I really enjoy this game alreay. From the smooth UI, to great visuals and fitting music. This game feels already pretty polished. This has so much potential, especially considering the scalability you can achieve with new cards or more maps etc. I'll definitely keep an eye on this game as it has great potential!
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Revolverse CCG - The Core Fighters's itch.io pageGame's Take on the Theme
Card game focused on bosses, and the main gimmick being the field spinning every turn.
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
All art is made by me (hand-drawn). The music is taken from OpenGameArt. The sound effects are taken from OpenGameArt and Freesound, then mixed by me.
If not, please link to any asset packs or resources used here.
https://opengameart.org/content/free-space-music-0, https://opengameart.org/content/another-space-background-track, https://opengameart.org/content/action-track-0
Great execution of the theme! I love how uniquely this entire card game is designed—I usually struggle with these, but I managed just fine! Beautiful visuals, great music, and excellent work on animation and camera movements. This is simply a polished and high-quality game! Fantastic job!
I love the music, and the spin integration is really nice!
I really liked mechanism of last boss
- Love the visuals, this felt really polished and the fact you managed to produce enough art for a CCG in a month is impressive!
- Rotating the deck for tactical positioning was a fun mechanic, good use of the theme to vary the core card game mechanics
- Would have liked an interactive tutorial to walk through the mechanics a bit more slowly, took a while for everything to fully click for me
Overall a really impressive entry, art style is interesting and consistent, gameplay is engaging and has depth - would like to see this expanded into a full release!
Thank you! I'm impressed too by how I managed to finish all the art in time haha (20% of the card artworks were actually made some time ago and I recycled them for this jam, but the rest was made in the last 2 weeks).
I'm glad you liked the mechanics! Interactive tutorials are already on my todo list, and yes, I plan on updating it and hopefully releasing on PC and Mobile, so stay tuned for that! :)
How the heck did you make this in a month, this is super impressive! I feel like I would spend so much time on this if it was a full game. I don't have much feedback, this is super polished for a game jam game.
I think an interactive tutorial would be really helpful in understanding the game, but I also think you made the right choice prioritizing the mechanics and visuals first.
Really impressive, Marvel Snap move over lol, you did all this in a month? I will need to play more of it but first hand great graphics, fun gameplay specially if you like card-based games! Very well put together, grats!
All I gotta say is, wow! I can't believe you had the time, and even in this little amount of time, made a game this polished and thorough! Before going to bed, I was able to beat two of the bosses and picked up on the game mechanics really quickly! The combat was cool, although I don't really get the damage/health thing and how the battles were entirely handled, but what I did know was that big number damage good!
Some critiques that I have for the game to make it fully fledged out:
Longer soundtrack - The music was really good, but the loop was short and there was only one song that played when I was playing the game, however I did only play for about 30 minutes (as class is in the morning),
Readable Text - I saw that we were able to zoom in on the cards, but having the text either in a different font or more legible would be nicer
Overall, I think that this is an awesome game and will be looking forward to more updates!
Really impressive for a game made in a month! The art is fantastic and once I started understanding how the game worked, it got a lot more fun! For games like these, having an interactive tutorial rather than a block of text is really beneficial. I felt quite overwhelmed and I feel like a lot of things were not explained at all, or not clearly enough. I understood the attacks, but what about health? I wasn't sure why or when cards would die or not. The different card types and synergies with them were cool, but again, way too much information at the very start.
The mechanic of L and R attacks, as well as the core attack was really well done. That along with the field spinning made for a fun and unique mechanic that is totally worth exploring further. I also found the fact that you can play your own bosses great as well. You seem very passionate about this project so I wish you lots of luck with it!
I'll advise to make a PTCGP intro like to the cards and mechanicss, where the game is doing it while showing it to player, and giving him possibility to do it himself right after, this really increase rapidity of understanding everything. Also less discouraging than labels ! Except that, this is pure gold, I hope you post it on mobile after the jam (and maybe some additions:p) !
The game is actually really polished, so there isnt much feedback i can give, maybe make text on cards more readable. Overall very good game would play as a standalone steam game.
This in only a month, just wow! really impressive and i love the space kinda theme
It's really enjoyable, I didn't expect a card game with such level of polish made in only a month. I hope you're gonna expand on this in future :D
I have to agree that the game is indeed very polished and it is incredible that you made all in one month! The artwork is great, and your spin mechanic is suuuper fun. Looking forward if you decide to keep up with the project
Fun deckbuilder and good use of the theme. Main issue I'm having ismousing around the game area. I would love if you could just free mouse around instead of it trying to guide you.
Fantastic--this is super polished for something made in a month, and it's a great take on the theme. I would definitely play more of this if you continue to work on it after the jam. Tooltips would be nice, since there are a lot of terms thrown at you right away, and I'm still not sure what some of them mean. Great use of sounds and animation, and just an all-around well-done entry!
I only tried the Celestial deck, so the things the stand out are Assist and Oblivion. I'm still not clear on what Assist is/does. Is there some base effect, or do you only get the action printed on the assisting card? And there's a card that converts "bonus" attack, and I could never figure out what that meant. Activating the ability never seemed to do anything that I could see. I love the different power in different zones idea, and could see a lot of ways that would influence deck building and play, but that concept didn't become clear for a while. A lot of this could be remedied by a progressive playable tutorial--possibly some of this was explained right at the start, but I didn't retain it because there was so much at once. An interactive tutorial and tooltips would solve most of the problems I had with the game.
Thank you for the info, it will be vital in growing the game! I'll definitely make a more fleshed out tutorial in the future, I admit for now it's more of an information dump and can become overwhelming.
"Assist" makes so the assisted card buffs its stats by the same amount of the assisting card, and lasts until the end of the next turn, and "Bonus Attack" are just atk increases gained through effects, like Sol's or Luna's (Assist buff doesn't count towards this). I'll also definitely add tooltips for these keywords or ones that may explain more advanced rulings in the future!
Stay tuned ;)
Thank you for playing and for pointing this out! Yes, the AI for now is very simple (and quite unintelligent), it will prioritize attack over anything else (even while playing Celestials, whose whole gimmick is the one to be good at defending). I'll be sure to update it and make it better in the future! :)
amazing, in just a month and a whole deck builder bossrush? so good, it's pretty fun, kind of hard to grasp the concept at the start, but I get how it works when I get to experiment with it, I got surprised when the boss who I thought is just the one playing his card BECAME a card, but overall, it's a pretty nice experience
It's crazy that you made a deck builder this good in just a month. The art is incredible, the rotation mechanic is super interesting, and there's solid card variety. I can tell you really put a lot of thought and effort into all of it.
The game seems pretty balanced, though there are some stand out cards. For example, it's pretty easy to cheese bosses using Azriel. I managed a turn 3 win on the final boss by rushing down the core and just playing him across from the boss.
Also, perhaps I skimmed through the boss tutorial too quick, but I'm still not sure what determines a boss' stats lol. I do like really the mechanic of your boss coming out after your core is destroyed, the last ditch effort vibe is just straight up cool.
Overall it's an awesome game, I can see it going places for sure :)
Thank you for playing and for beating my challenge! I appreciate the kind words! :D
To answer your confusion, Boss's stats are determined by the sum of the ORIGINAL stats of their materials (if a card is boosted or assisted by another, and used for a Boss summon, the boss will not retain the boost nor the assist), and when a Boss loses a life, its material with the highest stat amount gets removed (a boss made with two cards with 500/1/500 and a 400/0/400 will lose the first one if it would be defeated).
Aaand I see you noticed Azriel...well...he is one of the strongest cards of the game and honorary Boss killer for sure, it actually gave me balancing problems from its first inception😅 (fun fact: when I first made the prototype on paper and played with my friends, I had to literally make a banlist only to limit him to 1 card per deck).
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