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A member registered Jun 18, 2023 · View creator page →

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Woot! 1st of congrats on top 100! So deserved! Also, transitioning rooms is way smoother now!!! Yay for post-jam builds!!! Just wanted to let you know, I noticed there were times where I could make a room really small and then I wouldn't be able to open it back up again (even in fullscreen), forcing a reset. I also somehow managed to get out of the rooms in the 1st eel level (although it did force reset!). It was a jump from the start box towards the left box and the lil demon wasn't resizing with the box if that helps. Looking forward to whatever you do next!!! :D

Re: contextualizing # of gubus: in my head, some parents are more strict and some are more lenient! Bugus aren't bad guys (even though we send them away to end the party lol) and some gubu parents consider them to be responsible chaperones. All gubus are different! :)

Really cool and well-made game! I think it's already been mentioned, but just to echo it, 1) peasants were difficult to keep happy and 2) some decisions I picked didn't actually get selected which made me confused about the controls lol. E.g. day 3 or 4, I got a case for clergy about reaping souls and when I picked the one that should have made the peasantry rep/ stats go up, the one that was good for nobility/ clergy got picked instead. Additionally, if you continue to work on the game post-jam (I hope you do!), I would love to see a lil fast forward button.

Again, hope you add onto this post-jam! I think you have something wonderful here!

Love the story (esp the intro) and the art! I liked the answers falling off but I wonder if it could somehow be made to seem more intentional. The physics during the intro was going a lil crazy for me which stressed me out since I worried about whether the blocks would fall off lol @_@ Maybe the physics could be toned down earlier so blocks are less jiggly to indicate that answers stuck early on then amp it up to indicate Zelu growing tired of our conversation/ caring even less about some of my answers? Good job!!!!! :D

Need a sandbox/ free play mode where I just make goofy guys. Thank you.

Fun game!! Some comments: The first screen where you have to press ENTER to continue -- maybe that can be changed to mouse click or e or any key. Enter is just never used for the controls so it doesn't make sense to me to use it, even if it's just this one lil thing. Also, I agree with MOONtyzoo, it was easier to just scale enemies and leave my turrets be. I didn't find this to be a bad thing and still enjoyed the game though. Awesome job!!!

So beautiful!!! I love you Birch Grove!!! The puzzles struck a good balance of being challenging while still remaining cozy/ chill! It's hard to give feedback to a game so well polished! My only real comment is that I hope to see more of Birch Grove in the future!!! Or even another community!!!

This game was really fun!!! I got to 41 tiles left then lost because I had to somehow place 3 store tiles T_T I'd like if the road tiles generated more often because without them, you're just kinda hoping to just get trees and power lines and stuff that won't depend on roads. Will def come back to this game, awesome job!!!!

This game is awesome. I am playing this instead of studying!

I love junk golem! Golem control was hard for me and so was staying on the golem lol. I wonder if it would make sense to have some way to climb back up to the golem (maybe a rope or blanket or smth) so that I don't need to wait at the bottom for the golem to come get my goofy ass. Still a very fun game! Awesome job!!!

Such a nice game! Love your take on the theme. Would love to see this expanded on post-jam! Great job!! :D

I LOVE GOBBAS!!!!!!! Looks really good!! I hope that the gobba can go home to its family one day.

I loved this game. Nice and simple, makes me think of my childhood playing flash games on Kongregate lol. Awesome job!!!!

This is really cool! The dialogue was good! It can get kinda long for a jam game but I hope everyone reads it! I really liked destroying the wall I built lol. Awesome job!! :D

This is awesome and so cool. I love the art. I love To and Po. We need to get them even bigger guns. Great job!!!!

Woot! Cool game! I love building! Def does start off slow like others have commented but it was worth the wait! Great job!!!

Awesome game and I love the art!!! I have few brain cells so took me a while to understand what was going on lol but once I got it it was great and stressful in a fun way. I hope those peeps have health insurance or something.

I love this game!!! Everyone should download it!!!

This game looks so good and it's so polished and nice. Sounds are awesome art is awesome game play is awesome. You guys rocked this.
I think my only suggestion is that it'd be nice to be able to skip the timer once I've read through everything. I'm impatient though lol. Great job!!!!!!

This game is so good!!!! I want to make mixel witch fan art!!!!

I love the little mixel witch. The stages are so clever. I hope you add on to this post-jam! So awesome.

So cheesed to play this game. I suck lol but it's very fun. I love Mousebert!!! Gouda job!!!!

This game rocks. I love the art and I love the maze and I love the untangling. Also, I love penguins!!! Great job!!!!

You interpreted the theme in such a fun way and the art for the game is lovely! The puzzles are really fun and interesting too! My only comment really is that the link between rooms often required some fiddling on my part to get through. Great job!

Really beautiful game and concept! I love how the lil guy moves and the overall feel. My only comment is that I found the controls a bit unintuitive. Could be user error but I kept dropping my tools lol :P I wonder if WASD + QE or smth would be better? Good job on the game!!! :D

This game is awesome and really well done / polished! Really enjoy playing it!  Good job!!!

Controls are hard but great game!! I'll try to get better!!! Good job!

This is awesome.

Beautiful game! I wish the tutorial gave a little more information but I managed to figure it out :D

Woot! Played this when you first uploaded it, great game done in such a short amount of time! I love the characters! Good job!

Cute game and cute cat! Straightforward controls and fun puzzles! Great job :)

Very cute and unique game! I think I might not have many brain cells because it took me a moment to realize that the scale needed to match the scales on the left side. I think because most of the gameplay is on the right side, so it didn't occur to me to look on the other side lol. Great job!