Thanks for the inspiration 😃
I AGREE, i was planning to add different characters that you had to unlock by beating the previous talents like different levels. But i ran out of time to implement,
But i did manage to get like a curveball like pitch working, which i do intend to add to a later version of the game.
Edit: really fun platformer. the jumping challenges were fun. But really unforgiving haha.
I also appreciate those effects you put it for the skull and small explosion. Really well done effects. And the miko sprite was cute!
[Solved] Wasn't able to open the rar. Not sure if its an issue just for me. will delete this comment when i try again later.
EDIT; game works great now. like the other person mentioned had a bit of trouble with collisions to. But other than that everything from the homage, the theme and characters was GREAT. Made a mistake early on with letting marine in without a VIP pass haha. But still loads of fun.
Loved the intro and what i saw of the main game. But the main game didn't trigger. I was stuck in the booth and no one came up.
Still love the idea and the stamps haha.
(Note, I'm using linux so issue may have just been my windows -> linux app)
Really fun and intuitive controls. enjoyed moving around a punching. Controls were great.
But the camera control didn't seem perfect. It would slightly move whenever i had the mouse stationary. Made me a lil dizzy, and I love the CRT effect but paired with a spinning camera just too disjarring. Still loved it.