This was really Incredible. I'm really stoked to go back and play it through a few more times now just to see the different dice combos. Absolutely loved my gambler dice and 4 Jugglers, spamming rerolls and cantrips.
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This was really cool for me, ball games whether they be droppers or like marble games i feel always have a kinda chill vibe to them, and associating that with vaporwave makes sense to me. It works well with the PC windows in game, and i had a read of your other comments about cut ideas and man, i wish the jam would of allowed you some more time on this, i would of liked to of seen extra windows with pop-up minigames or a window with a third person camera, those would of been great.
I liked the upgrade system, it was mysterious and esoteric. Yes glam me with up Gems and Cheese please. And again your idea of taking damage making you lose pieces would of worked so well.
I Genuinely think you have some really cool ideas that could come together to make something mechanically interesting, so naturally you're getting a follow so i can see any of your future work :D
Once i got a handle down on the mechanics it felt real fun dashing into enemies and gaining extra jumps. also an interesting take on the theme, where it's arguably the goal to not transform, but if you do then it makes the platforming easier, perhaps to get you to a checkpoint. It's an interesting mix.
Glad you had fun morphing animals together, perhaps you have the making of a Mad Scientist too!
As for the second bit, that actually sounds like a bug to me, not one i encountered in my own testing, sorry you happened to hit that! Take solace in the fact that you clearly grew something so strong that the game itself didn't know how to handle it :P
Cool mix of Hotline Miami and a point and click puzzle. Fun and snappy controls, easy to restart and blitz through levels again when I mess up, like the addition of redoing the most recent levels so you progressively get better and better at them, learning them without needing to 'grind' the levels. Very nice shocker ending.
Some very nice cutscenes, just the transition from the splash to the main menu was super cool. I think the main thing I would change is not to be sent way back to the beginning as my reward for beating each section, some shortcuts would make that actually interesting as I can now take new paths.
I see a lot of comments about the controls, but I think it made sense. I think the only main confusion is the tutorial mentions WASD to move, rather than Arrow Keys. Trying to use WASD and ZXC is a nightmare for sure, but Arrows and ZXC is totally fine.
This is a really cool and original concept, taking pieces from other games and combining them or splitting them makes sense and feels playful. It's a bit hard to get used to at first, like any game with intricate mechanics are, but once I'm looking at how to split up my dominoes or cards, it gives the player a good puzzle.
I really like this, and can see this being a really chunky and interesting mechanic in a full fledged game. Very nice work.
Good work on getting this amount done to be honest, a card battler sounds simple in concept but when making a digital version of it, it's a big beast, especially adding enemy AI that is a bit smarter than just "Pick card at random".
I like the art of the little dudes on the cards, they're all distinct yet follow the same style and I think that's very important for a game like this. Also it seems the main game loop is in place, so it's just a matter of having more time to add more content :)
I think the art on this is incredible. A bunch of really nice 3D models and animations all round. I particularly liked the crash landing animation and the little particles of grass coming out of it. Even really liked the growing cascade of dice roll sound effects, it['s not overbearing, and it's satisfying to hear what is essentially all the machinery working :)
Nice chill shopkeeper game here. I Think the art is really good. Some good stuff here for being made in a short time, the only stuff I want to see added are the kind of things that of course don't have time to fit in, things like being able to sort or order the list of items, or type in exactly the prices I want.
I really liked it! Giving me the option to change what i want to, when i want is great for letting me collect all the bug types. I also like how it makes sense, like in a cosmetic sense, of course giving myself the antenna let me see further, of course picking wings lets me move further, there's no explanation needed.
Everything about the game flows well, i think the only improvement i'd suggest is like others have said, let dice rolling be automatic, let me get back to hunting and morphing quicker :D
Overall I think this is pretty great, really nails the theme into the gameplay mechanics.
Love the art on this, ducks are adorable fellas. Some fun platforming here, which at times felt very slippery and hard to control but it's clearly an intentional slipperiness so I just had to adapt to it, it defo felt good using it to my advantage and building up speed. I thought I got stuck on two different occasions until I accidently stumbled into the fact that I could double jump as the duck, and wall jump as the bear. I had thought I either missed a turn in the water or missed a switch somewhere, but i got there in the end :)
This is a pretty fun mini-game, something i'd see in Crash Bash. The game is super clear, you immediately understand what needs to be done, and the running speed and pushing sounds are just right. Personally I would of lowered the amount of time you get to something way more nail-biting, like 30 seconds or less, it'd make mistakes into more like fun accidents and you wont just be running in circles when all the blocks are now pushed against walls. It's a cool idea, and I want to see more fruit and vege critters getting into more party hijinks.
Really fun to play through. Tying some of the transformations to changing how you move or recover in certain areas was a great idea, making me actually have to traverse the map and change up how I'm playing because I just so happened to grow a fish body overnight gave me a good reason to go explore.
Some consistent slowdown after about 4 nights, but it's manageable.
Had an incredible run where not only the random dice blessed me with the powers of a lion for about 3 rolls in a row, but I somehow also messed up the animations so that I was constantly attacking. It all came crashing down when my hubris left me in a pile of rodents and it finally changed me to a bear, unable to flee.
Could be a pretty neat game, some of the creatures need to do more than just dash as it can feel like going between snake to mouse to chameleon back to snake just leaves you with the option of fleeing. The foundation of something that can easily be a solid time sink is here :)
Very fun, I enjoy how the enemies get tougher over time and evolve, it's a bit more interesting than just spawning stronger enemies with each passing wave as now I got to prioritize not just on who's currently dangerous, but who will be dangerous soon.
Also, that kick also being used for buttons is a touch of genius.
Pretty fun, I like the procedurally generated rooms. I want to point out how the audio I think is really good in this. the background atmospheric music fits nicely and the sound effects aren't harsh or drowning out other effects, and monster noises help me know what's ahead without seeing them. Had the same bug that others mentioned about restarting the game but honestly it's such a non-issue to refresh the page that it doesn't matter. Good job on this :)
The enemies are cool looking and I love the golden theme across the board, makes me wonder if it's some kind of Midas curse going on in this temple.
I think it'd be neat to have more space to move around so we can maximise the recoil movement. And early game the gold skeletons move and hurt way too quickly, took me multiple attempts to get past the first wave. Still very neat though, gives me vibes of Devil Daggers, but with a different movement mechanic.
This one has been super fun for me, I'm a sucker for games that let me swing about at high speeds. Giving me the extra boost abilities as well was great. Good choice to add in markers showing me where to go for the deliveries, gave me a good excuse to just blitz across the map real fast to get my bearings and upgrades whilst starting all the quests, then do a 2nd lap making the deliveries.
Thanks for the praise! :D
I had quite a bit of fun with this, I hadn't made a turn based strategy before, so parts of the logic were a little daunting, especially trying to sort out the enemy AI (Which turned out to be both simpler and more complex than I thought XD). It has certainly put me in the mood for making another one, without the jam's constraints so I can take more time planning things out before diving in :)
Thanks for playing :D
I had a lot of fun coming up with how the different names would be combined. I originally planned to have 48 different creatures to work with, but with all game jams, scope had to be cut. Maybe in a future project you'll bee able to make a Rhimingo, a Crocogator, or a Gila Ostriman :P