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A jam submission

LiberatorView game page

Blast. Them. All.
Submitted by Virtual Nomad (@NOMAD5101) — 9 days, 8 hours before the deadline
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Ranked from 23 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Submitted (1 edit)

Very fun! I liked the feeling of power you got by just rampaging through this town super overpowered to take out all of the bad guys. I will say though that I found the game quite easy, and often times you didn't even need to dodge, as long as you could shoot the enemies they wouldn't be able to kill you. Other than that, great game, great visual effects with the explosions and whatnot, and overall enjoyable experience!

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

thanks for the feedback, tyrant. challenge = "more" in post-jam version which already has a few more additions. 

Liberator 050122 - YouTube

"watch this space" & thanks for playing!


Fun game! Tanks are awesome! really enjoyed this game. I think it would be great to have some way to heal (did I miss it?). It also seemed like environment kills counted towards your score/wave clearing. Maybe that's intentional, but it felt like you could cheat at the game by just letting them all kill themselves haha

Great entry! :)


Thanks for playing. The game's balance "isn't" :) it was more of a prototype that i'm continuing to develop that will address friendly fire and balanced play, add health, power-ups, etc, and some polish. Meanwhile, it is still fun to make things BOOM :) all feedback is welcome so thanks for that!


A fun little game! I could easily see myself playing this on a phone while on a break from work! The gameplay loop is easy to get into, and the controls work well. For me the SFXs were maybe a bit harsh, but maybe my volume was just too high. Overall, a nice prototype of a fun break activity game!

We'd greatly appreciate if you checked out our submission as well! :)


thanks for the feedback and i'll get a mobile version out at some point, all with post-jam polish. and, i've since enjoyed your submission. thanks again!


Really fun, reminds me of the old flash-games. Great entry!


I found it a pretty fun game! The sounds are a bit too much sometimes, but they do add to the game experience haha. It'd be nice to have different villages but I think the core game loop is pretty solid. I'm not entirely sure how it fits the theme, but it's a cool entry nonetheless. Good job!

Developer (2 edits)

thanks for playing. i'm working on relieving the "bit too much" part where i've added some "spatial sound" to a post-jam version among other things. and i'll be addressing the villages, too, which will be more than solid, single color "rooftops". :) you're not the first to miss the "confinement" part of the game where any village invaded by a swarm of tanks will cause the occupants to feel quite confined, i imagine. i expect i was too subtle in communicating that but it was my intention or approach to the theme. thanks for the feedback!


Decent with an interesting control scheme, but I have some criticisms.

-It seems like some music could have improved the experience a lot

-If the enemy bullets moved slower and the player had less health, it would give each shot more meaning, making the player care more about dodging and getting hit, which is important for a bullet hell game.

-I'm not sure how the game fits the theme.

If these things are improved on I think the game shows some good potential.

I would be grateful if you checked out my entry as well!


hi, f_m and thanks for playing. 

unfortunately, i didn't leave myself enough time to test for "challenge" (and a lot of other things). and, i confess that i didn't know much about the bullet hell genre including the dodging requirement. i took it as "make it rain BOOM" :) so, i've learned a bunch from this jam including some coding techniques that i hadn't yet explored.

as far as theme, i expect that i failed to portray well enough the "villages" as besieged by a swarm of enemies which implies confined. each village should actually portray villagers' ability to enjoy their village once liberated. 

alas, i am continuing working on Liberator, adding some polish and applying welcome feedback such as yours. 

thanks again!


Booom!!! Baaaam!!! Trrrrrrrrrrr!!! It's fun. Very juicy sound design. Dead tanks make feel what you are destruction machine. But all village feel just same, and it's not clear when hit me. 

Good game. Great job.

Developer (2 edits)

i've been playing with sound balance, play rates and volumes since the deadline so the BOOMS can have some variation ;)

and, i'll make it more apparent that you've been hit, along with fleshing out the "village" vibe. 

i've made some cool additions already and these will go on the to-do list. 

stay tuned for the post-jam work :)

thanks for the critique!


Great game although the I feel like the houses could of been textured


thank you, a-c.

work will continue and the "villages" are on the to-do list.


its quite fun and satisfying, the art is nice and simple(exept big explosion), but its a bit unclear what you caused and what just happened by acciddent wich can get a bit confusing,

still, good game, keep going


thank you, rubinschwein. and, thank Kenney for the artwork :)

i'll try to make some things more apparent as i continue working on this but i do want a solid amount of mayhem and confusion inside!


Simple, but surprisingly addicting.


glad you liked it even if a bit too much!


The game is quite interesting and fun! The game is a bit on the easier side though... Enemies don't have predictive (or even random) shooting, so it's pretty difficult to get hit with your already high armor. Enemies don't really ramp up with time, partly because friendly fire kills them all. A bit more challenge needs to be in the game. The art and effects are really cool though. Audio is amazing too. Great job!

Developer (2 edits)

i confess that i did near no testing re: the challenge factor. in fact, up until the deadline, the player's armor increased with each village's liberation while the # of enemies only increase by 1. and, at the last minute, i decided to start with 20 enemies vs the 10 i had before. the real challenge doesn't kick in until ~V20. interestingly, it probably made the game easier where some (more) of the enemies are now working for the player ;) otherwise, please consider this offering as Easy Mode where i will remove friendly fire damage in post-jam updates (aka, add Hard Mode), add Air Raids that i had planned and a few other bits before i'm content with it (i'm open to any constructive feedback toward making L better as i do want to continue work on it). meanwhile, credit to Kenney - for the visuals. this was the right time for me to finally utilize his art. and, finally, thank you for your insightful feedback, your kind words, and for playing my little bit of hell.


I am probably gonna hear this explosion sound in my sleep tonight. This game is amazing though. It is very addictive and I like that you didn't just slap on the boring old standard controls.


thanks for your feedback, endoblance. and, i must say that i've since been playing liberator more than other jam entries thus far (while adding and fixing a few things). your krazy kats have proven a distraction from that so, thanks again :)


So much fun. I don't understand how many villages I need to clear or if it's infinite. I also think the tank's bullet could have a different design, to differentiate it from enemy bullets. Nice game, congratulations.


hi, moebios. it's "infinite", i suppose. but, as you progress, the enemies get tougher and tougher, along with the pace. i didn't set a cap on how much the enemies could improve so, if you've consumed a pound if sugar, i suppose you could reach a point where enemy bullets simply spawn on top of you ;) and, yes, yours is the 2nd request for differentiated bullets so i'll get it in the post-jam version (along with some other goodies). thank you for the feedback and taking the time to play my game.


TIL blue tanks are almost invincible. Also the slightly distorted sfx work really well, some smoke and wind might be a nice addition.

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

thank you, magso. smoke is already in the post-jam work. it even follows the tank carcass if you should shove it across the screen ;)

wind is also a good suggestion; thanks for that.

i would call the jam version "easy" mode with "friendly fire" active. i've cleared village 25 and doubt i could get near that if it wasn't. 

i left myself no time to solicit testing (normal when i do jams, unfortunately) so the "challenge" for the player is simplistic. i hope to leave time, "next time".

thank you for your comments. and, for playing :)


The 'friendly fire' caught me off guard at first XD. Also there's no smoke in the web version

smoke is already in the post-jam work

it's in neither web nor WIN jam release but i'll upload a new version post-jam with it and a few more additions. watch this space :)


I expected to get stuck, especially as all the destroyed enemy tanks were piling up, but it's been designed well to not let that happen. Simply controls to get to grips with, meant I got into it quickly. Nice concept, and comes together well. Possibly could have done with better info about the waves, and more progression, maybe a bit of different landscapes, but these are all things beyond the scope of Jam games. So great job, and I hope you progress the game :)


thank you, peter. i had "plans for more" but, as jams sometimes go... well, you know ;)

thanks for your feedback, and for playing Liberator :)


This was pretty fun, but I played it on my computer so I probably wasn't getting the experience intended. I wonder why it's called Liberator though.

Developer (1 edit)

HI, 3Rs and thanks for the comments. the WIN experience is the same as the HTML version with probably a few more FPS. it must not be apparent but Villages are besieged by enemy tanks (aka, "confined") and the player liberates them. the "village" notion is only lightly represented with the rooftops of a few houses/buildings scattered about (i hadn't fleshed out roads or other indicators of "village" by the deadline). thanks for playing :)