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Pounds of PiranhaView game page

Submitted by NuGameDev (@ForgotOtherSock), yousayrandy — 15 hours, 25 minutes before the deadline
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Theme interpretation#993.6553.655

Ranked from 29 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Completed it. Last level was a head scratcher.

It was unique and the inclusion of arrows did make you think way ahead. Mostly you can pass levels with trial and error.

No complaints on music but visually it can improve. Cartoony or hand drawn sprites would have been a bit better as they would feel a bit consistent. You could also add different backgrounds for different levels, giving each level a unique look and feel.

That's all from me 

I wish you all the best!


This is a very clever puzzle game. And made with Godot I think (mine is too!)?  Nice work. I like the relaxing background music and the innovative game idea. Integration of the theme is also very good. Quite an addictive game. Nice work!


You know the game is good when fish swim up into the sky! 😁 I like the idea of a game a lot: it's quite unique.

It was simple to understand basic game mechanics and I think puzzle progression is fairly balanced. I got stuck on level 21: one red fish didn't leave the area despite facing towards the edge of the screen. I think that's a bug.

Some levels are a bit too easy and even have unnecessary weights but most puzzles are good.

Great job! Good luck with your future projects!


It took me a bit to figure out what was going on but after that I was getting goldfishes :) The physics bodies on the weights would sometimes collide and solve the puzzle for me and other times would cause me to lose. Very clever implementation for a puzzle game and great work!


Very unique idea!! I only think that you missed telling the player what is the actual goal of the game. Right now, you only have a few texts showing the controls. However, after you figure it out, it is very addicting :)

Good job!


super clever game and nice aesthetic - I enjoyed it!


Liked the challenges in the game. Congrats!


Such a creative game mechanic, and it's incredibly fun and addicting. Awesome job!


Honestly at first I had no idea what to do, after a couple of trial and errors it clicked and I was pleasantly surprised at the concept! Very creative and fun to solve!

I did not understand why the weights had physics attached to them?  I did not see any gameplay benefit to those having physics, but maybe that comes into play later in the game.

Around level 7, my game froze up and crashed - this could just be my laptop as its a little old but thought I would mention it.

Congratz and nice job on the game, best of luck!


Thank you!  Regarding the weights being physics, I needed them to have colliders so they would not overlap, in order to prevent picking up 2 weights with the mouse.  Once that far, it just made sense for them to be physics bodies so you could toss them in and they'd sail in like...well...weights!  Also, some might consider it a bit tedious to drag them directly to the spot when they can just be dropped in, there's the little dopamine aspect there to consider as well.  Certainly, that could be done with kinematic bodies, but not to any advantage that I thought of (this does not preclude said advantage existing :-P).

Thanks for mentioning the crash.  I don't know why.  However, just yesterday, I ran it on an old HP Envy laptop that I have, as it happens, and got a crash I had never seen before.  It was a memory access violation.  This old thing has a trash Intel on-board graphics and I have to run it on that thing with opengl3 (instead of Vulkan, Godot will prompt for that).  Hopefully this is just some crazy old driver issue, but good to know :).


I really loved the concept of the game, it's simple yet something that I'd never seen before, my most sincere congratulations! 😃

I really love the puzzle design of this game, I can definitely see myself playing one or two matches from time to time on my mobile phone 😆

I think that if you polish the game a little bit more, with some time and dedication you can have a great game that will work wonderfully in the mobile market!

The only thing that reduced the quality of my experience playing was that since the scales are physics bodies, I had to be careful not to push them around into the basket.

Other than that, the game concept is pretty solid, amazing job! 😁


It makes me very happy that you say that!
I did (and still do) envision this as a mobile game. I have it all planned out how it would look and how it would play on phones. If schedules and desires align for myself and NuGameDev (who did the art, programming, and music -- all the actual hard work), it might be something we pursue in the future.
Thank you for playing and for the kind words!


Congratulations on your game. Great puzzles.


Thanks very much!


It was a fun twist; I was not expecting that. Clever and well done!


Many thanks!


First of all, I like how the game is made with Godot. The concept of the game is very creative. I did get want I am going to do at first, but once I understood it is really fun. The level design is also really good, the learning curve is just right, and there are many pretty challenging levels after getting to two digits.

If you have time, please take a look at my game. It is also a puzzle game made with godot.


Already visited your game, great stuff over there.  And yeah, only downside to Godot is you can't do a web build in C# right now, but that should be alleviated sorta soon.   Thanks for checking it out!


this was actually a really good idea. i feel like this has potential. its a good puzzle game thats not a platformer lol :)  gj!


Thanks!  Yeah we made a puzzle platformer for this jam in 2020 xD.  


Funnily enough, the idea first manifested in my brain as a puzzle platformer. It is very easy to show off mechanics in a platformer, and I've made a few in my time that did well, so that's where my head went. I thought the mechanics would be too tedious in a platformer, though, so I changed it to be more of a straight puzzle game. I was nervous about that because I had never done one before, but fortunately, it seems to have turned out okay.

Thank you for the kind words!


interesting concept!


Thank you!


Wow! This is such an awesome idea! How did you even come up with this concept? It's super unique, interesting, and actually fun to play and solve the puzzles too. Great game!!!


Thanks very much for the kind words :). did the design part of this game, and you can see his reply to the first comment below if you want to see the highbrow roots of the idea xD.  Thanks again for trying it out!

Developer (2 edits)

Thank you! The positive comments never get old and are a much-needed confidence booster!
Since you asked, the concept came from me seeing the announcement and thinking of all the different types of "scales" that exist. I thought of a bodyweight scale and how it displays digital numbers, and thought about weighing things as a mechanic. I've been watching Futurama with my wife, and the Christmas episode has Fry hanging from a digital clock and falling as the numbers change, so I combined that with the idea of weighing something to change the digital numbers to make new paths and remove barriers. The fish came as a result of Finding Nemo being on when I saw the theme announcement because my two-year-old is obsessed with that movie, and fish also have scales.

Again, I can't express how much the feedback means to me. I very much appreciate it.

Submitted (1 edit)

The concept is very clever. It's amazing how many variants of levels you managed to create with such a simple premise.

It was a bit hard to understand at first. I also thought I could manipulate the weights on the scale fast enough to don't let red piranhas pass while I was switching numbers (due to the possibility of letting go weights from above).

Overall, great puzzle game. Well done :D


Thank you!  You're definitely right about the weights, I wrestled a bit with how to keep from being able to spam them.  I think given more time, I'd implement a more robust state machine.  One thing you can do is slide the weights along the beach and knock a few in at once.  It was too much fun for me to take out xD.  Thanks for playing!


level 21 is bugged with the top left red fish stopping at the exit. other than that really great job! very fun puzzle game!!


Yeah, I actually picked up on that after submission unfortunately.  There IS a different way to solve 21, but you absolutely should be credited with the other ways.  Probably some edge case in there when all those red fish rush out like that.  Sorry about that!  Anyhoo, thanks much for playing through :).


oh no i should not have closed the game lol now i want to beat it!! i saw theres 25 levels in the source code so maybe ill go back or clone it and add a level select XD


LOL, yeah, but in fairness you did beat 21, I have no doubt :). But yeah, by all means, you can open any level scene and play that particular scene and it should spin up fine.  The last level is just a thanks for playing, btw, I didn't want to just end it in a void and it loads by number sequence.


I'm a huge fan of the puzzle concept. Its very unique and challenging that you need to utilize the shape of numbers to free the fish. Too bad I'm bad at puzzle games so I was only able to make it to level 11 :(. But I still really enjoyed the game!


Thanks for playing!  And don't feel bad about that, some of the last levels were challenging for us too and we made them xD.  For Level 11, basically you want to get that red fish to move before you let the green one in the ring ;).  Glad you enjoyed it!


I don't get it. Am I supposed to play guessing game what numbers are going to move every fish at any given state or am missing something?
other than that this seemed like an interesting puzzle.


Ah, no, it's simply that the numbers are barriers.  The fish will always try to go in whatever direction they are facing, but if there is a number blocking the way, they can't.  If you do the math, you'll know what number you'll get, the object being to clear a path for the good fish without having them encounter a bad fish.

So like in the first level:

Right here, the fish is blocked because the top of the '0' is in the way, but after adding the '1' weight: the fish can move because the number is not in the way anymore.


Thanks! Now that you say it I feel kinda silly :)
But still I might not be the only one who doesn't see it.


No problem :).  Yeah it's good to know if it's at all mistakable.  An addition we could make is like maybe some visual feedback that the fish is blocked, like a bonk-on-head sort of thing if it tries.  Thanks for the feedback!


Definitely not your fault if it wasn't clear to you. My apologies for that. Thank you for trying and providing feedback.

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