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Getting your controller connected Sticky

A topic by FPV Freerider created Apr 05, 2016 Views: 167,027 Replies: 317
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Developer (30 edits) (+5)(-4)

There are many types of controllers/dongles/cables that can be used with FPV Freerider.

Most modern RC radios can simply be connected via USB. Make sure you choose Joystick emulation / USB HID as connection method (not mass storage).

Controllers that have been succesfully used include FrSKY Taranis, Spektrum, Devo, Turnigy, Flysky, Jumper, Radiomaster, Eachine, Detrum, Graupner and Futaba RC radios, Realflight and Esky USB Controllers, Xbox, Playstation and Logitech gamepads.

There are some general advice in the user manual:

FPV Freerider user manual

The FrSky Taranis and similar radios generally works connected directly via USB. 

(In older versions of FPV Freerider you needed to edit the endpoints on your Frsky radio to get it calibrated correctly on Windows. In the newer versions this is no longer be necessary, in fact it is better to simply use a default model setup on your radio).

Older Spektrum radios generally works best connected via a standard 3.5mm mono audio cable. See this document for more info:

Spektrum tips

(The tips in that document can also be useful for other similar radios connected via audio cable)

The Devo 7E/Devo 10 and other radios running DeviationTX seems to most often work fine with the stock .ini file on MacOS and Android. Select "USBHID" as protocol in the model setup. You may need to select "Re-Init" once connected via USB.

On Windows you may need to set up the endpoints. Here is a custom model ini file that you can try:

Devo model file

Here are some tutorial videos that may be of help:

(Note that some of these videos might be obsolete since the input system of Freerider has been updated. You might find more up-to-date information by searching on Youtube).

Taranis (MacOS)

Taranis (MacOS)

Taranis (MacOS) (german)

Most transmitters (Smartpropoplus) (Windows)

Jumper T16 (Windows)

Jumper T8SG (Windows) (日本語)

Jumper radios (Android)

Devo 7E/Devo 10 and similar directly via USB (Deviation) (Windows)

Devo 7E/Devo 10 and similar directly via USB (Deviation) (MacOS)

Devo 7E/Devo 10 and similar directly via USB (Deviation) (Android)

Devo 7 and most other transmitters (Smartpropolus) (Windows)

Spektrum and other transmitters (Smartpropolus) (Windows)

Flysky (MacOS)

Turnigy i10 (Windows)

Turnigy 9X (Windows)

Gavin 6A using Detrum simulator dongle (Windows)

Any radio, connected through your quadcopter (Windows)

Taranis Q X7 (Android)

Radiolink T8S (Android)

(This is just a small collection of videos, there are many more tutorials that can be found).

Known incompatible devices:

The HobbyKing 6ch flight simulator USB controller is known to not work with the sim.

The Phoenix proprietary dongle only works with Phoenix.


I was using my futaba and it was working on the first freerider version. Since I installed the freerider recharged version, my controller doesnt work anymore on both version. What is going on and what should I do to fix it ? Thanks

Developer (2 edits) (-1)

Have you tried recalibrating? (That is, to go through the Calibrate Controller procedure found in the main menu).

Same with my Taranis X9D. I've gone through the calibration procedure in the new Recharged version about 10 times and I can't get it to complete successfully. Sometimes one stick or the other swings the circle on the screen way past the edges of its box to either side and the other axis on that stick doesn't register at all. Sometimes it seems to work okay and right at the end the pitch overwrites the input for the roll and it says "DONE!" But there's an axis missing every time. The whole procedure seems buggy.

Thanks for your work on the new version. The graphics look great... but I can't do much with them without my roll axis. :)

Same here !


If the automatic stick detection selects the wrong channel, you can try clicking on the circle that you see is the right one. (That is, one of the little circles on the calibration screen).

Recharged uses the exact same calibration procedure as the original version btw, so it's strange indeed...

"If the automatic stick detection selects the wrong channel, you can try clicking on the circle that you see is the right one. (That is, one of the little circles on the calibration screen)."

I've been trying this and I still can't get it to work, I'm also doing this on the new version you just put out.

Yaw and throttle works fine. The next circle is roll, and the arrow shows the right stick to the left, as it should. However, my pitch channel moves this third circle, not my roll. Still wouldn't be a big deal here as I could always swap my roll and pitch channels on the Taranis. If I move my pitch up and hit OK it is saved as roll and the roll turns green; finally, when it asks for pitch (4th position), my roll channel acts like a two-position switch, when I move it left it activates the 4th circle to the top, but there is no in-between range. I press OK when it's in the high (bright white) position and the circle does not update -- it's still a gray circle, yet the wizard moves on, and he channel is not recognized in the final test screen.

After I switched pitch with roll in the Taranis I noticed that the third circle showed properly, but also acted like a 2-position switch. And when it was in the high position (bight white circle) I pressed OK and nothing happened and the wizard moved on. Then the same happened with pitch -- it acted like a 2-position switch, and after I finished the calibration both axes were inactive.

It seems that for some reason some channels are being read as a two-position switch, or something has changed in the way we're supposed to configure the transmitter. This happens consistently on the roll channel.

This all worked with legacy Freerider... I don't know what's causing it, but I've done my best to explain the issue I'm seeing.

And if I click on a circle directly it seems to work unless it's the third or fourth, in which case it skips to the next screen in the wizard without allowing me to set an input.

Hey Guys,

Similar Problem here with getting my Taranis X9D to calibrate. Worked flawlessly before but now my throttle control seems to be bugging out. It will only detect inputs on the upper and lower end of the throttle, basically either full throttle or no throttle. In calibration, I'm not able to center the throttle stick, all other inputs calibrate just fine. For whats it worth, the level inputs on the Taranis display fine in Channel Monitor with 0 to 100 for throttle, and 50 as the mid point for all other channels. I'm using the same profile that worked not 2 months ago in Legacy Freerider. Not sure if its something on my end with the Taranius, but any help is greatly appreciated!


I'll let you TeamViewer in if you want to see what I'm talking about.

Yes I did it severa time.. Can have my throttle working.. Its like its doesnt recognize yaw and throttle separately. Roll and pitch work fine tho.


If the automatic stick detection selects the wrong channel, you can try clicking on the circle that you see is the right one. (That is, one of the little circles on the calibration screen).

(1 edit)

having this same issue - latest osx build - calibration is just awful.  seems to assign the yaw incorrectly and so some sticks work, others don't.  my current models worked perfectly.  seems to be an issue just on OSX

Edit:  Clicking the circles is the only way to get this working on a new macbook.  Was using a model that previously worked connecting to a windows install.

Note:  one issue I am still having is that FPV freerider takes a moment to detect the sticks are centered instead having them all at min range.   So  you can get it working in calbration by just wiggling the sticks - they will center out.  You must do this during calibration and before each takeoff in the sim.

Please help. I got my XBOX One controller connected and I can play the game, but all my controls are inverse! I go through the custom calibration and everything, but still reveresed. Is there not a way to change this in the game somewhow? It's killing me being this close to playing properly


Try to simply pull the stick in the other direction than what you are supposed to. That should reverse it.

Unfortunately that doesnt solve the issue. I just tried that. ITs only inverse on the left right stick movements, not up/down which is odd


So if you pull the stick in the opposite direction to what is shown when calibrating left/right,

and in the correct direction as shown when calibrating up/down, does that work?

I get the logic behind it, but it doesnt matter what I do, I cant get all to be in the correct direction. I have calibrated the same way several times in a row, and each time get a different result. Like it doesnt make sense. example: left stick says up, I push up; right stick says up, I push up. Then afterwards one stick goes up, and the other goes down. Then another calibration cycle they both go up, or sometimes they go down. It's real odd and I dont think it's user error. Should I re install?

nevermind, I figured it out lol thanks, works great and bought the full version. Now just need to try and get my Radiolink to work, I think it will be better than my XBOX One controller. Good practice tho

my xbox usb 360 controller works fine

I also have a Radiolink AT9, got the proper drivers for Windows 10, but doesn't seem to be working at all in Freerunner, any advice on how to get that setup as I would rather use my AT9 than an XBOX controller...Thanks


Most people generally have success using a 22-in-1 universal flight simulator dongle or similar. Don't know if it works with the Radiolink AT9 though. If it has a standard 3.5mm trainer port you could try to use that one as described in the manual.

can someone help me get my ps3 controller to work? thanks


Are you able to move some of the circles on the calibration screen up and down using the analog sticks?

No I get nothing.I downloaded the other files that were suggested on other sites to get the ps3 controller to work but I don't know anything about computers so I don't know what to do next.I'm using a PC with Windows 10 if that helps.I also have a radiolink at9 is there a cord that I can use to make that work? Thanks

If you installed Smartpropolus and/or vJoy you could try uninstalling that, it might cause a conflict. Also, make sure you don't have any other joysticks/controllers connected, that might cause a conflict.

As for the AT9 - most people generally have success using a 22-in-1 universal flight simulator dongle or similar when connecting the radios. Don't know if it works with the Radiolink AT9 though. If it has a standard 3.5mm trainer port you could try to use that one as described in the manual

Hi! I would like to suggest to extend the Controller Calibration process by not only asking for moving each stick to one end but to both ends. That case the software could detect the entire working interval of each stick and automatically set Trim and Scale. I always having a hard time calibrating both my controller and FPV freerider to work good together.

Developer (1 edit)

Yes, I will keep that in mind and possibly change the calibration in some future update.

It's very hard though since every single controller/transmitter/radio gives different output, along with all the different dongles/cables etc. and operating system that there is. So often it is unavoidable to do some manual setting up on the radio itself anyway.

thanks but it does not detect any movement at all on the calibration.any cheap easy to use controllers that someone can suggest? Thanks

So I have a Devo 7 (uses the 3.5mm audio plug), and I have a Mac. What do I need to get this connected? I'm sure I need some sort of 3.5mm audio plug to USB conversion, but not sure which one. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Generally most people have luck using a "22-in-1" universal flight simulator USB dongle.

You can have a look at this for some hints and tips:

I have some old 4 channel controller connected via (again, old) ATMega64-based USB "dongle" (really, it is embedded into controller case, so not exactly dongle). It shows at Windows as standard joystick (without any 3rd party drivers), but with unusual channel mapping (I don't know why): Throttle (left hand, vertical) is "X Axis", Yaw (left hand, horizontal) is "Rudder", Pitch (right hand, vertical) is "Y Axis" and Roll (right hand, horizontal) is "Throttle" according to windows standard "Game controller properties / Test".

I'm trying Demo and it doesn't see any channels but "Throttle" (left hand, vertical) which it maps to "Yaw" and show complete garbage, even draw circle out of big square (it can not be trimmed right). So, my controller is unusable :(

Basically it is dumb old full-analog FM controller, it doesn't have any mixers, channel maps or any other settings you could find in modern digital controllers.

Could it be used with FPV Freerider with some software channel remapping? I'm using it successfully with Aerofly Deluxe fixed wing / heli simulator.


You could try vJoy but I don't know if it will help at all.

First off, FreeRider is awesome! I have it on my tablet and have installed it on my windows 10. I can not get either of my controllers to work with the game, I have a devo-10 and a sprektrum dx6. I have tried using the usb and audio cable, I have downloaded smartpropoplus and it won't recognize either controller. I have also taken it to a computer repair shop and they couldn't get anywhere with it either.

At this point I would be happy to buy a cheap usb flight simulator controller if you can recommend one that you would know would work with windows 10 and freerider.

Developer (2 edits)


If you have Deviation installed on the Devo 10 you should be able to just connect it straight via USB, using the model file that is mentioned in the manual. (You might have to uninstall smartproplus for that to work)

The Spektrum should work with a mono audio cable and smartproplus. There are some videos and documents in the first post which might be of help.

I know several people including myself have successfully used a cheap old 4 channel Esky usb controller such as this

but I don't know if you can still get one of those. (The 6 channel HobbyKing variant is known to -not- work with Freerider).

I just purchased the RC TECH DYNAM 6 Channel USB. Freerider callibration does not see it. Any suiggestions on how to get it to work? It does work with RDS PreAlpha but not real smooth (I think it's the sim and not the controller. FreeRider received so many good reviews I was hoping it would work so I went ahead and purchased it. Now I've got nothing.



I too have a Devo10 and had issues getting it to work initially.

Use the model file that is included in the instructions above.
Your model freq will be USBHID.
This should get the computer to acknowledge your xmitter and let you get it set up.

One thing I did notice though was a hinky connection. Windows would continually tell me "USB Device Not Recognized" (Or malfunctioned) ... Once I got Windows straightened out, all went better.

I have a DX6. Did you ever get it to work?

I'm having problems getting either of my controllers working with SmartPropoPlus/vjoy. Both appear to be working properly in Smartpropoplus, but in FPV Freerider the throttle and roll channels are ignored on the Spektrum DX9, and the roll and pitch channels are ignored on the Tactic TTX610. Anything I can try?


You can keep an eye on the little circles on the calibration screen. If you are able to move four of the circles individually with the sticks you should be fine. If the automatic stick detection selects the wrong circle, you can click on the one that you see is the correct one (instead of clicking "ok").

If you are not able to move four of the circles individually you might try to remap the channels to another output in the menu of the radio itself.

Re-mapping the channels worked perfectly, thanks :)


I'm glad to hear that!

Hi there,

I just got the Orange DRX transmitter from hobbyking with the simulator dongle package, and cannot get it to work/recognize it for free rider. I am running the latest Mac OSX as well. Just wondering if anyone knows if it is possible to use this with fpv freerider and if not, other simulators that would work!???



You might find some useful info among the Spektrum hints and tips posted in this thread.

You could also try and email HobbyKing and see if they have some ideas.

Did you manage to get this working? have the same issue.

(1 edit)

FYI, with a Turnigy 9X on Mac with Wireless 9 in1 Simulator Adapter ( works fine set up like this:

1) USB to SIM box does NOT requiere (or work with) a Rx - just connect red SIM box via USB to computer the only way possible

2) set SIM box switch to "Wire", and connect audio cable from SIM box to Tx - REMOVE Tx module from Tx (or place some paper behind it and tape in place!)

3) I've found 3 of the 4 program switch positions work, with various levels of additional channels also working depending on the switch & the program your using (crrcsim, heli-x, fpv freerider) you can get between 4 and 6 channels working (remember to set up in the Tx first!!).

Excellent SIM, my only problem is GPU (and therefore battery) use - even on worst res, temp and fan speed shoot up to max on start up, whilst Crrcsim (admittedly a more basic sim) does nothing at all to temp and battery life - I'd be prepared to sacrifice some (a lot?) GPU power to be able to use the laptop more than 1 hour with FPV Freerider! With Crrcsim it's like I'm not even using a SIM, GPU is almost unused, lasts almost 7 hours instead of 1!!.




PD WTF! After downloading the full version, I tried the SIM on best GPU, and the heat has gone? Not sure yet if more problem of the Demo, but the machine no longer heats up so much ;-)


Thanks for sharing the information!

Glad to hear that you didn't have the heat issue when going over to the full version, hope it keeps working that way!


I use FPV freerider with my own USB wireless dongle .It is working very nice.

(1 edit)


I've modified an open source project called Unojoy to interface my DEVO 7E and RX601 with my computer via an Arduino Uno board so I could play FPV Freerider using my DEVO 7E and RX601 and I've posted a how-to guide together with the source code and other references on my blog at

I believe this will work for any kind of controller + receiver as long as the receiver is using PWM signal to control the servo motor. So, you may want to give it a try if you are stuck..

If you have any comments / questions, please feel free to leave them on my blog. I would love to hear from you.



Awesome, thanks for sharing the info!

THRO = forward 100, AILE = left 100, ELEV = 100 up (or forward, I suppose), RUDD = left 100. These will get a Spektrum

DX6I user most of the way there. You can get the rest of the way there with the DX6I basic trims (below and to the side

of each stick). I did give TRAVEL ADJ - ELEV forward 125% and back 50%.

Where do I find the above settings. ^^^^^^^^^^

Complete newb here.

Developer (1 edit)

Don't own a spektrum radio myself but you should be able to find those settings in the manual:

FPVFreerider worked fine with my RealFlight controller under the previous version of OSX. Upgraded to El Capitan and then upgraded FPVFreerider to the Recharged version. Now the controller is not being recognized by FPVFreerider. The controller is being seen by the OS fine (InterLink Elite: Product ID: 0x0e56 Vendor ID: 0x1781 Version: 61.00 Manufacturer: GREAT PLANES Location ID: 0x00300000). I'm missing not being able to use the sim.


Sorry to hear that it doesn't work after your OSX update. Hopefully some Mac user will be able to help (I'm not one myself)


The Mac sees it fine. FPVFreerider no longer is seeing it.

Turnigy 9xr Pro Setup on Mac el Capitan - Because it didn't exist completely anywhere else, and I am sure I will forget and need this again.

Frimware = ersky9x-pr219

Radio Setup -> Trainer 0 -> Source -> Jack, Trainer 1 -> Source -> Jack

Model -> Mixer -

  1. CH1 -> Src - Thr - 100
  2. CH2 -> Src - Ail - 100
  3. CH3 -> Src - Ele - 100
  4. Ch4 -> Src - Rud - 100

Protocol - PPM2 = On, Follow = 8CH

Module - On

  1. Proto = PPM = 8CH = 300 uSec, PPM FrLen = 22.5Sec, Drive = OpenDrain, 1st Chan =1, Polarity = Neg

General - Trainer = 1

On my USB dongle it is set to G5-G7 as the others never gave me all the channels or worked properly.

Good luck and have fun, I love this program and it has helped b=me so much I cant even describe it. From noobie to pubie :)


Thanks for posting the info, I'm sure that will be of help to some people!

one last comment to my previous post. It was working flaky with the above settings and after more troubleshooting I found that with the module out of the back of the tx I needed to start everything up connected and then turn my tx on and then off and then the blue light started flashing and all works every time.

Hi. I got the last version of FPVFreerider and it was working ok but, suddenly, doesn't matter the direction (left or right) I move my "Roll" stick, the quad only turns to one direction (Left) and I didn't do any change on the radio or on the software or even set something different...I noticed something "wrong" in the quad, then I crashed and after that never was ok again. I'm a Taranis 9xd Plus User. Thanks in advance for your help.

I solved the issue adding 50 to the Curve Differential on the Aileron (Roll) stick on my Taranis radio...the problem is that I have no idea what I did...I was just guessing (or even worst: Why it just the problem started if I did nothing before) so, could you please explain to me what here happened? Thanks again. Regards.


Hi, sorry I missed your post before (didn't realize there was a second page..)

Well, it was strange that the problem just happened suddenly. Don't know why, but I'm glad you found the solution and hopefully it will not appear again (at least now you know what to do :) ) Thanks for sharing the solution!

Hi - I have a FlySky SM600 controller on OS X and it isn't detected in FPVFreerider. Is there some magic to get this to work? Thanks!



Do you any movement in the little circles on the calibrations screen? Are you able to use the controller for any other game?

First you need to make sure that your computer is able to use the controller as a joystick. I don't know a Mac myself so I don't really know how to check that. I know some people are using a piece of software called USB Overdrive, which is a universal USB driver.

You could try that, or hopefully some other Mac user will be able to provide more info.

I have an AT9 controller. When i calibrate no matter what i do both sticks will be backwards (throttle up is down on left stick, move forward is down on right stick). Instead of up on left stick for throttle and up on right stick to move forward. Do you know why that is happening?



If the automatic detection somehow gets it backwards, you could try to simply move the sticks in the opposite direction to what you are supposed to during calibration and see if that helps.

I'v managed to connect my DEVO 7E using Smartpropoplus and vjoy but I have now put Deviation on to the controller which supports USB connections. Looking in Windows 10 Control panel under USB game devices I can calibrate the controller and it all looks great. However when I come to play FPV freerider the calibration does not recognise the stick movements well and on the trim settings the controller sticks are all over the place (off the screen and flick to the top when the stick is moved up). Is it possible that my previous setup using Smartpropoplus have been remembered and are now interfearing with the USB setup. Is there a way to resolve this?


Yes it might be the case that Smartproplus & vJoy is conflicting with the USB connection. My advise would be to uninstall both Smartpropoplus and vJoy, restart the computer, and see if that helps.

my taranis 9x plus only works sometimes. when i go to calibrate it doesn't do anything sometimes. when i go to check devices on windows 10 it says its connected an working fine but the game wont recognize it. sometime after closing game or restarting computer several times it will recognize it but next time i go to play it will do the same thing. i dont have any other usb devices plugged in except for keyboard and mouse. any ideas? other than that love the sim.


this is annoying. finnaly got it to work once again and decided to get recharge now it doesn't work again. no circles moving at all. it only works when the game feels like noticing there is a controller plugged in...guess ill continue the annoying close program open program routine.


Hmm... can't remember hearing any other Taranis user who have had the same issue. Perhaps if there is someone reading this they can chime in.

Did you try to simply connect it to another USB port on your computer?

It sounds like it might be some kind of driver problem (either the computers USB driver or the firmware on the Taranis itself).

I think your right. Keeps giving me errors and only recognizes it some of the time. I've tried deleting driver and reinstalling and updating it but nothing works. I hate computers and I especially hate windows

(1 edit)

i have an eachine i6 controller, does it wok for this game?

Developer (1 edit)

Not familiar with the eachine i6, but if it has a trainer out jack there is a good chance it will work.

Chances are you could use the Smartpropolus method described in the manual and in the Spektrum tips document.

There are also other alternatives, dongles such as:


Hopefully an owner of the eachine i6 can chime in with some more concrete advice.

(1 edit)

I'm trying to connect my Graupner mx24 to FPV Freerider but it wont connect. Windows 10 shows there is a PPM device connected but when i go through the calibration nothing seems to work I've tried PPM10 PPM12 PPM16 and PPM24 in the transmitter setting.

I have a Devo 7 and using a USB dongle (UP02) to connect the USB to the 3.5mm socket. What am I supposed to do with the .ini file on the first page? I see no description in the manual or this thread where to put it.


The .ini file is only for Devo 7E, Devo 10, etc.. that is connected directly via USB.

(The classic Devo 7 has no USB port and is not compatible with Deviation).

You can probably use it anyway, either with your USB dongle or by using the Smartproplus method.

Here is a description of that method:

Ah, ok. I have he UP02 usb to stereo connector.


Not sure if that one works as USB controller cable. I think it is only for firmware updates.

I think you will have more success either with at 3.5mm mono cable along with Smartpropoplus.

Or, with a dongle such as this or this.

Hi, I used the demo version with a logitech controller without any issues. However, now that I try to connect my Protronik PTR6A via the USB-Jack 3,5mm connector, I just get the throttle (on the second dot of the calibration page) and the pitch (on the first dot) to move. Acting on the yaw and the roll of my controller do not show anything on the screen, meaning no dots move. Something that could help solve this is hat on another simulator, the yaw was on the channel 10 and the roll on the 11th. Is there something that could help my solve my problem in the complete version ? thank you for your time. Best regards.


Hi. I'm not familiar with the Protonik, but on most transmitters it is possible to choose with channel the sticks output to.

So you could possibly try and set the yaw and roll to output to some other channel and see if that helps.

Are you using a USB dongle? If so, you can try and uninstall vJoy and/or Smartpropolus if you have those installed.

If it it still doesn't work with a dongle, you could try the Smartpropoplus method described in the manual (and Spektrum tips document).


Hi, thank you for your feedback, I am using a mac, therefore the vJoy and Smartpropolus can't be installed.

I am indeed using a USB dongle. According to you, I should change the settings in my controller (channels linked to yaw and roll) instead of on your software ?That would be so much easier if I could choose the channels directly in the game settings like in

Hotprops for example. I am willing to buy your game if I can install my protronik and stop playing with the logitech controller.

(1 edit)

Hello, I just bought the dx6e of spectrum and I wish I had advice to be able to connect to Freerider. Can someone help me. Thank you all. Terry


If you are are running Freerider on Windows, usually the best method for Spektrum users is the Smartpropoplus method:

You can find some tips in the first post of this thread.

For example have a look at this video:

Is there a transmitter known to work with Freerider on Android 7? I tried a few of those that I found at home, but none of them worked. The device mostly got recognized on the USB level and charging options were shown, but the HID / usbserial / whoknowswhat layer probably didn’t make it through. Some of these devices require USB mode switching (e.g. the one for my Hubsan quadcopters) and for most of them the necessary kernel modules may be simply unavailable on a default Android image. And I don’t want to root this particular phone, so I can’t dig into that too much. Is there a transmitter known to work on Android out-of-the-box? The touchscreen controls are not bad, but I miss self-centering control sticks a lot.


There are lots of transitters/gamepads that work with Freerider on Android.

It will differ on different devices though. Your device needs to support USB OTG. (Not sure if Android 7 makes any difference, I have no experience with that version myself).

Many people are using their Taranis, Flysky, Devo, xbox360, ps3, or universal usb RC transmitters on android for example.You can search for "freerider android" on youtube and you will probably find some tips.

Just to help anyone having a problem getting controllers to work with FPVFreerider, I present my experience:

I've had a problem getting my Taranis Plus working in FPVFreerider. Basically, Windows sees the controller as a joystick device, and I can see the inputs changing the bars and so on in the Windows Joystick properties smoothly, so the controller works ok.

In FPVFreerider, the controller sticks were being seen either full off or full on, i.e. as if they were a switch. no amount of tinkering with gains of offsets helped.

However, I noticed that I also had another joystick device connected, in this case a 3DConnexion 3D Mouse, so I disabled it in device manager. Now my Taranis works flawlessly in FPVFreerider, with the controller calibration now showing the circles changing smoothly instead of either at the bottom or at the top.

I hope this helps someone else.

Developer (1 edit)

Thank you for sharing the information.

Glad you got it working. Yes, often when more than one joystick/controller is connected at the same time it causes a conflict. (Most often it helps to simply physically unplug it from the computer).

Hi, I'm having a bit of trouble getting my controller to work and I'm hoping for some guidance. I bought a Flysky TM912 USB controller. The game seems to recognize it, and the vertical axes on both sticks work. However, the horizontal axes are not recognized at all on the calibration page of the game. The controller works beautifully....but I can only thrust up and pitch forward and roll or yaw. When I go to the controller settings/calibration for the device, I can see that my computer does recognize the inputs from these axes on both sticks but the game doesn't see that at all.


Two things you can try that are also mentioned in the manual:

- Make sure you don't have any other joysticks/controllers connected, that might cause a conflict.

- Make sure you uninstall vJoy and Smartpropoplus if you have that software on your computer, it installs a driver that messes with things.

This is the behavior I get when I simply plug in the controller and have nothing else connected and vJoy is not installed. I believe Smartpropplus doesn't apply to my controller, it's only for controllers that plug in through an audio cable isn't it? I read through the manual before posting on here and didn't see anything on there that could help. I was hoping you someone on here might have some piece of advice.


First of all, thank you for this simulator. I use it on my Android smartphone.

Now I'd like to be able to use it on my PC with the transmitter of my quadcopter.

I bought a H501S from Hubsan, and I would like to know if it is possible to connect the H901A H501S-15 and if so, how to make the connection (cable and software to buy)

If not, what low-cost transmitter do you recommend?

Thanks in advance.


Developer (2 edits)

Thank you, glad you find it useful.

Your transmitter usually needs a USB out port, or a 3.5mm trainer out port. I don't think that hubsan transmitter has either of those, you will have to check.

Some people are using USB RC trainer dummys such as this:

(Not sure if that will work on your computer though).

If you want to use a real transmitter that you can also use for actualy flying the Devo 7E is one of the cheapest alternatives:

(You should know that it doesn't have long range unless you mod it though. The Devo 10 is better in every way in my opinion, but cost twice as much).

The flysky fs-i6 is even cheaper. There are many other alternatives too, my suggestion will have to be to look around and see what suits you best. Also make sure that the one you choose will work on your setup. For some you will need an ordinary USB cable, for some a USB dongle, for others a standard 3.5 mono audio cable works best. For some a wireless receiver such as this is the best alternative.

If you want to spend a bit more money on the hobby, and are thinking a bit more long-term, a lot of people are recommending the Frsky Taranis.

Thank you very much for this fully reply.

I will definitely buy the FrSky transmitter.

I down loaded it after i bought it and it still says it is in demo mode, can anyone help me.. Please

You downloaded the demo version again...

To download your purchased full version of the simulator follow these steps:

  1. click on the V symbol next to your nickname in the upper-right corner of the page
  2. click on "My Purchases"
  3. download the full version from there


I've got Turnigy Evolution connected over USB but can't get YAW to work in fpvfreerider recharged.

Yaw works in all other sims, and is recognized in windows 10 joystick as X rotation.

The controller introduces itself to windows as HK-MT6 emulator.

Is there something I am missing?


Here are some suggestions:

- Make sure you don't have any other joysticks/controllers connected, that might cause a conflict.

- If connecting via USB, make sure you uninstall vJoy and Smartpropoplus if you have them. Their driver messes with things when connecting via USB.

- Make sure you have "Heli" selected as model type on your radio. ("Plane" generally doesn't work very well).

- Perhaps you can remap the yaw output channel (in the menu of the transmitter) so that it sends to another channel.

Sry, I realy searched for a hint - but I seems to be I'm to stupid to get a flysky fs-i6 working with your simulator.

I bought this cable:

Is this wrong??

Developer (2 edits)

The one you linked to seem to be a data cable (for updating the transmitters firmware).

You need a universal USB simulator dongle such as this, or, if the transmitter has a 3.5mm trainer port you can use a standard 3.5mm mono audio cable.

In case you have a spare receiver this wireless simulator dongle is another alternative.

(As always, there is no way that I can guarantee that the suggested products works with your particular setup, the only way to know for sure is to try it yourself)

Hi there,

I have some issues with the Taranis on the mac. The Taranis both works on the FPV Freerider demo + the Recharged demo, but doesn't work on the full version of FVP Freerider itself. The stick input isn't coming through. I tried the fix from a video linked in the first post, but itjust doesn't work with the full version?!


That's weird, the input method for the demo and full version is exactly the same, so it should work. Perhaps you could try restaring your computer, and run the full version before you try the demo, just to be sure that the demo isn't still lingering in memory and somehow interfering with the input on the full version.

Do you see no input whatsoever when you go through the "calibrate contoller" procedure in the full version?

(1 edit)

Demo works fine but bought version crashes. Using Vista :(..... but the demo is fine.

The report window asks me to send the crash file to the developer.


You can email the "output_log.txt" (and "crash.dmp") file to and I will have a look at it.

Does the full version start at all, do you get to the main menu?

Might have to do with the graphics or soundcard drivers, but if the demo is working the full version should to since they are basically the same.

(1 edit)

how can I use tbs tango remote control to freeride..???

Yes please, i need also help for the remote contro Tango to freeride...


Here is what one Tango user has to say:

"FPV Freerider works with the TBS Tango controller on Windows. The Tango needs to be on the latest 1.04 update. You just hold the scan button and power on the controller and Windows will recognize it as a USB controller."

Hope that helps!

i try that but not work... can you give me video, how to conect tbs tango to freerider..???


I have a Dynam USB RC Flight Simulator from RC TECH with integral USB Dongle. I got past the initial Calibration phase but when I got to the screen to test and tweak the trim, I got no response on the screen from the controller.



I know some people have been able to use their Dynam controllers.

- Make sure you uninstall vJoy and Smartpropoplus if you have them. Their driver messes with things when connecting via USB.

- Make sure you don't have any other joysticks/controllers connected, that might cause a conflict.

Do you see any movement of the little circles when going through the calibration phase?

"Dynam USB RC Flight Simulator from RC TECH 6CH Mode 2"

One other strange thing. NO AUDIO! I even installed it on both my laptop and Dual Xeon WS and neither install produces sound.

Would someone please chime in with some advise. I ordered the controller the Developer placed on his website.

6CH G4 XTR5.0 RC Flight Simulator for Helicopter Airplane

Sure hope this one works

Hi there. You say it's known that the Hobby king 6 channel DRX receiver dongle is known to be incompatible with this game but do not say why? Hobby king specifically says it "IS" compatible with FPV Freerider on their website. Can you elaborate on why it doesn't work? Everything works fine with my DX7 with the exception of the aileron channel not be recognized in the simulator. It works fine with the computer & shows fine in the windows 10 setup & calibration. However PFV Freerider doesn't show any movement when calibrating the controller within the simulator. This leads me to believe it's in the FPV freerider software & I was hoping we could work in fixing this so that users can experience sound when flying. I can use Smart Propo Plus & fly but of course that is with no sound & not experiencing the full benefit of this simulator.

Thanks for your understanding & help in resolving this. Any further details you can provide in "why' it's not compatible would be helpful.


A paid FPV Freerider software owner.



Hi, I was referring to this hobbyking 6ch USB controller, which I have received several reports of it not working with the simulator.

Often when only one axis is not working, it can be fixed by trying one of these things:

- Make sure you uninstall vJoy and Smartpropoplus if you have them. Their driver messes with things when connecting via USB.

- Make sure you don't have any other joysticks/controllers connected, that might cause a conflict.

(1 edit)

You guys are awesome! Thank you for the advice & helping me out. After following your instruction to remove Vjoy & SmartPropoPlus, clean restart, & then re-installing the Hobby king USB wireless dongle driver everything works great. I was so happy in the success & being able to use my headphones that I had to go out & purchase the FPV Freerider "Recharged" edition to try the new courses & improved graphics.

Thanks again guys & Merry Christmas!!



Thanks, glad to hear you got it working!

And thank you for supporting PFV Freerider.

Merry Christmas! (I know, very late, but I was away for the holiday and got behind in answering emails...)

A tip for Mac users updating to the latest OS X out there. I've got a Turnigy9XR w/ USB dongle connected to a MacBook Pro that worked great.

With the recent OS X 10.12 udpate though the controller no longer was recognized. I ran an SMC reset: and now everything is running again. Good luck, happy flying.


Thanks for the info, I'm sure that will be of help to people with similar hardware!

Hi peeps,

just wanted to let y'all know that FPV freerider is perfectly picking up on my Turnigy Evolution transmitter. Simply a matter of connecting the micro USB cable and the game picks it up from there. in my case no calibration or any other setting up was needed. truly plug and play.

Not sure is this was already confirmed and I didn't see any mention of it anywhere so i figured i'd let people know just in case anyone is wondering about compatibility with the new Turnigy Evolution transmitter. if u own one, ur good to go.


Thanks for reporting, glad to hear that it works truly plug and play!

no worries, glad to contribute. Happy new year and Keep up the good work! 😊👍

Hi, For some reason, I can't get my Turnigy Evolution to work with FPV Freerider and it is very frustrating. I can see that the computer recognizes the transmitter but when I go to calibrate the transmitter, none of the little circles on the page move when I move around the transmitter sticks. Sometime, only one of the aux switches on the transmitter will move just one of the circles on the calibrate page. I am using Windows 7 on my PC.   When am I doing wrong????  I did not load the Vjoy driver becasue I was afraid it might interfere with my flight yoke for my other flight simulator game. And Yes, I did unplug my other flight yoke when I tried to get the Turnigy Evolution working. Can somebody please help me?? Thanks, Chris

(1 edit)

Hi all! I need a big help!

I've already looked at various forums ... including this one: "

I've already watched this video: ""

I've already consulted the manual as well and I did not find anything that could solve my problem ...

I am using the openTX firmware on the flysky th9x radio and to connect to the computer I am using a USB adapter

When I set up in FPV freerider, the program only recognizes 3 channels.

Please, what is the configuration should I perform on my flysky th9x radio (openTX) to work properly? I'm trying a solution for several days ... please help me!


Often if one channel is not recognized one of these general advice can be of help:

- Make sure you don't have any other joysticks/controllers connected, that might cause a conflict.

- Make sure you uninstall vJoy and Smartpropoplus if you have them. Their driver messes with things when connecting via USB.

- Make sure you have "Heli" selected as model type on your radio. ("Plane" generally doesn't work very well).

- If you are using a USB dongle - check if there's a switch on the dongle where you can select different modes.

- Perhaps you can remap the output channels (in the menu of the transmitter) so that it sends to another channel.

Just wanted to chime in to confirm that the new Turnigy Evolution controller works mint with zero setup under Linux. One of the roomies will test with Windows tonight.

Running Mint 17.2. No setup required.

Developer (2 edits)

Thanks for reporting!

Oh, right, but .. I'm still not positive, but I think it's not switching to mode 4 properly, so I had to fool it during calibration. I sorta suspect this is purely a firmware issue that no one's noticed simply because no one flies mode 4.

Maybe someone else can chime in.

Actually, on that note, why do I have to re-calibrate every time I run the game? Seems like it assumes I'm mode3 or something until I do calibration every time. Is there no saving calibration yet?


It should automatically keep the calibration (as well as other settings). You can alter some values in the custom settings menu and see if those are being saved. If not, perhaps you can investigate so that there is no permission issue that keeps it from saving (I'm not familiar how these things work in Linux). (In linux I believe the Playerprefs are stored under "/home/your user/.config/unity3d").

As you have sort of figured out you select the mode during calibration (by using the stick that you want for each axis, for example, it says "throttle up" on the top of the calibration window and you use the stick you want to assign as throttle. It is described in the manual. The quick mode selection is for touch screen input only). I remember another Linux user reporting a while back that he also had to recalibrate each time. Might have something to do with the joystick drivers if that is the case for you too.

I bought and used your simulator on linux. It's a nice little piece of software and very handy for training! However I have the issue that it is not able to access my joystick/gamepad from '/dev/input/js2'. It is a generic standard 4 axis device that I built according to the instructions in RC Transmitter to USB Gamepad Using Arduino that allows me to connect my Spectrum DX6i Transmitter to my PC. As it is working with e.g. flightgear and other software I have to assume the joystick/gamepad handling in FPV Freerider is not able to recognize it. How can I fix that?


I'm not a Linux user myself and don't know how to configure joysticks in Linux. Hopefully someone who knows will be able to chime in.

At least on Windows, you want to make sure to not have any other joysticks or special input devices such as wacom tablets connected as that sometimes causes a conflict which makes Freerider unable to recognize your joystick.

I used a PS3 controller w/o any problem on the same system with same devices connected - that should be fine.

Is there any way to manually select the device used? Is there a way to output more info for debugging? (If the code would be available I could have a look and try to compile myself.)

(3 edits)

After looking through several forums and playing around with python-uinput (allows to software emulate HID stuff like joysticks) I found that this framework needs a joystick that has at least 1 button in order to use it - having 4 axes only is not sufficient!

On top of what framework was this software written? Is this Source Engine? Or UNITY Engine? I noticed that this console text output pattern ("Using libudev for joystick management") is pretty common. If you could tell me that I would open a bug report there.


That's interesting info, thanks for sharing. Freerider is built with the Unity engine.


Your welcome! I reported it on - hope that helps.

I'm not sure if you ever found a solution, but thanks to the information you provided about needing at least one button I was able to resolve the same issue for myself.

I used Wejoy ( to create a "virtual" joystick with 1 button and 4 axes and just forward the necessary axes from the physical device to the virtual. Hopefully that's useful to you or some future Linux user in need of a fix.

Thank you very much! It works perfectly!

I have ''devo 10'' and ''eachine i6'' transmitters and succesfully use freerider full edition to my PC. On the other hand is not possible to connect my transmitters with my smartphone ''Xioami Mi5''. I search on google and youtube but nobody has the same ploblem.Any advice?


I believe the Xiaomi Mi5 supports USB OTG. If you have an OTG cable you might get it working.

Here for example is one person using Freerider on his android tablet with a Flysky FS-i6 (I think that's the same radio as the Eachine)

Good Afternoon: Need your assistance please.

I have the Hobby King OrangeRX DSMX/DSM2 USB Dongle
Using an Orange T-Six DSM2 Transmitter

I am trying to successfully calibrate to be able to utilize with FPV Freerider Simulator.

When I plug my dongle in as instructed on printout instructions I seem to be successful and it shows up in my Printers/Device List on my PC. Seems to me that I am binding with no issues.

However, when I go to the settings tab and try to calibrate transmitter to computer I do not seem to be getting much response at all. X-axis seems to go left and right but no other axis move when I utilize the sticks on the transmitter.

I have transmitter in ACRO mode is this correct?

There does not seem to be any assistance with this that I have been able to locate that advises me on my issue.

FPV Freerider opens with no issues but if I try to calibrate using that program I get no response whatsoever.

(1 edit)

I cant help you with a solution because I have exactly the same problem. However I dont think its got anything to do with Freerider. I , like you can get the transmitter to bind with the dongle but in any sim I try (DRL,Velocidrone) the result is excatly the same as you describe , only one axis seems to be recognised. I tried the dongle with an old Spektrum Dx4 transmitter I have and it works fine so its something to do with the Orange Tx and the dongle but I cant work out what! They do recommend that you have your transmitter set to HELI but didnt make any difference for me.

Thanks for replying and glad to know that I am not the only one out there with this issue. Spent hours trying to resolve to no avail. All I wanted to do is practice on a drone simulator and had no idea it would be this difficult. I agree this has NOTHING to do with Freerider but some quirky setup on computer I am sure. Sorry that you are facing the same. I guess I will have to see if I can return the dongle as right now it is not useable and look into purchasing a simulator transmitter that should work.

I appreciate your time.

Have a great week.


Your welcome. I've ordered a cable off eBay to see if that works with the transmitter as I'd rather use the Orange one as opposed to the DX4 but slightly disappointing that the dongle doesn't appear to work with a transmitter from the same manufacturer ! I was hoping it might be something simple but I've tried all I can think of to no avail!


Developer (1 edit)

Here are some general suggestions which often helps when one or more sticks are not recognized:

- Make sure you don't have any other joysticks/controllers connected, that might cause a conflict.

- If connecting via USB, make sure you uninstall vJoy and Smartpropoplus if you have them. Their driver messes with things when connecting via USB.

- Make sure you have "Heli" selected as model type on your radio. ("Plane" generally doesn't work very well).

- Perhaps you can remap the output channels (in the menu of the transmitter) so that it sends to another channel.

If none of the above works you could try to connect an ordinary 3.5mm audio cable from the trainer port of the transmitter to the audio-in (or mic-in) jack of your computer, along with a software called Smartpropoplus (Windows only).

There is more info on that in the Spektrum setup tips document: is an linux alternative to SmartPropoPlus.


Thanks for sharing, I will add that info to the manual.

You could also add to the manual, as this is an USB Adapter that works for win, linux and mac as standard HID interface, meaning it does not need any driver. It basically allows you to connect any PPM outputting transmitter (which is a quite big class) as gamepad to your machine. Only thing is you have to build it yourself based on an Arduino - however you can see this as an advantage or a drawback, as you wish... ;) I like it and it for me the preferred way of connecting any transmitter.


Absolutely, I will add it!

Conflict with log Phenix RC
Hello I had a calibration problem on FPVfreerider with FS-i6 and I had Phoenix RC also installed so I think there was a conflict between these 2 programs I deleted Phoenix RC and the drivers now everything works With FPV freerider perfectly!


Thanks for reporting, glad you got it working.

Perhaps Phoenix installed some conflicting driver.


any chance to play it (on MAc) with the RC of my DJI Phantom 3?

Did not see any mention about it....

Thanks for any help,



You can try the free version and see if it works with your controller.

Not sure if the DJI Phantom controller will work. It needs a USB out or trainer port of some kind.

Did try like that, through the USB port, but nothing reacts....


I'm trying to play with USB joystick. First I used a gamepad which worked fine. Then I tried to use my Thrustmaster Topgun Afterburner and I can not even calibrate it since the values jump erratically.

The joystick works fine in other games and also moves correctly in Windows' control panel tester.

When I looked more closely I think that the reason for the problem is that this joystick gives raw values in the range of -128 to 127 - that is it uses signed bytes for raw data. On the other hand my gamepad feeds axes data in the range 0 to 255 - unsigned bytes.

Then after looking again in Freerider calibration I think this is confirmed - when I move the axes in the upper halves (where supposedly they should move between 0 and 127, the sliders in the game move fine, but as soon as I move the axis in the negative half - the slider snaps to the maximum value.

It seems that freerider does not support joystick hardware which gives signed values for the axes. Is it possible to support such hardware?

Thank you!


FPV Freerider does not have the ability to read the values directly, it goes though Unity's input manager (That is used when developing the sim). I can only see that values that is coming through that input manager.

Is your Thrustmaster connected directly via USB, or does it have some other kind of connection/driver?

It is connected through USB - standard HID device, no drivers needed.

I also tested with Unity 5.6.0f3 and the behavior is the same. I don't think there is anything that can be done. Others have also stumbled upon this:

Alas there seems to be no solution.

Anyway ... I've hooked my RC transmitter through vjoy so I'll use that.



Ok, well at least you tried it thoroughly, I guess you might be right that Unity can't read the Thrustmaster properly.

Glad you're able to use your transmitter through vjoy instead.

i cant get my Mode 1 turnigy evolutioin to work, any tips? it picks up the controller but the controlls are all over the place


For most people the Turnigy Evolution seems to be plug and play. In what way do you mean that the controls are all over the place?

(To calibrate for mode 1, keep an eye on the top of the screen. For example when it says "throttle up", use the stick you want to assign for throttle, etc..)

throttle is centered and i cant change it on the toggle, and the pitch and yaw are overly sensitive - and adjusting them in the settings doesnt seem to help


When you check the movement of the sticks on the trim settings screen, does it act correctly?

(You can go directly to the trim settings by selecting "calibrate controller" on the main menu, and then "skip to trim settings")

(1 edit)

I have the Radiolink AT9 and have purchased this USB cable (

I calibrated the control on the full version Freerider software (Mac OS) but the sticks are working only up and down (both sticks). No yaw and row.

It works on different softwares (as de DRL simulator) with same controller and cable.

Any clue what problem is this?



When you go through the calibrate controller procedure, are you able to move four of the little circles smoothly up and down? Sometimes the automatic stick detecting fails, in that case you can click on the little circle that you see is the correct one (instead of clicking "ok)".

Just to tell my experience with Freerider to serve as a warning to people having the same issues.

I have a Futaba Radio (FC 18) connected to the PC ( Windows 10 64bits) through an Aerosim RC dongle.

I have not used Freerider for a long time and today I have played again. To my surprise it did not work as it did before with the Futaba-Aerosim dongle combination.

After some reading through these posts and some investigation I eventually realized that I have installed a virtual USB Joystick driver ( VJoy ) which was the cause of Freerider not reading correctly the inputs from the Futaba radio.

You can disable/uninstall Vjoy or any other virtual Joystick in Windows Device Manager to solve the issue. After disabling Vjoy everything is working as before.

Hope it be of any help.


Thanks for sharing!

(4 edits)


Just downloaded Freerider but I'm having a problem setting it up with my Taranis X7 (which is connected via usb).

The controller is simply not showing up whatsoever (i.e. nothing at all happens, even when I try to callibrate). It does work on both the hotprops and DRL simulators so I'm not sure what the problem could be. I have also gone through the setup video in teh jope a new model would work but this hasn't helped either.

Any insights/advice much appreciated :)

edit: it's windows 10. I have also tried removing 3dconnexion mouse, as well as changining to differeny usb ports on the pc.

update: when I 'centre all sticks' I can see the white dots underneath changing, so it seems like the program recognizes the controller somehow. However still when I calibrate trim, or try to fly there' just nothing :|


If you are able to move the little white circles on the calibration screen smoothly up and down, that's a sign that it's working.

If the automatic stick detection gets it wrong, you can click on the circle that you see is the correct one (instead of clicking "ok").

When you get to the trim screen, you will be able to see if the stick movement is recognized correctly.

And, in case you haven't seen it here's a document describing how you need to setup the Taranis for it to work correctly on Windows:

hi i have connected my flysky i6 and have a couple of issues. the first way i have connected is through the official flysky usb simulator cable and everything works fine nice and smooth except it doesn't pick anything to do with yaw up no movement what so ever. i know the cable works fine as i can pick everything up with the drl simulator. i have then tried to connect through mic port with the smart propoplus software and i can get everything connected and working but i get a couple of dead sections of travel on throttle and left roll. the throttle at mid point stops moving until i get get further up and then it jumps. same with roll left i move the stick to the left and it stops moving on screen until i get half way on sticks then it jumps across. aswell everything is smooth on propoplus software and also on drl simulator so i know it works fine. is there anything you can help me with or advise 

many thanks 


Developer (3 edits)

Here are some general suggestions that often help when one channel is not recognized:

- Make sure you don't have any other joysticks/controllers connected, that might cause a conflict.
- If connecting via USB, make sure you uninstall vJoy and Smartpropoplus if you have them. Their driver messes with things when connecting via USB.
- Make sure you have "Heli" selected as model type on your radio. ("Plane" generally doesn't work very well).
- If you are using a USB dongle - check if there's a switch on the dongle where you can select different modes.
- Perhaps you can remap the output channels (in the menu of the transmitter) so that it sends to another channel.

As for your mic port problem, it sounds like there is some kind of dead zone activated. First of all, make sure that dead zone is turned off in the main menu of Freerider. Second, check if you can turn off the dead zone in the software that you use.

Btw, some Taranis users on linux are experiencing that there is always a dead zone by default. It needs to be turned off by running:

" $ jscal -c /dev/input/js0 "
( source: )

(1 edit)

How about the Turnigy Evolution?
How do I get the Evolution work with FPV Freerider?

EDIT:  Turnigy Evolution works fine with FPV Freerider - it's plug and play (well, calibration makes sense ;-) )


I don't own a Turnigy Evolution myself but I think it should be plug and play, connected via USB. Might depend on what operating system you are running it on. Make sure you don't have vJoy or Smartprpoplus installed when connecting via USB, that might mess things up. Let me know how it goes.

(1 edit)

Thank you very much for your answer!
Actually I have no clue how to connect the Evolution to the computer. If I plug it in, nothing happens (no sound or anything in the device manager). Could this be because of SmartPropoPlus? Shall I deinstall it?

Update: Tried to deinstall SPP, didn't help. I actually think that the USB on my Turnigy Evolution is broken. =(


Since I don't own an Evolution I'm not the best to give specific advice on that radio. But, if you go into the device manager I do believe you should see something like a joystick or HID-device when you connect it, if it's working correctly. Maybe you can find some info in the manual of the radio.

The USB in the first Turnigy was broken.
So i got a new one and gotta say the Turnigy Evolution works fine with FPS Freerider! =) Plug & Play


Thanks for reporting back, I'm glad to hear you got a new one and that it's working fine!

what looks to be a new issue on OSX / macbook ...

during the calbration process and before each flight, the software sees the sticks as all at their minimum range (not centered).

To work around it during calibration, just wiggle the sticks on the first screen before clicking ok.  You will see the little circles "wake up" and go to  center position.  However where it gets annoying is you need to wiggle sticks before each takeoff.


That is an issue with Unity's input manager (The sim is developed in Unity). It seems to be more pronounced on some devices/operating systems. I have been unable to find a solution. the best workaround I found for now is to add a small delay so that the player has time to move the stick a bit so that it "wakes up". (It just needs to be nudged a small amount).

Hi, I'd like to share a problem I encountered with my DEVO 7 on my Mac laptop.  The problem I had was during calibration, the pitch channel was not being seen but all the other channels were working correctly.  So to resolve this, I changed a couple settings on my transmitter.  The settings were noted on a thread over on the forum that I'll link below.

For the connection between my laptop and the DEVO 7, I'm using the FMS USB RC Flight Sim adapter cable I bought on eBay.  It's from China, so it took a couple of weeks to get here but for $9, it's well worth the investment!

As for the transmitter settings, I created a new model under the Model menu (copied the model for my F210 and renamed it SIM). Then verify your type is set to AERO, not Heli (it did weird things to the throttle channel in my experience). Now for the actual settings under the Function menu, select EL-FL and set POSOU to + 100% and POSOD to +100.  The thread I'm referencing can be found here.  Just don't forget to go back and select your actual model when you go and fly your actual might not want to fly with those two changes!


Thank you for sharing your solution/settings!

Hello tried to setup my Futaba 18SZ to use with FPV Freerider. Bought the RC USB Flight Simulator Cable for Realflight G7 / G6 G5.5 G5 Phoenix 5.0 Flysky FS-I6 FS-TH9X FS-T6 FS-CT6B USB Dongle  but noticed that this doesnt work. Which USB dongle do you use for Futaba?

Thank you for your help.



It might be that you need to change some settings on the transmitter itself. I found this info on another forum:

"For Futaba 18SZ - You'll need to configure the Trainer Port function;
Linkage menu > Trainer 
Teacher/Student - Student
Channel mode - 8 Ch

Both stereo and mono adapter cables appear to work with the Futaba trainer port, however caution is required here. A correctly wired adapter when installed turns the Futaba 18SZ and 14SG on. "

Source and more information:

I have a Turnigy Evolution Transmitter and can not get it to work with FPV Freerider. When I go to the calibrate page, my controller does not move any of the little dots on the page. I do see in Control Panel that my transmitter is present, as it is called a "HK Emulator".  How do I get the Evolution to work with FPV Freerider?? Thanks, Chris


The Turnigy Evolution most often seem to simply work plug&play. You might want to try and see if you can calibrate it as a joystick in Windows own calibration, just to see if it is properly recognized. (In the Control Panel).

Also you might check:

- Make sure you don't have any other joysticks/controllers connected, that might cause a conflict.
- Uninstall vJoy and Smartpropoplus if you have any of that software installed. Their driver messes with things when connecting via USB.

Tried it on Windows in a VirtualBox VM - worked perfectly (except of course the graphics isn't the best and is a bit laggy).

Tried it on Linux next: The throttle axis settings were switched up. Up was left, Right was down. I ran it again, problem disappeared, but the calibration was still buggy. I have managed to set the trim & scale settings manually to make it work, now it's running fine. Awesome!

Restarted the program in Linux: it forgot the calibration settings. It's messed up again, axises on the throttle are switched up again.

So questions:

1) Any way to make the Linux version save the settings?

2) How to make the Linux version display on a specific monitor? I have 4 and it always picks the one furthest away from me.

Thanks in advance. Ps. I'm heading to buy the software anyway. In the worst case I can continue to use the choppy Windows version, but hopefully you can help me to make the Linux version work properly (and not have to re-calibrate every time).

Developer (3 edits)

1. I remember a few other Linux users had the same problem, at least one can be found a bit further up in this thread. Don't know if he managed to find a solution.

It should automatically keep the calibration (as well as other settings) in Linux as well as on all other platforms. You can alter some values in the custom settings menu and see if those are being saved. If not, perhaps you can investigate so that there is no permission issue that keeps it from saving (I'm not familiar how these things work in Linux). (In linux I believe the Playerprefs are stored under "/home/your user/.config/unity3d").

Good thing that you at least managed to get it calibrated properly. As you probably noticed - if one axis is reversed, you can simply reverse it in the trim settings (Click "Calibrate Controller" on the main menu and then "Skip to trim settings")

My guess is that the whole thing has to do with the joystick drivers on Linux not being consistent in some way.

Some Linux users seem to have success using this program:

2. In Windows there's a command line parameter -"adapter N" that can be used to select which monitor you want to run it. That only works on Windows though as far as I know. Hopefully someone who is more knowledgeable in Linux will be able to chime in.

( Here is a list of the runtime command line parameters: )

1/a. I only managed to calibrate it once when the two directions weren't mixed up, but it got messed up again when I started the program the third time.

1/b. It wasn't an axis being reversed (up is down, down is up), it was the two changed up (up is left, down is right). So there's no way to fix it on Linux at the moment.

1/c. I'll check out wejoy, thanks.

End result: I'm using my laptop instead, booting win10. Having loads of fun. I'm still terrible at it but in my defense I'm starting from Acro with high rates so it will take a while. Sometimes it clicks and I make a bit of progress and it feels awesome. I probably won't even try flying my quad for a few more weeks before I get the hang of the controls.


1b: If the automatic stick detection gets the sticks messed up, you can click on the little circle that you see is the correct one (instead of clicking OK) when going through the calibration procedure.

Glad that you are able to use it on your laptop at least. I'm sure you will find that any practice you put in will pay off later in real life flying.

Deleted 6 years ago
Deleted 6 years ago

First of all you can try to simply connect your QX7 directly via USB cable, that usually works well.

As for the Orange RX dongle, according to HobbyKing "Mac users will need to download the relevant HID drivers", perhaps you could check with them (or wherever you bought the dongle) if they have suggestions on how to get it working right.

Deleted 6 years ago

I looked through the comments but didn't find my exact situation. I have the FlySky SM 600 controller. What do I need to do in order to get this to work with FPV Freerider? It almost works...I get throttle and pitch, but no yaw or roll, no matter what I do. I tried everything that I could think of last night, spent a good 3 hours playing around with it. Any help would be appreciated

In fact the controller that I have is one that is listed at the beginning of this forum, as a controller that is supposed to work with this software: 

 6ch Flight Simulator, what am I missing here?


Usually when some channels work but not others it is because there's a conflict with some other input device. Make sure you don't have any other joysticks/controllers/graphics tables connected at the same time.

Also,  make sure you uninstall vJoy and Smartpropoplus if you have them. Their driver messes with things when connecting via USB.

(And, some controller works just fine on some hardware/operating systems, and not so well on other. Therefore there is never I guarantee that any particular controller will definitely work on your particular system).

hhmm. Well I'm not aware  of any other devices being installed.  I guess I fall into the "no guarantee" category

OK just a little followup here. I did manage to get my controller working after all (with some help from a friend.) In my case, the controller has 4 settings that you can choose for it to emulate different modulation schemes. We got it to work with the  switch that is at the bottom of the controller set to the second setting from the bottom. It says something like ACR or something like that . Sorry but I don't have it in front of me right now.  But with it set there we did get it to work on Windows 10. However it would not work properly on my Windows 7 computer. Obviously your mileage may vary, but hopefully this might help someone else out

I'm using a Sony PlayStation joystick on Windows 10 and some sort of converter to USB. I see Windows has recognized the USB input as a Twin USB Joystick in settings, but nothing happens at all in the calibration screen. PS: There are no lights on the joystick lighting up but the blue converter box has a light on. It really feels like there is no "power" or that the joystick is on?

Thanks in advance,


First I apologize for not looking thru this forum. I didn't see a search for it and about 3 pages in, I gave up looking for my solution. My controller did have an on/off switch for ANALOG so eventually I left that on. I used a tutorial from YouTube on how to calibrate my Twin USB Joystick in the Device Managers settings: Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\Devices and Printers | right-click it. And at first, that didn't work. I had two joysticks listed under that window. I kept doing it over and over again with the first one listed. When I selected the second, joystick listed, I could finally see movement on the screen. I calibrated there and then I calibrated inside of FR and it finally worked.

I did have to re-calibrate a few more times because I was losing some control in the right stick.

(2 edits)


I saw other people got my problem. I run macOS 12.10.5 and my Taranis Q X7, although being recognized by macOS and usable with other apps where you can choose which controller you want to use, is not recognized in FPV FreeRider at all. Circles don't move and I have no idea what to do. My Turnigy-i6s works fine in comparison.

Do you know what is going on? Thanks!


Usually the Taranis should be plug and play on macOS. Make sure you don't have any other controllers/joysticks/tablets connected, that might cause a conflict. Also, if you have installed some kind of custom USB driver such as USB overdrive, that might be something worth looking into.

Nothing else is plugged in and no custom USB driver is installed. I'll try with other Mac, but it's really weird considering it works flawlessly with a Turnigy i6s.

Deleted 6 years ago


Everything works with my Turnigy i6s so the set up is good, and you don't really need a USB dongle with Taranis radios because of the mini-USB port, it's automatically recognized as an HID device. It's detected by my Mac and works great with other software asking you which input controller you want to use (crrcsim for example). Freerider just doesn't seem to want to choose it, it's weird…


Can anyone help me calibrating Taranis Q X7 for android device? I've tried to do it on numerous devices like LG G4, Nvidia Shield K1 or Philips Android TV and there's always something wrong with yaw, throttle or pitch. All the devices seem to recognize my Taranis Q X7 but its calibration sucks :( I love FPV FreeRider on my Windows 10 laptop but it would be great to use it on mobile device, so I could take it with me everywhere.  I'll be very thankful for your help :)

Developer (1 edit)

As it works fine on your Widows 10 machine I presume you have the Q X7 set up with a model according to the Taranis Windows setup guide. 

On Android it usually works plugged in using a default model. That is, don't use your windows model setup on your Taranis, try with a default model setting and see if that makes a difference.

With the default model setting it works like a charm!!!! Thanks a lot, you`re great and FPV FreeRider is worth every penny!!! Now I can take my simulator even to work and practice on my lunch break :) :) :) :)

(1 edit)

hey guys good afternoon,

i have a sony xperia z5 and i'm connecting my android phone with the otg cable to ps4 controller but wasn't recognized by my xperia. However, it was recognized in wireless and bluetooth, but the game not recognized the gamepad when is linked.  Maybe i'm doing something wrong or devices are not compatible. Can you give me a hand? thanks guys. Att. Nicomaster

ok, i got it, the control is linked, but now i can not set the fpv mode in 3D to watched with the googles, help!

Developer (1 edit)

Glad to hear you got it recognized.

Side-by-side 3D is not implemented yet, so for now if you want to use goggles you need ones that have a single fresnel lens (so that you see the entire screen with both eyes).

Thanks for your reply guys, do you have possible date when is gonna be available the Side-By-Side, 3D Implemented?

Cheers, and thanks for such a great simulator :)


There are other things higher up the to-do list, so no dates for now. But that doesn't mean I have forgotten about it :) Thank you for the feedback!

Thank for your feedback!!!! Keep the great job!!!!!!! 

Hi there,

first of all, thanks for this super nice game! I used it on macbooks a lot. I recently switched to a freshly installed windows 10 64 machine with the same usb dongle from before and here it goes: freerider recharged does not see the joystick input anymore.

I am using a dongle that looks exactly like this one:
(the one that is also linked in one of the support pdf files:

Now, windows 10 sees the joystick interface in the windows game controller settings (labeled as 'PPM'). Windows lets me also calibrate all axis as excpected. I also moved the PPM gamecontroller entry to index 1. Nothing helped so far.

I also tried other random generic joystick hardware, which is recognized by windows, but not by freerider recharged.

Any ideas?

Best Regards

Developer (2 edits)

Hi there and thank you! Hmm does it not see the joystick input at all?

That is, are you not able to move any of the little circles on the calibration screen up and down?

What kind of radio are you using?

Sometimes there's a conflict if you have other joysticks/controllers/input devices connected at the same time (even Wacom tablets can sometimes cause a conflict)

Best Regards

Thanks for the reply! Yes, i was not able to move the circles.

Except now, after i uninstalled drivers for a 3D Connexxion Space Navigator. After this uninstall everything works as usual.

Unfortunately i need this space navigator for work, so either i uninstall/install that 3dconnexxion drivers at every freerider session, or there might be a fix in the future.

Best Regards

Hi, great simulator/game :)

I just spent a couple of evenings figuring out how to get my FS-i6 radio connected to my Linux Mint 18.2 computer. Figured I could share my procedure. 

1) Aquire or DIY a trainer cable to use with the computers microphone input. (I tried a cheap USB audio dongle as well, but the resolution on the input was quite bad!)

2) I found the following branch of ppm2tx to work on my computer after installing some missing packages: 

3) Connect controller, turn it on, launch ppm2tx, enjoy!

Before doing this, I already tested Freerider with my Arduino Micro hacked Esky USB controller, and it worked perfect!


Thank you for sharing, I'm sure that will be of help to others!

Could somebody pease help. I have a futaba 6exa and have recently purchased a 4 in 1 flight simply USB cable and dongle but when I go into calibration only 1 input per stick is being recognised although it all works fine on the other included simulators. Any help would be greatly appreciated.  :)


Here are some general suggestions that often help when a few of the channels are not recognized:
- Make sure you don't have any other joysticks/controllers connected, that might cause a conflict.
- Make sure you uninstall vJoy and Smartpropoplus if you have them. Their driver messes with things when connecting via USB.
- Make sure you have "Heli" selected as model type on your radio. ("Plane" generally doesn't work very well).
- Check if there's a switch on the dongle where you can select different modes.
- Perhaps you can remap the output channels (in the menu of the transmitter) so that it sends to another channel.

thank you for the reply free rider.  I'll have a look to see if I need to uninstall the programs and I had acro selected so maybe swiching to heli may help. As for reassigning  channels the tx is not that advanced.  I'll keep you posted as to the outcome :)

yeeehaaa I have got it to work. It seems the problem was that I didn't have the tx selected to heli as heli is not available on the futaba t6exa so I swapped to a futaba ff8 and it works perfectly.  I will be upgrading to the full version soon. Can the fpv camera angle be changed in the full version?  Thanks again fpv freerider :)

Developer (1 edit)

Great, glad to hear you got it working! Yes, the fpv camera angle can be changed in the full version. Thanks!

Kudos for providing Linux support (running Fedora 27)!  Bought a cheap USB cable, plugged it in (Turnigy 9xrPro) and it worked right out of the box!

Question - every time I run Freerider I have to calibrate my controller.  Is there a way to 'save' the initial config and reload it when starting?

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks! Glad to hear it's working on your setup.

It does in fact save the config automatically, and once you have calibrated you should never have to do it again. But, I have got several reports from Linux users that the calibration does not save (or that it suddenly 'disappears'). I haven't been able to find out why though. Perhaps it's has something to do with permissions - Unity (that is used for development) stores the data under /home/your user/.config/unity3d 

You could try checking that location to see if the data seems to save or not.

Or, perhaps Unitys input manager is not working very well with all Linux distributions.

Hi. Ive been trying for days to get my new TaranisX9d Plus to be recognized by Freerider. Ive been through the Windows Joystick setup numerous times and its all working fine. I can use it on Velocidrone and Liftoff but no matter what  do when I load Freerider I dont even have an option of a USB Controller. The only option available is for a keyboard. I even completely removed the drivers and reloaded them. My Laptop is only a week old. Where do I go from here???? I would really like to use Freerider


There is always an option for USB controller, just click the button on the right side of the main menu repeatedly to toggle input mode.

(USB Controller/Keyboard/Touchscreen)

For it to be recognized correctly on Windows you need to set up the endpoints according to this document:

(There is also some general tips in the manual).

I just downloaded the demo, and it's not detecting my controller. It's the linux version running on Fedora 28. My transmitter is the FlySky fs-i6x which is connected via a BetaFlight controller. I've tested the controller in Flightgear and the joystick is automatically detected there.

Are there any logfiles, or other settings which I can try to get the controller detected?

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

I'm not a linux user myself so I'm not going to be able to be of much help here. If you have any other joysticks/controllers/drawing tablets connected at the same time you can try to disconnect those, having more than one can cause a conflict.

You might know of the jscal joystick calibration program, you could try playing around with the setting there.

Are you seeing any movement on any of the little circles as you go through the "calibrate controller" procedure in Freerider?

Hi! I bought the program and it starts both in ubuntu and in widows, and this is a good thing. I have two radios, one is the Devo7 and the other is the Flysky FS-I6S and of these radios I also have the original usb cables, and that's a good thing.

The problem is my ignorance in connecting and making these three things work.
I would like to run FPV Freerider on ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS and the Devo7 radio, who can help me by guiding me step by step? I am sixty years old and my brain is no longer elastic ;(

Developer (2 edits)

Your best bet to find specific instructions for your particular setup would be to search around for youtube videos and/or forum posts from people who have similar equipment. 

Since you have the Devo 7 that does not have a USB port it becomes a bit more tricky. You will need to connect it via the trainer port instead.

On Windows that would be pretty easy using a software called Smartpropolus. I haven't been able to find a similar software for Linux.

(Devo 7E in combination with Deviationtx would be easier since that can act as a USB joystick)

You might also be able to use a universal 22-in-1 USB dongle such as this.

Not sure if it works on Linux.

(You might also be able to connect it via  a wireless USB dongle in combination with a receiver for the Devo 7, I wouldn't really recommend going down that path unless you are willing to do a lot of research though).

It might just be easier to get a USB dummy controller such as this:

Not sure if that works on Linux either though. So in summary, I cannot give a definite answer for such specific and hmm shall we say tricky equipment. There are so many Linux distributions and variations, you need to try it on your own setup to know what will work for sure.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello is the freerider compatible with the frsky XSR-Sim USB dongle? I am trying to use it but the freerider does not detect all channels  but if I use same radio taranis qx7 with other dongle rx2sim, it works perfectly but  I want to use the new frsky XSR-Sim dongle. 

I tried in another computer and same problem.


Yes it should work. I believe you need to have TAER channel order set up on your radio.  You can have a look at this video for instructions:

Hope that helps!

the frsky dongle works perfectly with others sims like liftoff but no luck with fpv freerider  ,


Are there a few channels that are giving input during the calibrate controller procedure, and some that does not? (You should see the movement of each stick represented by one of the little circles above the OK button)

In that case you can check:

- Make sure you don't have any other joysticks/controllers connected, that might cause a conflict.
- Make sure you uninstall vJoy and Smartpropoplus if you have them. Their driver messes with things when connecting via USB.
- Make sure you have "Heli" selected as model type on your radio.("Plane" often doesn't work very well).
- Perhaps you can remap the output channels (in the menu of the transmitter) so that it sends to another channel.

hi thanks for reply, I don't have any other controller connected, and I don't have installed vjoy, please see the video I uploaded on YouTube and you Cann see the problem, I tried in a tower pc and a  laptop and I have the  same problem 


Thank you for the video. Have you tried setting up your transmitter according to the Taranis setup document?

I think it might work if you do.

dear developer, I want to let you know that it is solved now after put the  new settings in my taranis. thank you very much 


Thank you, I'm glad to hear that solved it!

Thank you for replying and finding a solution to the problem.  I too had the same exact issue that jaseduar10 was having.  Freerider works perfectly without any modification to model settings when connected to either directly to USB, or using HobbyKing Orange FrSky USB Dongle wirelessly.  But i feel the problem should be addressed.  XSR-SIM works with other Sims without any model settings.  Why is FreeRider interpreting inputs incorrectly when connected with XSR-Sim USB dongle only?  I have many sims, but Freerider is the one I come back to when I need to refresh my thumbs when I haven't flown in awhile.  But if we make model settings on the X9D, makes me feel differently about using FreeRider as a "Sim".  

Thanks for all your support


FPV Freerider is developed in Unity and uses Unity's input managed. I can only read what is coming through the input manager. 

With the benefit of hindsight perhaps I should have used another input manager, but currently I am hesitant to make any major changes to the input method since that might cause unexpected issues for people who have it set up working fine as it is now.

So when you have multiple joystick controllers/drivers it doesn't let you select which you are using.  So if you arnt using the first one it detects you are screwed. (at least that's how it seems like its acting)  Any way to fix that? Controller works fine with all other sims. Thanks!

Developer (1 edit)

Yes that's a known issue, I haven't managed to find a fix for it without changing the very core of the input system (which I am reluctant to do since that might cause other issues), so you will have to work around it by only have your controller connected.

I think this is an important change. I have like 8 controllers connected between VR, Flightsticks, and XBox controller.

I just ordered a FlySky i6 transmitter. Will FreeRider work with this unit?



Yes many people are successfully using that transmitter with Freerider, so it should work. 

You can have a look at this video for an example on how to get it connected:

There are also many other videos that show how to do it.

I have flown the Freerider Simulator for almost 2 years now, but on my old computer.. (WIndows 7, I think).. I now have a new computer, WIndows 10, and am using the same FrySky controller AND dongle and cord.  It will not recognize the same controller, dongle, and cord.. Is there a NEW dongle and cord that I need to purchase?  I am trying to train other pilots, so I am steering them in your direction to buy the simulator package and hardware and log into Freerider FPV... Any help would be greatly appreciated..


You should still be able to use the same equipment. The input system of FPV Freerider is the same. 

Note that if you are using a FrSky 9X/Frsky Q X7 or similar you should be able to connect it directly via USB cable (no need for a dongle). There are lots of youtube videos that shows how that is done, a collection of links is at the very first post of this forum thread.

(3 edits) (+1)

Thank you so much... I will try it... Just got a NEW cable in from EBay..  I am using the FlySky FS-I6 controller, actually the exact same controller that is used in the video posted just above...  It has the connector for the back of the transmitter and a second smaller cord that makes it a USB (red light inside).. When these are used together, it works fine.. This has been the one that has always worked in the past with my old laptop and Windows 7..

With apologies, I got fat fingers.. I meant FLYSKY FS-I6

Hello. Thank you for perfect simulator! I have one issue on linux. Simulator not see joystick with pid/vid 16c0:27db (Van Ooijen Technische Informatica Keyboard), with 16c0:27dc (Van Ooijen Technische Informatica Joystick) all fine. In windows and in crrcsim all works too. Is it possible to add 27db support to linux version?


Thank you, I'm glad you like it! I'm not exactly sure what you mean since I'm not a Linux user myself. However, in short, I don't have direct control over the input - I can only see what comes through Unity's input manager (I use Unity for development). Therefore any device needs to be correctly recognized by the Unity input manager to work.

Thank you for answer. I found how to add device to Unity project, but not sure,  if it help someone except me. May be simpler to fix joystick.

Just changed PID on working device to 28db (Keyboard), and ... It still working 
Problem not in PID, will look further...

(2 edits) pitch channel moves this third circle, not my roll. Still wouldn't be a big deal here as I could always swap my roll and pitch channels on the Taranis. If I move my pitch up and hit OK it is saved as roll and the roll turns green; finally, when it asks for pitch. This controller is fast and long running hardware, because it has good pcb assembly and the efficient design.


Hi, sometimes the automatic stick detection gets it wrong.
Keep an eye on the little circles as you go through the calibration.
You can manually click on the circle that you see is the correct one for each stick (instead of clicking "OK")
Hope that helps!

can I connect my Flysky fs i6 sir... i have a ca

ble USB


Yes, you can have a look at some tutorial videos on how to connect it. For example:

There are many more videos that show how to do it, you can try searching for "flysky i6 freerider" on youtube for example.

Also there are some general advice in the user manual.

Hi everyone

I just bought the simulator and tried to connect my Taranis Q X7
The radio control firmware is opentx-x7, version 2.2.3 of 2019/01/07

I did the procedure found in "Taranis Setup (PDF)", then I found this video on youtube and this one taken from the first page of this thread, but the channels of the remote control are not detected in the right way. Only 2 of 4 work correctly.

Windows correctly sees the device. Opening the property page, the slides I see move correctly in relation to what I do in the radio control

What am I doing wrong?

thank you


When you go through the calibrate controller procedure, are you able to move four of the little circles with the sticks?

Sometimes the automatic stick detection gets it wrong. Keep an eye on the little circles as you go through the calibration. You can manually click on the circle that you see is the correct one for each stick (instead of clicking "ok")

If there are less than four circles moving as you go through the calibrate controller procedure you can try these things:

- Make sure you don't have any other joysticks/controllers connected, that might cause a conflict.
- If connecting via USB, make sure you uninstall vJoy and Smartpropoplus if you have them. Their driver messes with things when connecting via USB.
- Perhaps you can remap the output channels (in the menu of the transmitter) so that it sends to another channel.

Tthanks for your advice

the problem was another USB device
now everything works fine

all the best
thank you


Great, I'm glad to hear that you found the solution.

(1 edit)


I'm looking forward an affordable radio controller (I'm a beginner) which works well under linux (LinuxMint 19 'Tara'). Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance!


First of all, if you happen to have an Xbox/Playstation controller (or similar gamepad with two analog nubs) laying around you can try that first of all. That will not give very accurate control though. It is way better to use an actual RC transmitter.

If you are thinking of getting into the hobby more seriously my best advice would be to get a good RC transmitter right away which you can use to fly your real quads as well as practice on the simulator. For example the Taranis Q X7  is a popular radio which is good value for money I would say. It is highly likely that it will work as a joystick on your Linux machine, connected directly via USB, but you will have to try to know for sure if it works on your setup. 

Thx!! After researching I think I'll go with the Taranis...

Hi.. Need Help..

I've used jumper T8SG V2 Plus to play FPV reader and it works in my PC using windows 10.....  but when I moved to use my laptop that still using windows 10, the T8sg is not full recognize by windows 10. I've calibrated it and the Y rotation is not working/detected... How to fix it?

Please Help...


Since it works on your desktop computer it should work on your laptop too. Here are some general suggestions that often help when one channel is not recognized:

- Make sure you don't have any other joysticks/controllers connected, that might cause a conflict.
- If connecting via USB, make sure you uninstall vJoy and Smartpropoplus if you have them installed. Their driver messes with things when connecting via USB.
- Make sure you have "Heli" selected as model type on your radio. ("Plane" often doesn't work very well).
- Perhaps you can remap the output channels (in the menu of the transmitter) so that it sends to another channel.

You could also simply try plugging it into another USB port and see if that makes a difference.

Hi...Thanks for your help.. it works now.. :) 

thanks a lot... :)


Great, glad to hear it's working now!

(1 edit)


Under MacOS the PS3 / PS4 / XBOX controller works correctly? without a dongle?

I am on Mac OS Catalina and I do not know what to buy as a PS3, PS4, XBOX360, XBOX ONE controller?

Which one works 100% under catalina?
Thank you


Sous MacOS la manette PS3/PS4/XBOX fonctionne correctement ? sans dongle ? 

Je suis sous Mac OS Catalina et je ne sais pas quoi acheter comme manette PS3, PS4, XBOX360, XBOX ONE ?

Lequelle fonctionne a 100% sous catalina ? 



Can't speak for what controllers will work best on your setup (especially since I don't even own a Mac myself), generally I would recommend using an actual RC radio most of all. There are models with USB connection possibility that can be found about for the same price as a Playstation/Xbox controller. And actual RC radio will give a lot more fine control. Also, since gamepads have self-centering throttle they will never be really ideal for simulator practice.

(1 edit)


The important issue is that the USB drivers are almost messed up in all the three individual ones in a PC or laptop. One solution was to connect a power usb hub or in my case my hard disk had extra slots of usb that can be accessed by the pc or laptop. Then calibrate it again and save the model. Sometimes it does not work, then while calibrating try the reverse directions of the yaw or roll or whichever is messed up and finally invert them, all these have to be done is completely new usb  not the old ones. Hope this helps.

This is for windows 10. but still try for mac as well.

Developer (2 edits)

Thanks for sharing the information. Hmm it's strange that you have to re-do the calibration, you really shouldn't have to do that if you got it right once. In case it looses the calibration or there is some strange behavior like not all axis are working, it's usually some conflict with another USB device. If you have more than one input device connected at the same time (another joystick, drawing tablet etc..) that can cause a conflict.

(It might also be a problem with the USB driver. For example if you have installed vJoy/Smartpropoplus or similar software, that might cause a conflict with the USB driver).

I checked and I have no conflicting usb drivers and no other devices connected.  But I agree the usb drivers are the problem but we can conclude without the above mentioned conflicts there can still be room for error. Few months back It was working great actually without any hassle...

Developer (1 edit)

Well, since it was working before my guess is something has changed in your operating system (There has been no changes to the input method in Freerider). I know a lot of Windows 10 users started having problems with their USB drivers some weeks back due to an automatic Windows 10 update. You might need to revert to the old drivers, you can find more information and a possible solution here:

Windows 10 USB driver fix

I recently got an FrSky Taranis X9 Lite and i'm trying to get it to work but my windows PC isn't designating it as a controller, I've watched a bunch of videos and don't everything in them but I still cant get it to connect. 


Did you select "Joystick" as you connect it (not mass storage)? Do you see it as a joystick/HID-device in your Windows Control Panel>Devices and Printers ? You need to make sure that the radio is recognized as a joystick by your operating system first of all. If you are not able to get help here or by youtube videos my best bet would be do try to get help in a dedicated Taranis X9 Lite thread on the RC Groups forum for example.

Its set up as a joystick but my computer is not showing it as a joystick in devices, its showing as unspecified. I looked up more and it says something about the new USB drivers in the latest windows update not allowing taranis controllers to correctly interface with the computer.

I got it to recognize it on my computer now but when i calibrate my controller its not calibrating yaw and roll.

Developer (3 edits)

Yes, there was an automatic Windows 10 update that rolled out some weeks ago that broke the USB drivers. If anyone else is having a similar problem you can find more information here:
Windows 10 USB driver fix

Here are some general suggestions that often help when one or more channels are not recognized:
- Make sure you don't have any other joysticks/controllers connected, that might cause a conflict.
- If connecting via USB, make sure you uninstall vJoy and Smartpropoplus if you have them installed. Their driver messes with things when connecting via USB.
- Make sure you have "Heli" selected as model type on your radio. ("Plane" often doesn't work very well).
- Perhaps you can remap the output channels (in the menu of the transmitter) so that it sends to another channel.

Please note that during the calibrate controller procedure in Freerider, sometimes the automatic stick detection gets it wrong. If needed, it is possible to manually override the automatic stick detection 
Keep an eye on the little circles above the OK button. Instead of clicking OK you can click on the circle that you see is the correct one for each channel. (You will still need to keep the stick all the way in the direction shown while clicking in order for the calibration to work correctly).

There is more information in the user manual and Taranis setup document.

Hey i've tried to use 3 differents xbox controllers and in fpv freerider, on the 3 controller, the right stick dont work. All the axes are stuck and in windows game controller manager everything is fine and it work fine in other games. Anyione can help me?


I see, you get the same result with all three controllers?

Often when only one axis is not working, it can be fixed by trying one of these things:

- Make sure you don't have any other joysticks/controllers connected at the same time, that might cause a conflict.

- Make sure you uninstall vJoy and Smartpropoplus if you have them. Their driver messes with things when connecting via USB.

Keep and eye on the little circles above the OK button as you go through the Calibrate Controller procedure in Freerider. You should be able to move some of the circles smoothly up and down using the analog sticks. Sometimes the automatic stick detecting gets it wrong, in that case you can manually click on the circle that you see is the correct one (instead of clicking 'ok"). (You will still need to hold the stick fully in the direction shown for the calibration to work correctly).


Thank you a lot! there  was a conflict with my t16000m joystick! that was so simple! sorry for disturbing you and thanks again!!


I'm glad you managed to get it working!

Hi. Just looking for a bit of info regarding calibration of a controller via usb. I have a Betafpv Literadio 2 controller that shows up as a (Beta FPV Taranis joystick)  in the game controller section of my pc, but the sticks are all out of whack (in Freerider calibration I get semi smooth response from 2 directions on each stick, but the opposite 2 directions on each stick go straight to max input from the opposite direction (when ever you go past centre position) if that makes sense at all...). Had a look to see what I am getting in windows - game controllers> properties> test area. Left stick is giving me Z Axis & X Rotation input, right stick is giving me X Axis & Y Axis input. Are these the correct inputs or do I need to remap somehow?Thanks in advance.


Hi, from what you describe it sounds like you need to set up the endpoints on your radio.

I am not familiar with the Betafpv Literadio 2, but the issue sounds similar to what some Taranis users are experiencing (depending on what firmware version the Taranis is running).

In the case of the Taranis, the endpoints sometimes needs to be set up so that the range is from 0 to +100 (instead of -100 to +100)

It is described in this document:

There is also some youtube videos that shows how to do it on the Taranis, for example:

Also, if the automatic stick detection gets it wrong during calibration in Freerider you can manually click the circle that you see is the correct one (instead of clicking 'OK')

Hope you can use a similar method on your radio to get the calibration to work correctly!

Thanks for the fast reply. I think you are right. The range is currently - 100 to +100 (instead of 0 to 100). I have installed open tx 2.3.6 and can see those ranges in action when the sticks are moved but I can't figure out where to change the range to 0-100. Anyone have any info on this? Is that doc you sent me pictures of screen areas in open tx, or are they pics of adjustments made directly on the controller (as the Radiolite 2 does not have a screen...). Thanks again. 

Developer (3 edits)

I found this manual for the BetaFPV Literadio 2:

However it doesn't mention anything about whether any setup adjustments is possible regarding the endpoints. My suggestion would be to contact BetaFPV directly and ask them if/how you can change the settings.

(FPV Freerider can only read what is coming in through the input manager. The input is shown as the little circles above the OK button as you go through calibration in Freerider. Ideally you should be able to move the little circles smoothly up and down between the lines on the left which marks the max/min value.) 

(And yes, the pictures in the document I sent in the earlier reply is from what is seen directly on the screen of the transmitter itself, in this case a Taranis X9D).

(1 edit)

I just bought FPV Freerider (Windows version 2019-11-22), but my controller doesn't work properly. 

When calibrating and the sticks are in the middle, the circles are not centered, but in the bottom. Moving the sticks in the positive direction, the circles move up normally, but in the negative direction, the circles immediately jump to the top.

Could it be that FPV Freerider doesn't handle negative numbers coming from the controller correctly?

My controller is a Turnigy 9XR Pro running OpenTX 2.3.7. 

EDIT: I did a little experimentation with Unity 2017.4.40f1. Debug.Log(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal")) prints out values between 1 and -1 when the throttle is between the top and middle. Then suddenly goes to 1 when below the middle point. I wonder if it's a Unity bug, since this joystick test app works fine:


It's a known issue with the Unity input manager and some versions of OpenTX. 

Yes you are right, you need to setup the endpoints on your radio to go from 0 to +100 (instead of - 100 to +100) 

You can find information on how to get your controller set up in the Taranis setup guide

(There are also a lot of youtube videos that shows how to do it).

You can also find some general tips in the user manual.


have a problem with a simple USB RC "Transmitter". In WIN 10 Properties i can see action when i push the sticks. But in Freerider no action when i try to calibrate. About one year ago i had no problem with this transmitter. I already tried the WIN 10 USB Driver fix. Same result. Can somebody help me further?


The input system in Freerider is the same as before, so I suspect there must be something that has changed on your system.

The automatic Windows 10 update broke the USB drivers for a lot of people, so that would be the first things that I would investigate further. I understand that you have already tried it, but I believe on some systems it might be more persistent and you might need to use a different method. Here is the method that usually works for most people (the one I guess that you have already tried).

You might want to try to search for some other methods if that didn't solve the issue on your computer. Try searching for "windows 10 usb joystick driver" on Youtube for example, here are some links: 1 2 3 4 5

Also check, just in case - that you don't have any other joysticks/controllers connected, that might cause a conflict. And, make sure you uninstall vJoy and Smartpropoplus if you have them installed. Their driver messes with things when connecting via USB.

Had to uninstall 2 duplicate drivers. Now it seems to work


Glad that you managed to solve it, thanks for reporting back!

I have a "space mouse" for a mechanical contruction App. If i deactivate the driver i can get Freerider to work with my Transmitter.

hello my fs-i6x controller does not work the dots are not nearli centerd even after extecive tuning

Developer (1 edit)

edit:   (2021-03-26) 

The internal input system has been completely reworked in the latest update of Freerider and Freerider Recharged.

You can try that to see if it works better with your controller.

I have a MacBook with an Xbox One controller connected and can't get it to function. To set this up I used the Xbox 360 Controller Driver ( and it works property in the settings. However when I run FPV Freerider, it doesn't seem to "grab" the controller for the USB option but is grabbing some other device which doesn't register any behavior during calibration. I used USB Overdrive to find and disconnect everything that might behave like a controller (which was a speaker and a mouse), and still the FPV isn't grabbing the XBox controller. Using device monitor, there is a security chip that might seem to be a controller. So not knowing what FPV is binding too makes troubleshooting this impossible. If we cannot select from a list of controller choices, would it be possible to at least display the name or path to the controller that was selected?

Developer (1 edit)

Not sure what the mystery controller might be. I use Unity's built in input manager for the controls, I don't think it can show the name of the controller it's actually reading. Also I'm not a Mac user myself so I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to Mac specific questions. At least on Windows joysticks/controllers that are being detected usually shoes up as a generic HID device in the operating systems device manager. Perhaps you could try to temporarily disable the last thing that you suspect might show up as a controller (although I wouldn't really recommended it if it is indeed some kind of security chip...). 

My guess is it's the xbox 360 controller driver that doesn't get picked up as a joystick in Unity's input manager. Did you try to connect the controller without any extra drivers first? (A lot of the time generic gamepads automatically connects as joysticks, at least on Windows).

soy nuevo

I have a TBS Tango 2. Demo was working fine for a week or so with the controller so I bought the full version. After installing that, the controller will not work in the full version OR the demo.  I've tried the tips in this thread. The controller is working in DRL. I also tried a PS4 controller, which also works in DRL but not in Freerider.


Did you try to recalibrate in Freerider after it stopped working? Are you able to control any of the little circles above the OK button on the Calibrate Controller screen?

(The input system for the demo and the full version is exactly the same).

Circles are not moving. Don't know what else it could be. In the span of 10 minutes I was using the controller in the demo,  bought the full version, installed and ran it. DIdn't reboot or disconnect the controller.


Hmmm that is very strange. Installing the full version shouldn't affect the demo, or vice versa.

If you have already tried all other reasonable approaches, this is what I would do:

- Delete both the demo and the full version from your computer.

- Restart your computer.

- Download the zip file for the full version again (just in case there was some error in the download)

- Unzip the full version, possible to another folder on your hard drive

- Re-connect your transmitter. Make sure you don't have any other joysticks/controllers connected at the same time as that might cause a conflict.

- Try to re-calibrate in Freerider

(As you may know there was an automatic Windows 10 update that rolled out some time ago that broke the USB drivers. I don't think that is the problem on your system though since you were using it without any problems basically just minutes before. I just thought I'd mention it anyway. You can find more information here).

Forgot to mention, this is a MacBookPro running Catalina, although I did try on a different MacBookPro running High Sierra.

Developer (1 edit)

I see, well I'm not a Mac user myself so I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to MacOS specific stuff. 

I would still suggest trying to start from scratch as much as possible, deleting the earlier versions and re-installing the full version.

The first thing I would do, unless you have already done so, is to simply restart the computer and see if that makes a difference.

(One more thing, you could try to go into the save game data of Freerider and see if perhaps something went wrong there. If the data somehow got messed up you might be able to get it working by deleting the old save data. The data is stored at: ~/Library/Preferences/Freerider (or something similar to that) )



The internal input system has been completely reworked in the latest update of Freerider and Freerider Recharged.

You can try that to see if it works better with your controller.

Yay! It works on my MacBookPro now! Thanks


Great, I'm glad to hear it's working now!

I cant get my FrSky xlite s to connect do you know what might be the cause of the problem, the first time i tried to connect it it worked for a couple of seconds but not any more


Make sure you select "Joystick" as connection method when you plug in in (not "Mass storage").

What operating system are you running it on?

Do you get any movement of the little circles as you go through the Calibrate Controller procedure in Freerider?

There was an automatic Windows 10 update that rolled out some time ago that broke the USB drivers. Not sure if that affects you, but you can find more information here.

Also, there is some general tips in the user manual that you can check out.

It's alright I've just been using a normal Xbox controller. But for your information I was on windows 10 and the circles did not move. I selected the HID device when I plugged in the controller 

Developer (1 edit)

Ok glad that you are at least able to fly using the Xbox controller. Of course it's a lot nicer to use an actual radio, so I hope you will be able to get it working. Perhaps you need to check out the Windows 10 update document (link in the above post), there are also a lot of videos on youtube videos that speaks of how some Windows 10 update broke the USB drivers (not just for Freerider) and that shows how to fix it.

I have the Frsky taranis x-lite and Freerider plus Recharged are the only FPV/drone games where my RC is not working! I have a bunch of other software such as Liftoff, DRL etc... and I do not have a single issue.
I even followed the Taranis setup guide but the damn games do not recognize my RC correctly.  I have tried it also on Android, the same thing! Why the heck does every other developer manage to work with any given RC out of the box but Freerider doesn't work at all? Strange thing is, that it has even worked some months ago, but all of a sudden it doesn't work anymore! And I have tried everything that you posted, every manual and I watched every youtube video! There must be something wrong with this software! You can see the same complaints over and over again!

Developer (3 edits)

edit 2021-03-26:

The internal input system has been completely reworked in the latest update of Freerider and Freerider Recharged.

You can try that to see if it works better with your controller.

(1 edit)

I am having troubles to calibrate my Radiomaster TX16S with latest FPV Freerider on Windows 10. No matter what I tried, I can't make Roll work. I mean left stick left right movement. I am attaching short video link, which shows the calibration process. Please advise and help. Please note that no other joystick devices attached to computer. Also the same Radiomaster TX16S, on the same computer works OK for Lift Off simulator, what I assume rule out USB driver problem. Thanks in advance.


Thanks for the video, judging from that it will be easy to get it working -

First of all, in the beginning it says "center all sticks", you don't need to move them - if they are already in the center just leave them be.

Second, if the automatic stick detection gets it wrong you can manually select the channel that you see is the correct one. Keep an eye on the little circles above the OK button. They show the input that is being read from the stick movement.  You can manually click the little circle that you see is the correct one (instead of clicking 'OK'). (You will still need to hold the stick in the direction shown for the calibration to work correctly).

Hope that helps, let me know if you need any more info!

(2 edits)

Thank you for your response, unfortunately I am still unable to resolve the issue. First I moved sticks during "center all sticks" step, just to show what circles respond to sticks movement. Second if you take a look on seconds 27-33 from above video clip, you will see that very first circle responds to the "roll" movement of stick. None of other circles above OK button respond to "roll" movements. Also important to note that after calibration yaw, throttle and pitch label appears above second, third and forth circles, however roll doesn't appear above first circle.

So the problem is that I can't "manually click the little circle that you see is the correct one", because "correct" appear to be first circle, but obviously it is not correct one. Please help. Thanks


I see.

Yes, the first circle seem to correspond to the roll movement. So when it is time to calibrate the roll stick, try to click the first circle (while holding the roll stick to the left).

Thank you for your help, now it works ok.


Thanks, glad to hear it's working now, thank you for reporting back!

Hi, I'm VFX supervisor. We would like to use FreeRider as a Pre-Visualization tool for a project with dinosaurs shooted with an FPV drone. Please contact me at

Here is a preview of the project:

Hi I have the beta fpv light radio 2 and I am trying to connect it to my free rider mobile game app simulator via usb OTG adapter what else can I do it is not working it does not pop up I don't know what I can do my phone is not reading the remote is there any special mode that I need to put the remote in in order to have my phone recognize it as a wireless controller or what should I do been needing help with this for a long time now and can't find any solutions online I don't have a computer does it work this way

I have the beta fpv light radio 2 I'm trying to connect it to my mobile simulator my phone is not even recognizing it as anything need help is it the remote that I need to do something with or my phone cuz I don't have a computer


Generally speaking, if a controller can be recognized as a joystick by the operating system there's a good chance that it can be used with FPV Freerider.

However, I have heard reports from many people that the betafpv literadio2 does not support joystick emulation on Android. (I do believe it works in Windows though).

Since it is not recognized correctly by the operating system there is nothing I can do about it unfortunately.

Help - Getting your controller connected by FPV Freerider:

I own FPV Freerider $4.99 110 days ago. Calibrate Controller does not work  My radio is FrSky Taranis Lite. Set to mode 2. I can be reached at Please help me.

The JoyStick set by the radio is USB Joystick (HID). Thanks for looking into this for me.