)


That is such a great story! Nuking the soviets turn one is a bold move for sure.


Straight into the action, really great! I love a good bombastic Orc story, and what a way to end it. I wasn't actually expecting the ending. This is probably my favourite story. Along with the clean prose, snappy dialogue and wonderful scene setting there's a hint of subtle humour in there that elevates the story for me. It made me think of Sandy Mitchell in a lot of ways, bloody great work!  


Thanks! I am really glad you liked it. I saw the theme and had this idea pop into my head right away. I am glad that I was able to get my vision across well!


Really nice, the ending was well set up throughout and the whole piece worked nicely - kinda felt bad for Arkan!


Justice for Arkan! They should do the plan anyway, with or without the orcs!


The introduction paragraph was a little dense with the descriptions slowing it down a tad, and the final paragraph was a little on the nose... but I liked it, and you really had me arrested there! Well done!


VERY well written. I really felt Arkan's desperation and subsequent dissapointment. One of my favorites so far.


Poor Arkan. But sometimes, the simple plan of nuclear bombardment is the way to go. Good stuff!


Cool to see a story from HQ's perspective. Very original twist.


Good twist at the end, but it was kind of predictable. Still, good job with this entry!