Yeah accidently zipping is a big bug I'll need to work out.
as for the Shop you can't buy things your full on, so the health drop you couldn't buy.
I played your game on stream, heres a link to the Vod if you like to watch
I played your game on stream, heres the VOD if you like to watch
Played your game on stream, here is the Vod if you like to watch me play it
I played this game on stream, heres a link to the Vod if you like to watch it.
Played your game on stream, heres a like to the Vod if you like to watch
Streamed you game, here a link to the Vod
Played your game on stream heres a link to the Vod
Played your game on Stream heres a link to the vod
Played your game on stream here's a link to the vod
Played your game on stream, heres a link to the Vod if you like to watch
Played your game on stream, heres a link to the Vod if you like to watch
Played your game on stream, heres a link to the Vod if you want to watch
Also Whoo boy that is meaty
Played you game on stream, heres a link to the Vod if you like to watch
Wow thats a lot of text! Thanks for finishing the game, Glad you enjoyed it so much!!
Yeah sorry for the Sound Balance, audio is not my strongest suit, I tried my best.
Also Wow, did not know about that softlock, gona need to address that, thanks for telling me! Guess I'll make the minimum starting health for a save 3, and stop pausing while dyeing.
Yeah the moving platforms is something I coded quickly in the last day. they apply velocity directly to the player. this is why play testing is important, but I didn't really have people to play test for me so I missed a few things.
If your like to rewatch the Vod of the stream here
I played your game on Stream, here's the Vod if you like to watch.
I played your game on stream, sorry about the audio bugs in the video. heres the vod if you like to watch it.
Interesting game you made, I can see what you where aiming for (maybe, I could have no clue what I'm talking about.)
Pros: the environment, with the lighting, and the layering it very stunning to look at. the visual effects are also very enjoyable. I love the theme with the Germanic classic of a child lost in the woods of the fey, (but a bit more violent, or less?)
cons: The gameplay doesn't really work well with the Bullet Hell style, the movement can be clunky, making the best strategy just spamming the sword, until everything is dead and you can move on. and the Gun feels unneeded, its slow to shoot, and the bullet travel so slow the fairies will just move a bit out of the way and dodge.
Bugs: Some times I wall jump off the ground? that's strange. Also you can run past all the fairy's killing none, and still get called a murder (That ones just funny.)
Final Thoughts : I did Enjoy the game, from what I played. the best suggestion I can think of if you plan on finishing this entry, maybe focus on the movement and sword play? Give the player some dodge options, like a double jump or dash. make the sword have a small combo chain, with more lag after it. but let the player move while attacking.
or if you want to Keep the Gun make it easy and fast to shoot but weak, and keep the sword as a pure parry tool.
With a bit of work, I think you can make something very fun. Hoped this feedback helped.