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A jam submission

SLAM PUNKView game page

The futuristic tournament where all fighting styles are allowed.
Submitted by Frostyburguer (@Frostyburguer), Eldyrd — 22 hours, 52 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
BOSS DESIGN#333.6673.667
ART / VISUALS#364.0744.074
SOUNDS / MUSIC#573.5373.537
USE OF THEME#633.4073.407

Ranked from 54 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Game's take on the theme
Our game's interpretation of the theme "exchange" is present in the ability to swap your own abilities with the ones offered by the bosses you've beaten.

Did your team create the vast majority of art and music during the game jam?

Did your game use PlusMusic?

Did your game use Playroom?

Did your game use generative AI art?

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The combat is fun, visuals great and sfx compliments the game nicely as well, Really love what you have done.

The bosses can use a bit more depth and there is a severe lack of healing windows in fights, overall pretty good entry.


Thank you! Yeah, we tried to keep the number of boss mechanics low, except the last one. And the heal was a pretty late addition to the game, so we didn't balance the fights that much around healing, except the first one where you can sort of cheese it by standing under the boss.


I like the controls and abilities a lot! Nice style too. Couldn't beat the first boss though.


First of all, thank you for trying our game. And sorry about the difficulty, we had a hard time adjusting it because towards the end we had too much practice with the game. You can cheese the first boss by standing under him while he shoots and healing yourself. It can be a bit tedious, but you could get to see the exchange mechanic and the second boss if you'd like. 

Pretty descent game here 4/5


Thank you!

best of luck!

we lost the majority of our jam ratings if you have a chance to re-save and or re-rate I am making sure to re-rate and review your game a 2nd/3rd time and make sure I gave yours a solid review and or rating! Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience if you read this in time! 

Team Dreamysteria! 


Really liked the bosses animations, the tutorial is very helpfull, I played it on keyboard and felt very good, the only attack that felt unfair was boss3 rocks + fire wall it was very hard to dodge the rocks and he would come down and damage me(I tried to stay in the middle to have more time for the fire) but is also the last boss so... Nice upgrades aswell, good job !


Thanks, we're glad you enjoyed it! Yeah, that attack is the hardest one on that boss. But it is also when you can deal a lot of damage! When he is static summoning the rocks, you can shoot+melee him from his side before running away. And you can jump over the fire wall to the edge of the room as the wall disappears, but you almost always end up getting hit by at least one rock, sorry ^^". He is hard, we wanted him to have that "final boss" feeling but we may have overdone it.


A good game with a quick tutorial and nice implementation of the exchange mechanism. I appreciate how each loadout creates a different fighting style. This would be interesting to see developed further.


Thank you so much! Your game was great, thanks for trying out ours ^^

Submitted (2 edits)

I have an interesting relationship with this game. Here's how it goes. I start the game, skip through the tutorial, vibe to the simple-but-effective music (very cool when it gets louder right before the first boss), and start fighting the dude. I get a little more skilled each time. And each time, the game crashes when I try to hit him with my sword. I'm not sure if it's my browser or something else, but the crowd remembers each run and has taken to chanting, "Sisyphus! Sisyphus!" when I enter the cage. Rating pending for when I actually finish the game. I suspect it will be good.

Developer (2 edits)

I'm extremely sorry to hear that, we tried it on Firefox and Chrome and seemed to work, which browser do you have? Also, is your OS Windows? We have a downloadable Windows version at the end of the page, and that one shouldn't give you any problems.


the game was very nice visually, this is just one the games whose movement doesn't feel sopay and is nice and good.

The amount of effort that was put into visuals and pixel art was easily visible.


Thank you! The art was made entirely by my partner Frostyburguer, glad you liked it!


Nice art. Boss move is nicely designed.


Thanks! The art was made by my partner Frostyburguer!


This was great! The visuals are wonderful, and it's really satisfying learning the bosses' moves and beating them. 


Thanks! Glad you liked it!


Great visuals and atmosphere! Once I learned the boss patterns it really started coming together! GG


Thank you! Really glad you liked it, the visuals were 100% made by my partner Frostyburguer ^^


Great entry - love the pixel art and music too!


Thanks a lot! :)


A fellow "xxxx Punk" game! Really nice sprite work, I also love the world building.

Developer (1 edit)

Thank you! All the art was made by my partner Frostyburguer, we're glad you liked the game ^^


Very good game, the art is really good, you can see the work on those sprites, good job.


Thank you! All the art was made by my partner Frostyburguer, he really worked a ton on the sprites, glad you liked the game ^^


Good game, has good visuals and music, very solid game. One thing I don't like is the range of the ranged weapon


Glad you liked it! One of the exchanges the first boss offers is a long range weapon!

Submitted (2 edits)

The bosses were fun to play against. It’s cool to be able to take the a weapon from the boss, even if it isn’t the most creative application of the theme.


Thanks for the feedback, glad you had fun ^^


This game gives me nice Punch Club Vibes. It looks very clean and polished. Great work. Nice design with the bosses,  even if they are very hard. Maybe you could reduce the hitbox when jumping. So many times I got a hit for just a close edge hitting charging boss. 

But overall good jobs. Props to everyone involved


We hoped it could give those vibes! We had a bit of trouble balancing the bosses, in the end we had too much practice playing them. Still, glad you enjoyed it, thanks for playing!


amazing game! very polished and it felt really good to play! learning the boss attacks also felt very satisfying. although it was intended for controller, i dont have one and played on keyboard, and it still feels comfortable, great game!


We started making the game with only keyboard at first, and it played pretty well, it's just then we added controller support, and we liked how it felt a bit more, but I'm glad it still feels nice with keyboard. We probably also got too used to playing it with a controller when testing it. Thanks for playing it, and we're really glad you liked it!


Cool polished game, cool artstyle, great bossfights. i kinda feel the hollow knight gameplay vibes a bit. overall good game.


Thanks for playing it, we're really glad you liked it!


Very cool and polished game! Everything looks good and the bosses are very well designed and charismatic. My only critique would be the bosses HP pool is too big. Although the gameplay loop is fun, it takes quite a while to take them down. Overall, awesome work :D


Yeah, we struggled with the game balance, because after a month working on the game, we really couldn't judge the difficulty fairly. Still, glad you liked it!


Thanks for your feedback! We are glad that you enjoyed the game. The boss HP as the difficulty is something hard to balance because us, as developers, are really good at our game. Definitively, its something to improve.


Yes!! I call it the Programmer Curse. You repeat and practice against the same boss over and over and over. Not only that, you know every safe frame, safe spot, best strategies, how to maximize your damage, time to punish. That's why I have a philosophy, if it is a walk in the park for me, it's hard for other players haha! Always good to have feedback from other people during the earlier builds. But nonetheless, you guys did a phenomenal work. It still is joyful experience and feels balanced as the bosses are very well executed.


Wow, really exceptional work! The boss designs and movesets are varied and unique, with each one benefitting a different kind of playstyle. I have yet to beat the third boss, but I can see the pathway to victory of trying a new attempt and picking up abilities that would be more beneficial for that boss specifically. Just an all around polished package. Great job!


That's exactly what we hoped for, the idea that you could switch abilities and try something different. Thank you, glad you enjoyed it!


We are glad that you enjoyed it! :)

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