Just wanted to say your work speed and ability to actually update your game is commendable, and am looking forward to seeing what happens post full release
I have the same problem. After I told Mrs. Winton her brother was dead and I had sex with the quest stayed in my journal but when I click on it th journal page is empty. I have noticed that I could raise Mrs. Winton affection through sex. Am I supposed to reach a certain treshold ? It could have been nice to have an indication if that is the case.
I am currently on version
It is such a great game, I absolutey love it !
EDIT : I have just found out that I have Joseph Winton's journal in my library (book icon in the lower left corner. I clicked on it and my journal updated !
I've been playing this game for three days now, and so far I'm praying that this game doesn't go on hiatus, get dropped or abandoned since it's one of this best Text-Based game I've played (I.M.O.).
However, a suggestion I do have would be to make a quest for the factory job, letting people know that there's a source of income there.
Although it may be embarrassing to admit, it took me 2 days to discover this and it had made my 3rd run thought of the game so much more nicer than my initial ones. It's primarily good for early games, and especially useful for when you're playing on the higher difficulty.
i am having trouble raising discipline of even loyal and loving slaves, after 100+ days it has neither rissen nor dropped.
could there perhaps be given new ways to have a higher chance of raising discipline by a point?
for example when homeschooling and using discipline?
maybe it could be implemented that when you ask, for something like a blowjob, and she refused you can tell her dominantely and if she refuses you can then as consequence take her into the bondage scene? with a certainty of raising discipline at the cost of happiness and affection unless they have a sadist or bdsm characteristic making it reverse, losing discipline but gaining happiness and affection?
ive trained lovi almost everyday but her actually doing anything to raise points is pretty minimal even when i hire a trainer and push it.
(yes have checked the wiki but the chances are so low for just a single point)
I agree with your statement, discipline is very hard raise, and the only way I was able to raise it, is when I talk to them about their chores. The chances of it raising it quite low and it's even worse if you have low charisma.
However, when I did have a high discipline for my slaves, I found is extremely easy for me to increase their skills, so IMO I think that the way to obtain discipline is balance for now, due to its ability to turn a low level slave into a god.
If you want a fast way to increase discipline, I would first suggest that you have a high charisma so that you won't get the negative stats when you fail. In addition, you might have to utilize the scum save tactic where you save before talking to them about their chores, and reloading it to the saves if you didn't get it.
If you want to do it the legit way, you gotta rely on rng.
Hey, so great game so far, but im currently stuck on the door code for the Price of Power quest, I get that im supposed to get the information from the guards note, but im still unsure as to what the code could be.
Edit: Alright so I more or less brute forced it using the 10bb hint, but is that the way you're supposed to go about it?
yhe i could get behind this all tho comabat is easy as hell grinding skill and reputation is a pain obviously as you add quests and such it would get easier to gain rep skills tend to be a little grindy for me a single training sesh with a teacher and im luck to get two points in fire arms n my guy still misses half his shots in some fights its also difficult to train ur slaves they get pretty much same amount of points even tho they have no fire arms training at all so training them to have any skill at all is a little grindy not impossible but it leaves u piking either you go out to day n earn some rep n money or you sit around n train n if ur paying for the top mercs day to day it can get expensive
Is a new game+ to hard to do? i think it's a feature the game would benefit a lot from, just the stats transported do the beginig. This might sound to OP but i this if you completed all the quests and wanted to do something diferently it's kinda trublesome to start the game from scratch
For me a good balanced way of implementing it would be to unlock it when you beat the final enemies in the arena
Hey just wanted to say I've enjoyed this game quite a lot. The story, world and characters are very interesting, and the gameplay is fun. I wanted to share a few critiques I had. First despite the fact that you increased the slave count it doesn't feel enough for me especially considering the claim of their being 25+ slaves. six seems rather low. It might be a good idea to consider having purchasable property that can increase that maximum. My other critique is that while I know it's a new system that's likely still in development the wife system feels very barebones. It would feel a lot better if you could still have most of the old options they had as a slave still available especially the talk and event options. Anyway, I enjoyed the game and look forward to your next update.
Hi. I have been a tier 2 subscriber for ages now. I used to access inch, patreon etc via an internet cafe. Unfortunately, this closed down last October. I now have to use the local library. They have strict limits on accessibility. I can get to the game and download the public versions ok, but cannot access patreon, SSA or discord anymore. Is there anyway you could send the tier 2 updates to me? If not, is there anyway you can cancel my tier 2 subscription? I would prefer the first solution, as I would like to still contribute to the continued development of the game. I would appreciate if you could reply. I only tend to be able to get to the library once or twice a week, so if you need more info. I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Thanks in advance - hatch62
is there a site now/or plans for ability to pay for the game 1 time instead of a continuing subscription?
i could see the public version being base game with additional DLC's purchasable for...
Have you considered having all of the shift options available to choose from at the Assembly Plant each day instead of just one random option? Also maybe having the pay be scaled according to the degree of risk? Currently it's kind of basic and boring. I really didn't use the plant during my first game because I was more combat oriented and it was much more effective to just kill and loot until I got access to the Arena, etc, This time around I'm playing a more INT focused character so I'm spending much more time working at the plant in the early game building up cash and surprisingly stats/skills. It would be nice if more options were available, high risk shifts if I need money at that time and lower risk if I'm targeting stats/skills or looking to steal.
Also, is there a cap on how high you can raise stats/skills through working there? My ranged skill is at 50 and I can't seem to get it any higher through working munitions, it comes up but I always fail to raise it. Happened half a dozen times now which is mathematically improbable as it seemed to be about 50/50 before I hit that level.
In the quest "A breath from the past" obtainable at the Divine Juices, we get a note after exploring some warehouse. This note is ciphered, and thus consist in a bunch of group of letters. Is it possible to have a hint about how to decipher it ? I have already tried Caesar cipher and it doesn't work. I was thinking maybe something like Vigenère cipher but in that case without knowing the keyword there is no way I am able to do anything.
Space Hulk quest is driving me nuts. I can't open the reservoir door no matter what I try. I have the mark 2 handheld, I've read every book and taken every course available so my stats are as high as they can be and I've even tried guessing based on the number of rivets in the door. My home system is also max level. What's the trick to this?
Hello...! I have a few suggestions for game..
1) Economical ones : monetary fluctuations at prices ( not only to food ) / possibility to buy residential proprieties in Great Big City and in countryside.. maybe in other cities=)/ a stock exchange / possibility to buy/create hotels ,factories ,restaurants ,diverse manufacturies ,other bussiness / possibility to buy proprieties to rent them...maybe a slave training school or a farm outside city ( with a fancy mansion )
2) Political ones : possibility to join state aparatus..to be skyguard,blackguard,redguard or even mayor or other posts / possibility to create laws / possibilty to occupy diverse positions in hierarchy..even to go to methasphere [ maybe a tier 4 option...available to everyone in future ,like I hope , every other tier option ]/ possibilty to revolt or support uprisings..
3)Social ones : possibility to buy pets / possibility to aquire a vehicle ( car or carriage ) to raise your daily prestige and to move faster on map and without use of stamina / possibility to buy an wear diverse chloths and accesories / possibility to talk to diverse business man and slave owners and other NPCs / possibility to increase your stats like academics and sciences at ,for example 20-30 days of teaching at Academy / possibility to adopt children / maybe a newspaper would be nice..
4) Combat ones : capacity to fight in 50-75 combatants fights ( characters to be ,maybe 10× smaller ) / maybe some new backgrounds in fights..
5) Slave related ones : a wide variety of male and female slaves ...maybe plantation slaves / robot slaves...some new characteristics ,like slave revolts..
Thanks.. !
Another easy idea came to mind. What about an investment into building housing for followers? (Reducing their daily pay by a percentage as your taking care of their housing needs (also could just be optional for certain ones as a sorta optional followers quest thats generic for followers who have their affections maxed out)
Random idea I had. So you know how you can currently invest in some business's currently? What about having more avenues for doing so? For example starting up an iron mine that would give you scrap iron passively. Or a lumber camp that would provide Lumber automatically without having to buy it. (Obviously expensive/late game but would cut down on needing to break down merchandise constantly for building weapons/armor)
Making Crafting a trainable skill would be a nice quality of life skill too....Maybe even at the university as part of a Life Skills / Craftsmanship program
Last one. Maybe Being able to invest in the Dojo for those wanting to be a gentle dom towards slaves...... becoming a patron for them or other businesses.
Firstly, I owe "Sex Positive Gaming" on youtube, for pointing me to this game.
Secondly, it is everything they said, and more.
Thirdly, you have almost custom-made a game for me. I like so much about it, yes, even at this early stage.
Finally (!) i'd like to add my voice to those asking for a small guide that covers Slaves - from integrating them into your household, training them for their role, or training them for sale, deploying them, and, crucially, the end of the contract.
That last is not clear at present. I read above that you are working ( I can only imagine!) to get that sorted out. I suspect this aspect alone is going to be fleshed-out more and more as your ideas develop, but maybe just a small walkthrough for now, for what we have?
PS - I started to do Bounty Hunting ( from the Town Hall )and saw a new message about doing a deal with the person they are hunting. Does this affect the influence of the player?
maybe there should be a way to modify a slave’s mind. Likely at the doctor’s. Just being able to modify the traits found under the overview tab would add hours of game play for me. Having to save up $250k to make Piper into a Workaholic, Perfectionist Head Maid would be worth it. Especially if Influence continues to be important during the finished game.
One thing I would like to see is support for modding. It's technically possible to make mods right now, obviously, but it'd be a real pain to do anything substantial given that it's all in one file. I'm guessing you probably have an organized set of files that you develop on, and then combine it later into the release version, so I'm not entirely sure if it'd be possible to add support for external files or if those mods would also have to be compiled with the main file. Maybe providing access to the pre-compiled version, and explaining how to potentially compile it together with mods? In addition, knowing what program(s) you use for the pictures, as well as access to character models and scenery would be great too.
Obviously, it's your game, and you're definitely not obligated to do any of this, but I don't think it'd do any harm. Usually porn games tend to do very well when modding is possible (look at free cities and CoC for example, which despite being abandoned for years, still have active modders). One additional benefit is also that modders can do stuff that you're not allowed to on patreon lol
How can I assign slaves at parties, dinners? I have 5 slaves, but the only one I can assign to anything is Rebecca, for the others everything is grayed out. I tried not assigning them work, but that doesn't do anything (Rebecca is assigned as follower and as housemaid as well).
Also, can we buy slaves at the market in Watery Eyes? The text hints at it, but I only have the option of selling.
Punishment, affection, grind and tough recovery
Loving the game so far but it’s feeling a tad too grindy. Hard to feel like I’m getting anywhere once I was through the initial Kymanto quests. Passive income takes a LONG time to tip over which makes the time management pressure high as you need to be getting bounties constantly to keep afloat. This is not bad in itself but it just felt a tad excessive in normal mode. (no idea how fleshed out this state of the game is supposed to be at this point)
Also had trouble recovering from unfortunate dungeon mistakes. Once a slave gets unhappy and hates you, it’s such a massive climb back that it feels insurmountable at times (though I DO know for a fact it’s possible). I feel like part of the issue here is one of conveyance when it comes to the dungeon, punishment, defiance and how these things interact. I ended up deciding to live with my mistakes but also felt I struggled to understand what I was doing, how far I could go, etc… After that, my affection went to “Venomous”, my happiness plummeted and those stats are really grindy to claw back, inch by inch, at least back to neutral.
As a player, here is how these things looked to me: Slaves kept accumulating defiance, the game gave me an option to use that as justification for dungeon, which is where I could then bring that defiance back. There’s an implication that the slave has accepted their punishment in that case and that there is an expectation on both ends of some “discipline”. But I can never seem to be able to tune one of these sessions so that the slave is not tremendously distraught in the long term, even as my skills improved. So I keep getting the impression that there is a way to do it “right” but I’m just not finding it. And if I then don’t reload and just accept I’ll have to live with that defiance until I can get the slave’s affection and happiness high enough so I can do a gentle introduction to the dungeon as kink instead, I’m in for basically having the slave be mostly unworkable for who knows how long
BONUS: Is it just me or Rifles are just indisputably the best weapon in the game? Got excited about the plasma but 100 bucks per shot is just too prohibitive, might need to reach some sort of “infinite money for the rest of the game” sort of state to even consider it
BONUS 2 - Weird Behvaiour: So I’m working on Rachel and she’s quite into Oral, which has allowed me to carefully claw back her happiness and affection, i can manage her arousal during both prelims and main act…. except when her willpower (a mechanic that probably could do with some clarification) drops to 0, at which point she becomes fully pliable but, since her affection and corruption are low, she then also just ceases to get aroused, and I need to bump her back up to try and keep working. I don’t know if this is intended but this switch flipping is a a bit weird
BONUS 3 to avoiding spamming since this hasn’t got a reply at this point: Why isn’t the save file serialised plain text? Just let me cheat, man. I know that’s a json in the end =P
taken from the official MoR wiki (https://www.mastersofraana.com/index.php/Slave_hunters)
Do you have plans to enable a pure evil path for the protagonist? I'm thinking along the lines of a mechanic which completely breaks a slave, making them incapable of arousal, orgasm, affection, happiness, willpower, or corruption (all values permanently negative unless you un-break them). Some benefts would include:
1) They can still be forced into prostitution even though they don't satisfy the usual requirements
2) Are never defiant or angry and are always fearful of you
3) Are never at risk of escape
4) Are unable to refuse anything
5) May be raped by you or by any of your corrupted male followers even while aslepp or unconscious, and can generate prostitution income even while unconscious
6) Generate higher prostitution income due to the underground nature of the service being provided
And some disadvantages would include:
1) Are at very high risk of suicide unless constantly restrained and/or guarded
2) Are at risk of death unless their health is monitored closely
3) Are at risk of being snuffed by clientele unless guarded closely
4) Do not generate prostitution income from clients who want an enthusiastic partner, but appeal to a more niche clientele who want girls who are crying, struggling, and/or just unconscious.
5) Incur a penalty to influence
6) Can make other slaves unhappy unless they have high corruption and/or are sadistic themselves.
Anyway, you get the idea. If this is not at all the direction you want to take your game, that's understandable. I was just curious
So random idea that popped into my head. Maybe instead of paying furry for his silence after freeing elianna Furry could make you do a job for him? sort of an alt route for people who might not either have money or who would prefer something like an assassination job, Or maybe even a job where furry takes a different slave in return for her? (just trying to inject some more flavor into the quest)
I would really like to see more clothes for slaves to wear, training harness is nice but the ponygirl harness might be good too, even better with few additional accesories to attach like horse tail anal plug, pony gag, ponygirl hight heels without heels and more... I mean more typer of kinky outfits.
well i thought on it some more and i had a few random encounter/quest ideas (granted they are all kinda small)
Firstly a damsel in distress quest. After taking out the red tiger gang maybe you free their one singular shared whore? (set of whores? twins?)
Second is based on the religion mechanic..... maybe making exclusive girls that can only be acquired through devotion to a group/ideal.
Third idea. Special interactions that happen between slaves when they are with particular slaves. maybe even ones that are determined by some of their stats as well. (for example i make most of my slaves be teachers at the academy why not have small talk related to work there?)
Fourth investing in nikola for profit or just free repairs/piercings.
how about gi outfits? (themed for the martial arts group)
Last one....how about the martial arts school becoming its own faction.
Not liking random skill increases, would prefer to see something like kenshi with constant small decimal increases to make training consistent i.e. Having a 70 in shooting, doing the shooting training and going to 70.005 or something, could still be hidden as 70 until you hit enough for 71. Can still have like critical successes that increase how much the gain is, or affected by how well you did something. Funny thing about kenshi was the only way to increase toughness or the damage you could take was to get your ass kicked, and sometimes when one of your guys takes a lethal hit that turns them into mist you get a notification that they increased their toughness by 3 levels from that hit.
Also would like to be able to assign captured slaves to household slots as slave soldiers, or move a slave to a household slot, I have a bunch that are sort of just here to work a job (ex. Nicole and her newsroom) and don't like them taking up a slave slot. I obviously have the space in my house if I have empty household slots and I kind of want them just commuting to their work and making me money
Hey! Another time I'd like to thank you, after 0.8.2 version the game became even more exiting!
Still, I'd like to clarify/ask some moment that stay unclear to me.
1. The Walker family. They seem to be decent people, you can invest them and interact with them peacefully, but after you do, they still remain attackable. You can even sell their younger kid to slavery. Is it in plans to remove them as a target if the MC decides to cooperate with them?Maybe even invest in their farm and get a cashback, like in other businesses.
2. Only one male captive per fight? Okay, I know that otherwise that would negatively affect the game ballance, but there is an issue with realism... That would also be nise if sometimes enemies have non-combatant slaves who you can capture along with them.
3. When you process a slave there are only two options: sell or free the slave. This is not good, because, what if I just want to examine what I got and see the offers. Maybe I want to keep the slave for a later time or see if I want to donate him/her to the fort. Is there "postpone" button in plans?
Thanks in advance!
I'm still hoping for a proper servant/slave capacity expansion for management games like this. While Masters of Raana is technically a RPG with management mechanic, having such a low capacity really gimps what I consider to be a huge part of the game. Plus, how many servants/slaves you can efficiently house is already soft locked by the whole time mechanic anyway.
Maybe also add a mechanic that releases slave into a free servant?
Hi. Love the slaving, new areas and facilities in the latest update. Why do the household slaves lose their income if they move to the retreat. I have 1 gardener and 7 professors 'at home'. This gives me a very good income with my investments. As soon as I move any of the professors to the retreat, I lose their income, thus blocking other slaves to obtain and follow their story lines.
By investing in the various houses, do I eventually get an income. It occurs with the fort, but my standing in Kymanto syndicate is around 50, but I don't appear to get any benefit. My standing hasn't increased, still being a 'soldier'.
I don't want to spam this forum. It's clearly being read by the creator, unlike many others games that don't complete their content, or actively update their content. Thank you for the game.
Artwork for every slave, follower, event, interaction, and duty. Like Prostitution, multiple personalized scenes, regarding each of its nightly encounters. Art for events at home. Art as they interact with each other. What good is a floor crawler if all it does is cost more health products, artwork, events. Artwork on plug sizes. and each dungeon tool.
Customizations, more clothing, more equipment, and more uses with it. Customizations, different clothes, and accessories for hired followers, and more for slaves,. Events on their duties and obviously artwork. Events for followers like staffing the tavern brothels, or from their whoring, and scavenging. What good was selling Finnegan all those slaves if he doesn't display them and you further don't get grimdark with them, etc. More dungeon equipment. pony girls, and events for the livestock.
Lesbian or duo scenes and roles and combined events, for home, dungeon, and prostitution, sex. Slaves service wife. Wife disciplines slaves, and with toys. Or the head maid for their infractions and laziness. Obviously more events.
More Quests, not simply from slaves perspectives, but more things to do. and random things
More events, attacks, break ins, opposing slavery of your slaves, and etc. All these factions what do they do, how do you command and interact with them, purpose, outside of cash that sits there after stacking it, it not being robbed or attacked., invested into what? Arena events, captures, brutality. Artwork.
More and more and bigger and darker.
1) Marriage with multiple slaves. This also could be available after you meet certain requirements (completing certain quests, reaching after certain influence points, siding with certain factions or religions etc.) even if it isn't available from the start.
2) Being able to impregnate someone other than your wife. This feels unnecessarily limited at the moment.
3) More virgins. Only two girls (no, anal virgin only Michelle doesn't count) feels very limited and unrealistic. This could be affected by their age (teenage girls could be more likely to be virgins, and this chance could get lower for older slaves), their background (if their story mentions any experience, then obviously they can't be virgins, but on the contrary if there isn't any mention of such experience than no reason to be not a virgin), girls with Pure and Innocent traits, and corruption of both girl and city itself.
4) Just like how there is a slave market for below-average (random) slaves (Watery Eyes), there also should be an above-average (random) slave market where only slaves above a certain value are sold.
5) Dunno if this is already planned but ending(s) (yes, preferebly multiple endings). Possibly depending on choices you make, quests you complete, and factions you side with etc. Of course, there shouldn't be a reason to not continue the game in sandbox mode after completing the game or postponing getting the ending as much as you want.
I have a question as well. How do I get domestic focus for slaves?
Hope you read this. Keep up the great work!
After playing this game way too damn much I figured I'd drop some of my thoughts and frustrations while avoiding the obvious stuff that everyone else has already mentioned.
First off; please adjust the Bondage engine so that girls can gain Corruption and/or lose Willpower from Whips/Oral/Anal. Every single Bondage session becomes; attach Clamps, insert Hook, then spam Vaginal because doing anything else just wastes time and stamina. At least Whipping and Anal still give Arousal and Happiness but Oral is so wonky that I've never actually seen a girl gain Arousal from Bondage Oral, even when they're at negative Willpower and 100+ Corruption, so as far as I know it's literally useless.
Secondly; a frustration I've found is that the Wife Framework relies heavily on Intelligence and Discipline, which are two stats that the player has no direct control over and most girls have relatively low starting points for both, meaning that in order to have a wife who actually provides something useful you need to lock them up in the Academy for a few in-game years while praying for good rng. This isn't game ruining or anything but it seems like there could be plenty of fixes that could remove or reduce the annoyance, from more home schooling options to an item/drug that increases Academy learning speeds.
Third; I won't say much on this point but just be careful with the AI art. In my opinion it's perfectly fine when it's used for the small one-off stuff, like the end-of-day pictures or the bonus images on the captured slave menu, but having the entire Fort Sera story told using it was extremely distracting.
Finally; another frustration that becomes extremely hard to ignore in the later stages of the game is the lack of combat respawns, I know it was probably for balancing reasons originally but we have a million dollar investment available now, so a few more 'loot sacks' popping up on a regular basis isn't going to break the game. Something that could be fun and also alleviate this problem a bit would be to make the high difficulty monster enemies who already respawn drop a material that could be sold or crafted into gear/ammo since the meat they currently provide simply doesn't feel worth the time it takes to kill them.
I apologize if I sounded like I was whining since I really do enjoy the hell out of this game and look forward to its future.
It would be great if you could add these following features
thanks for reading I would love it if you could add these to the game it would make it so much better :3
Love the game so far because it is difficult but have a few questions after playing it for awhile. Number one can’t figure out how to increase the artisan skill in crafting. Read the hints and made a lot of padded armor, weapons and ammunition but doesn’t seem to increase at all. Can you get a slave back on the market after you sell? For instance sold Michelle but didn’t finish her quest lines? Are you developing action renders? I think I read you are going to increase slave cap. haven’t figured out if it’s possible to add slaves to household list will need to look into that.
Better Time Progression?
Please add a "Progress x days" key. Having the ability to settle on a routine (MC does x, y, z, conclude day) would also be great. For instance:
Lets say I want to work at the Academy, go back home and train ranged weapon skill, then sleep. I want to follow this routine until my skill gets to a decent level. I settle this routine, then press a "Progress 1 week" or "Progress 1 month", etc, and get the results of all the days. If the routine thing is too complicated, at least having the option to choose an activity, like with the slaves, and keeping progressing time would be awesome.
The main thing is the interaction with several girls at the same time, like I have Michelle and Dakota, I have to take care of them somehow if I want to keep them at the same level, but I don't have enough stamina and time in the day. And here they are both once every few days and everything is fine, everyone is satisfied. It would also be good if it took more time for the slave to fall in love, for example, one day she loves me, and the next not so much, I would like it to be more difficult to reach this level, but he no longer fell, or that it would be possible to keep them like that for several days.
There are too few investments, and they give an extremely small profit, and those that are enough, you need to blow the hell out of them. It is very difficult to raise the strength of the faction, I run, kill everything to the right and left, with the appearance of the fort and its renaming, I thought, well, this is my strength, and what about me.
1) Easier control of the girls, so I can invite a few from the conditional bedroom and have fun, + their greater loyalty and some kind of attachment to it, like a little more money and influence in the world.
2) Money, huge amounts of money are circulating, but you will never have them in your pocket. Can my expenses come not only from followers and slaves, but also from the house? AAA, why not write about it somewhere below, like this update will increase your debt by so much money.
3)Do something to the followers to make them either hunt automatically or pick the trash. It would be good. I either have to run for the bounty after point 2, or for meat, because they eat like crazy 20 items a day, despite the fact that I have a maximum garden, and everything else is close to the maximum.
4) more wives, one as the main one, others as auxiliary and each of them can get pregnant. Then 1 point sucks.
5) but the fact that I don't have automatic remelting of materials is really inconvenient, I can understand when I need to kill a few days for armor, despite the 60+ skill, but the fact that I have to do it myself is a little annoying when you think about it for every cent spent on the rifle.
6) This is the last, is it possible in basic skills and intelligence? Because 69 and everything is stuck. All the books have been read and all the courses in the academy have been completed, can they be reset? to increase a little more become?
I have found a way to maintain a sufficient relationship with slaves, this is to make myself hungry and go on a date with them every morning, my wife, as I understand it, does not lose affection. But what about slaves I don't know, I don't really want to check, so I'd rather ask, will it start to fall again if it has reached the last level, well, what after a soul mate? But with the orphanage, I think it would be better if not for 20, but for 15 or better for 10. Because you need less money there than in a store, but it also produces accordingly. 100+
First of all, I definitely want to be able to conditionally set breakfast with slaves in the economy or somewhere else, an event for every day right after you wake up, also give them the opportunity to eat at the same table with you at the cost of influence, an additional ration on slave, etc., but raising affection to at least level 3-4, or if you, for example, break willpower, you can force them to eat on the floor, at the end of the event, you can offer in a dominant or normal manner to form a conditional orgy with all slaves or only with for one, it will also increase their favoritism and corruption. Interacting with a slave who is your follower at the expense of conditional sex in the city, which will increase their favor and corruption if accepted, and if you are caught, you will lose some influence.
Ability to re-read books after you have raised your intelligence for better understanding. Also, write down which weapon is the favorite of your mercenary followers, because when every one of them uses this particular follower, and the skill is well pumped, it's very maddening. As an option, it would be nice to implant your slave or follower.
I figured out the money, for a new pass, I was a little more economical at the start, and I was able to increase the budget, up to 2500 per day of net income now. Carozza 20,000+ has appeared, and it is many times more profitable than you might think, it would be good if each fort before vassalization gave a conditionally the same small income.
I'm returning to this after a couple years away, firstly, wow it's come so far, it's really realizing it's potential so if GrimDark happen to see this jesus good job!
Question that led me here though: I've tried everything I can think of to get Loren to increase corruption and she's just sitting at 35 and absolutely will not move either way. If someone can point me in the right direction or just spoil it and tell me outright how to get her to 40? I'd really appreciate it.
youll either need influence over 5k, or a good relation with her to demand sex
that has a chance to raise corr, not guaranteed
will make her dislike you tho
im guessing maybe having a floorcrawler raises corruption as well? i imagine it should
maybe household corruption helps?
google is our frend (https://www.mastersofraana.com/index.php/Household_Corruption)
below is the entire page details so no need to click the link
Thank you so much Lyvius! I actually did read that, and did do everything there before I came here but it's still super kind of you to take the time to help me and I appreciate it. Ultimately, on Day 91 suddenly (with all the things you mentioned still there), she, and actually everyone else, started skyrocketing 1-2 points a day. Idk if it was a time-related lock, or I hit some magic influence number, but I thought I'd follow this up both again, to thank you, & secondly if someone else were to come looking for the information this might be useful.
Anywho, have a great day, great life, you see as this goes :)
Um.. took a while to figure you could upgrade the camp (simply never thought of it)... well, upgraded the first level (the cheap one).. want to upgrade the second level, which costs 1900.. um.. have the funds.. but button is opaque/unavailable.. are there other conditions? and if so, couldn't it be made more obvious in the interface (or elsewhere in game?)
Game is very grindy. Must do fighting lifestyle essentially. Would like if more ways to raise intelligence. Can't seem to get that one to 70. Would like to have more fasteners from scapping and lower cost for fasteners early game. Game much too dependent on crafting as well. It is like an RPG that forces you to play a certain way. Most RPGs there is min maxing and a penalty if you don't play that way, but this game isn't really playable without min maxiing, which a lot of RPG players won't like. I'm a 100% min maxer, and it still aggravates me. A central plotline of what the character is trying to accomplish is also not existent. Making a central plotline would be a higher return ATM than adding more girls or ancillary features. Gotta have something you are working towards. Anyways, kinda fun for a bit, but then just got old. Some really good ideas from the makers. Hopefully we can get some execution so people will play past 1-2 hours and not give up on the game.
Sory for my poor english.
A few quiestion:
Have I just gotten rotten luck whit the rng, duing somthing worng or is it a bug? I have crafted around 100-150 Textiles, 15 padde armor repaired them when the dont brake (asume whit beter artisan mc gets better at reparing atm 3/5sok) and som injector all in all I think around 200-250 actions that woud give a rng too increase Artisan and Artisan has not increast it is stil at the starting 25.
I found a artifact and can see it in my inventory but cant seem to find out what it dos only from what I read artifact dos have som efect?
Is ther a way thro the game to unluck donation at places like Preacher's Hall and Aesir Tribe the dont seam to be related to a specific religion.
At the begining you can chouse who your parents were all choises whit a significant roll in a post apocalyptic civilisation is the any plans on implementing crafteres as a choice in the futer?
Raising Blacksmith and Artisan is a hassle because there are so few things you can make that help you, but yes it does sound like you've had bad luck although making textiles wouldn't increase it, but the armor should have. Repairing your stuff you must take it to armor shop & spend money & time, or you must assign a Quartermistress with 50+ in science skill.
Artifacts are desireable to improve standing with some factions, in some cases, through the donation menu. They may have other uses but that one I'm sure exists.
Preachers Hall opens to more interaction during the end of the Michelle Wolfe "worth pursuing?" quest from asking about her background & hopes after she reaches high affection.
Aesir Tribe / Warrior's Hall is in fact a religious building, of the Aesir faith. It might be locked out if you've chosen a religious enemy to the Aesir, Catholic & maybe Muslim, are hostile although I'm playing Aesir faith & no problem supporting the Great Mosque
I see is this a really reply but I hope it helps you or someone.
What is considered a "good" level for a skill? I feel like all my skills are around 70 but still either never succeed on rolls or are like 50% affective. The game is set to the lowest difficulty and the dice rolls are the middle option. I can't really level my skills up anymore since I read every book and did every class all of which can only be done once. Am I doing something wrong or is there a more consistent way to level skills??? Also, as a side note I turned off aging but had a kid. Is there just no way to age them up? They kind of just fill a household spot uselessly now.
1) There appears to be a bug that drains $$$ that kicks in after a certain amount of progress has been achieved. For example, when I check 'Manage Economy' at the current point in my game, I'm at -$77/day. I click End Day and $266 disappears from my finances (with no events happening to explain the extra $ loss).
2) I feel the greatest strength of the game is how open-world it is. Especially to begin with, there are so many options available. I would suggest that to improve this, and to keep options open late in the game, you could add a gambling minigame or two, where players can wager either money or crafting parts, with the option of wagering higher stakes as the character becomes more influential. There were some excellent, replayable minigames in computer games of the past, such as Arcomage in Might and Magic VII/VIII - which strikes a fine balance between strategy, luck and unpredictability. A current MMO, Renaissance Kingdoms, implements a Texas Hold 'Em poker option within its taverns. Perhaps something similar could be implemented to enhance MoR?
3) Gameplay gradually becomes more repetitive, and you end up having to grind in the arena to build cash or grind in the crafting skill to produce items. To produce more variety in encounters later in the game, I suggest adding more random NPC spawns at different places on the map, with greater variety in rewards (e.g. crafting parts, ammo, armor, tendstims, books to raise academic skills/intelligence, serums to inject slaves with that increase/reduce certain stats).
Overall, this is one of the best, if not the best, RPG I've ever played, and I look forward to its completion.
Thank you for your suggestions and kind words!
About the money bug - have you ticked "Auto Buy rations: On"? In that case, an additional amount of money will be deducted when you go out an purchase food for the assigned daily food price that is calculated during the Conclude Day events. Price for food is not included in the Economy overview because the price has not been set yet.
A suggestion, I'm aware a lot come in, & maybe there's something I don't know but here goes:
Make merchandise into a low level (combat knife/whipping cane level) craftable item. In my thinking it'd take scrap metal & scrap cloth, perhaps 5 of each makes 10 merchandise, or 20, something along this line.
The reasoning is, the inability to make or buy merchandise is really counterintuitive given that it's the primary faction request of the Industry & Trade factions (Catholic & Muslim). Again maybe I'm missing something but from anything I can see, Aesir benefit to some degree under the craft system. You can make swords & rifles, even if slave raiding is generally going to get you farther, faster, you can use craft to do something helpful pretty early on if you feel like it.
Catholics *can* get to gold necklace, but that's hundreds or even thousands of combat knife unless you save & reload over & over again which rapidly kills immersion, & Muslims have zero crafting or trade options. I do understand selling hides to Drenner village is a means to get the resources they ask for, which is why I was thinking scrap metal as a component, it adds another level of value to scavenging in keeping with the seeming sense that survival skill is intended to be important to these factions.
So in summary, unless it'd somehow break something else, adding one button worth of coding would add additional potential playstyles for crafting, scavenging, & two major factions, so I'm hopeful this isn't one of those suggestions that asks you to use time on a niche thing 95% of people will never see.
It might also be fun if the orphans had a rng to give you merchandise they made when you come to visit, after you upgrade the Building level to max but that's a bit off-topic.
All of this having been typed out, hopefully it's coherent without begin overly wordy. If you (Grimdark) do read it, thanks you for such a great game, I'm really happy I came back to it.
One final note, I'm playing Aesir with very solid control of the faction, so if there are quests or something that does everything I just said which require being a member of the religion, I'll feel silly & not be too surprised, this game gets alot right. :)
I get lost so easily, with both following quest lines and the gameplay loop itself, It is a great RPG but I feel as tho something is lacking. Maybe a better traveling system or maybe some type of guidance system for newer players. I died more times in first 1 hour of the game than any other. making money is fairly easy but its hard to know when or why a certain quest line/ investment gets disabled. Maybe adding in a little tab that shows how doing something might effect relationships. Overall great game, I get lost in time playing this but at the same time I feel as tho most of that time is either spend grinding money or wondering around the world aimlessly, hopping I run into something. Another thing is that when you read quest or any type of story progression, they mention names like i know them . I feel as you should add in a system where you can click on a quest and make that quest into your top priority, so that all times you know where the next location is at. (something like a small square message on top right saying big max is at the docks go meet em). ALSO some quest lead to game over, because you can't prepare at all, due to you not konwoing that quest has enemiess, espically for first time players.
Good afternoon, I would like to ask if you plan in the future to also have a female protagonist as an option to choose from when creating a character or will there only be a male protagonist?
This doubt appeared because seeing the problems that the world of your game is going through regarding the issue of slavery and also due to the war that is often mentioned in the past and how it left marks on the world.
Back to this game after a bit
Excited with the new changes but the game feels way harder now (maybe I just botched it). I was struggling to get on top of stabilising an economy (still having a good time, mind you)
One thing that remains an issue, IMO, is the lack of information within the game. Masters of Raana is a game that is very intense on management and decision making. Even if most decisions are small, you’re making them all of the time (what actions to take, what tone to take, etc…)
But a lot of these things are hard to grasp/understand: “Raise fear of a slave”… okay, do I WANT their fear to be high? Why? I can’t tell. Similar to other stats, like willpower. Someone mentioned that, in combat, it’s hard to tell what weapons to use for best capture chance and the only real hint I got is at one point during the tutorial(?) it’s mentioned that the whipping cane is the ideal, but I’ve also noticed that pistols MAY not be too bad, as Bud seems to incapacitate more often than others
A round of “adding a help toggle” and/or extensive use of mouseover tooltips would do WONDERS for this game. I remember having a hard time telling if I was actually doing well the first time I played this game and this still remains
FINALLY: the “advance another day” button in the new day report being a little house right next to the “okay” button has made me accidentally click it a decent amount of times
How to start the investment in Caitlin's clinic because I turn her into a servant and then I free her (with 100 happy and friendly), several days pass and no icon appears on the west side
Also, will there be scenes changing the state of pubic hair?
or showing off their piercings when you have sex in bed?
I don't know if you can have sex in other parts of the house except for a specific npc.
Thank you so much!
The game is somewhat obscure when it comes to what stats do or how you get them. For example at there isn't a indication on what science does, during gameplay you can find cases where you need to have it at a specific level to do something but there. While during gameplay I recently realized "oh I need more inteligence... How do I do that?" (I did find a few ways but there is no indicator on what they are).
In a similar vein being more open about how damage is calculated would be nice, the stats I have seem disjointed with the damage I do. More stats still does more damage but how it grows is beyond me.
Sometimes for checks I fail or have really low chances of success and I don't really have a indication on why that is the case. The stats are all there but there is no indicator that this check uses inteligence/science/charisma or is affected by defience, filth, anger etc. It leads to moments which can be described as this isn't working but I don't know why.
Other obscure/non intuitive places in the UI would be hacking (what stats affect it and having a indicator of hey you can get x or y upgrade to make this better would be nice), Capturing enemies, and weapon properties (like the spear having reach, what does that mean?).
A related QoL upgrade would be adding a % chance to succede when doing stuff, the game already says rolled x failed/succeded by y, so you can calculate it yourself but having an additional you had z% to succede would be apriciated.
As a secondary thing having most common daily tasks be accesible in a single button would be great. Two examples are learning in the library, and praying, it is only a few clicks to get to where they are but having an option to automate or at least 1 click them would be nice.
In general despite the issues enjoy the game a lot, thank you for the great game.
I agree, I would also add in that when you start the game, you're just dropped there zero indication on what to do, or even like milestones goal before each major quest, ie, maybe having an rough recommendation on each quest. This could be in the wiki of the game or even an built in feature where you can see what is recommended. Basically a flow chart on everything.
Based on the last major update, perhaps you had the same thoughts as me? Perhaps, in addition to female prisoners who can be turned into slaves, it will be possible to turn minor urchins (for example, those who broke into your house to steal) into slavery instead of turning them over to the guards, as well as men. They could all work in your factories. You have already done a lot of work, and it’s already possible to live in Raana’s world. I hope you will continue to work in this direction. This would greatly diversify the gameplay.
PS: And I want my wrool cat as NPC! XD
Fun game so far. Stuck on the Golden Seal quest. I try going to Darkmere, but there's no option for an ambush point and there's not a specific date given for her shipping out (just 'several days'), and unlike Dakota's birthday the quest doesn't give a timer. What do you need to do to trigger the ambush?
EDIT: Found it. My browser window cuts off the top part of the screen, so I missed the interactable point.
Alright, been enjoying this one a lot. The systems are a bit hard to work around, not horribly intuitive, but they are satisfying. This would make a pretty solid game even if the sex aspects were entirely off camera. My suggestions would be as follows:
- Skill training options across the board, expanding the courses available and number/variety of books. Right now trying to build up Survival is an exercise in conjuring RNGesus to your aid, and not very much fun.
- Recurrent courses for the PC in addition to the slaves/servants/mercenaries. It would make later game advancement more feasible.
- A Retreat/Withdraw button in Combat! This one leads to frustration, because while you can choose to engage on most fights (click on person on map, choose to either Engage/Withdraw), there's a few really tough fights that you don't have any option to back out from and are forced into combat by clicking on them (the kaiju sea lizard thing, the coilgun snipers in Stokke or Kelsey, and a couple more that I'm forgetting now). There is also no way to identify these other than a good guess or bitter experience. I'm fine with a risk/reward option for the player to allow them to decide if they can or can't face down what's waiting for them, but not "Oh ho ho! You've clicked on my trap card sea lizard thing, and now it's mudhole stomping time!".
- If the backers involved are in love with 'no retreat', then just add an additional designator to the overmap icons for the encounters that will force a fight. We have them for Elite enemies (the crown) and for the people who are extorting money for passage (the dollar sign), so something like a skull or an exclamation mark so that the player knows not to click on that thing unless they're ready for an unavoidable fight.
(that's not the same thing as being in a dungeon or mission and getting jumped by bad guys, that again comes under player risk/reward - you know you're going into the sharp end when you choose to go on a quest)
probably implement an algorithm so that kids do not withdraw until their adulthood? It doesn't rly make sense for kids to leave (especially under Raana's dangerous background). This one I have left when she's 12.
It might also be nice if we receive messages from kids if they decease/anything happen after they withdraw.
The new update on the wiki Aging/Ageing site explains most of this (Can Npcs and MC die of old age? If yes is it then a % chance or at a certain age Npcs and MC dies?) guess this means that none recruitable NPCs don't die where MC and recruitable NPCs is Immortal as long that they don't retching 0 in STR/DEX/STAM and can die young if the do.
A couple of suggestions:
S#1: A great quality of life thing to add would be the ability to reorder your NPC list. About 10 hours in, I restarted my game solely because I'd acquired my main followers in a really haphazard way, and there was no way to change their order in the list to make it easy to keep track of different jobs. I'm a bit of an OCD type, and it drives me crazy not being able to move things around so that they can be tidy.
S#2: I would really like to see more ways to work certain stats and skills (like Intelligence, Academics and Science) up either through practice, or by allowing people to retake the university courses multiple times. Without reading books or doing courses (which are finite, so seem to be better to leave until you've already hit their soft cap before starting), these skills/attributes seem to only advance through teaching, and you already need to have a quite high score in order to start that job. I really enjoy starting with very low stats and working my way up to the maximum in games, but in MoR it seems as if you need to start with a very high score if you ever want to hit your full potential.
Is there currently any way to get Stealth to over 40?
The only way to increase it seems to be through hunting, but after hitting Stealth 40 I haven't gotten any higher despite doing a LOT of hunting. Feels weird that there are some rather difficult Stealth checks that you encounter during some story missions, yet no way to improve the skill to the point where you're remotely likely to pass them.
EDIT: Discovered that it's possible to raise your stealth above 40 by sneaking into the Silfren Lair to collect baneclaw dung. Doesn't increase on a crit, but does occasionally go up on a regular success, the same way that it does when you're hunting.
What exactly is the point of building the stables, other than a moderate daily influence gain? After upgrading the horses, I noticed that there is now supposedly a 'Fast Travel Bonus', but testing out all manner of travel before upgrading the horses and after, I've seen no difference in the amount of time that it takes to get around. So far, I have tried:
- Walking normally between areas
- Using the buttons in the house menu that take you to Marston Ave, Imogen's Barrow, and the Academy
- Leaving the house and using the fast travel map to go across town
All of these things take exactly the same amount of time as they did before building and upgrading the stables. I can only assume that maybe the 'fast travel bonus' is a reduction in Stamina, maybe? But by end game, the stamina that you spend by walking around is far less of a concern than the amount of hours in the day that it eats up. At present, the stables seem FAR less valuable than building, say, an extra workshop or garden in that slot.
Hey GrimDark, Raslar here and I have one question about MoR. Do you plan to add mod support or is there like any mods already available for the game? I was just curious because while the game is WIP right now and still being worked on, there is only a few things that non-patrons can do in-game so i was wondering if there was any mods available or any mod compatibility to add to the game to add more content?
There's a lack of Plump and virgin story npcs, i know that Raana is a wild place and being a virgin is really rare for slaves or servants but it would be nice to see more unique virgin npcs in the future, there's only 3 of them afaik which is really low imo. There's also the fact that none of them seems to have a Plump(max for females) body type while there's already like 3+ male npcs with Herculean(max for males) body type, Amelia and that Ex-Arena Champion is the closest one we got but they're Curvy afaik, not Plump, i think you get what i mean here Grim idk when you'll make another story npc since you're already preoccupied with Aria rn which you should really focus on because imo the game is stretching itself way too large for it's own good, you really need to prioritize some parts first and leave stuff like Red River alone for now, but if you do plan on making a new one then please consider making her Plump and thicc please?
So, the Velvet Room beneath Dockgrave Tavern. Ellie and Freya aren't happy there, and one of them was among Aria's followers during her rebellion. If you're working with her rebellion, could there be a route to rescue either (or both) of those girls?
Honestly, their predicament makes them a whole lot more compelling and sympathetic to me as characters than almost anyone else I can think of, aside from Aria, Juno, and Piper. The writing of Ellie and Freya's dialogue and reactions was really superb, and drove home the nightmare they're living in. I wanted to reach into the world and get them out of there. I get that this is a bdsm game, but I'd really love to see both of their stories told, and for there to be a chance to explore and heal their trauma.
What am I doing wrong? I usually like to start the game by getting some few money working at the plant and making investments, and just skipping days, usually means that i'm out exploring or just trying to some points in groups of interest. Than once I have maxed out my house and so on, usually takes like 3 years, in that time my world has gone shit. And on top of that Even with having most if not all of the investments I can get, I still cant make enough to where I can donate enough to become a large shareholder in any of the groups of interest. Hell Ive have one save where, I literally froze time and went on the easiest game mode I could, and after 10 years of in game time, I was still getting dogged on by most of the enemies, and on top of that I was making like 200 bux per day. Sorry for the rant, but this game feels like it never had an beginners mode, and no hand holding to help you in your first or casual gameplay. Hell I like this idea, but I need some help time to time, like what the hell do I do to get this quest, what happened if I pick this option? and so on. Basically, I want 2 gamemode I guess, one that is the current version and another where you are assisted, then once you pick the main game mode than you can pick what difficulty youu want.
There are some guides on the game's wiki provided, all worth reading the wiki including - MoR-Wiki (mastersofraana.com).
That said you have selected the slowest and most difficult way to play the game as it is essentially a 'gangsta paradise' model with your MC at the bottom of the feeding chain.
In almost every game like this, I usually go with the money route, to secure weapon and so on, but ill try to play this as a ganga paradice way i guess. I mean I also found out why im so dog shit at combat, most my traits and skills are in money making and talking my way out of shit and not having the right type of weapon and armor.
Every time I reach the part in getting Michelle where I meet Old Cooney, I ask about the slave being punished downstairs. Because I always want to intervene, and that's the closest I can get. Then I always beat up Old Cooney and kill his bodyguard. Why can't we storm inside and help her, the same way we helped Juno?
Michelle's background info tells us that she (Michelle) only avoided being molested by Cooney during the week she was with him because he was too busy fucking his other slave. And that Michelle only got away one night because Cooney and his guard were having their way with her "co-worker." That all sounded awful, and I really felt for that unnamed, faceless girl.
I know, it takes time to program and flesh out a story. It's just that, early on, when there isn't that much to occupy my attention in the game, that encounter always jumps out at me. And I wonder "what if I went through that door? What would I find?"
I have to say capturing slaves has become way too easy and with multiple bodies roped after each fight makes for a somewhat unbalanced game . I would suggest increasing the limit of captured slaves capacity from 6 to at least 12 as it is now . And decreasing the average male slave value considerably since they are so easy to get.
Hi there, congratulations for this great game! Here are a few ideas:
For the house:
- male slaves could be maids (maybe under the name footman or lackey, with a butler being the male equivalent of the head maid)
- the house could have a cleanness score, based on the status of the rooms (low at the beginning of the game). Upgrade of rooms would increase the max cleanness of the house.
- the cleanness score in the house would naturally decrease (an amount or chance proportional to the number of occupants). Below some threshold (or at 0), it would start having negative effects on the happiness of occupants, and also on influence. A too dirty house would prevent from organizing events.
- events (casual evenings, dinners, parties) would result in an extra increase of dirt (or loss of cleanness). It would depend on the kind of event and on the number of guests.
- reduction of dirt (increase of cleanness) would result from the total domestic skill of all active maids/lackeys (not those given free time), possibly increased by the skill or authority of the head maid (for female maids) or butler (for male servants).
- it could be possible to maintain the house in a cleaner state by controlling the maids' work (with an interface similar to the food). Increasing the maid's work increases their efficiency (already based on their domestic skill) but reduces their stamina and happiness, and increases the chance of becoming Defiant. Some maids with a Lazy trait may refuse to work more (or negative effects could be more important for them). Actually all kinds of slaves (workers) could be controlled in a similar way.
- the number of maids/lackeys would limit the size and opulence (and therefore effects) of events that can be organized (maybe it's already the case but it's not what I observed).
Nightly events:
- possibility for two slaves to be caught mating (during nightly events). Maybe such an event already exists (never met it).
- possibility to buy a sedan chair or palanquin for a girlfriend or wife. Effect on a girlfriend: augments her daily chance to increase her happiness and affection (up to a limit). Effect on the wife: same + increases the influence of the household. There could be models of 2, 4 or 8 bearers, with different prices and bonus (mostly on influence gains). Bearers would be a new slave occupation (a minimum strength and stamina may be required, and these characteristics would have a slight chance to increase every day in this role, up to a limit).
Great game! I've been looking for a game like this, but some have vanished, like Jack of Nines, and others have dropped in development. It's great to see you are still going.
Do repeated visits to Elin Jonsson at Divine Juices (Dominate Me) have negative impacts?
I would like to see non-game-ending events for tables being turned on the MC. Some are reversible easily, and others are not.
This leads to events where you are enslaved in your own household by slaves or NPC followers or by other factions in other locations, which can lead to escape attempts.
You might wish to consider an even worse event: having Mindmancer used on the MC during a really bad table-turning event with a devious slave or even at the owner of Devious Tools.
Great game. Regarding the tech module is that a WIP because I've upgraded all I can and it still says server offline. I'd like to keep reading the occult books but it lowers will power is there a way to raise will power to maintain mpc current level. One final thought I have the workshop all leveled up but I'd like an option to pay the workers to raise their happiness level and so they stop trying to escape daily. Do you have a secure method of donation as well I'd like to offer a little money towards the project. I also feel intelligence points should be increased slowly as the science and academics points increase. The intelligence is at 64 but but the science and academics is at 90. Thank You. Sorry for the long post but maybe this is a WIP as well but some of the upgrades made to places like AIMEE's Goods the pictures still show a dumpy store after MAX upgrades have made I think it'd be cool to show the place looking good after it's maxed upgraded. Thanks again for your hard work.
I might be missing the obvious, but what am i supposed to do with pelts? Skins refine to leather which i have options for, but what can i do with pelts? Went with a hunter character so I'm getting plenty of them. Still figuring out the game since i just got it working reasonably on android.
Towards which note to the dev specifically - the fix i applied is to alter the meta viewport portion of the code to
content="width=device width, initial-scale=.9, maximum-scale=1" which gets it to stop cropping buttons on my tablet. I don't know if it will work for smaller screens but i don't think you would want to play this anyway on a phone screen lol i don't know if it's a combination of both or just one that fixed it, but it works and i don't want to tinker more (for now) and potentially break it again
If possible could you add those to the official code? If it does actually fix it for more Android users than just me, it could expand the player base at least some.
So far good game, haven't messed with one that's actually interesting to me since strive for power (conquest just annoyed me)
Anyway some relatively offhand traits -
an analog for the "daddy issues" trait, specifically a "cougar" type aimed at young characters
sadist(dealing damage or potentially seeing other people in pain increases arousal)
masochist (taking damage or increasing pain increases arousal),
an npc version of sex addict (nerfs npcs while aroused, Increases happiness etc more per orgasm, becomes useful to quickly break and train a characterwhile also requiring more upkeep. Maybe using sex toys to do it passively to a degree? )
Is Juno going to get a revamp? I remember on my first playthrough, her character design was really compelling. The tattoos, the outfit, the "rescued a damsel" way we get her. I expected her to have more of a story arc.
But aside from putting her on gardening duty until I get Mai-Lynn, there's really nothing else interesting about her. Also, she looks like an amazonian warrior-huntress with her tattoos and her in-game model (and her "wild-born" trait), but then her only interest seems to be in property ownership and business ventures. I could never reconcile that with her image. I mean, yes, her father was into a variety of business ventures, including selling contraband and animal pelts, but...maybe I just don't get what the town of New Eden is supposed to be like.
hello, thank you for a great game. Recently started playing. Using public version 0837.
My question is how do you get to darmere? Can't seem to get to there or to preachers pond.
Finished interrogating a secretive character, now can't progress until I go to darkmere to recover the secret.
Thank you again for a great game
sory for my pore english.
About Mountain Man I have 2 questions.
1. if you combine Weak-Boned and Mountain Man what is your Strength cap? (yes you can combine Weak-Boned (cap at 70) and Mountain Man (cap at 190) 2. the info when you starts a new game makes is sound like it is hard to increace after 60 but whitout any changes to the cap but the explanetion of Version on the MoR-Wiki is DEX "cap" around 60 to me that sounds like you can't increase it to 70+ and the cap is maby even lover så is that or maby som 3. explanetion?
Question about the mission "Slavemasters of RAANA", which involves enslaving Aria Bianchi.
I'm here to ask about this mission, which should have no bugs, but I am truly facing an issue that seems impossible to overcome. This might be due to the long history of my save file, which I’ve been playing for years. Perhaps something went wrong... My save file was created from version 0.5.6 or earlier, and over time, it has developed some bugs. However, I have fixed them using a save editor or simply waited for the creators to solve them.
Now, I’ve finally returned to the main storyline, and I find that I am still unable to buy Aria in the market, despite having enough money and waiting the required amount of time. I tried to locate old save files, but they are too old to find on my disk (very sad :( ). I also attempted to use a save editor to change the time and Aria's status, but none of these solutions have worked.
Sadly, none of them worked.
So, I’m reaching out to you, the respected creators of Master of RAANA (GrimDark), to ask if there is anything that might solve this issue.
Sincerely, thank you for your time and consideration.
Glad to hear from you guys so soon!
Sadly, due to the laws in my homeland (which features a national flag with red and five yellow stars — its name might cause some issues here), I can't connect to Discord without violating these laws. This prevents me from both supporting your great work financially and keeping up with your game. As a result, I also can't share my save file with you for the same reason. It's really disappointing that I can't even use tools like a VPN to access Discord because of certain restrictions that I can't discuss for fear of being detained — a risk greater than the public's use of VPNs.
Getting back to the topic, there is a kind of "Ship of Theseus" dilemma at play here... I first played your game before I had a programmer's mindset. In the early days, whenever I encountered an old save file that wouldn’t work, I’d start a new one and try to recreate it to resemble my previous save. Then, I would copy and paste the necessary lines into the old file until it worked in the new version. I also periodically deleted the file for sold-out slaves (the game didn’t seem to automatically do this in earlier versions, or I had to deal with enormous save files) and reset the date and ages of both MCs and NPCs (I wanted them to stay young forever for some reason...) .
So, I’m not sure if my save file is worth analyzing at this point. But I truly appreciate you taking the time to reply to me — a player who hasn't been able to support your amazing work financially yet.
Thank you once again for all the effort you put into this project!
I can only send files via email (hope this works this time)... I tried using my Mega account but still cannot log in due to network issues. Is there another way to send my file, or perhaps even buy you a coffee if you guys still have the energy to continue working on this?
It's so strange that I also found Michelle had disappeared from my household in some versions before... I hadn't noticed it until today's check. She is still in the file, but I can't find her in the NPC menu.
Also, the slaves I haven't bought in the Kymanto Hall are unpurchaseable for unknown reasons...
Erica Sunderland should keep the Maid costume, maybe wearing it could cause even higher negative effects on Connor than Templin Dress
Would also like that if we could "side" with Major Templin and agonize Connor
Also I went through the effort to enslave and execute Connor after gaining the quest, but the Family reunion scene still happened.
I'm sure someone in the past has suggested this \ it crossed your mind, but using LLM technology (with some RAG probably) could enable players to freely interact with their slaves to train them in a unique way. After a long time of playing you just skip the familiar texts, and something like this could breath life into the game.
The problem with it is that not all players could run this fast, making this an optional feature for some. If you want a much cheaper and accessible-to-all solution, imagine what if every girl had her own shit ton of unique text that has references to small stuff in her personality and history. The various slaves would feel different not only in images and art. One way to utilize LLMs to do that, for example: generate 20 unique texts for each situation (e.g., morning bj), then use another LLM ("LLM-as-a-judge") to automatically rank and filter the top 5 best unique texts to remain for that character. you could add a layer of manual checking to this to verify it's good. Just imagine that when pressing a button to humiliate Aisha the MC would reference her insolence during their first meeting, or mentioning her father running away. This would make players read the dialogue and add a ton of depth without forcing you to hire a full time writer for that.