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A member registered Aug 02, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks for checking it out, and thanks for the feedback!

Things I liked:

- This is a pretty cool concept. The mechanics are neat, and there's definitely a skill curve; that is, there's a lot of room for a given person to improve.

- I like the sprites--they're very nice, especially the amoeba splitting animation.

Things I didn't like:

- No sound? :megamind:

- I feel like there's a lot of info that's not conveyed to the player. I don't really understand how bomb amoebas work--how long they last, whether they actually kill viruses or just lure them--sometimes I can't split, and I'm not sure if that's because I'm trying to too often, if the amoeba count is just maxed out, if there's something else I just don't get...etc. The amoeba speed also seems a bit random, which I'm not too much a fan of, since when I'm trying to get away I don't want to gamble on not getting a super slow one xD.

Regardless, good job!

Advance notice: I haven't been able to finish this game yet, for reasons I'll get to later.

Things I liked:

- Very, very well done aesthetic. The sprites, the SFX (namely the level starting noise and the merge bwoop), and the animated titles all come together really well.

- While I haven't seen all the levels, it seems like the mechanics are very thought through and taken advantage of. The puzzles definitely require some brainpower, and they're definitely fun.

- The game...saves my progress?? Incredible!

Things I didn't like:

- There's a bug where my game is running at 2x speed or something like that--my player-blob moves at lightspeed and the title sequence blaze by. It's incredible frustrating, because instead of being able to work on the puzzles slowly and carefully, I have to gently tap my arrow keys and hope that the player-blob doesn't go an extra square and force me to restart. Normally, I keep the number of things I liked and didn't like the same, but this one I'm counting twice because it's pretty bad.

- The merged blobs not being perfectly circular work most of the time, but sometimes, it just kinda looks like they have a tumor (like the top blob of the green T-square in the third screenshot.

Regardless, good job!

Advance notice: at time of writing, I haven't beat this game. I got stuck on the blue paint, checkpoint 3, for reasons I'll detail later.

Things I liked:

- The atmosphere is very nice. It has a vast emptiness to it, with the massive box and soft music. The level design definitely contributed to this; I liked being able the see the sprawling platforms stretching into the distance.

- I like the ink aesthetic. The character's texture, the background texture, the white and black all had a very distinct style, which I very much like.

- Some of the jank--namely with the bounce--was pretty satisfying. I liked being able to cheese the level a bit :).

Things I didn't like:

- While I like the bounce's jank, said jank means that the bounce doesn't work half the time on slopes, and I'm not a fan of that. I don't want to spend attempt after attempt on checkpoint 3 if I'm not even sure the slope is going to bounce me properly.

- There are three hearts in the corner that, as far as I can tell, don't represent anything--I mean, you die, and there's still three hearts, so...what are they there for?

Regardless, good job!

(1 edit)

Things I liked:

- The visual polish on this is incredible. The models, the animations--it's very, very well done.

- The setting is pretty cool. I don't know why a bunch of robots are asking for medieval weaponry, but I always love a good blend of Ye Olde Days™ and sci-fi.

- The gameplay is intuitive and got me locked in--it clicked quickly, and once it did, I was a weapon-making machine (literally, but also figuratively).

Things I didn't like:

- The gameplay loop is fairly straightforward. Once I got the hang of things, it felt pretty repetitive--which I suppose could be an ironic reflection of customer service, but that's not exactly the kind of game I'd want to play all that much xD. On that note, I also thought that the double-clicking for things was a little unnecessary (why don't I just open the station as soon as I bring a weapon to it? Why do I have to pick a weapon back up after molding/assembling/painting it?), though it wasn't a major bother.

- There's a slight bug where I gave a customer two red swords, but only one of them showed up as being delivered. I still finished the order well enough, but it did throw me off a bit.

- Hitting escape just...closes the game?? I mean, ig it does, in fact, escape, but a pause menu or going back to the title would be much preferable xD.

Regardless, good job!

Things I liked:

- I like the idea of molding specialized towers to fight off various enemies. It's a neat concept, and it's brought to life pretty well. I also like that different enemies' colors match up with the colors of the candies that they have the same flavor/toughness as--it's pretty neat.

- Being able to change the theme colors is a small detail, but it's very nice. Gotta love user customization.

Things I didn't like:

- There's a lot of information that I feel should've been presented more clearly. What's the difference between different units? What's a given candy's flavor/toughness? What beats what again? There's a lot of things one has to figure out, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but with how fast the game starts, one doesn't really have any breathing room to learn said things.

- If you lose and return back to the game, the round never starts, and you have to restart the game...

Regardless, good job!

Things I liked:

- Despite the relative shortness of the game, I felt like there was a lot to it. Lots of NPCs with lots of dialogue, a decent-sized map, plenty of things to do--the worldbuilding was handled very well. Each NPC having their own personality was also very nice, and I love the dialogue with excessive contractions to really get the accent across, even if it was a bit hard to read xD.

- I really like the titles being added with each new achievement. It acts as a log of everything the player's done, reminding him of how far he's come from just being the necromancer's minion.

- Being able to sit down is a pretty small mechanic, but it really adds to the game. I'm too impatient to do so, but I can just imagine the player sitting down and having an introspection about his place in the world. There's also the one that zooms out to the village at large, which is pretty cool.

- I like the story. Despite the smallness of the game, just the concept of an evil henchman slowly warming up to the world he's tasked with ending just works well for me.

Things I didn't like:

- The pause screen didn't cause my mouse to reappear--a small bug, but noticeable.

- The mouse cursor didn't disappear at first--it's like it took a while. The first bits of the game were a little wonky because of that, but oh well.

- The game's got a lot of jank to it, which makes sense given the short timeframe, but it did mess me up, namely for the cat in the tree. At first, I walked up the tree (which I thought was...strange), and thought I was supposed to interact with the cat. Then, I tried cutting down the tree, but it didn't work. It's only after I floundered around for a while that I cut the tree down properly and was like "oh, this was the solution all along".

- There's not much in the way of SFX, which could've really helped with the immersion.

Regardless, good job!

(1 edit)

Things I liked:

- The visuals are well done--I really like the shading.

- I used my healing up at the start on accident, and then was forced to learn how to strafe-attack enemies to avoid being hit. I'm not totally convinced that that was intentional, but it was nice to get that skill curve.

- The character design for Jax is very well done.

Things I didn't like:

- The gameplay is pretty linear; there's not all that much to it.

- I'm not totally vibing with Jax, but I suspect that's more of a me thing than anything else, so take that as you will.

- SFX could use some extra polish--could definitely help elevate this game.

Regardless, good job!

Things I liked:

- Bad Piggies + Learn to Fly? It's a very good concept.

- The music in this is excellent.

- The game feels very polished. The visuals are good, there's an animated opening cutscene, an interesting credits scene, and a well-executed main game system.

Things I didn't like:

- I have x1 chicken, but x0 of the other characters. I didn't even realize that I could use them until I read one of the other comments here. It's a small detail, but I feel that it bears mentioning.

- The "durability" is more of a suggestion than anything else. I didn't really need to do anything but buy progressively larger amounts of propulsion with pretty much no regard to overall structure or stability, meaning that the gameplay feels a bit linear. At the time of writing, I just realized I've never used a powerup--I've never needed to.

- Another small detail, but when the tutorial screen says "place one of these characters to start", I thought it actually wanted me to click the character and put it on the screen. Another small detail and skill issue, possibly derived from playing Project Situs before this, but again, I think it bears mentioning.

Regardless, good job!

Things I liked:

- The level design here is really good. Lots of interesting mechanics used in interesting ways--gives me Hollow Knight vibes.

- I really like the way the level reveals itself as you progress through it.

- The SFX and visuals are both well-polished. Very satisfying SFX and a very animated protagonist :).

Things I didn't like:

- The title screen being small is a neat intro to the first room, but it kinda throws me off. This is more of a nitpick than a hard criticism, but still.

- Another thing with the title: it took me a while to realize that I'm supposed to press 'C' to start the game. It's fairly unintuitive since most games don't really do that. Again, this is more of a nitpick, but I feel it bears mentioning.

- The switches don't reset on death, which means you might have to take a second before going for another attempt. It's a small wait time, so I consider this more of a nitpick, but it's worth mentioning imo.

Regardless, good job!

Things I liked:

- The movement is very smooth, especially the dash mechanic.

- It's a fairly small detail, but I like the way that objects that obscure the camera get phased out.

- The overall models of the game were nice. The environments felt pretty well put-together, and the enemy and barrel models fit right in with them. I think the player was well designed; it feels easily recognizable. 

Things I didn't like:

- There's no pause menu :c

- Sound could've used a bit of polish, which I think would've elevated the game a lot. SFX for when an enemy shoots at you, maybe a dash SFX; stuff like that. The background music also kinda sounded like gunshots, which throws me off when some of the enemies will be using guns xD.

- The game felt fairly easy, and I wish I could've seen more of what one can do with the dash mechanic. Short game jam = short game, I suppose, but I feel like a lot could be done with the simple mechanic.

Regardless, good job!

Thanks for checking it out! I've checked out y'all's game already--I just haven't got around to reviewing it yet xD.

Advance notice: I haven't actually beat this game. I may go back and do so later, but I don't have the mental energy to get on the grind rn xD.

Things I liked:

- Good music choice.

- Thanks to the difficulty, this game feels like it has a lot to go through (you can spend a while playing it).

- I like the game's tone. "Collect slime gems to increase your self-worth" is very funny imo.

Things I didn't like:

- The player's hitbox is a little finnicky; I've seen my sprite clip into spikes before. It makes it a little hard to get some of the more precise jumps down.

- I don't like that the music restarts on death--the track is a vibe, and I want to be able to listen to it without it being cut short by my skill issue. Ik that's how Geometry Dash works, but those levels are synced to the music, so it's a necessity. I think Super Meat Boy is a good point of reference here.

- Visuals could use a smidgen of work. I don't think there's anything bad here necessarily, but something like a parallax background could go a long way (ik, probably a pain of implementation, but still).

Regardless, good job!

Thanks for playing it! There are two "bosses" represented by the icons by the slider, though 👀

(3 edits)

Things I thought I did well:

- I think I did good with the anims and character sprites.

- I think I did good with the soundtrack.

- I think I did good with the overall game balance.

- I think I did good with the overall vibes.

Things I'd have changed:

- Not everyone is aware that the game has an ending, since the icons above and below the slider are easy to miss. Should've had some kind of indicator to draw the player's attention to them...

- After a certain point, you've got trillions upon trillions of dollars and not really anything to spend it on. It's a little unsatisfying.

- There's a LOT of mold layers on the slider, probably more than what's necessary.

- The visuals could use some work. The background is a little too lackluster, and a few tweaks to the UI (like fixing the tooltips, for example...) could go a long way.

- I didn't use delta time for some stuff that really should've used delta time, and now some of the anims are...a little fast.

Regardless, I'm happy with the final product, and thanks to all y'all who have looked at it!

Side Note: If I'm gonna review everyone's game, I might as well review my own, right?

Things I liked:

- A very simple game with a good amount of polish. SFX are crisp, visuals are nice, and I like the description on the Itch page.

- The gameplay, while simple, is very well-executed. It's like peak mobile game, which I mean in a good way--like Doodle Jump and the like. 

Things I didn't like:

- There's a decent amount of RNG involved with getting a high score. I've played it twice, never missing a mold in either case, and gotten scores of both 460 and 610. I know some amount of RNG can be good, but I'm disinclined from making too many attempts if I've no guarantee that playing well will get some sweet, sweet scores or not.

- The hammer icon sometimes obscures cheese holes and hides what's behind it. While I do kinda like the extra element that adds, it's also a little irking, so take that as you will.

Regardless, good job!

Side note: as previously stated, my high score is 610.

(2 edits)

Things I liked:

- Love the movement mechanic.

- Good choice of music; it works well for this game.

- Despite its simplicity, the game works really well.

Things I didn't like:

- Visual aesthetic is maybe a little too bare-bones (which may partially be due to Itch since I know that my game had some silly glow effects that Itch didn't render). I like the minimalism, but I think a little bit of polish could've done wonders. The same applies with sound, namely SFX--some SFX could've really elevated this game, I think.

- The play again/quit game buttons didn't work for me most of the time for some reason.

- The music doesn't seem to loop, leaving me in dead silence after a certain point.

Regardless, good job!

Side note: My high score is currently 14149, though I know I could go higher than that.

Edit: My new high score is 15881 😎

Things I liked:

- The visuals are very nice. In general, this game has a lot of polish.

- Using a, s, and d to select your choice is a small detail, but it's really nice and plays into the fast pace of the game well.

- I love the cutscenes, especially the shield versus gun, shield tie, and grenade tie ones. Reminds me of Battlechess, where I just want to see what all the matchups look like.

Things I didn't like:

- You can only see stats when you lose. Letting the player see their winstreak would add some sweet, sweet pressure.

- Even after you choose your weapon, the timer still finishes its countdown. It's a small detail, but I think it slows down the game more than necessary and cuts down on the pressure.

- After you've seen an animation, they tend to slow down the game's pace. A way to toggle the animations off or have faster versions would serve to add a lot of speed and, again, add some pressure. Gotta get that adrenaline going, right?

Regardless, good job!

Things I liked:

- The visual aesthetic is very nice, as well as the general game concept. Gotta love playing the villain.

- There's a lot of small details here that I liked. I don't know what a "hoojamaflip" is, but it's very comedic.

- Good music.

Things I didn't like:

- No attack previews :(. I think that would help a lot.

- I'm not really sure how the player AI works, so it's hard for me to figure out exactly how to trap it. That's especially true with the above, since figuring out how the different attacks mesh together is more difficult without having a clear idea of what each attack does.

- Because I'm limited by "boss health", I first thought that the player had to get close to me to attack, especially considering the player's sword. I was apparently incorrect.

Regardless, good job!

Things I liked:

- The visual aesthetic is nice.

- There's a lot of content here, and the level design is well-done.

- The factory syncing with the music is v nice.

Things I didn't like:

- The opening sequence is a little muddy. It looks good overall, but I remember having difficulty figuring out what was going on with the first panel.

- The SFX are fairly bare-bones here. Faint saw and laser noises could've added another layer to this game (something something Hollow Knight Path of Pain).

- Transitioning from level to level is a little awkward since I have to click at the veeeeery edge of the screen to shoot the hook into unknown space.

Regardless, good job!

Side note: this game reminds me a lot of Coolmath flash games, which I would consider to be a good thing.

Things I liked:

- Visuals are very, very clean.

- The SFX are very well implemented.

- This game feels incredibly polished.

- Yelling is 10/10.

Things I didn't like:

- The gameplay is very, very straightforward. It's not boring, necessarily, just not particularly riveting, either.

- The CEO does a lot of yapping for a game with little narrative. I love a good monologue, but...I'm not really sure what the point is. Why is the protagonist doing all of this? Just finally snapped after too long at the office grind? Normally, I wouldn't think too much about the "narrative" for a short, comedic game like this, but if we've got a villain monologue and a long ending sequence, we might as well get something on the protagonist.

- As far as I can tell, I can't fast forward dialogue. I'm a fast reader, guys, c'mon.

- Bashing a birthday party? That's just rude!

Regardless, good job!

Things I liked:

- Visual aesthetic looked nice, especially the storybook at the beginning.

- Cool mechanics.

- I liked the sfx for when you're noticed by a villager.

Things I didn't like:

- The visuals felt a bit crowded. Not only was each level chock full of stuff, but there's not a lot of contrast between "stuff that's important" and the background.

- More of a nitpick, but the opening storybook implied that the ghost is despised by both light and dark...but only the townspeople seem to be hostile, while the dark creatures just kinda vibe.

- There's not a lot of levels that put the mechanics to the test. Like I said, these are cool mechanics, and I'd have liked to see how they could be used creatively to get around seemingly impossible situations.

Regardless, good job!

Things I liked:

- I really like the concept of this game.

- The visuals are pretty nice, namely the player in level 1, the chicken and wolf sprites in level 2, and the overall shading in level 3.

- Level 3's map size is impressive.

Things I didn't like:

- No sound? :megamind:

- Even after "figuring out" level 3, it took a while to actually finish it because of the map size. That may just be a personal skill issue, but I had pretty much no idea what to do other than search randomly, which wasn't especially satisfying.

Regardless, good job!