Loved the spin mechanic and the dead space vibe, lol the baby head is also like a boss in my entry, great game! also thnx for check the typos!!!!
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Orbital Decay's pageGame's Take on the Theme
The gameplay focuses around alternating between your ranged gun and a spinning melee attack that is activated by looping around the player with the mouse cursor. This powerful AOE is critical to your success, as it keeps enemies away and reloads your gun. A successful player balances both the ranged and spin attacks to defeat hordes of enemies and bosses. Some boss arenas have spinning environments, and many upgrades draw upon the spin theme as well!
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
Yes - all art and music are created by our team.
I loved the way you used the theme in your game spin to reload, its very fun to play and enjoyable
Amazing use of the theme!
In terms of feedback it's hard to know what I got hit by because of the huge amount of enemies and bullets. The basic enemies blend in with the background which sometimes creates frustrating situations.
The spin mechanic is genius, and by having it be so useful besides just reloading is fun.
Overall a great game, and I like it.
Really enjoyed this. The spin mechanic doesn't feel forced, and you managed to make it really fun. Well balanced, good job.
Very nice art style, pretty creepy and gloomy. The bosses designs are very cool. The controls feel nice and spinning is alot of fun. Juicing up hits would be great, especially on the boss, a hurt animation or more particles.
Great stuff
Fun game, controls are simple but allow for a level mastery.
I love the literal spin to reload idea, I especially how it doubles as an attack and with the right upgrade also becomes a pseudo dash. Unfortunately I found it wasn't very useable against the bosses as I'd just get hit, but for clearing mobs it was great.
In terms of feedback, try improving the lighting a little or making enemies stand out more. I kept get getting hit by enemies I couldn't even see.
also some hit flash/sparks on hitting enemies would go a long way.
But overall, a nice submission.
A really weird art-style that is very well executed. I love that the wave fighting genre actually fits to boss fights. Good job. I think the game is a bit too easy I beat it on the first play through but maybe I got lucky with the items.
Cool boss design! I liked the spin reloading turning into an attack especially as it helped get rid of the small enemy hordes. The upgrades are also very cool and make the fighting a lot more interesting.
Damn this art creeps me out, but that means it's good. Liked the game a lot (sucker for roguelikes)
Surprising amount of content! Good work! Though i felt like there was something with the lighting or something that gives the game a slightly odd look. maybe things were too shiny?
This game is on another level !! Everything looks nice, I like the environment and the LD for each arena zone ! Also like the unlimited life feature, as I'm pretty noob at boss fights in general. Well done !!
Good tutorial and heaps of upgrades! Core reload mechanic is a very solid idea. Lots of fun trying to make the biggest bullet possible. The little gubbins do a good job of keeping you on your toes during the fight. In game tutorial and little story details added a lot of polish :)
Love the environment art! Makes me feel like I'm playing poe again. Also enjoy the variety of upgrades and definitely thankful for lazy mode lol. I wish there were more hit feedbacks, it's kind of hard to tell whether I hit anything, or if anything hit me. Sometimes I notice a sfx, but most of the time I don't even realize I got hit, or if I hit the boss without looking at the health bars.
Very nice game! Unique spin reload design, and roguelike features, it wasn't to hard to get away and shoot from afar but I think this game is well made! Congrats on your hard work!
Thanks for rating and commenting on our game this is returning the favor, much appreciated!
A really fun game! It would be even more exciting if I could obtain more modifiers.
Really creative. I loved the art and the gameplay. Overall, I thought it was a really good game.
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