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A member registered Sep 11, 2021 · View creator page →

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(3 edits)

I loved the abstract environment and the idea, reminded me this submission which also heavily plays with portals. The portal itself were also very well designed. I just didnt like that same portal could lead me to different places as it got me really confused few times. Other than that, very solid submission!

Wow, that is so cool. I really liked the idea here. Great job! :D

Loved the mechanics, it worked pretty well. I would just add sensitivity option to settings as it was very low for me (but very low is still way better than too high xD).

The game is very pretty and the level of polish is really impressive for a jam game.  Especially with all these animations and stuff.

(1 edit)

This was a blast. Fits the theme really well. At the start i was little confused what to do though, but after i got my first gem, it was obvious then. The movement, shooting, destruction and sounds also feel nice. Hehe, feel free to also check out our game if you like destruction :D

Some really interesting controls and keybinds here :D The idea is solid though.

Interesting idea, got to build almost all segments, but then my base was just annihilated, ahhh :D The music is little bit broken on webgl though.

Pretty impressive for a submission by a solo person. Shooting feels good and it is quite a polished experience.

The idea here with physics chain reaction is interesting one. Good job.

The art was amazing here. I dont know why, but music reminded me that good old days with Jazz Jack Rabbit 2 i had as a kid. The mechanic here is also pretty interesting, but bit hard for me even when i tried my best. And hey, fellow kaijuer :D

(1 edit)

The visual and music symbiosis is clearly visible here. I would say it is pretty artistic. And yet another scaling mechanic i havent thought of before. Nice!

Ye as others said, the animations and style is pretty nice here. Combined with music and nice visuals, it is some chill experience :D It is not the game where you really have to act, you just watch the fish simulation :)

This one was a treat! Border mechanic was surprisingly very intuitive to use, i enjoyed it quite a lot.

Nice interpretation of the classic with scaling mechanic. I like the art style. Maybe i would just decrease that sensitivity, it was bit too much.

Well this can be a nice start of something. It is just i could not really get into much stuff, because the tab was constantly frozing on me.

Polished chill game with happy theme. What more can you want :)

(2 edits)

I liked the art here. The idea was also kinda nice, but i just could not figure out what objects were scalable. 

The climbing mechanic is implemented really well here

Perfect jam game. So simple, but it is so fun. I almost beat it, the overseer was so small, but there were just so many of the balls haha :D

AHaha, ye that is right :D Glad you also enjoyed it :)

The game looks nice in later stages when FOV increases. I would just maybe decrease the difficulty, so the later stage can last longer and i can look on this stunning view of star-map :D

Really nicely polished fps with this specific style. If you like this style, you are gonna enjoy this game.

(2 edits)

This is very nicely polished experience, also i like the idea, that it is just switched. So instead of trying to fit it the best you could, just fit it the best so it scales up to top. Very nice.

(1 edit)

I love the idea here. But i believe there is also a critical bug in very early level. The lasers should not get thru right? I got thru it by chaoticly changing the scale so my character would get on the box.

The art style is nice and music is nice.

(1 edit)

Well, some getting over it vibes here, hehe. Works pretty good though.

Well, everything works as is supposed in this game. Buyeee!

(1 edit)

He hey, the flatout but with scrap blocks :D Would add inverse option to the camera.

Loved the movement and the visuals.

Heheh, cute little game. Nice overall style, funny mechanics.

Oh, that is cool then!

Very nice looking chill game. The level of polish on this one is really high.

Simple idea, nicely executed, good job.

Very nice experience, i would just decrease the overall volume.

(2 edits)

This is absolutely incredible. The amount of so perfectly designed levels around these ideas in 4 days is just unbelievable. It also totally fits the theme. Really great work, i would like to see this submission in GMTK video.

This is very clever puzzle game, really enjoyed the variety of levels. Also the stuff is just not thrown at you, you learn gradually, that is always good.

Really like the polish on this one, the shooting is also nice

Lol i also thought the game is not working, then i looked into comments that redirected me to read the text in the game. Ok xD It is kinda sad that this is not connected with pc system time though, i immediately went to change the system time, but saw no effect :/

Really enjoyed the overall polish here.

I really enjoyed the music, are you the composer? Nice chill experience.