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A member registered Sep 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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amazing game, i absolutely love the idea and how its implemented, and the game feels really good to play. 

i really like the art, and the dialog is hilarious, really fun game overall!

fun game! the tutorial was a little confusing, but the game feels very nice to move around in. i like the bosses, but think the spaceship takes way too long to kill, other than that though, i love all the different boss ideas! i wish there were some more upgrades, and i do think the game need more sound effects, but overall really nice little game!

incredible game. it feels amazing to move around in, i spend like 30 minutes in the lobby just playing around with the movement (and figuring out what the "no w" meant)

i really like the bosses, it takes a bit to get used to the fast moving one in the air, but it feels very satisfying to hit, i love the different arenas and moving around in them, though i wish there was some health bars for the bosses (and it looked like there was from the trailer, not sure why they werent in the game), but other than that, the concepts for the bosses are great.

genuinely dont have any complaints about it, all the music, sound effects, and art are just incredible, probably my favorite game in the jam.

gets too chaotic for me about 4 bosses in, so this was my highest score, amazing game!

fun game! i like the idea of exchanging abilities, and leveling up your current abilities is a cool idea!

as other people said, the hitboxes were very confusing, damaging enemies especially felt pretty inconsistent, but i think i figured out that you have to click the enemy while youre close enough to them?

i really like the art, but i think the game is missing some sound effects

getting to the bosses felt a bit too long, but i like the concepts for the bosses. i couldnt beat the first one because it just constantly spawns way too many enemies, i beat the second boss, but after the gate i opened up and i tried to leave, the game just froze and i stopped playing there.

overall, the game feels a bit unfinished, but i really liked it!

incredible game. the visuals are amazing and the juice makes game feel incredible to play. the bosses are amazing, i loved all the ideas for them, and their attacks are super cool. the crash was kind of weird and im not sure how to get any other endings, but other than that, this is probably my favorite game in the jam, i have no idea how you were able to make this in just a month.

(2 edits)

great game! the jump takes a bit to get used to, but the game feels really good to play! i like how the platforming section teaches you the physics and mechanics, but the first boss should definitely not respawn you there.

the visuals are amazing, and i like the story aspect to it as well!

i like the bosses, definitely liked the second one more, because the first boss is kind of just standing there and hitting it for a long time, but other than that, i really like the boss designs

the combat feels great, but there was sometimes a bug where i just couldnt slash while i was on the ground which was annoying, overall though, really fun game!

also, i found some funny speedrun strats so i decided to speedrun the platforming section lol

(1 edit)

fun little game! takes a bit to get used to the controls, but it feels pretty good to play! i really like the visuals as well, the boss is fun, but you can just kind of go inside it and immediately damage the weak point from the outside, which let me get this score lol

but other than that, great game! i wish there were some more bosses

fun game! i like the mechanic, i wish there was some more variance on the boss attacks, and sad that theres only one boss, but other than that, i really like the art and sound effects. overall though, really nice little game!

(2 edits)

amazing game, the controls are difficult, but it feels really good to get used to them.

i really like the mechanic, but it feels kind of annoying when a guardian spawns when im already trying to kill one, but other than that, its a really cool idea.

i like the music and sound effects, especially the visual effect for exchanging timelines.

i like the second boss, but the black holes are just extremely unfair, they just spawn on top of you and theres just not enough time to react to them because of your slow acceleration, they genuinely ruined the whole second boss for me. i did manage to beat it, but it just feels completely luck based because of the black holes.

other than that though, this game is great, definitely one of my favorites in this jam, very impressive for your first game jam!

really fun game! i like the concept of the exchange mechanic, and the game feels really nice to play.

sad that there were only 2 bosses, but i love the ideas for them! they feel a bit too easy with the flight, but other than that, theyre really fun to fight. great game!

great game! i love the visuals, and it feels super good to play. the bug where you cant get hit is kind of annoying, and i think all the bosses have most of the same attacks?

i like the idea of the exchange mechanic, but i never really felt the need to change any of my items, overall though, this is a really nice game!

super fun game! takes a bit to get used to, but once you get used to it, it just feels really good to play

i really like the way the exchange mechanic was implemented, i like the variety of all the different weapons, abilities, and arenas, even felt a bit overwhelming, even after beating it 2 times im not sure if i fully understood it lol

i like that exchanging brought you back to full health, cool way to incentivize the player to try out different stuff, the dash felt kind of useless though, it really didnt get you that far. but other than that, the game feels pretty good to play!

great game, very cool use of the theme.

fun game! tbh, at first i didnt understand the mechanic, but that might just be because im dumb, but i figured it out eventually and its a really cool idea!

the game feels pretty good to play, though sometimes the boss would instakill me if it got too close, i think that was happening because there was no iframes? not exactly sure what was happening there

i really like the concepts for all the bosses, they all feel quite different from each other, and their attacks felt good to dodge, especially the second boss!

the art looks a bit unfinished, and i do wish there was some music and sound effects, but overall really nice game!

just an incredible game, all the bosses were amazing and it feels very satisfying to beat, no idea how you were able to make this in only a month, definitely one of my favorite ones in this jam.

(1 edit)

super fun game! i really like how the exchange mechanic was implemented, and the game feels pretty good to play, sometimes the hitboxes felt too big, but that might just be a skill issue

i love all the concepts for the bosses! all their attack patterns felt really good to dodge, but probably with the exception of the rotating lightning thing, that just kind of feels unfair and spawns on top of you. i really like all the surprises in the final boss, it kind of got ruined by the bug that froze the third boss, but other than that, beating the final boss without the soul exchange felt super satisfying, great game!

just an incredible game. i absolutely love every aspect of it, definitely one of my favorites in the jam, amazing job

incredible game. the font was a bit hard to read, but i absolutely love the art and story.

i love the take on the theme, and the game feels incredibly satisfying to play, my only issue is that you have to wait through the start every time you want to retry, but other than that, the gameplay is just super fun, i found myself just starting over again multiple times to get a better score

definitely one of my favorite ones in the jam, great work!!

the camera was a little slow sometimes, i got instakilled by the second boss the first time i got it because the camera was way too slow, but other than that, amazing game, i got very wet while playing it

amazing game! love all the concepts of the different weapons, some of them were way better than others, and it was sometimes hard to tell whether youre damaging the bosses, especially with the ranged weapons, but other than that, i really like the different weapons! (especially the axe gun thing)

i dont think i understood the climbing tree thing, but the game feels super good to play! i love how you managed to capture the feeling of being in an endless forest, the game looks amazing in general!

sad that there were only 2 bosses, but the concepts for the bosses that are there were really cool, i really enjoyed fighting them, great game!

oh dang, i didnt even realize there were safe spots for that attack lol, thanks for the feedback!

really cool game!

i love the art, i think it could do with some more sound effects and juice, but other than that, the game looks amazing!

i absolutely love the idea of this, the different weapon choices are cool, but there seems to be kind of a balancing issue, the fire wand does the best damage, and all the boss attacks with that are also really easy, so always picking that one is just the easiest way to go trough the game, but the concept of the game is really really cool!

at first, i thought the game wasnt endless, and you had to figure out a specific combination or something to beat it, especially with the wording on the game page, but as you said it is endless.

i really like this game! probably one of my favorites in the jam!

fun game!

i like the loot from the bosses, but switching the weapons felt kind of useless, because the fire wand was just better than the other weapon and theres not really a reason to use it

the bosses are cool, i wish there were some more attacks, but the ones that were there were actually really cool and fun to dodge!

game looks good, but i think it needs some more sound effects, overall though, really nice game!

this game is great, my only issue is that the attacks on the fights get pretty repetitive, but thats not really even the main part of the game. other than that, i absolutely love the art and dialog in this game, great job!

really fun game!

i like how the exchange mechanic is implemented, and i love the variety in all the guns!

shooting and damaging the boss also felt very satisfying with all the juice, but i wish there were some more sound effects, other than that the game feels great to play!

i like how the bosses ramp up with difficulty every stage, and the attack patterns were also really fun to dodge! seems like after stage 21 all the bosses just keep repeating the same attack? not sure if thats intended, but i stopped playing a few stages after that. overall though, this is a super fun little endless game!

(2 edits)

amazing game!

moving around and parrying bullets felt really good, i like the different guns, but comboing the different special attacks felt kind of useless, i never really felt the need to use it in a boss fight (also, i never really understood the railgun with the purple ball thing?), but overall the weapons felt really nice to use!

the bosses were pretty fun to fight. the last boss is a HUGE difficulty spike, but learning his attacks and actually beating him felt INCREDIBLY satisfying (especially with the intense music), great job, i love this game!

incredible game. the only issue is that the font is a bit hard to read, and i think there should be some more sound effects, but other than that, the bosses feel amazing to fight, and the game look incredible. probably my favorite one in the jam.

really cool game! controlling the character felt a bit jarring at first, youre pretty slidy and jump very high, but it feels satisfying to get used to it! but as other people are saying, i think the camera should be a bit more zoomed out.

i really like the bosses! my only issue is the attacks that come from the ceiling on the first and third boss, theres just not enough time to react and get away from one that spawns above you, but other than that, learning the attacks felt really good!

the sound effects and art also made the game feel super good to play, great job!

great game, cool idea for the exchange mechanic, some of the weapons felt way stronger than other ones, but i like the different weapon options!

i like the bosses, but i felt like they maybe have too little health, you can kill them in just a few hits, but other than that, the bosses are very cool

i think the game could use some more sound effects, and also the music randomly stopped playing at some point, but i really like the music when it was there!

overall, i really like the roguelike aspects to it, and i enjoyed playing it quite a lot! (also, what do you mean by your answer to the generative AI art question?)

fun game!

i like the exchange mechanic, but i didnt really understand what i was exchanging for, there should be an explanation for what the items actually do, because just the sprites themselves didnt mean much to me

i like the bosses , but i think some of the attacks dont really give you enough time to react. if it just spawns on top of you theres not really enough time to get away from it, and they just spawn in random places. but other than that, the attacks were quite different and it was fun to learn them!

the little story elements there were interesting as well, overall it was pretty fun!

incredible game! definitely one of my favorites in this jam.

i was worried about the exchange mechanic at first, but it was shown very well, and i loved the way you had to use it on the boss.

at first i thought the boss was too hard, but after learning the attacks, it feels really satisfying to fight! theres a telegraph for every attack, and theres just enough time to react to them, i also really like how the slide mechanic was implemented!

the game looks amazing, and its crazy that there was voice acting, and even a little bit of story to it!

Overall, i really wish there were more bosses because i love this game! great job!

this game is chaos. and i love it. my only problem with it is that you have to dash into the boss to stay alive, so most of the bosses were just spamming attack and dash towards the boss, i tried this game out on the discord, before that was added, and tbh that was probably more fun, other than that though i love this game

(1 edit)

incredible game. my only issue is that the altar wasnt really explained, so the first time i played i just put all my hp in and tried to do the last boss like that, so i had to restart the game. other than that, this game is incredibly fun and i absolutely love it, spent like 2 hours playing it just to beat all the bosses!

i really like the concept for the exchange mechanic, but i think there is a little bit of a balancing issue, you can basically just pick ice or wind, and it becomes really easy because you can just spam it at the boss. but other than that i really enjoyed the game and i love the art! i also really like the dialog, especially with the devil, i re tried the game a few times to get the different endings!

i really like the concept and how the game looks! controlling the car was pretty difficult, but i think got the hang of it. I understand switching between the 2 weapons, but i never used the second weapon because its basically impossible to aim with lol. i wish there was a healthbar for the boss as well, i think the color of the forcefield had something to do with that, but it wasnt really clear. also,  it has TOO MUCH HEALTH, it took me like 20 minutes of fighting it to kill the boss lol, maybe its because i wasnt using the other weapon though, im not sure. other than that, it was pretty fun, and i wish there were some more bosses!

(1 edit)

pretty fun game, the bosses were really cool and i loved their attacks. im not sure if its a bug, or im not understanding something, but when i got to the fifth boss it kind of insta killed me, and i think i was set to the beginning? and after i got reset and beat the second boss, i couldnt go to the next one and it just killed me? im not sure, but it felt like something wasnt explained to me. but other than that, the controls felt really nice and i liked the game!

incredible game! the controls feel amazing and music and sound effects add a lot, its WAY too difficult for me though lol, i only beat the first boss on easy and the second phase of the second boss is just way to hard for me, i love this game though

this is a really fun game! its pretty difficult but completing it felt really good. the graze mechanic, being able to sloow down your movement, and the blue square showing your hitbox made the game feel really good to play. i dont really like the laser attack though, it kind of appears out of nowhere and takes most of your health, but overall i really like the game!

fun game, i like the battle system and the bosses, but i think its a little too easy, you can spam rerolling to get the health potions and basically not ever die like that, maybe the health potions cards should be gold cards so its a one time use? but overall the game looks great and i had a lot of fun!

yeah, i definitely made the second boss a little too hard lol, thanks for the feedback!

amazing game! very polished and it felt really good to play! learning the boss attacks also felt very satisfying. although it was intended for controller, i dont have one and played on keyboard, and it still feels comfortable, great game!