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Big Oil STOLE MY ARM!View game page

Fight through the heart of big oil to reclaim your lost arm.
Submitted by Sketchy, Blurr507, Pressgoal, DeltaV — 11 days, 3 hours before the deadline
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Game's Take on the Theme
Most actions require SPINning a wheel to determine what happens, and we plan to add time travel elements (It's spinning if you squint) in the future

Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
YES (but SOMEONE did get lazy and use samples from royalty free music)

If not, please link to any asset packs or resources used here.

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I remember seeing this game on a feedback stream! It was so memorable and I can't believe it took me this long to try it myself, but I really love it. The art style and story are super cute, the use of 2D mixed with the 3D environment is just awesome. It's also probably the only polished and well designed turn based game I've seen in the jam so far... excellent work overall.


I'm glad you liked it this much <3 <3


saw this through swag lol, funni game, good job!


Glad you liked it lol <3


Really cool turn based game, the story is hilarious and complements really well with the silly artstyle, which I loved. The gameplay is fun and the different actions give it a lot of depth, good job!!


Thanks for enjoying the game! The actions were a pain to get right (and to get done), but I'm glad we seem to have gotten it right!


I like this game, the visuals are very good and I like how simple it is. The Bosses are very well designed and the fights, I like the music too Good job!


Thanks for playing! We're glad you enjoyed the game! <3


Excellent work!! I really liked the art style, it worked very well with the whole vibe of the game and the core spinners mechanic was very fun to interact with!! Loved the boss fights as well!! Great submission!!


Thanks! Glad you liked the game (and my(our) art)!


Persona, in the style of internet memes!


Internet memes, indeed. Thanks for playing!


The spinners being player controlled and not random is a good design choice, overall engaging enough mechanics and options for different approaches and decisions. The Oilmancer is a very steep difficulty wall, and on my seventh attempt or so I finally figured out the patterns and mechanics properly, however the cleanse mechanic is a little questionable and not very engaging. Mr. Oilmancer uses multiple of the attacks that "force" you to cleanse, and due to the inability to defend multiple turns in a row the player has no way of avoiding a mechanic which should be used as a punish. The CEO's second stage music is INSANELY LOUD with headphones on, and drowns out all sound effects. I very much enjoyed the game and its satirical nature. 7/10, would play again.


lol sorry abt the CEO music, and I cant really comment on the oilmancer because spyking someone forgot to test it before uploading. Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed the rest of the game! <3


Love the art styles and im glad i have control over the spinners instead of it being just random. Sometimes its unclear when im supposed to click on people but overall fun!

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

We probably should've added outlines around clickable stuff, but I'm glad you liked it! <3


Nice! Pretty unique stuff))


Thanks for playing!


Great job! The spinning clock for attack and defense reminded me of the Judgement Wheel from the Shadow Heart series! The spider by far was the hardest boss, it would be nice if it was possible to mitigate one of her attacks. The tone of the story and the art reminded me of Battleblock Theater for some reason. The final boss could have some more attacks that you could mitigate to add variation. I didn't understood the chandelier gimmick, it was only to deal 10 damage against the Oilmancer and its minions? I thought it would instakill the minions but didn't happen.


Thanks for playing, and for the feedback! The spider and CEO didn't get quite as much attention, so their attacks are a little limited. Might add some more variety post-jam. For the chandelier, it also sets the minions on fire, which disables them (and their healing) for a turn as well, but in retrospect, that isn't made very clear in game.


Wow what a delightful experience, excellent job everybody!! Y'all absolutely nailed the theme, the spinny meter mechanic is awesome and fits perfectly. The slight variations in the meters for AOE, basic or 6 shooter attacks were a nice touch. The art style is amazing and super unique, I love it. The story is a nice balance of silly fun and semi-serious darker themes and the dialogue is great and made me chuckle a couple times. There's so many nice visual elements like the gears in the background or the dark spinny particle effects on the 3rd boss or the background shadows of the 2d sprites that add a ton to the overall world feel.  I did find the combat a bit frustrating at times. I'm not sure if the S.P.I.D.E.R. fight was supposed to have a defensive spin meter when it attacked (like Kevin and the 3rd boss do) but it was pretty confusing that it didn't. Similarly, the 3rd boss occiaionally had a defensive spin meter, but not always? And sometimes it would restore its health out of no where? The chandelier was a cool environmental hazard element to add, but it felt like a waste of a turn to use it in the boss fight instead of AOE or 6 shooter or Defend. I wish there had been a bit more feedback/instruction on why certain elements of these fights were happening so that as a player I can figure out the solution to the issue. That being said I really enjoyed my time with the game and I think you all created a beautiful and engaging game, that is 5/5 stars for theme application and would be fun on its own outside of a jam submission. Superb entry!!!


Thanks for playing and for the kind feedback! Some elements in the game are definitely a bit unclear, and I want to update it post jam to better indicate which enemies are doing their turn. The spider's sorta gimmick was supposed to be that you have to rely more on defending and healing to survive since it doesn't have a defensive spin, but that wasn't very well explained. Also the third boss ended up being a bit too hard (I buffed him on the last day, so that's on me), but to try and explain it a bit. His little minion guys heal him on their turn, but breaking the chandelier on them sets them on fire, disabling them for a turn, so that you can hurt the oilmancer. There's also only a defensive spin for his regular attack, not for the fireball attack (which triggers every 4 turns). Thanks again for taking the time to give such thorough feedback!


The game looks incredible! I loved your spinning mechanics in order to deal damage! However, I felt the spider is too strong, I need to finish within 3 turns and I couldn't make it :') But thats skill issue.. Your game is incredible!


Glad you liked the visuals and mechanics, and thank you for the feedback. Just out of curiosity though, did you know about the heal/defend menu because I don't think the spider is possible without it. It can be found by clicking on Geaux.


HOW COULD I MISS THIS!! Thanks for the heads up!


Not a problem. Thanks again for playing!


Cool game, I liked that there are different events for special attacks for damage.


Thanks for playing. We didn't get all the attacks fully finished, but I'm glad you liked them.


Oh wow this game is like Elden Ring if it was good



Great work to your whole team. Love the Paper Mario TTYD-esque gameplay. Your use of theme is integral to the game, which is a bonus in my opinion. During the introductory cutscene, the music had me ready to queue up in a COD lobby.


Thank you for playing. I'm really glad that you liked it. It's good to hear that the cutscene music was successful lol.


Great game all around! I really liked the timing spin mechanic and the rpg mechanics presented. Landing a six shot felt really good to do when you got it perfect! Oilmancer was a bit rough though on the difficulty compared to all the other bosses for some reason for me. I kept getting caught in odd loops with trying to keep the boss from healing which doomed the fight. I really enjoyed the visuals you had though, the cutscenes were nice, and the music was great (if a little loud in phase 2 of the final boss). Good job!


Allegedly, oilmancer was buffed last second and wasn't fully tested before release. Thanks for playing, I'm glad you liked it! <3


Easily one of my favourites, I love all of the details such as the gun animation and revive effect, as well as the little animations for every enemy.  Also solid gameplay, love the timing-based attacks and the strategy needed for each boss. Would benefit from some more ability/attack sound effects though.

also i think oilmancer was harder than the boss


Thanks for playing, and really glad to here you liked it. I can't take credit for the effects/animations, but my team did a great job on it. Some more SFX would definitely be a good idea though.

Also, the oilmancer may be my fault lol. I buffed him on the last day because I thought he was too easy and now he's definitely the hardest.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Neat art and game mechanics, requires more sfx but it has good music, well done! :D


Yeah, I tried adding sfx near the end of the jam but it was way too little too late. I'm glad you liked the things we actually did get around to making tho! <3

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