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A member registered May 12, 2023 · View creator page →

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yeah, we had them but didn't have the time to add them, glad you enjoyed the levels

Thank you for the feedback! I've received many technical issues complaints from browsers on windows for some reason, it's most likely also connected to godot resources' shenanigans. but nether encountered it on any other systems, which is puzzling

Another paper please like in the jam, nice! Loved the art style, character design and overall idea. Very immersive gameplay

Very cool. Sound design, vfx and polish everything is done on a very high level. Nice job!

cool game, pretty satisfying. although I didn't feel as I was building into some distinct strategy, but it was fun nethertheless 

Thank you for the kind words! Intro cutscene was our №1 priority before release, but we just ran out of time. Fun fact, metamorphosis from day 3 were inspired from f&h 2 termina :)

Neat game, very cozy

Cool game, very polished as always. Been years since I've played keyboard controlled quest, rare sight nowadays

Very fun! Levels seemed easy at first glance, but they were very much not lol

Cool game!

Cool game, reminded me of levels with looping borders mechanic in VVVVV (was my favorite mechanic from that game), fun implementation. I wish that level completion screen wasn't so white compared to the darker style of the game, felt like a flash bang every time xD

Wow, that was  very fun (and a bit unhinged)! I really like the voice over. Btw next time please set execute permissions before archiving the linux build, one command line for you and better experience for the player

Interesting idea and theme interpretation, nice job!

(1 edit)

Thank you for your feedback. After 3rd day there's supposed to be an ending, that depends on your choices in day 1-3. For some reason sometimes it justs doesn't show the ending and go on endlessly, sorry bout that

Didn't expect to encounter a gameboy game, more so for it to be a phasmophobia like game. Really polished, lso combines a feel of phasmophobia with rpg-maker horrors very well. Great job, really impressive!

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed

Cool game overall. I really liked the music and sound effects. Although controls feel a bit unresponsive

Really liked the art style, gameplay is also unusual

Cool game, but controls felt a bit off (holding down movement didn't work consistently). I like overall visual and audio stylistic

Pretty fun!

Thank you for playing! Glad you liked it. You're right, trajectory prediction was hard to code, took 3-4 hours and it's still imperfect

там были телепорты? если это капсулы цилиндрические, то видимо я не понял как ими пользоваться

прикольная атмосфера и ролик в начале забавный, но утомляет что персонаж очень медлительный. хотелось банихоп чтобы двигаться быстрее =) и еще кнопка рестарта после смерти у меня не работала, пришлось перезапускать игру

Yeah, there are 3 waves after 1st. If any of the enemies reach the PC it doesn't switch bc of the bug, sorry bout that

(1 edit)

Fun game, love the sound and cake in the end!

Cool game, first enemy jumpscared me

Really cool atmosphere! Wish there was some background for easier movement navigation

I love the aesthetic, very clean and stylish, well done!

(1 edit)

As a huge fan of both backpack battles and vampire survivors concept seems like a great idea and implementation is very nice for 1 month of work! Hope to see a completed release after the jam!

(1 edit)

Really cool presentation, doodle aesthetics is probably my most favorite graphics style. Levels are fun and engaging to solve. Although I have some minor complaints and bugs:

1) Wish there was an indicator where the block will be placed, because otherwise it is too easy to drop it somewhere you don't want to

2) You can't pick up block if they are directily under your feet, which sometimes softlocks the character

3) Music turns off when you restart the level

4) The text in the tutorial is hard to read, with my bad eyesight I could barely see button labels even in fullscreen

5) Wish where was a faster way to restart the level

Aside from that very enjoyable game, fascinating that it was made in 1 month!

Juicy effects and gameplay is nice! I wish you could choose any level, so it would be easier to  see all the content. Otherwise after closing the tab accidentally and reopening I had to start from the 1st level

Nice game, good job! Although it took me several mintutes to figure out what to do, after that levels went very fun 

(3 edits)

Wow! Probably the first jam game I've spent 20+ minutes in. I've really liked it, best clicker game I've played in a while. Also while playing I've collected some nitpicks/suggestions I would like to list:

1) Bomb bots stack up a lot of sounds in late game, which is very loud and annoying. Offsetting the sound pitch of a mined scale by a small random amount would probably fix that and make sounds more interesting

2) Drill bots feel underwhelming in comparassion to boom bots. Making them prioritize gem scales would make them more unique and not feel like they are a worse version of boom bots.

3) Making scale mining progress more visually obvious at first levels would make introduction more smooth

4) Same thing with the combo mechanic, since it doesn't have an audio-visual response it takes some time to realize it exists and even then the game doesn't really encourage you with anything besides a small text in the corner

5) Hold to dig upgrade or something like that would be extremely nice to conserve the fingers' health:)

6) It isn't always obvious where the cursor is pointing, which in conjutcion with small upgrade buttons make it hard to press them at first

Aside from that everything is 10/10 in my book, great progression, audio, visual and theming. Great job!

Yes, thank you for the review, you got the theme connection correctly, although I can't say I've done a good job making my game relevant to this theme, but for me what matters the most is the enjoyability of the project, and since I've seen that the original idea was leading to no fun I've just redid it as a simple minesweeper

Button inversion is a great idea, totally forgot about it, thabk you for the response

When I first played the game I thought I had to push the boxes by walking into them, because I didn't read the controls. Wish it had a proper tutorial, so that wouldn't happen. Great game overall!

(2 edits)

Very polished and concept is very fast to grasp, but too simple of a gameloop for my liking, although I definetely had some fun for the first minutes. Maybe making the buttons change the scale by variable amount would benefit, because otherwise the best strategy seems to be press +, then press -, repeat

Cute aesthetic, but I couldn't progress past the first door because key would drop out of inventory immediately after picking up. Also ctrl+w closes the tab, so that happened a few times

Cool game, would be much better with some tweaks, like adding a coyote jump(or making timing more forgiving if it already is in the game), making jump height variable and restarting automatically when you lose

Very cute and fun, but I couldn't figure out how to complete the level with paper clips