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A member registered May 23, 2024 · View creator page →

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This was cute! It was thematically fun and I especially liked the different minigames. Nice take on the ‘hero after the quest’ trope, reminds me of Littlewood a bit. Well done!

Love a good stealth game! The wolf highlight behind the trees was a nice touch and I liked slinking around without getting caught. There was one or two times where I thought I should be hidden in bushes but it still showed up red, but beyond that I’d happily play a bunch more levels of this. Good job!

I had fun playing through this story! It definitely feels reminiscent of Grimm’s fairy tales, you captured it well. I enjoyed it throughout and thought the story was well-paced. Great job!

Love that you used the Pokemon Ranger mechanic! That was so fun and unique when it came out. Played this for quite a while and by the end I had maxed all the stats and had hit a point where I could easily have gone on indefinitely - great job on the game! I will say that I played on trackpad and my hand is now very sore lol (though that is not a fault of your game). My only note would be that the frogs are a very tough opponent in groups, without the Bleed Green ability there would be almost no way to deal with them. Great submission!

Cute game and cute dog! Lots in common with our game too, even down to the food fetch quest joke lol. I enjoyed meeting all the characters and it was cool switching to the dog and exploring the different dialogue options. I’m a fan of the art especially. Well done!

Neat! I really enjoyed using the fist to squish the little guys and even though I wasn’t able to last too long, I had fun with it. I suspect I undervalued the fire attack. Clearly a lot of love for God OH in this game lol. Well done!

Cute little puzzle game with a funny ending - great work team! I liked the gradual addition of mechanics, would’ve happily played through more levels.

What a deeply cool and unsettling game. The doors and cyclical nature of everything was disconcerting in a good way, think I found everything but not sure. Really liked this one - well done.

Also, “I wish you all the best, good luck and success in everything that comes your way” for all my English speakers out there!

I love the overlapping dialogue and the conflicting tales of the story. Great use of the theme and a great little story game - I really enjoyed it. I solved the ‘puzzle of the mind’ without understanding why I’d solved it, maybe I would’ve been more a trial of force guy lol. Excellent game!

Thanks for checking it out! I really liked your game and am glad you liked ours as well. Credits in particular to the other two members of my team for most of the dialogue and to @merunicorn for the art. Music was a stretch goal for us that didn’t quite make the cut - we’ve added some for a post-jam update. Thanks again!

Thanks so much for the kind words - we’re glad you enjoyed it! We agree with you regarding roadsigns and @nuedleman, one of our devs, actually suggested adding some roadsigns shortly after the jam closed. Thanks for playing (and for inviting the mushroom, another @nuedleman addition)!

@merunicorn did all of the art and she’s incredibly talented. We hear you on the tediousness of walking back and forth, toying with a few ways to make it easier after the jam. Thanks for playing!

We had a similar idea that we didn’t end up going with - really glad someone took a pass at it! I ended up doing three runs testing out the different paths and had fun doing it. Other than the slippery movement which is a known thing, this is really well done! The fisherman throwing himself in after I pushed him in made me laugh lol.

Cool game! You implemented a ton of stuff for a week, different enemies, levels, traps, breakable obstacles - I was impressed. I tried a Gunner run and struggled to aim as the character would not turn towards the mouse (maybe due to me using a trackpad?), eventually took me down after a few rooms. Very cool that there are three other classes as well. Good job!

I like that there are two minigames here and the art for the bigfoot one especially is nice. I think some additional info on Quetzalcoatl’s health bar would be helpful and agree with other feedback around that fight. Good first submission - well done!

I love platformers and this one is excellent. I thought the energy mechanic led to some really tricky and challenging puzzles, but I enjoyed them throughout. There is a ton of polish here, from the art to the music to the gameplay - you guys did very, very well. One of my favorites from the jam.

Cool game! Very solidly built little tactics game in such a short time. I hit a bug towards the end where I had used Little Red and still had Stepmother usable, Stepmother died and then I was locked because Little Red still wasn’t selectable on my turn. Other than that, I’m very impressed with what you accomplished in a week - you should be proud!

Loved this one. The art is great and the curvature of the storybook was a great touch. The game also felt like the perfect length for me. Those Chun-Li kicks are no joke lol. A couple more attacks and maybe a bit more range on the heavy attack and you’d be golden!

This was a ton of fun! I really liked the gameplay loop - played through 21 generations until I got careless. The upgrades were fun and loved the thematic storytelling flavor of them. My only note with this game is that I’d like if the increase in villager strength over time was exposed to the player somehow (maybe thematically the villagers prepare over the generations and it is shown in the upgrade screen). That and the screams are unnerving lol. Great, great game!

This one was fun and I managed to max out the upgrades! Would love to see some additions to speed up loading up on food and drinks as that was the bottleneck at the end. The people need their beer fast! Great work!

I quite like the art direction with this one, it’s original and unsettling and definitely fits the spooky fairytale vibe. Makes me not want to eat soup any time soon lol

Great idea and I liked the art style a lot! I like the application of frogger to the theme, like you mention it feels natural. I will say, I found it quite difficult (though maybe that’s just a skill issue lol) - I made it down to the bottom alright, but I really struggled to get around some walls on the way back up and fell in a good number of times. Some way to cancel a jump or shorten a jump would’ve made life a good bit easier. Good work!

What an incredibly beautiful game. You should be very proud of what you’ve accomplished!

I liked this one! The animation is super cool and I always like cooking games. I had to restart it once to re-read the instructions as I didn’t realize I had to move the bowl to a countertop before putting ingredients in and I got completely stuck. I think adding a way to skip the animation would be a nice add for subsequent runs. I started optimizing by the third round of dosas and had pre-prepped the bowls which reminded me a lot of PlateUp or other cooking games (in a good way). Way to go!

Happening for me too on Chrome!

Lots of spooky games this jam and this is a cool one! The audio is well done (I like the sound scaling up and down as you move, really adds to the suspense) and I like the movement system from screen to screen. Unfortunately on my first pass I missed the light and navigation was impossible, but my second pass was definitely better with the light! I think a bit more light and a bit more contrast and this would be great!

You nailed the atmosphere here - the witch made me jump a couple times! I was able to beat the tutorial though I thought the game crashed when I was just kicked back to the main menu the first time. I didn’t manage to get through the temple level though I liked the maze of it - the witch found my spawn and the rest of my guys were goners. I really liked how smooth it was to switch characters. Great entry, thoroughly spooky and I liked the Balinese witch.

Great job tackling a 3D game like this and what a cool piece of folklore to pick! If anyone else is interested in learning more:

I liked the drum beat indications and navigating the 3D world worked pretty well! My only problem was I lost the campfire and could not find it again, plus I was scared to look around too much for it because I didn't want to see the Nightmarchers. I ended up surviving the night regardless (and with a lot of firewood to boot!) but I feel like I might have missed part of the game. 

Good job and great entry!

Cool little game! I liked the lore and tried the boss fight a few times. Great job on your first submission!

Finally! A game involving fruits!

It is quite impressive what a large and involved world you crafted. I particularly liked the puzzle to get into the 1984 pig area (poor guys!) and the quest tracker was a cool add. I was able to escape from the forest right after picking up the stick involving Unicode escape characters so I thought it was intentional lol. I think splitting up the dialogue into separate text blocks might help make it a bit easier to follow and prevent you from having to scroll too much, but this was truly expansive and often funny. I liked the bush breathing fire especially lol.

Great work!

I always like a platformer and this was no exception - good job! I like the Norse mythology references and could definitely see the abilities having interesting uses if you were to expand this. I quite enjoyed playing through it. The menu screens also only took up a quarter of the screen for me and I had a few issues with the first Thor platforms, but I was able to get past it and get to the end. From one first-timer to another though, great job! We made something!

Great job! This was quite a cool story game, I liked how reactive the final story was to your earlier actions. I'd definitely play through more stories! Agree with other folks about allowing skipping dialogue, particularly for a second run. I also believe that I selected the blood option on my second pass for the bats, but still was shown the mechanism text. Great work, I enjoyed it.

P.S. Add a cover image for your game so hopefully more people check it out!

So far so good! I would definitely be curious to learn more, good luck finishing the story! Adding the History button was a nice touch. Not sure if it is something on my end but apostrophes were showing up weird for me:

I see other people were having some issues, but from my end the game ran fine! Definitely reminded me of the werewolf games - knowing who the Seer is came in clutch lol. I'm not sure if the "Among Us" line was a joke about Among Us or The Wolf Among Us, but I liked it either way. I think giving the characters names other than numbers and maybe coloring them differently so it was a bit clearer who was who would make the story a lot easier to follow. Good job!

(2 edits)

So well done! The music is fun, the art is fun, the gameplay is fun! I enjoyed the different levels and I'm glad that my piggy escaped! Run piggy run indeed. One of my favorites so far from the jam, very polished. My only note would be that on the last level, the 'Break' text was a bit confusing as the enemy was still throwing bottles for a while. Great job!

Also if I understand the leaderboard correctly, I have the time to beat (4:20) - someone beat it!

This one looks so great! Very polished for a jam game and I loved the Pokemon Snap concept. It took me a bit to process everything, but I liked how each cryptid had specific times of day they were active and I love all the animations (particularly the Mothman eating lol). Only note is that the arrows in the Folkedex missed my clicks every once in a while, but this is a truly excellent entry. Great work team!

Spooky! The audio and ambience definitely captured the atmospheric horror vibe you were going for really well. I unfortunately couldn't figure out how to stop the hand from grabbing me (I tried running away and tried spamming E at it lol), but good job regardless!

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing and sorry you found it unfinished! It is a narrative story game, so the gameplay is focused on talking to the different characters to get items and to progress the story - this won't be everyone's cup of tea and that's okay. If you have specific feedback about what looks unfinished, we'd love to hear it! Appreciate you trying it out and leaving feedback!

Thanks for playing! We were definitely channeling the types of games you mentioned. Music was a stretch goal for us that didn't quite make the cut, but we hope to add it after the jam!

So kind! Thanks, I really appreciate it. 

We hope to make some more!