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A member registered May 24, 2021 · View creator page →

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This feels really snappy and good controls, the ball actually responds to where you hit it on the paddle, nice sfx too 10/10!

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nice graphics and sfx, my best score was 14! 9/10

Feels just like the original, nice sfx and animations!

Nice job, I like the visuals and music! The controls feel just right :D

I added a light to the switches so you can see them in the dark! Also changed the lamps and added in another checkpoint. Should be much more friendly now! Thanks for the feedback.

New Thread for everyone to share their experience with the Jam and give a postmortem on their projects!

I read this comment and we still had a 20 hour extension on the jam to resubmit, so I took advantage of the jam extension and took several of your comments to heart. I added a 4th checkpoint towards the end of the game back in, I lightened up the darkness a bit, and I added some basic instructions to the title screen. After seeing every game submitted to the jam and the voting criteria, there are several more changes I could have made to make this better fit the theme and give the player a bit of a backstory, but alas, that is why its a jam. Thanks for your comment! It was most constructive and I hope it gives you joy to know you had a direct impact on the final state of my entry! Cheers!

I only added the darkness to better fit the theme of the jam. The traps all kill you on the 4th frame of the animation, so for the flowers thats when the pollen hits the ground, I should have made an animation for the player to be covered in a bit of pollen when you die to the flower to show that its the dust thats deadly. I almost want to steer the game towards instant death traps and trial and error game play, then it better fits the rage platformer style. Thanks for your kind comments!

Cheers! I have so many ideas for ways I could have made this game more horror-ish and wish I had added some story but overall I had a blast this game jam!

Thank you for your comment! VERY clean game play?! :D You're too kind!

Give I wanna be the boshy or I wanna be the guy another shot! This game is designed to have 3 frames to escape the traps, boshy and the guy aren't so kind. If I were to further develop this I would steer more towards that type of memory, trial and error based game play and add a story and probably replace the blob being the main character. Thank you for your comment! I had so much fun with this game and playing and rating everyone's games!

The way the traps work is on the 4th frame of the animation it checks if the player is still in the collider and kills you if you are, you you have 3 frames to escape the traps after triggering them. I've been thinking that maybe instead of making every single gravestone a trap, to only make certain ones instant death traps and have it be a memory, trial and error type game, more along the lines of I wanna be the Boshy. Thank you so much for your comment! I did all the artwork as a first pass, never touch again, as fast as I could style so I'm surprised so many people enjoy it! won't let me download this game, its the only one that the download won't start for.

Who uses a Mac?

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You can right click > send to > compressed folder and not package it in a .rar file. I can't open without downloading another program. Just put it in a .zip file in the file explorer.

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So much potential for this to feel fun, but its not. I like the floaty anti-gravity feel of the ship, but its so slow I can't have any fun with it, speed up the player and let us have fun. Give the player enough speed to where THEY have to control it in an expert way. Right now its just full speed ahead to where ever youre going. Same thing with the shooting, we can shoot 1 projectile every 2 seconds? Cmon, give us a laser mini gun to let loose with! In its current stage its slow and dull, spice it up!

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I love the pixel art on the player character, I just wish I could look around. I didn't realize there were multiple camera angles until I cheesed the fence and got into the last cabin.

Solid game, good work. Not on theme but w/e, you made what you wanted to show us and I think it was amazing. Artwork is AAA quality, if you really wanted to make this into a commercial game I think it would need work on the text/voice overs side, a strong animation system for the text itself and a prettier font. Also, a stronger game play loop with progression systems rather than strictly story based. This could be on Steam in 6 months.

Solid game, good work! Terrible theme for this jam so we just did what we could, we're not gonna all make a jump scare game are we? I'm not gonna knock you on theme at all. My only gripe with this game is being stuck in place during the attack animation, and the character is a bit slow. Think of the fun factor when playing the game, getting locked in place sucks, and being slow sucks even worse! Just allow movement and have it check for a hit on a certain frame of the animation so we can still move around. Unfortunately, no jump scares = no win :(

Yeah, I wish we knew the voting criteria for this jam before we made our games. I feel like you would have had a better direction for the jam. The walking is too slow, its boring, there were no physical jump scares, but whats even the point, Why am I walking down a path in the forest? I walked for so far before the first random sound scare and then I was done. I think this is the problem with some of the projects we start, we don't focus on game play first. Remember, if the game isn't fun its not a game at all. 5/5 on theme, at least you got that going for you, which is nice.

5/5 ON Theme, these type of games are the only contenders for this jam because they are scary as hell. I can barely play these types of games, I'm just scared the whole time. Why is the house setup like a maze?! It would have been better to just have it setup as a normal house, that's more scary and less annoying. I would have liked there to be more physical jump scares instead of the maze, why do people associate horror games with a maze?! That being said there's better voice overs and jump scares in this competition and the voice over at the beginning seems almost funny rather than sincerely creepy but solid work. You could have easily taken out the maze, added some jump scares in the house with ghosts or dolls or w/e and fixed the narrative with a real story other than dream and red lights and won this. This game has the most comments and the comments are huge because everyone sees the potential here but it just missed the mark in so many ways. Take some tips from Spot H9.

I get stuck on the walls if I touch them. Never seen that with colliders before, did you use a game engine to make this?

I cant play in browser because space bar moves the screen down! Would have gladly downloaded the game. I love the art though.

The biggest horror aspect to this game is youre given a knife instead of a gun, cmon I cant stab skulls in the face I need to shoot them!

Damn you birds! Damn you!!!

I went to the basement and couldn't figure out what to do, I can't play these type of game, I get too much tension in my chest, but I guess thats the point right? Based on the theme its only possible for this or Spot H9 to win, wish the theme was better thought out.

I walked off the road and fell into the abyss forever.

Solid game, great work! I wish you would have disabled the cursor in the game window if you are using it to move the light, seeing the light and then a cursor over top of it sucks. I kept running into things in the dark, maybe I should move my light forward more but it hurts my brain to move too characters at once.

I think this game jam theme just sucks so people did what they want to have fun with the jam. Sucks so many points are based on theme. Its got good graphics and the puzzle gameplay is fun. I played several levels but the mirror stages got to be more annoying than fun.

Love the artwork, definitely on theme. It wasn't really fun though, the objectives just tell you go here go here go here and you just follow. Needs more anticipation and jump scares, I kinda just ran into the black creature and then died and I was confused.

I really wish the player character was more than just a triangle, and the maze being the main gameplay is not very fun. The sfx and music were themed appropriately but it didnt seem to fit with the maze.

On theme run and gun game, solid effort, good work!

Complicated, I kinda of understand the sonar, but its cumbersome and not intuitive. I went down to the bottom but didn't know where to go from there. I know theres a cave somewhere but I just felt like I wasn't even moving or something.

Great visuals, sfx. There is a game here and its a complete experience. Blown away when I first saw the game, love the 3d pixel art look. Would have liked something more than collect 10 things but you can make this into anything you want! Great work!

More enemies!!!!!! I think this was the most raw fun I had playing a game from this jam. The movement is quick, the shooting is fun. Knocking in doors is a blast! Its as much on theme as you can get without making a boring jump scare game! I love this one!

I think this game jam theme is just bad, over 90% of the submissions have nothing to do with the theme, I think thats on the theme and not on the participants. This is a solid endless runner framework, needs collectables, powerups, a reason to want to continue playing beyond jumping and ducking, solid first pass.

I don't know why but I couldn't steer the character or look around when I tried to play so I can't judge.

I couldn't make it past the castle entrance before getting frustrated and quitting. The guards run up on you 3 at a time and it only takes a few hits to die, so theres no real gameplay solution to dealing with 3 guards other than kiting and trying to Line of Sight and break one off at a time. The framerate really takes a dive when your standing at the graveyard and looking down on the town. I think the best part of this game are the voice clips of the vampire as you're chasing down villagers!