I really enjoy the care with the UI! The upgrade system is amazing! Congrats!
Play Planet Rush
Planet Rush - Game Jam Edition's itch.io pageGame's Take on the Theme
Player Orbits (spins) around Planets (which are bosses)
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
If not, please link to any asset packs or resources used here.
I used bits and pieces of lots of different asset packs/resources (see credits in Game/Description)
8000 before I needed a brack and dead, but seeing how close I was, I want to go back! Really well made, too.
Thank you for the high praise! Spent a lot of time on polish and tweaking numbers.
My vision for the upgrade system was that the player would have to make lots of tradeoffs, so I understand why you would want more upgrade points.
As an aside, I played your submission. Although I did not leave a review, I was extremely impressed with the Aesthetic of your game.
I may or may not have recorded a couple of videos of your game to scour and learn from later ;)
Very nice game!! I liked the progression tree and how you get points to improve yourself. This game is very fun, good job!
Enjoyed the bullet hell. I think the best points are that controlling the player is precise and satisfying and the progression tree offers meaningful decisions and whatever you pick, it feels very rewarding. It also feels like a solid package. Bullet hell patterns are also well balanced. On the other side, some bosses, starting from the fourth one, attack so much in a straight line that it's very hard to sneak some direct hits into them, making some fights feel very long.
Good job!
Thank you for the positive feedback!
A couple of people have said that some bosses seem too tanky due to the asteroids they fire at you blocking damage. I have redesigned a few bosses and will be releasing an updated version of the game once this Jam and Pirate Jam (which I also submitted to) have ended.
Really nice looking planet shooter you have here! Very challenging bullet hell as well! I enjoyed playing it! We also have the exact same idea with the player orbiting and shooting planet bosses 😲I'd love it if you'd take the time to test and give me feedback and/or rate my game as well!
I like the visuals of this, also the orbital move feels good, maybe after a while we start thinking in the orbital path rather than left nd right, I really like bullet patterns. I rate graphics, fun and control on top but all is good really, also, if you have some time, please rate my game too, thanks!!!
I liked the upgrade system. The concept of fighting planets is also interesting. I was fun.
Enjoyed the gameplay a lot! The upgrade system was great, and each boss felt more challenging than the last. The attack patterns had a ton of variety, which kept things interesting, and it's fun that there's a leaderboard! Only problem I ran into (and honestly, I have no idea how you'd get around this) is depending on where you were in the orbit, the controls for which way the ship moved sometimes felt backwards. All in all, this game felt super polished and was fun to play! Great job!
Glad to hear you enjoyed the upgrade system and polish of my submission!
Regarding the controls when you are at the top of the screen, I couldn't work out how to make them feel better either. Only thing I could think of is adding some kind of indicator that shows the direction pressing A/D will move you (but I decided against it due to it adding more clutter to the screen).
Thank you for the positive feedback!
Fun bullet hell style gameplay with the orbit limiting your movement ability. The attacks of bosses are different which is a big plus. And the upgrade system kept it fun and gave a sense of accomplishment. Good game I enjoyed playing it!
decently fun, played it on hardmode and the upgrades didnt really click for me before like 8th boss or so so it kinda cost me the run at the 14th boss, cause i just lost too much to repairs and downgrading lol.
only thing i wasnt like a huge fan of was just the acceleration/friction movement but i suppose its a space game so its just personal preference. thematically it works.
I had a lot of trouble getting the difficulty level right, I ended up making the first couple of bosses easy so that everyone could experience the at least some of the game. The first boss is really just there for you to get used to the controls.
However, I think I will redesign a couple of the bosses in a post-jam update.
Thank you for all the feedback!
Good idea but I'd like to see the planet's explode and I don't understand the meaning of getting closer to the target if that didn't provide me any advantage.
Thank you for the feedback.
The planets are meant to explode, however at the last minute the particles just randomly stopped showing (some weird Unity 6 bug).
Moving closer to the target is useful for dodging certain attacks later in the game, such as meteor showers and rocks that orbit the Planets at a distance.
I thought this was awesome! I'll admit I got to level 8 without remembering I could zoom in and out or press space, I just did everything rotating. Tried space a few times but wasn't quite sure what this was about, but just rotating around the planets managed to get that far, then died on the 9th boss. I think this is very well made, great job!
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