I think the vibe and art is great, i like that i can play with controller, but it feels a wee bit slow to play.
The characters look really cool but my favourite is the rat king.
Good job!
Game's Take on the Theme
The main character is a ballerina from a music box, the player must spin a winding key in the HUD or the right stick of the gamepad to recover energy (or heal up, the energy acts as the health)
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
I think the vibe and art is great, i like that i can play with controller, but it feels a wee bit slow to play.
The characters look really cool but my favourite is the rat king.
Good job!
I like the visuals overal, the animations are smooth and fitting, I would advice you freeze movement when we attack but its something personal too. I rate graphics, fun, control, and music on top, all is great really, also, if you have time, please, rate my game too, thanks!!!
Fun game! I enjoyed the art and the music. The controls, at least on keyboard, felt really bad. Having to switch between having my hand on my mouse to spin the key and having it on j to attack make it take way longer than it should have.
(P.S. If you're willing to I'd love it if you gave some feedback on my game! It's my first game jam and I'd love to see where I can improve!)
Presentation, graphics and soundtrack are pretty slick! Well animated and well detailed. Winding up the character to heal is a novel idea. Boss patterns are interesting and mostly readable, but I feel like the reaction time and projectile speeds on most things is way over the top, and the character is fairly slow when not dashing.
Keyboard controls are... brutal, lol. The attack key being way off to the side means you can't really do all of the game's functions at once, and I had to keep swapping between a couple seconds of actually playing the game, attacking and trying to dodge things, and then twice that much just spamming jump and dash randomly and franctically trying to top up my health. This both kinda trivializes the bosses since you can just win by pure attrition, and just isn't very fun to do, if I'm being honest, lol.
LOVE the esthetics of the game. Inspire me to do better in art.
Please rate my game. Although the art is unmatched
the art is top notch, but the combat holds the game a lot, the controls are awkward for keyboard and you can defeat all bosses by just spamming attack and heal at the same time, never had to use the dash
the game has potential but the part that needs the most improving is the combat
I am in love with cyberpunk style games. Your team made a great work with this game. Especially artists. A little lack of sfx and characters need a little more animations, but in general everything is perfect.
Game was fun and the boss design was engaging without being repetitive. the only gripe would be that melee is on J instead of like right click. Otherwise a lot of fun!
I really like the art / esthetics of the game. It even has a full menu and options which is great!
I played the webbuild with keyboard and mouse. The keyboard part works very well and feels snappy but I struggled to fight the boss while using the spin / heal mechanic with the mouse.. feels almost impossible as the fight is quite fast an one has to evade a lot. So unfortunately I couldn’t progress far because of that issue. I guess the spin mechanic could be also put on the Keyboard like on q/e or something like that.
But other then that it’s a cool game and feels very polished! Job well done :)
Art, sound design and music are really great. I liked the concept on spining the controller stick but I think the game can only be played with a controller, Its almoust imposible to play with kayboard and mouse, I also would liked for the central mechanich to be used more than just healing I think that has good potential.
100% controller game, as the game almost demands you to be healing all the time and spinning the mouse and pressing J is arguably impossible, plus it's terrible to have to put your eyes and attention to the corner of the screen when there's half a dozen effects on the center of it, and you most likely want to dodge most of them. I don't have a controller so I can't say how much more smooth it is with one, but I can say that on KB&M it's borderline unplayable.
That said, Sugar Plum Fairy EDM remix bangs
Nice visuals and sound effects but a little backstory about why the ballerina is having a fight with those enemies would be a good touch in my opinion.
Very good visual and sound finishing. The idea of having to 'give energy' to the character is very original. The dystopian atmosphere is very successful. Congratulations, good luck in the Jam.
Beautiful art, great music, I loved the bosses and how they're technically puns X) The attack key is in an uncomfortable position, but in the end I could pretty much cheese the game by spamming the attack key on one hand and constantly spinning the key on another. I did try playing it for reals, but the attack key's position made it really hard to attack and survive, I'd have to sacrifice either movement or healing by replacing hands.
Alright I was excited to play this one after I saw previews of it hanging out in the discord with one of your team members! Turned out great! The sound is awesome and the visuals are amazing. I also really like the concept of the wind up doll! A cool take on the theme for sure! Amazing job! Def felt better playing it on a controller, trying to take my hand off to use the mouse on keyboards was wayyy harder haha. I see you mentioned part of the challenge was having to interact with the interface which makes me think i cheated a bit by playing on controller :P Either way great job all!
Also Tuxoz:
¡Felicidades! ¡Resultó increíble! Disfruté nuestras charlas nocturnas en Discord.
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