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Rain in the DrainView game page

Submitted by jonathandavidlewis, Anticdope, Christoph Gray (@waterytartt), Simpathey — 1 hour, 26 minutes before the deadline
Rated by 41 people so far
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How does your game fit the theme?
You are a frog jumping up a drain pipe in inclement weather. The storms come and go with rain and rising water.

Did you write all the code and made all the assets from scratch?
yes, except for some free Godot code addons.

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I really enjoyed this game. I appreciated that the rising water level helped me when I would get stuck on a jump. I knew I wasn't going to get the best time, but I felt like I was accomplishing something each time I got a little bit more ahead of the rising water. The jump mechanic is great and the little frog is cute. Well done!


I'm glad you liked the little frog :) I'm also glad that the rising water mechanic was being utilized. It was one of the first things we thought of when deciding on this style of game. Thanks so much for playing!


That's some immaculate level design. This could be the core of a bigger, full blown game for sure.


Totally agree! With the backlog of features that we thought up and stowed due to scope creep, it definitely could be a full feature :P Thanks for taking the time to play it!


Wow I really liked this one, the atmosphere was really cool with the great looking art and awesome sounding music. The weather effects like wind work well and make an added challenge, and the controls are smooth and clean. The water level rising and how jumping out of the water works felt really good. The leaderboard is also a very strong point of this game. Nice job, really cool game!


The music surprised the whole tam, honestly. Our composer really nailed it. I'm glad you really enjoyed the core mechanics. We were thoughtful about what to cut out and what to keep in. We had so many ideas for this!


Very cool mechanics and aesthetics.  Very cozy and relaxing - until i fall from like 40m


Hopefully the water being there to give you a little boost helped curb the frustration :P I am the worst on the whole team at the game and I know I really appreciated the rising water! hahah thank you so much for giving it a try!


I came back to finish later! Even with some falls the game is still very cozy, and the sound design is amazing


Awesome! I am really glad it brought you back!


Cute game! Really liked the visuals and atmosphere. I don't know if it is a bug but the trayectory only appears when in the surface of water. The water going up is an interesting solution for reducing the frustration of loosing progress, but still keeps it competitive with the leaderboard. I really liked the ending with all the frogs!


Thanks for playing! Trajectory is only in the water because I thought players would have trouble getting out of the rising water without it. I really loved your game too and I appreciate the feedback.


Amazing game! A lot of fun to play. I wasn't expecting the wind and rain to push me - cool addition. Would love to see my progress as I go (and how close I am to the finish). Well done!


Thank you for playing and the feedback! A little minimap or progress indicator would definitely help. The only indication of progress we were able to get in was a little sign that is about 3/4 of the way up the drain that says "Almost There". I wish we would have had time for more features though because that would have been a cool addition.

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

This game is pretty fun to play, and I feel like I need to speedrun it more to get a more respectable score to showcase on the leaderboard. The sound design is AWESOME! I really like how the music gets muffled while you are underwater.
To be honest, I don't think I would change anything from this game.

PS: But it would be nice to have it like jump king where you lose a lot of progress when you miss a jump. Rage games FTW lol.  (Just a joke. Don't make it a rage game T_T).


The sound design was sooo good. Our composer did a wonderful job and we are super proud of how it turned out. The very firs thing we thought of when we chose a jump king style game was "How do we make this not super frustrating for players?" So we knew from very early on we were breaking the rage game rules with this one. :) Thanks for taking the time to try it out!


Really beautiful game! Finished with a time of 1:50 (Beat all of the devs except for lamp...). It looks great, sound's great, and I like how it feels to jump. Not much complaints besides the inconsistency that your trajectory only appears when you're on the surface of the water.


Bravo! Nice time! Thanks for the feedback. It's helpful! I'm glad you liked it overall and we can learn from your experience with the inconsistency of jump trajectory visual. What do you feel would have worked better?


First of all, this game is beautiful! i love the pixel art, very professional

Secondly, the concept was super cool, combining something like doodle jump and a slinging platformer was really cool!

Sometimes i felt i didnt jump as high as i should, but other than that i found the controls worked well

Great game

Thanks for the experience


Thanks so much for the kind words and thanks for trying it out!


I love you made this game so calm and casual friendly. I had trouble hitting some platforms but the rising water kept me from getting frustrated and I like the thought that everyone can beat this game.


Saw that this was a jump-king inspired game, and was afraid I was in for a rage-inducing experience. Imagine my surprise when I found that there is an incremental flooding mechanic that, rather than stressing you out by giving you a visible encroaching time limit, is a slow difficulty aid that ensures the game stays peaceful and relaxing.

Well done!


OMG, so glad you enjoyed it. I really love those games but hate the rage. Me and the team aimed for a cozy frog hopping experience. Glad you enjoyed!


You pulled it off well, congrats.


Had a lot of fun playing it!! My personal best is 4:29 xD. I really liked that when you fell, it didn’t punish you too much instead, it helped you keep climbing on your own!

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

a fellow frog game submission and a fellow leaderboard enjoyer! this is a fun, short, cozy experience. y'all did great, but boy are those dev times a task and a half to beat!


Oh my goodness, that is too funny. A climbing frog game. I'll check out your game.  TY!


Lovely experience! :)


Thank you!


Super cute game! Loved the sound effects and leaping game mechanic, nicely done. We have a trajectory minigame in our game jam game so it's fun to see another game implement something similar. Had a blast playing this one and made it to the top of the leader board. Great UI as well!


Thank you for trying it out. I'm glad you enjoyed it! Nice job on topping the leaderboard! I'll check out your game.


This is a very good, clean, fun, cute, and just a perfect jam gam. its great, its amazing


Aw thanks so much! We all worked really hard on this one so it feels good to know its fun. I will give your game a play too, thanks for giving us a play.


Very clean game! Good job! Loved the main menu graphic lol


TY! I just got it rendering correctly at the end! lol. Art by @Anticdope.


Thank you! I had bigger plans for it but time didn't permit much more than what we were able to get in.


I couldn't quite beat the developer's times, but I did manage to finish eventually! The game has solid sound design and art, which really added to the experience. I did find the controls a bit tricky, but the rising water helped me get through since it limited how much I could fall near the end.

Nice touch with the online leaderboard—it's always great to see that feature! I  included one in my game too!


Thanks so much! And thanks for the feedback on the controls. What did you find trickey?


That was a really fun and engaging game! I love how the frog theme adds to the art and gameplay direction.


Thanks so much! I'm glad you liked it!


Thanks for playing! I really enjoyed the opportunities I had to reenforce both the frog aesthetic and the jam theme. Really glad you found it fun.

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