I dig it. Has a lot of the Industrial Era horror and I absolutely love it. Very good entry.
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I only read the short version, so I'm sorry if the feedback isn't applyable to the extended version. First and formost: formating. Try making shorter paragraphs, try to not repeat the same words unless it has a meaning to the story, don't rush it too much. I feel like you could reformat this story into one that would still fit all the criteria and be easier and more enjoyable to read. But hey, it's still an interesting entry, good job.
Thanks for the reply!
To be honest, the poison was a last second add to make the reasoning of the character more clear, but your point is 100% valid. The commander could've felt dizzy because of it, maybe a stray description of someone collapsing.... But in the end, I'm happy you enjoyed the story and I hope that I'll be able to continue bringing joy to people every next jam I'll participate in!
Thanks for your rating.
As you pointed out, there were quite a few mistakes on my part when it came to grammar. This has never happened before and I am deeply ashamed. To receive such a high rating from you feels unreal, thanks again!
I also see that I can't access your story. May be because of the queue...
First of all, well done Mr;Long XD XD
Anyway, I feel like some parts are a bit repetetive regarding names. Also, there are quite a lot of characters and since we have but one page to write on, I found myself double-cheking names because I just didn't know who that was again.
Regardless of that, it's still a solid submission!