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A member registered Aug 05, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you for playing! I wanted to try my hand at a zelda like for a while, and the theme just kinda pushed me to it. ForteXP's music is always a treat, so happy They helped me again this jam!

Glad you enjoyed it so much! Thank you for playing!

Thanks for playing! Yeah you start out able to go to town or the mansion, and I made the starting location kind of push you to the mansion first. the NPC teaching you how to play where my just righting throw away dialog, to fill the town a bit.

Thank you glad you enjoyed it! my friend ForteXP did all the music, I'm always happy to get to work with them. 

Thank you! I think getting the enemies to react in a good way is what sells the combat feel. I was playing link's awakening on my game boy as I was programing, so I'm happy I got it to feel right!

Thanks for playing! never played Illusion of Gaia, but a room mate of mine was all ways talking about it.

Yeah I should be more clear, menu has always just stuck in my head as an go to interface in games, so I though it would suffice sorry.

Playing on those old LCD screens in the car was almost impossible. the car turns and the suns no longer lighting up the screen UGH. so happy when back light screens became the norm.

Wow thats a lot of text! Thanks for finishing the game, Glad you enjoyed it so much!!

Yeah sorry for the Sound Balance, audio is not my strongest suit, I tried my best.

Also Wow, did not know about that softlock, gona need to address that, thanks for telling me! Guess I'll make the minimum starting health for a save 3, and stop pausing while dyeing.

Yeah the moving platforms is something I coded quickly in the last day. they apply velocity directly to the player. this is why play testing is important, but I didn't really have people to play test for me so I missed a few things.

It was, but I was using D-pad. I stand by up being jump is bad. even on keyboard I would have hated it LOL.

I streamed your game, heres the Vod if you like to watch

I streamed your game, heres the Vod if you like to watch

If you like to rewatch the stream heres the Vod

I streamed your game, heres the Vod if you like to watch

Heres the Vod if you like to rewatch me play your game

I streamed your game, heres the vod if you like to watch

I streamed your game, heres the Vod if you like to watch

I streamed your game, heres the Vod if you like to watch

If your like to rewatch the Vod of the stream here

I played your game live on  stream, heres the vod if you like to watch

I played your game on Stream, here's the Vod if you like to watch.

I played your game on stream, sorry about the audio bugs in the video. heres the vod if you like to watch it.

Interesting game you made, I can see what you where aiming for (maybe, I could have no clue what I'm talking about.)

Pros:    the environment, with the lighting, and the layering it very stunning to look at.  the visual effects are also very enjoyable.  I love the theme with the Germanic classic of a child lost in the woods of the fey, (but a bit more violent, or less?) 

cons:     The gameplay doesn't really work well with the Bullet Hell style, the movement can be clunky, making the best strategy just spamming the sword, until everything is dead and you can move on. and the Gun feels unneeded, its slow to shoot, and the bullet travel so slow the fairies will just move a bit out of the way and dodge. 

Bugs:  Some times I wall jump off the ground? that's strange. Also you can run past all the fairy's killing none, and still get called a murder (That ones just funny.)

Final Thoughts :     I did Enjoy the game, from what I played.  the best suggestion I can think of if you plan on finishing this entry, maybe focus on the movement and sword play? Give the player some dodge options, like a double jump or dash. make the sword have a small combo chain, with more lag after it. but let the player move while attacking.
or if you want to Keep the Gun make it easy and fast to shoot but weak, and keep the sword as a pure parry tool. 

With a bit of work, I think you can make something very fun. Hoped this feedback helped.

Great entry!

I love the touhou vibes from the Ui design, and the Bullet patterns.

The sprite work was a bit weak, and the bullets being the same shade as the background really made it hard to see them at times. 

Had alot of fun here, the bit crushed voice clips really hit me in the nostalgia. 

I love the art-style, it looks so good.  the characters are also wonderfully designed, from looks to theming.

most of my issues come from controls, and UX.

sometimes the focus just stopped working, not sure what the was about.

as fun as the cutscenes where on first read, a way to skip them so I can retry boss fight faster would be nice.

Thank you! sorry for the save bug, that's my bad, never found it when I was paly testing, it was a stupid simple fix too.

glad you enjoyed what you could play.

Thank you, Honestly I really wanted to get more done, I tried to make more control layouts scene I didn't have the time to add in control mapping. I also had fun making the VFX, we do plan on finishing the game, and sorry about the save bug, never happened when I was play testing.

thank you, I mean they are just living their best life, charging where they can lol.

Thank you!, wassabieguy did great work on the sprites, and guigagliardo music is beautiful.

Thank you for the feed back, sadly the save bug never came up during play testing. I wish I could have fixed it before the jam ended.

Thank you, glad you enjoyed it!

as of now, we do plan on continuing work.

Thank you!

(1 edit)

Thanks for  playing and glad you enjoyed the game so much.

as for your notes,

1. this may sound strange but I went out of my way to make the title music not loop, just felt more retro that way. and the typo is my bad.

2. I kind of get what you mean about the camera, I prioritized always being able to see ahead of you so that the draw back. and the jump was me trying to get the fast fall feel of mega-man. this was mostly me just remaking things from memory so it gets wonky.

3. you would think the plant guys weak to fire, but he's not a plant lol. as for the bug, that's on me. I said in another reply that the garden was made in the last hours of the jam, the boss was also part of that dev time. but thanks for letting me know! also the pirates in the garden are deadeye subordinate, so they are elite snipers. (they also have an eyepatch) so they are a bit better at this then the normal moots lol.

4. sorry about that, sound is not my forte, that's forte's forte. I tried my best to make sounds that work but they fall a bit flat from times to time.

thanks for such a in-depth comment, I'll try to improve what I can for the post jam version!

Glad you enjoyed the game so much!
Botanical Garden is the weakest level because I made it in the last hours of the jam, it also got the lest amount of play testing for it

The plan is in deed to finish the game, add in the final level and boss.

Thank you, your comment is extremely likeable!

first up, this game is absolutely beautiful, the work on the sprites are stunting.

the gameplay is a bit clunky, and the camera stutters due to larping in the small resolution.

as a fan of castlevania I felt the need to complete it lol.

Happy to see you uploaded your in progress build.

hope to see what it turns in to!

Great game, but after I captured all the creatures on level 1 and got to the end, I could not leave the level viva the menu, nor find a exit. Think it soft locked me.

I love the idea of using the water to manage your heat build up.

i feel like the jet moves a bit too fast, maybe you could of had the B button to  shift you to a precision mode, so you can slow down to aim,  but speed up to dodge more easily.

still it was fun to play.