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Seeds of Destiny

A pseudo pregnancy expansion focused rpg. · By Preggopixels

Bug Reports

A topic by Preggopixels created Jun 08, 2021 Views: 58,862 Replies: 658
Viewing posts 201 to 358 of 358 · Previous page · First page

Bug Report:

Version: .351

Bug Procedure Description:

1. After unlocking the mansion, player spent 1000 G and cleared the debris left in the basement.

2. Player then proceeded to enter the room at the bottom of the basement. 

3. Player read the magic book, but Leah says they need someone who understands magic.

4. Player then walks to the wall between the two lanterns and uses spacebar to interact.

5. A hole opens up in the wall. Player enters the hole, walks straight down, and goes through a cutscene.

6. Player gets teleported back to the room with the magic book.

Now, when player opens the skill menu, Leah's Blessing of Fertility spell is no longer there. Neither does it appear anymore during battle encounters.

Would like to see a fix to this problem. Otherwise I would have to restart a new save file.


A few interactions in the slums such as the casino game and one of the charicters is also broken. There might be others I haven't seen yet. 


Casino gambeling and hyper prego teacher have missing png's. 

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Bug report witche's academy (spoiler):
I completed the acedemy main quest (defeated the headmistress) and walked out. However I realised that in order to activate the crystal I needed to leave seeds at night which I didn't do.

When I re-enter the academy it "resets"to the first stage of the quest, and the PC says that I need to talk to the front desk. When I talk to the front desk however the NPC says I already did all classes, and when I enter the headmistress office her replacement is there. I can't enter the dorms or change the time because I'm still on the first part according to the game, and thus can't activate the crystal.

Thats the same issue Im having so im at a stuck point :(

ran into this error message in town a few steps after i left the talkative old guys house in the first village

for the schoolhouse event specifically, the png in question is School Teacher Hyper, just change it to SchoolTeacher Hyper, its the spaces that screw it up

I cannot obtain Divine Milk. What I've been trying so far:

- beat lilith dungeon by farm with no issue

- exit via the exit removed when helping the massive cowgirl that fell in the milk river

- collect the recipe for Divine Lactaid

- craft Divine Lactaid at the Manor

- use Divine Lactaid, but get normal milk as if it were a normal Lactaid

I dont know if anyone can help but it would be appreciated. 

If this has shown up in the thread already, I apologize. I tried finding this issue beforehand but I couldn't. 

You have to upgrade the farm to be able to obtain the divine milk. Simply upgrade the farm to max level in the first building and, when that’s done, buy the milk from the girl in the same building. I assume you’re trying to activate the crystal there, so after obtaining the milk, go to the crystal and use the milk on it. 

Dang, had no idea that was a thing. 

Super sorry for this then, I'll delete the post in a bit. 

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wdym by upgrading the farm

In the main building there is a statue in the north part of it. Interacting with it will ask you for some materials to upgrade the farm ( I forget what those materials are). The last upgrade gets you what you need. Also, I can’t remember if you have to do that area’s quest first or not.

Currently experiencing a bug; after going down the well in the mansion and picking up the spirit, I talked to Alfred and then went upstairs to give the spirit to Sophie. She "took" it, but it was never taken away from me. I still walk slow and I can't leave the mansion. Talking to her again says that I don't have any spirits. I'm softlocked at this point, is there any way to fix this?

in the 3rd class of the alchemy class when you make a new potion there's no cutscene and then the game sends you back in the menu with all the ingredients. cant go on with the story

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(v0.351) Ok, this has grown a lot larger than I had thought. (Just like Leah's belly.) Don't be dismayed, I collected all these bugs for you precisely because I admire this game so much! ^_^


  • At power level 124 and 224 the character image and battle sprites both revert to standard and show a flat belly. Not sure if this happens every time.
  • For the repeatable reputaion quests in Lakeview City, the bee stinger quest seems confused about the number of items required. Is it 5 or 6 stingers? Also, when there are not enough imp claws for the imp quest, the game complains about not enough demon eggs. Simple typo for both, I guess.
  • Completing the maze lvl 2 in the silent temple gave me a Healthy Bracelet, but called it a Divine Bracelet instead. Another typo, it seems.
  • While investigating the mansion, after reforming the spirit of the servant, the four "Soul Fragments" remain in the inventory. Poor guy should have them, I don't need to keep them. I also still have the "Soul Key". Does this really need to cause clutter in my key items box?
  • After reforming the crystal in the fey forest, the three "Crystal Fragment" items remain in the inventory. I'm pretty sure I had to give those up to repair the crystal.
  • After leaving the Neko Village for the first time, it is possible to enter (and complete) the pyramid instead of the temple. Since the pyramid is blocked after the desert temple is activated, I assume this would break the order of events.
  • The battles in the cave to the south-west of the desert (grote route2) have no background. Could be an issue with the file name, again. Also, on the world map the cave entrance merges with the background mountains pretty well. Didn't even see it for a long time. Maybe add a short path in front of it, as an additional hint.
  • The quest "A Dark Presence?" doesn't seem to update after investigating the dark presence.
  • Nobody told me that Sabrina is a witch. They said to stay away because she's trouble, but nothing else.
  • The music in the sewers below the capital is much louder than all other music.
  • After viewing the Sewer Boss Defeat Bad End, the character is placed at the wrong spot in the Corruption Achievement Section.
  • Sadie (Valorie's friend in bottom left house in the capital) cooks a meal that gives +25 Power. But the party doesn't actually get any.
  • The "Special Birthday Cake" for the prison guard remains in the inventory even after it is used.
  • When using an item during combat, Leah's sprite has no clothes. Also, the sprites for a defeted Valorie or Sanura have no clothes or hair.
  • I'm not sure, but defeating an enemy with "Fertile Blessing" seems to count double as far as the achievements are concerned. Maybe due to the atack hitting twice when used? In fact, in the corrupted temple, it is possible to hit two plant girls with only one "Fertile Blessing".
  • During battle in the abandoned temple, the plant girls have an attack to advance the growth of corrupted seeds for the party. If that brings them to the maximum, the "emergency teleport"-event triggers mid-battle and the game locks up. I think the battle should be ended first, then the event should play.
  • The minotaur in the pyramid tries to give me a jeweled shortsword, but no such item enters the inventory.
  • In the final room of the pyramid, entering the dead end on the left side for a second time is broken. Instead of walking through the open door, you have to interact with the open space to "unlock" the door again. Not that it matters ...
  • After defeating Bastet, a spirit teaches Sanura the power of the earth but no new skill can be found. EDIT: I now know that this is meant to unlock the cave behind the milk farm. But in the moment, it still felt wrong. If you give some reward to the player, they should be able to see it. Sometimes, we get confused, so it would be nice to be able to double-check stuff like that.
  • After completing the pyramid, Leah's "Fertile Blessing" ability is no longer available down in the mines. Also, copys of the ghosts still hang around down there, even though they already relocated to the surface.
  • If the cat people couple moves from the capital to the pyramid village after the pregnancy wave, then they don't talk about their move anymore, only about the baby. Would be nice to have them say both lines, just to help the player connect the dots. Also, they don't actually leave the capital.
  • The repeatable rat tail quest contradicts itself. Is it 5 or 10 rat tails?
  • The repeatable mummy cat quest contradicts itself. Is it 4 or 5 bellyrings?
  • Damia's quest help does not advance after completing the pyramid.
  • The black haired cowgirl inside the barn accepts unlimited lactaid, but does not progress past the +Enhanced Milk stage.
  • Giving the Divine Milk to the green crystal behind the milk farm does not remove the milk from the inventory ... which I actually liked, because then I was able to give it to the milk-crazy catgirl, too. Which, by the way, also didn't use up the milk. :-/
  • In the cave behind the milk farm, there is a fight against a demonic cowgirl and a minotaur. "Fertile Blessing" turns the minotaur into a pregnant cowgirl demon, which is actually hillarious. Maybe keep this one as an easter egg? Maybe add a line of dialogue for lolz?
  • After Leah's breasts get too big and the game over scene has played out, Leah is teleported back to the first temple without her party and unable to move. This should probably be a "return to title screen" instead.
  • The music during the second Lilith battle is really quiet.
  • The "Egg Induction" skill gained from Lilith' dress doesn't seem to do anything.
  • Upgrading stats at the restored temple of fertility temporarily brings us back to the unrestored version.
  • While in the dialogue with the passive ability crystals in the silent temple, pressing the "cancel" button selects the second dialogue option ("manage") instead of closing the dialogue. Same with the character CGs in the achievement area. And some other choices, too. Just check them all. :-/
  • In the Witches Academy during the night, the painting and plaque of the third headmistress are restored and readable.
  • At night, the two apprentice witches across from Leah's room do not display a zZz-bubble when spoken to.
  • In the apprentice dorm, the room on the left side in the middle keeps changing its apperance for each time of day. Then again, Valorie comments about stuff being moved? Sadly, it is not clear what is happening here.
  • While playing as Valorie at night and talking to the door to the headmistress' office, the portrait shows Leah's face. Maybe instead there could be a text box simply saying it's locked.
  • Several of the sprites for the witches don't always remember correctly if they are pregnant or not. And after getting pregnant, some girls appear in places at the wrong time of day, causing them to be found in two spots at once. Affected are the "admirer of headmistresses", the "magical cook", the "dark elf room mate of the tinkerer" and the "catgirl from the north", but there are probably more. I get it, the whole setup is complicated and the content is fresh out of development. Little bugs like these are to be expected. But I'm afraid you have to go over this one more time. :-/ However, the design is brilliant and makes the whole place feel alive, so it's well worth it. ^_^
  • The passive ability crystal in the basement was definitely activated before I got everyone pregnant. Valorie still had some open spots to hide seeds in, but when I walked past there at night, the crystal was already active.
  • In the morning, the plant girl can be found both in her dorm room and outside in Professor Freya's cave thingy.
  • The coffin in the vampire girl's room is always snoring, even when the girl is elsewhere.
  • I'm pretty sure there is no way to get the horny, pink haired witch pregnant.
  • Two of Luna's notes were removed from the inventory, but the one about nightshade flowers remains. I see no need for this.


  • Don't be afraid to make chapter 3 more linear. That's not a bad thing. Lock all locations upon first arrival in the desert, except the desert temple. Even the ship. Then, after investigating the dark presence in the south, only unlock the Royal Capital City, and the rest only after the sewers are cleared. This should make the story flow better. On my first play through, I thought Damia's temple in the desert was inside the pyramid, because oBvIoUsLy. I was confused after defeating Bastet and frustrated after finding the actual temple.
  • The witch Sabrina is already needed to gain entry to the academy, but maybe she could hold off on the recommendation until the sewers are cleared. The acheological twins in the city could have an ancient key needed to open the pyramid. The way to the abandoned temple could be blocked until after a lumber jack in the woods (there's already a cabin there) sends Leah into the city for an errand, then he clears a path. Maybe the dairy farm is closed to Leah ("Everything is fine. There is no need to go into the back room, you are just a customer. Yes, we can sell you plenty of milk.") until after the minotaur leaves the pyramid, finds the farm, gets turned away because he is rude, then he goes to Lilith for help and makes her realise the opportunity at hand. The minotaur could still be sorry for everything, after the heroes arrive and he learns that kindness would have gotten him all he wanted and much easier. Kind of an expansion on the "bad guys can be good guys" theme. Like "bad guys can be good guys, but still can do bad things, until they learn the good ways". Valorie and Leah could have a very interesting discussion about this.
  • In the pyramid, the way the path is set up, the player first finds the prison cell key, then the lamia, then the minotaur. However, the dialogue with these two monsters makes it feel like the exact reverse order would make more sense.
  • The boss fight with Bastet feels clunky. Valorie kills the ghosts in one hit and the other two can't hurt Bastet. Then Valorie has to wait for Sanura to call upon the spirits, but Leah can finally get a hit in. And immediately Bastet resets everything. Repeat three times. There are so many wasted actions in this battle, unless the party is really weak against the ghosts and Sanura has the highest agility. I recommend skipping the part where Sanura has to call the spirits. Or make it automatic instead of an action. Have Bastet be vulnerable immediately after the ghosts are killed and for the turn after. If she respawns the ghosts for the turn after that, it should be fine.
  • In the pyramid, it would be nice to have a visible counter for the number of ghosts in Leah's belly. I could never tell if she had one, two or three in there. I noticed the change in her sprite, but the differences were a bit too subtle for me, or maybe someone who is still learing how this puzzle works. I thought the trapped chests added a ghost, but most of the time I couldn't tell. I'm still not sure if they can also remove a ghost from Leah's belly or if I just seriously miscounted.
  • It would be nice if Leah could use her "induce lactation" ability also outside of the milk cave. That would make it feel like less of a gimmick. Right now, it's a bit of a plot hole, since it seems to vanish right after. In fact, it should make lactaid obsolete. Hmm, I'm not sure about this ... But it would make sense for an avatar of fertility to have this power and it would be fun to use! Or ... instead of a skill for Leah from the crystal of the goddes, make it a spellbook of the demons from which Sanura can learn how to undo the curse of blockage. This would limit its use and avoid conflicts with the greater plot. In that case, the "milk waters" in the cave would need to be not a natural product of the crystal, but maybe simply all of the milk from the hyper cowgirl, which was the first victim of Lilith' heavy corruption magic?
  • I request some male to female transformations later in the game. Spread the joy of pregnancy to anyone, regardless of gender, if they are willing! If they want it, they should have it! I think this would be a logical next step for Leah's growing powers ... of growing. (lol)
  • The item section in the inventory becomes really cluttered. Maybe split it into consumables and ingredients? I know some items are both, but ... it's getting hard to find stuff.


  • The divine items appear to have worse stats than the things I have crafted myself. The angel said something about them getting stronger or upgrading them, but I don't see how. Is this content just unfinished or did I misunderstand something? In which case I request a way to see the explanation again or a more direct explanation of the game mechanics behind these items.
  • What does the lamia want to eat? I would like to help her, but I need a hint ingame.
  • I never found a way to upgrade Sanura past 100 capacity. Some posts here mention it, though. Has this been removed in this  version or am I a dummy? EDIT: I am a dummy. I didn't find the right half of the desert temple map. Got it now.

As you can tell, I seem to be an avid collector of bugs. Yes, I am surprised as well. And I didn't even mention the broken image names, since they have already been documented by enough other people. Or the occasional spelling mistake, since it would have been very tedious to explain how to find them. Anyway, good luck working through this list, I don't envy you. ... Ok, maybe I envy you a little bit for being able to make such a nice and kinky little big game. ^_^


So I went to the mansion and slept with preggo belly but when I woke up it just gave me a black screen an now I am stuck and need to start all over

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Problem with the birthday cake in Ceadar Town

Ruby's quest, to free her, requires a birthday cake obtainable in Ceadar Town, but I can't find the cake, and I talked to most of the NPCs, explored all the structures in the town, and checked all the items sold by the merchants of the town place, and nothing, the only "sweet" thing I found is the slice of apple pie that Leah eats right away, but no pie. I didn't even find it at the beginning of the story, for the mission of little Jenny / Penny / as she is called, the pink girl daughter of the mayor, actually.

There is a girl with violet hair and a yellow bow, standing between two doors. She asks if she can rub Leah's belly. The left door brings you into a house with a cake, a letter and some fruit on the table, a bedroom on the left and a kitchen on the right. In the kitchen is a woman who bakes cakes.

Thank you ! I always thought the doors led to the same house🤦‍♂️

got softlocked in the temple,  i was experimenting and overfilled the spirits, ended up making my screen black, and reloading the game doesn't help

Main source of income for Lady luck casino is missing a png or rpgmvp file, not sure if anyone else has this issue.

This happened to me too.

Deleted 2 years ago
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  • Special Event regarding Sanura stealing the other party members pillows when going to check that she did Leah's moms sprite png is missing and errors the game causing you to be unable to continue the event
  • General Store npc in Royal city slums is missing a face png or rpgmvp3 file that causes the game to error and be unable to proceed or do anything after attempting talking to him.
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the game isnt saving, it lets me click on it, but it wont actually save, which really isnt helpful, considering i had broke it (i went to the debug room and got max size level, and then they wouldnt give birth) so i had to restart, and deleted my previous one, but it wouldnt even overwrite it) and now i restarted, and have actually made some progress, but its not saving, and i dont want to have to restart again, cause it said "ERROR" so i had to close the game and restart for a second time 

I've finished the [Witches' Academy], but I still have the [Time: Morning] in the upper left corner].

And I also encountered the missing sprite bug in the [Pillow Thief] event.

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This error happened when i activate "Expanding knowledge" event.
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And when i picked up tiger lilly it just just dissapear and not in mine inventory

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The game keeps freezing for me at the egg dungeon where Valorie gets inflated by the crystals.


failed to load: /img/pictures/darkwarrior_3.png

in the etrance of the egg dungeon

Same got around that by copying darkwarrior_1 as darkwarrior_3 but then ran into the Valorie freeze.

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Ran into a big problem with the new update. In the egg temple when Valorie goes to "sacrifice" herself, the game "freezes." The game doesn't actually freeze, as I can see the smoke clouds from the floor still move, but I can't do anything. I can't even quit back to main menu. I assume that it's the game trying to load something and being stuck on it, but I can't say for certain. I've noticed that quite a few other people have come across this glitch as well.

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Agreed. I only ran into the egg dungeon freeze with Valorie. But cannot test any further until this issue is fixed.

When entering the demon nursery for the first time during the Lilith encounter an error message comes up saying: Failed to load Darkwarrior.PNG which prevents the player from exiting the current screen

Is there a solution to the Valorie freeze in the egg dungeon?

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can't enter the forest west of the royal city for some reason. There's no error just can't enter it. Is there a way to fix?

couldn't enter the tentacle temple in the sea, after that, I walked back and forth and pressed the space to enter...

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Hey, this isn't really a bug but how do I fix Failed to load img\pictures\Darkwarrior_3? And for the character picture, how do I get to nice one instead of the cartoony looking one?

That's what i have

Every time that witch (big breasts works for demons) comes up on my screen it tells me it was unable to load a picture of dark lord thing

I lost loads of my game progress :(

Deleted 2 years ago

Its solved in build .362 redownload the game

Its solved in build .362 redownload

I'm hoping someone will see this and can help me out! I'm stuck

I've really enjoyed the game so far. I have gotten the Lakeview Pass, gotten all three crystals, done one birth+, done the drunk lady's sidequest, and done the cake one. But whenever I try to go to lakeview, I can't get past the barricade. I can't interact with it at all. What am I missing? Please help.

Did you go to the mayor after beating the Orc to get the pass?

yes, you need to head back to the mayor

i seem to have a moving problem when the self image hud is on, when i click two and so 'on tiles the picture or hud is blocking the rest of those movement tiles (basically when hud is on and click near hud self image it wont let me move on the side where the self image is at)


I played on version .362 and downloaded version .400 and when using the save file from version .362 on version .400 using continue in the main screen to load, I get this error message in the screen shot below.

Game freezes after Sanura temple scene
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Me too!you can find STAGE3_3,Make a copy and rename it STAGE3_6

Where is that file placed?

Seeds of Destiny\www\img\pictures

Do you just add the altered copy in with the other files or do you replace the file you copied?

My English is not my mother tongue:

Copy a file with a similar name and change the name of the missing file. In fact, as long as the name matches, no matter what the content is, although there may be screen bugs, the game can still run normally.

en la mansion el fantasma en los baños me pide agua termal pero ya tengo 3 y no la acepta y no puedo continuar la historia

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In the Royal City, the school (One with the pregnant teacher) is broken. Once you enter, it's not possible to leave, so if you don't have a debug teleporter in hand, you get softlocked.

The weapon shop in Lakeview has a similar bug, where you get stuck at the entrance and can't go in further, though you can still leave.

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The dragon girl disappeared while taking a bath

black rabbit disappeared

Bloated Maid Has Unused Footage

The updated lower left hut is inaccessible, weapons store has an air wall, and is blocked in the doorway.

The capital school is not allowed to go out, the air wall.

An error occurred in the occasion of blessing Sanura, and the 3_6 file must be replaced manually.

I think the new angel Damia's face is too ugly...

The watchman's face is a bit out of shape, it's better to redraw it.

The location of the fox demon does not match the introduction

Dating a Maid to Watch the Sea Story Quest has no follow-up coordinates (Lakeside Town Bar)

There is no exact description of how to get into the Witch Academy.

I recommend:

Rescue the princess blue crystal, some herbs and other items to increase the light point to identify.

Lady Lucky gambles with the player on the pregnancy value, eventually fixing it. Ms. Lucky seems to be getting a repaint too.

Please match the mother's head portrait with the full body portrait.

My dark presence in the sewers was thrown straight into the lord's demon room... Add random doors.

Is it possible to have a separate avatar for the hatched demons...

Damia's new CGs sure are ugly. They don't even look anything like the originals :'(

I think:

The three female faces of Damia, the kitten and the knight are very out of shape, it is best to redraw... The maid is relatively dissatisfied.

The one-eyed captain, the forest snake girl, and Mrs. Lucky can also be original.

I know that the original material belongs to the "魔化計画", but I think it is better to avoid my own games have caused a surge in the workload of pictures.

I didn't know about the 魔化計画 thing. I thought it was just about unifying the game's art style. Which I actually quite enjoy. I think Valorie's new CG looks super cute.

The problem I have about Damia's new CG is that she looks nothing like before. I thought it was quite odd to change a character's vistual design that much after half way through the story/development. But since the old CG was from another game, maybe the one we complain about is the design Preggopixels have had in mind this whole time.

Even I can understand the reason now, I still think it doesn't look good though. 

I cannot go further into the armor house in Lakeview, where the purple dressed lady is.

The adventurer's guild is blocked until the next update, because it's getting a full rework IIRC

in the royal city classroom the three tiles in front of the door are acting like walls, I'm trapped in the room.

This is fixed in the latest patch

where do I get the patch and how do I apply it?

I believe the page has been updated with it, so if you have the latest version from here then it should be all good.

i'm playing the latest patch, and its still there..

If you're still having trouble try downloading the patch from discord instead. 
That's also probably the best place to get news on the game.

how do I even tell when there is a patch? not like there is a update note or anything

Pretty colossal bug: After completing Fertile Overgrowth, the main story just disappears.  Not sure where to go from here. IIRC what was supposed to happen is that Damia directs you to the demonic barrier which starts Chapter 3, but this never happened, so I'm now seemingly stuck with no way to progress the story.

Not sure if there is a way to progress, but as it stands, it seems you get stuck at the end of Chapter 2 because of this bug and the only way to progress is skipping to Chapter 4 from the debug room. Hoping for a quick hotfix because this seriously sucks.

ok dont know if it was reported yet or not but i keep getting a bug when i unlock sanuras pregnancy at the old temple it keeps saying it cant load img/picture/sanurapreg1_stage3_6.png

There's a bug where transferring old save files to the new one to continue my progress but there a error on screen. Maybe it has to do with new alteration of the previous levels. 

Saves from the previous versions will no longer work with new versions. It's got to do with some back-end changes made during the update IIRC

I don't know if this is just me, but just as soon as Sanura gets her blessing, the game locks up because it says it failed to load her sprite. Specifically, it says Loading Error Failed to load: img/pictures/sanurapreg1_stage3_6.png

Dismissing it lets you keep moving around, but only for a second or two before the error pops up again. If you try to open the menu, the game essentially gets locked up in a loop of trying and failing to load the sprite, and there's nothing you can do but close the game. It makes it impossible to continue playing past Sanura gaining the ability to carry seeds.

I also experience this in build 400.

Is there a way to avoid getting softlocked in the Royal City classroom?

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Yes. Go to the Debug Room in the Temple of Fertility, talk to the blue girl on the bottom left, buy a giant pile of Debug Teleporters from her.

Once you've completed the event in the classroom, use the teleporter under Key Items to get out.


How do I progress in the capital class room?

(2 edits)

.4 All known bugs and unopened locations, and some inhumane settings.

Fatal BUG:

3_6 Pictures lost

Missing Tenant:

black rabbit

dragon girl bathing

fox gril

PS: It seems that the Amazon salamander can also join, but I don't know where she is.

Map bugs, and unopened areas:

The Armory in Riverside Village is inaccessible

Classrooms in the capital, unable to leave.

Unable to activate crafting/alchemy table

After finishing Punk Village, I found that I can't enter through the gate...

Places such as galleries can walk up walls

A dark presence can teleport you from the sewers to your home

The second stage of the tentacle maze, the rolling stone girl on the right, if you go after completing the temple, she will still happen, and you will still be sent back to the fertility room if you touch it.

The caves in the deforestation area northeast of the first village cannot be entered.

ice sheet

Fairy Continent

new island

Chapter 4 areas, such as Devil's Village

Under the second area of the Ocean Tentacle Temple - the unknown door on the right.

Pyramid underground mysterious door

Mission question:

Maid beach dates can go on infinitely.

The pickle quest cannot be ended.

Twin missions stopped.

impersonal settings

Special effects and noise appear randomly after the maid becomes a goddess... too much flash may induce epilepsy.

It is difficult to distinguish the materials of the scenery plants and the plants that can be picked up... It is best to have a hint on the map.

Some tasks lack guidance or lack item prompts.

Skill confusion...

The Queen of Bees wants all my hoarded honey at once.


Damia has become ugly, her face is more masculine...

actually the pickle quest can end when you get the update from the baker to get the ingredient save the dryads and you talk to the plant girl after beating her she will get you cumbers that the baker will take and turns into pickles

ok i have a visual bug i think ot relates to sanura pregnancy you unlock i did the thing to fix it and it looked like it was working just fine until i finished the dryad quest and now sanura does not show a belly anymore when she reaches her pregnancy thresholds not game breaking but its annoying when you want to see big prego bellies

What's the "thing to fix it"?

well in a previous post there was a fix that helped you get past sanuras first prego unlock that put you in a infinite reloading the fix get you past it but it can cause a glitch where sanura belly wont grow even when getting the seeds i found the fix to the thing that wont show her belly growing that upgrade your devotion a few times and it should start working again

In the mansion, the second spirit I returned counted for two. This way once I got my 3rd, the NPC acted like i had given him all 4. later on I picked up the fourth and can't get rid of it. eventually my game froze and I had to reboot. I wonder if this is related to the skill that gives you an extra seed per birth.

For some reason I can't take any steps into the weapon shop in Lakeview.

I also can't enter past the entrance of the building in the lower left of Lakeview.

I have the same problem, and the npc have a quest just hope isnt necessesary


Found a bug with build 400.  After Sanura gets blessed in the restored temple in the desert west of the desert town, I get the message in the image file.

hi I’m playing and I just got to the part where Sanura gets blessed and there is a loading error for her picture ( img/pictures/sanurapreg_stage3_6.png) what do I do to fix this or is there a way to fix this. Thank you for your time


Hey everyone, I just applied a bug fix to the missing image as well as the school house bug. Currently working to fix more and should have another build ready by this weekend. Sorry about this issues.

I’ve already downloaded the game, so will it automatically update if I start a new playthrough?

how do I get the bug fix? do I have to download the game again?

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Hi, i found that the weapon shop at lakeview left of the the entrace have like a invisible wall that dosent let you move foward and the npc have a quest so i suppose it have some importance there. Here is a youtube video link showing the problem 

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This is the Adventurer's Guild. It's currently locked off until the next big update.

After the golem fight in chapter 3 when in the temple it says it can't register cat girl (forgot her name) pregnancy

school house still has the locking error. Also at least in the first Tyranny fight there's an issue with Sanura's battle sprite where it's looking for "sv_fantasy-heroine-girl anubis"

In Lakeview, there is an invisible wall that's preventing me from talking to the weapons person once I enter the building.

During the scene where Sanura get's the Divine Seed power I keep getting a "failed to load" error for her first pregnant art and can't make any progress without having to constantly need to click retry


The building near the entrance to Lakeview with the sword on it i can enter the building but when i enter i cant go any further than the spawn point but i can still at least leave the building

the gamer is glitching especially at the desert ruins of the goddess

hey Im getting the saura glitch too, how do I fix this?

er sanura glitch where she gets blessed in the temple and that error message keeps coming up

After completing the quest with the potion in the valkyrie temple, the energy I gain immediately disappears. Is this a bug or have I missed something?

After a certain amount of pregnancy cycles, the voice acting bits stop happening. It seems like each character has their own invisible counter after which their voice acting shuts down?

Each party member's lines change after they give birth twenty times(check your latest save file to keep track). I guess those lines weren't dubbed over yet.

there isnt any herbs to satisfy one of the spirits in the mansion

Fairy forest can be found, check small plants in the left area

I've just encountered a bug where Sanura's battle sprite won't load in.

I don't know if anyone else is having this problem. But the item shop in Lakeview has an invisible wall so you can't get out of the entrance.

That's intentional. The adventurer's guild in Lakeview was not completed, so Preggopixels has it blocked until the next build.

Ah okay. Thank you!


Just applied another hotfix to the public build, you will have to redownload the game for the fixes and transfer your save files over. I'm hoping to have another major game build out that is focused on completing the side quest content in about a month.

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Two questions

First off, what kind of repairs were made to the game? I had to download the game twice and found the same glitch in both versions prior to this hotfix.

Second, how do I transfer my save files?(If that is an extremely simple question, then sorry being an idiot)

go to the www folder then look for save folders and port the old into the new that should be all you need to do

Do you need to delete the www file that's already in the new one first?

you should just use the replace option it works the best but since it technically a new game with no saves on it you should just open your save folder the old one and open the save folder of the new one and just highlight and move into the new folder

(2 edits)

In the mines of the pyriamid and.. Anura I think is the name of the area.. anyway, collected 4 of the ghost souls, left and re-entered an are, noticed the souls respawned, picked up another for science, was told that 'the floor cannot handle the weight of all the souls' or something similar and was transported to a blank room. I don't know if I'm moving or how I'm supposed to get out of there.

(P.S Panic buttons are really good for this sort of thing)

(This is fixed in the hotfix, I didn't realise that it had been released at the time of posting, many apologies!!)

(1 edit)

After the final upgrade as of now for Leah, going to the dryad temple causes valorie and sanura's max power to get stuck at 1. I was behind on the relic gathering so I went to get it now, not sure why it's happening. Note: This is *after* leaving when it should reset the max to its normal value.

can someone tell me how to transfer my save files to the newest hotfix?

copy the www/save folder from the old game files to the new


Getting a error trying to open my Save
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '139')
at game_Map.setup (GALV_LayerGraphics.js:513:48)
at Game_Player.performTransfer (rpg_objects.js:7480:22)
at Scene_map.onMapLoaded (PKD_VPlayer.js:1252:24)
at Scene_Map.isReady (rpg_scenes.js:561:14)
At Function.SceneManager.updateScene (rpg_managers.js:2018:48)
At Function.SceneManager.updateMain (rpg_managers.js:1983:18)
At Function.SceneManager.update (rpg_managers.js:1907:14)

for me i noticed any time you enter the school building in royal city i think its called were u get ice cream it locks you in building of no means of leaving have to rest to previous save's or may have to restart back to benign game if you saved in class room

Replicated, not sure what triggers it.

I just started the new version of the game after transferring my save files and just like in the previous version, Sanura's battle sprite will not load in. I keep getting softlocked in combat.

I dont know if this is a bug but the school in the royal capital can be entered but an invisible barrier blocks exiting it soft locks the game. 


In the latest windows build there's a soft crash after the bunny girl cutscene. The view returns to lady luck's office thenall controls are locked, not sure if its supposed to be running a conversation or just let the player walk out of the room


In Lady Lucks Casino, after the bunny girl cutscene, the game soft locks. You can't move, and no text box appears.


Lady Luck Office Glitch: After completing the scene where Leah acts as a bunny at the casino for Lady Luck, when the scene ends and I end up back in her office the game traps me there. The music still plays but I cannot move, talk or access menus. Is there are a work around for this?


The casino scene freezes when you get back into Lady Luck's office. I don't think there's any way to progress around this.


I got this bug too

Replicated three times in a row, but fixing the nursery, blacksmith (I thought it would unlock more recipes), entryway, artifact gallery, and kitchen, then doing the 'cooking lesson' scene with the mother blacks out the screen.

How to go in to colapset dungeon in the Royal sity?


Hi, I love the game!!

I’ve kept my old saves, and tried loading them in the newest version.  The stats and characters appear just fine in the main menu, but I keep getting this message when I try to load the files.

(This one is the saves from the .340 version, but the saves from the other versions bring up the same page)

I am no expert but it can honestly be that some of the major system changes is conflicting with the old code

In your case, I recommend starting the game again. For two reasons. Firstly. You will see some. very interesting changes even at the beginning of the game. rather than those that were present in the old one. Secondly. You will lose this error. It helped me.

Hello! Faced with a critical error in the game, namely in the desert, after a battle with a stone statue and a dialogue with the Goddess of Fertility, a critical error occurs. What should I do?

(1 edit) (+1)

seems like the game slocks up in Lady luck's casino during the main quest. After Leah wears the bunny costume it cuts back to Lady's Lucks office and locks up. 

(1 edit)

so when loading the scene for the secret room in the abandoned fertility temple memory you get a failed to load error and at the very end it will do that forever so if you didnt save before you lose progress specifically the failed to load is img/pictures/Plant_girl_1.png and upon looking in the files it is missing

i also had not saved in a while so i lost the entirety of my progress in the abandoned fertility temple

Not sure if bug or I'm dumb, but during brasswall, after the two guys leave the guarded area, they just straight up disappear. Where's the "square"?

They go into one of the buildings within Brasswall.

Anyone know where is the kitsune and location of mishu's toy or something?

the toy is in the desert tempel west of the pyrimid i think it looks like a tower on the desert map


I don't know if it's a bug or a result of the game engine, but it seems the game does not like constantly spamming z or x since it tends to freeze the game during interactions like skipping through victory screens or pushing people around. Sometimes you can still interact with things in the background but you can't see what's happening.

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I started this save in the initial public release for .400 and did chapter 2 and the start of chapter 3 in the first bug fix update. Now in the current fix version I did Royal sewers > overgrown temple > Amazon Isle > Witches Academy as the game prompted and was able to break the barrier at no point did it require me to do the pharohs temple.

EDIT: I loaded a save before completing the dusty temple and while the game correctly gives you the pyramid quest there is also nothing stopping you from just going to the royal city anyway.

Found a minor bug where if during the night active at the magic academy, when you’re running around as Valorie and you go up to examine the head masters door if your spot by one of the roaming witches, proceed to use the seed attack, you can end up getting stuck between the immobile, which in the inaccessible door.

(1 edit) (+1)

Just finished a complete playthrough of .400 after doing a playthrough of .362, and while I didn't encounter anything game-breaking or progress-halting, I did find some bugs:

.400 bugs:
Crystal Room Green Achievements section:
-Number of [enemies] purified does not seem to match the number of enemies defeated via Fertile Blessing skill.  Do encounters with multiple enemies count double or triple?
-"NPC Pregnancy Growths" crystal will not advance in number after unlocking the achievement.
-"[Character] Seeds Birthed" crystals count the total number of birth sequences (as shown in the save screen), not the number of seeds as implied in the text. (This may be a regression; it was accurate in .362)
-Pregnancy "Gab" Messages will automatically revert to older, unvoiced lines after a character uses the Birth skill 20 times.
-Pregnancy "Gab" Messages stone text does not reflect what the current status of a character's gab messages is set to; it's thus rather confusing.
-After resetting "Gab" Messages to newer/voiced lines, the gab messages stone cannot further change the options.

Leah: Leah's new gab messages for Power >300 to 400 are unvoiced.

Quest Log: "Fertile Overgrowth" is the last main quest to update the quest log.  The Bee Queen, Amazon/Lamia Island, Witch Academy, and Brasswall episodes do not update the quest log or Damia's Quest Advice when speaking with a Waystone.

Combat: If all enemies in an encounter are defeated with Leah's "Fertile Blessing", the combat will sometimes give no EXP/gold reward.  This appears to be linked to the enemy type.

Hiyokuna the Kitsune: Hiyokuna the Kitsune appears to be missing from the .400 build.  Nimune the fortune-teller still points to her location on the outskirts of Royal City, but she will not appear.  (Presumably she was dummied out to the lost spirits now being used for rebuilding the mansion).

Silent Temple:
-Once the temple is restored, the green-haired angel-merchant's inventory does not accurately/fully reflect the variety of crystals unlocked.

Leah's Mansion (Restored):
-After being fed enough fertilizer, the Blueberry Plant-Girl will give you Oversized Blueberries.  These items have no description and while they can be consumed, appear to have no function.
-After giving Celia all the artifacts, her demi-goddess sprite will sometimes get stuck and loop the same teleport animation, making things very bright and noisy, especially in the southeast quadrant of the mansion.
-Sapphire the Bunny Girl can be recruited and will have an initial cutscene in the upstairs wing of the mansion, but will then disappear from the area.

Royal City: The pompous innkeeper will never prompt to show proof of admission to the Witch Academy.  (This appears to be a regression from version .362 where this interaction worked).

Brasswall: Most NPCs do not have idle conversation; some merchants are not enabled.  The basement tunnels are not highlighted/marked as to which ladders/doors are functional.


Don't know if this has been reported but the "Passive Growth Crystal" doesn't work if you have multiple equipped to different party members. I have one equip to each of the three, but only Leah is getting the growth. Then, when I took of Leah's crystal, that's when Valorie's Crystal starting working. Then, once again, once I removed Val's crystal, Sanura's started working.

I wonder if it's a race condition or something bugged about the game's condition/status ticks.  I didn't have any problems with multiple Passive Growth crystals, and even tried equipping them in similar (first crystal slot only) and different (first slot Leah-second slot Valorie-third slot Sanu) equipment slots to see if I could get the bug to occur on my copy.

Weird. I'm not sure why it's not working for me

Show post...

my game won't load

Been playing the game for a few hours . Here's whats happening so far. 

1. Fertility necklas has bugged out and not entered my inventory after trading for divine seeds

2. I could not find pickles in the fertile forest or druid village

If i find more, I will edit my comment or reply to myself via this comment. 

for some reason, I have somehow skipped the Pharaoh boss fight, and the pyramid village is still not open for me. And the main quest still says to explore the Ruined Temple even though I have used my divine seeds to restore it.

can you play this on android?

can you play this on android?

in the fairt village it will say you picked up some spring water but it will not be in your inventory.

I can't fix the collapse in the sewer. Please help!

Deleted post

I was prompted how to solve this problem.

To begin with, get out of the sewer and climb up the stairs, walk past the dancer and go to the rabbit that stands near the casino, enter it, then go to the concierge's mimic and go to the left wall, there will be a door. Log in to it, then follow the instructions of the game.

my bad i should have posted this here instead of making a new topic.. when entering an area, I cannot move at all and im completely stuck. I am in the temple at the fertile forest and I am currently at seed corruption growth 460 and it wont get any larger and I cannot move at all when entering the area with the very pregnant green lady. can someone please help me get unstuck? is there something I can change in the script that can move my players from one square to another?

one important note - when i attempt to move different directions, my character turns in all the directions i attempt to go, so the game is acting like i cannot move past an obstacle even though there isnt one there.

(1 edit)

hey um is there a fix for Sanurapreg1_stage3_6 I'm pretty much soft locked in the temple.

edit. nvm was on an older version of .400 and not the hot fix

There is an issue where the voice lines are not playing. When I first started playing, the voices worked correctly for Leah and Valorie; however, once Sanura was added to the team, they only played sometimes when the dialog box indicated they should be speaking. Later into the gameplay, they don't play at all by this point. I have played through most of the game on the same save file.
This is the first version of the game I have played. The new Brasswall expansion is the version, so I wonder if this is a known issue. I searched to see if others were having a problem and didnt see a post.

I checked the language is set to English, and all 4 volume settings are at %100. To attempt to toggle the voices and characters on and off using the gameplay options. I tried restarting the game with voice lines off, rebooting, and turning them on again. I tried changing who the squad leader was. Finally, I redownloaded the games, and the only old portion was the save file. I did this by copying the save folder contents into the save folder of the new downloads after starting a new game so the save folder would be generated.

I've been having a frequent freezing bug. Think I found the solution here:

Hi, I found a bug when trying to load my save from .362 on the .400 update. Here is the screenshot of the error when I try to load. Thanks for any help I can get.

400 can`t run 362 save,YOU MUST NEW+ GAME!

(1 edit)

The Ring of Defence does not appear in your inventory once you acquire it in Royal City. In addition, the Honey crystal also does not appear.

Small complaint: when anything besides power increases belly size, the character avatars in the  inventory stay the same

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My character isn't moving. I can leave but i can't go forward 

Just a shame cause I fucking love this game even without the pregnancy fetish attached its really enjoyable as well as incredibly attractive, but I couldn't progress any further after encountering a bug that froze the game after you agree to be a bunny girl at the casino for the main quest. Multiple reloads and shut downs, using previous saves and I cannot get passed it, it's a real shame.


Every time go to that place on the Devil's beach, it says Loading Error 

 Failed to load : img / pictures / Darkwarrior 3_png Retry,"How do we fix this?

(1 edit)

There does seem to be an issue on the bridge to the Sunken Temple west of Lakeview with Gremory's introduction CG in the .410 version. It's a bit roundabout but my solution was to save right before the area where the issue occurs, (assuming you're playing the Patreon version) copy that save and move it over to the public release of the game and walk through that scene and into the Temple, save again and move that file back to the version you were playing and so far as I've seen it never came up as an issue again.

(1 edit)

Unable to save, when i close the game all my saves are just gone when i reopen.

EDIT: turns out i'm a dumbass and didn't extract the game from the ZIP so i kept reopening the base game, sorry if i caused anyone stress or confusion

That is, you save the progress in the game, but it is completely reset?

yes, when i save and close the game, reopen it the next day all saves are gone

It's okay, it happened to me too. I'm glad you figured it out on your own. :)

(1 edit) (+1)


I can't figure out where to go next. Stuck on a quest in the city Brasswall. My assignment was to sniff out the cat by the scent that led to the monopolists. They wouldn't let me into the boiler room, but I overheard their conversation while hiding behind barrels. Now I need to keep an eye on the bandits who were supposed to be hanging out in the square. I didn't find any bandits or a square. Do I need to look outside the city? Or am I doing something wrong? 

Please help me.

I almost had the same issue, check with some of the vendors in town. *Wink*

I contacted all the vendors and characters in the whole city. But the quest didn't work. :(

(1 edit)

That's odd, they're supposed to be (SPOILER, of course) at the Armor Vendor's shop.

Here I am an inattentive fool!!! I went through all the merchants on the street and in the building three times, but the armor merchant in this inconspicuous house forgot to visit.

I hug you in my mind and shake your hand tightly, wherever you are! You have helped me a lot. Thank you very much!

Happy to assist, friend. o7


how would I be able to transfer my old save files to the new version from version .400? 

Thanks in advance


Go to wherever your SoD .400 is at and open the file. You're looking for the "WWW" folder. Open that and you'll see your "Save" folder. Basically once you've downloaded the new version and unzipped it just find that same "WWW" folder in the unzipped version and copy-paste your .400 save file to the new one and you *should*  be good to go once you launch the game again. Just make sure your last save for that version is in a city or somewhere NOT on the world map that you know won't be changed by an update. o7

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello all,

I am at the point in the story where the goddess requests you go to the pyramid but as soon as I enter the area I am met with this error:

"Loading Error

Failed to load: audio/bgm/El%20Infausto%20Ladr%C3%B3n%20de%20Joyas%20A.ogg


This continues to keep popping up no matter where I go after it appears the first time. This error never came up in the prior version but in 0.410 I have no idea how to resolve the issue. I have tried restarting saves but anything other than just closing the game entirely will not make it go away, only for it to apper again when I revisit the area.

Same here. It's completely preventing me from doing the pyramid sequence. 

Me too


I'm playing it on the MAC version  and having the same problem as well. I found a way to get past it, but you will miss some of the dialogue  when you first enter the village were the bug takes place, it should work on pc as well.  

  • save the game on a separate file before going into the abandoned village 
  • while ignore the error message  walk into the pyramid  and save the game on the new file you have made.
  • close the game completely and reboot the game. 

You able should be to play the  pyramind section without the error code keep poping up, as long you don't go back into the village. After you beat the pyramid section it safe to go in the village anytime you like. 

I've tested it twice now hope it work for you until it gets fixed . :) 

Kind of a weird work-around, but yes, it does seem to have worked for me. Thanks!

I did this and yes i don't get the error report, but I cant see my image toggle to work?


Go to the "bgm" file and rename the "El Infausto Ladron de Joyas A" to "El Infausto Ladrón de Joyas A".


keep getting this error regarding audio, game looks great though and i like the more  preggo girls, but can you add more breast expansion scenes

Go to the "bgm" file and rename the "El Infausto Ladron de Joyas A" to "El Infausto Ladrón de Joyas A".


Faced with the game hanging in after completing the chain of main quests provided and attempts to enter the rest of Tiamam, a warning about a difficult fight pops up, although the fight has long been over. It doesn't matter if I click yes or no. The game freezes.

This is a continuation of the topic that I described above. Here you can get to the second floor from the side.

This is a continuation of the topic that I described above. Here you can get to the second floor from the side.


I'm having a little bug in the manor. I'm collecting souls for Alfred and I can't get the one in the bathroom even if I have 2 hot spring water. 

The ghost specifically needs the water in the manor back garden as opposed to from the fey forest.


Easily Fixable but entertaining- In the latest build, if I go into the Mansion basement, into the Anchor of Rivith, and then back out... it dumps me in the Anchor of Rivith under the Demon Nursery, but without the eggnancy shenanigans, and with a slightly darker filter. Walking all the way back out to the world map fixes it.

I can't pass the royale trouble quest I talked to everyone body underground and I'm not able to go into the city

Did you speak to the succubus in the casino? You get disguises for the trip.

yeah I did it but after I got the Valerie wings then I don't know what to do because they never tell me my quest 

I'm trying to remember which quest Royal Trouble is. Given your response, I'm thinking about the part where you already saved the princess.

If this is where you're at, let me tell ya what I know works.

1) Inflate the princess via seeds in her chambers (bottom left of the third floor with the King and Queen)
2) Go belly goblin mode by getting 50 seeds for the underground peeps. If you need the code, talk to the clown for a bit or buy your way to it.
3) Talk to the queen after the fact. That should allow you to deal with "Like Daughter Like Mother" quest. I am calling it this 'cause names are hard.
4) Get the goddess to help out.
5) Expand the Queen by giving her what she wants.

This should complete all of the Royal Troubles. I hope this helps a bit.

I did that im talking about after you removed the purple fier and there like that pink place and those other places

Purple Fier? Pink Place? Oh you're talking about the Stewart and the demon dungeon that closes off after you're done with the quest.

Given that you also got the Valkyrie wings for Leia, I'm guessing you need to do the following:

  1. Go north from the desert until you see a Snowy Island. 
  2. Finish the quest within the city of steam. (Brasswell if I'm correct)
  3. Go to the Igloo back on the snowy island when you can leave the city.

That should allow you to finish off what is currently available in the game. Other than that, you just have "side quests" to deal with. Most of them are unmarked in the Quest Book, so keep an eye out for them and keep an eye on the dialogue.

and I can't pass library puzzle 

Library Puzzle? I gotta ask this, but which one? There's like what 2 or 3 of them?

Just in case, I do have 1 idea of the Library Puzzle you're talking about. 

If it is the Dragon Puzzle: Find out what she likes. If neither or empty, go straight.

the very first one



1. When the player encountered the "Nazgul" in the basement of the mansion, I originally threw it from the mansion to the sewer, but now it was thrown to the devil's nursery...

2. After the player completes the Dragon Island mission, if DEBUG jumps to Dragon Island, the plot will be confused and the player will not be able to teleport, making it impossible to continue the game.

3. The character abilities are confusing. I hope to add a program design of "re-learning skills by level". Lost skills can be learned again at the original location to eliminate BUG.

4. Some characters are lost due to players inheriting old save files, and they hope to be designed independently, such as Salamander Maid, Fox Fairy and other tenants.

5. The girl is still hanging on the wall of the demon nursery in the ranch, unable to be rescued.

6. The dragon girl seemed to be lost when taking a bath......

7. Some scenes have set penetration problems, such as pyramids (most of which have been repaired), steampunk sewer bars, etc.

8. It seems that Shanura cannot lay dragon eggs in the dragon nursery...


When entering the area of Bastet's Pyramid Ruins, the game continuously freezes due to an audio error according to the following error message: 

Loading Error

Failed to Load: audio/bgm/El%20Infausto%20Ladr%C3%B3n%20Joyas%20A.ogg


It will allow you to play for a few seconds after the Retry, but will continuously report the same error every 3+ seconds even if you leave the ruins. Note, that specifically it is the area outside of the ruins, not within the ruins proper. I have not been able to test if this extends to all of the ruins for obvious reasons.

Change the OGG that resembles the name to the name on the prompt

Interestingly, when perusing the Audio files, I find no OGG files, only rpgmvo files. I did fine two files similarly named:

El Infausto Ladron de Joyas A.rpgmvo

El Infausto Ladron de Joyas B.rpgmvo

But if I try to change those, won't it just break it more since they're not OGG files?

You can make a copy and rename it without destroying the original file.

When Noname means "rename" he means go into the rename and change the file type name from ".rpgmvo" to ".ogg" 
As he mentioned it might corrupt the file so copying it and altering the clones will preserve the files.


I don’t know why bgm can’t run.


Go to the "bgm" file and rename the "El Infausto Ladron de Joyas A" to "El Infausto Ladrón de Joyas A".

Thank you for that, it fixed it without an issue

In the .410 update I started getting a Loading Error for "audio/bgm/El%20Infausto%20Ladr%C3%B3n%20de%20Joyas%20A.ogg" when I entered the abandoned desert village with the pyramid and it has gone away since.

It's a well known glitch. I'm guessing while they were beta testing something, they accidentally changed the audio (was used as an ogg) to rpgmov without adjusting the code to reference it.
To fix it until the next patch, you can go into the files as follows:
www > Audio > bgm
Now find El Infausto Ladron de Joyas. There should be two files: A and B.
Go ahead and clone these two (just in case of corruption). 
Change the file type from .rpgmvo to .ogg by renaming it. While renaming, make sure the file names are the exact same as the original files.

Platform: Linux (Debian 12) through the Itch launcher

You might choose to not support Linux, and if so, I understand.

The Itch Launcher successfully boots the Windows version, so making a few tweaks to get the windows version to work on Linux might not be too crazy, which is why I am suggesting and reporting this.

I boot the game, select "New Game", go through a few dialogs (nsfw, preg comments, intro, videos), there might be 5 seconds or so of music on a black screen for some of these settings which can be skipped, and then the game displays the "Now Loading..." screen and will not proceed.

I've had to give up on this update, the El Infausto Ladrón de Joyas BGM loading error has ruined it for me. I tried correcting the name and all that, but the error keeps repeating itself and I cannot get the game to work properly after I reach Bastet's pyramid.

(2 edits)

I have made an atrocious, terrible mistake. Brief: I have done a lot of stuff after retreating from the shore (I wished to just reset "Power" as the game would suggest, but got carried away and did many achievements, quests and upgraded the mansion a few times). Version is .410

So, while in the mansion, I repaired the dungeon (I thought it is how you access ghosts to purify, kinda like in the fixed Fay Forest left from the entrance. I discovered a hidden (?) door there, went inside, discovered some shady dude on the throne. He said it is not time and put my party to sleep. The party woke up in the same corridor with the dude. I tried to approach him again. The voice line remained the same. I could not return to the mansion: if I exited the corridor, I would end up in Lilith's nursery (I guess. The fleshy facility with hanging women, spores and stuff in it). Pretty much anything I would do would lead to a crash. If I collect the strange egg I find right outside (Leah said "the guild wants it", although there was no such quest in the guild yet, only two quests, both completed: the bee one and the fairy one), it opens up path ahead (removes blue thing) and go up the corridor (forced to smell miasma all the way, although it would not cause anything: nothing changed, just an annoying message pops up, saying "spores bad"), it would block me, creating an obstacle (the same blue thing sprite, right as I would try to leave the corridor and go into a branching room.

At this point if I dare to open menu and then close it by pressing "X", the game crashes with the following message:

«Game has encountered a bug. Please report it.

TypeError: Failed to execute 'createLinearGradient' on 'CanvasRenderingContext2D': The provided double value is non-finite.
at Bitmap.gradientFillRect (rpg_core.js:1289:24)
at Bitmap.gradientFillRect (YEP_CoreEngine.js:1014:41)
at Sprite_HUDGauge.refresh (SPD_HUDMaker.js:3238:16)
at Sprite_HUDGauge.initialize (SPD_HUDMaker.js:3180:7)
at new Sprite_HUDGauge (SPD_HUDMaker.js:3061:18)
at Function.HUDManager.getRebuildSprite (SPD_HUDMaker.js:568:10)
at Function.HUDManager.rebuildSprite (SPD_HUDMaker.js:557:20)
at Function.HUDManager.setupData (SPD_HUDMaker.js:549:8)
at Function.HUDManager.setup (SPD_HUDMaker.js:541:7)
at Scene_Map.start (SPD_HUDMaker.js:1646:14)

Press F5 to restart the game.»

So, I have restarted game many times and found out other scenarios to get a crash exist. If you dare to inhale spores once: crash is guaranteed whereever you go: once you go into another location (the corridor, the pit, or you leave the pit by standing on the blue circle — the same crash. The message is the same, but on the black screen).

Finally, if you manage to never step on any trap tile, be it spores or the red circles in the pit, and you step on the blue circle: your party gets teleported somewhere else in Lilith's stronghold (she walks back and forth there, just a bit to the North), and your party gets stuck. The game forces them to go up, and they push against the wall with a girl inside it endlessly, stuck in this animation.

I really like the game to far, but I hope nobody suffers the same bug under the same conditions, you know how frustrating it can be, to lose so much progress after playing non-stop, enjoying the new game.

Thank you very much for the game, I hope you enjoy and have much fun working on it! ^^

<trans data-src="" data-dst=" " style="background: transparent;"> I played the game twice, the first time was in December 2022, when the main character illustration was really exquisite, now I download again, why the second and third main character illustration become rough, is it necessary to pay  Or everyone's image has changed  Please give me an answer please, I want to understand why my character images are not as refined as before</trans>

In the past, the characters were transformed by stealing materials from the "魔化任務"(Maybe it's the Japanese name). Now the author wants to commercialize the work and cannot use other people's materials.

thank you very much

The BGM for the outside of the pyramid before its restoration isn't loading properly, causing an infinite error message loop that only leaves upon closing the application. Instead the BGM is silent, with the pop-up showing the song is failing to load, it interrupts dialogue, cutscenes, menu transitions, and even pops up on the main menu if you didn't close the game.

==Major Bug that will lock you out of the game and force you to restore a save==


Using 3 souls at Mansion to restore basement then going to the demon lair and using the hidden entrence for Rivieth's path will teleport you back to demon table of Lillith. If you didn't do Lillith's demon lair yet it will just block the game.

(4 edits)

Bugs as of Version .410:
[As found using a fresh save rather than importing old data]

-Succubus Magic Extracts (bought from the succubus in the Royal City sewers) no longer function properly.
-Removing seed growth in the Overgrown Temple at >=400 does not remove the slower movement speed.  Only getting sent back by having >500 growth or exiting through the front passage restores movement speed.
-The temple of Rivith found in the mansion basement and the Royal City sewers (access given by the clown's rune) instead teleport to the Demon Nursery's temple site.  If the player has not yet completed the "special demon egg" bounty for the Lakeview Adventurer's Guild, they are softlocked from leaving by the egg sprite itself.
-The Overgrown Blueberries given by the blueberry girl in the garden do nothing (presumably inherited by earlier versions).
-Penelope (The royal princess)'s sprite clips through her bookcases after being given enough divine seeds.
-Once recruited, Sapphire (the casino bunnygirl) has an initial introduction scene in the manor and then vanishes.
-Riley (the Lakeview guild receptionist) lacks any portraits in the Crystal Room.  Talking with her mannequin only brings up a "Never mind" dialogue box.
-Despite her text referring to freeing the Dragon Isles, Ruby neither shows up in that story arc nor reacts to it being completed.
-Completing Bastet's Pyramid after defeating Toreth in the Royal City will still bring up dialogue with the party referring to their need to "clear their names" in the Royal City and will bring up a quest notification (even if the quest in question has been completed).

[April 2024 additions]

-Many equippable crystals are never properly added to the merchant in the Silent Temple when starting a save on .410, even when their first/original copies are obtained and the game is played through the Dragon Isles content.  Their triggers might be bugged.  This includes:

  • Labor Training
  • Seduction
  • Seedbed
  • Passive Growth
  • Matriarch

-Many Brasswall NPCs are entirely missing dialogue or otherwise cannot properly be interacted with.
-The basement clinic in Brasswall talks about a "hotfix" that hasn't happened yet?
-"Seeds Birthed" achievements incorrectly count number of birth sessions, not the seeds (bug inherited from .400).
-Giving birth or using power-gaining items may cause gab messages to randomly revert to early unvoiced variants after a character has given birth 20 times, regardless of settings.
-Frye's mannequin in the Crystal Room does not update after the Brasswall arc.

-The battle text description for the Overgrown Temple's plant girls lacks a space or punctuation, causing the letter of the enemy to run together with the attack flavor text, e.g. "Aintensely" "Bintensely"
-Numerous homophone-heterograph typos, including to/too/two, there/their/they're, and your/you're, especially in Brasswall and Dragon Isles chapters.

Bug1: I'm not sure if this helps, but when I jumped in the well in lakeview as a heavily pregnant Leah, I got an error about failure to load: $Leahnewfacespreg3_stage2_3.png. This file does not exist. So I looked into the code on Notepad++ and on line 111 of Common Events, I found that this is the only place that this file name is referenced. I'm not sure what file it's supposed to be grabbing, but this seems to be an old bug that was never fixed.

Bug 2: As of the current build, all of the secret 'lairs' that bring you to the hooded king that kicks you out if you come to close, all link to the Brood Sanctuary south of Lakeview. Two issues with this: One, if you haven't picked up the golden egg quest, you are now soft-locked. Two,  because you entered the Brood Sanctuary from a different entrance, none of the traps do anything as the 'Egg Bar' isn't currently active.

Bug 3: You can call your boat on the passage between Royal City and Demon City, and if you sail over to the salt pile(?) on the Demon Continent and hop out of the boat, you are now soft-locked.

Did a completely new run again because 2 of my masion guest got deleted. Cannot get inside the Royal City Deep Sewer (map id: 256) no mattter what. My RPG maker MV told me that the rock blocking the way (the event at 58, 24) can only be remove by turning on switch "0550 Blake Revived". As its name suggests, means I have to revive commander Blake first. But the revive event is in the Royal city church (map: eglise, id: 229), which I believe I can only visit after defeating the sewer boss.

So... here is a quick patch for people who don't have access to the no clip cheat. It's the Royal City Sewer map but without that freaking rock. Just drag it into folder "gamelibrary\www\data" and it should work.

Hey, appreciate the advice. I just would like to note that it seems intentionally blocked so you can do the nun walk, revive Blake, then come back. 
How to do that: go into the casino, talk to the owner of the place, get nun outfits, and walk right in. That should fix the switch issue.

You have to go talk to the casino boss and she will give you nun disguises to be able to go to said church.

Hey professor Hep, I'm guessing you were meaning to reply to Sunflower. If so, then you may have forgotten to click on the reply button on his thread. Thought I'd let you know for the future.

(1 edit)

I encountered an error upon arriving at the Pyramid near Neko Village. I can click Retry to make it go away, but it just comes back after a few seconds. Not to mention, but the background music doesn't play upon entering. Here's a screenshot.

(2 edits)

It's quite a well known bug in here. This is strangely the only area that does this, and I'm guessing they forgot to change a bit of the code to reference the rpgmvo file that is the exact same.
There are two fixes to it: a temp solution and a tested solution that is reliable (until the next update that is.)

Reliable solution:
To fix it, find in the audio folder bgm, and  find two files that state "El Infausto Landron de Joyas A.rpgmvo" and "El Infausto Landron de Joyas B.rpgmvo"
You'll want to copy them (just in case of corruption) and change the names respectively to "El Infausto Landron de Joyas A.ogg" and "El Infausto Landron de Joyas B.ogg"

Temp Solution:
You can do what I did first time playing it, which was spam the enter key until I got to the underground section, save the game, and refreshed the game. That also seemed to work as a fix.

Unfortunately renaming them didn't work for me, for some reason. As an additional temp solution, go to google and play some desert music on youtube, and spam enter at all times in the area until reaching the underground section . I've found the Super Mario Bros. DS desert level theme works best with fetish games for maximum immersion.

Found this bug when entering the pyramid town.


Reliable fix found a little further back in this report page can confirm fixed immediately.

first go into the game files and find folder www, then Audio, then bgm. Find El Infausto Ladron de Joyas. There should be two files: A and B.

Now remane Ladron to Ladrón for both. Thanks Shidoy

that worked. Thanks to both.

(1 edit)

I've unlocked power 400 of Leah and Valorie but once i enter the witch academy and get back out, Valorie Power gets set back to 300 as the max and only her, i don't know if other places can trigger this bug, but at least i wanted to report this case

found a fix for the problem, by going to the corrupted seed dungeon and back out it solves Valorie's Power and its once again 400

the ring of defense still isn't fixed.

I'm not sure if this was posted earlier, or if I just have really terrible rng, but the heart flowers stopped spawning for me in the fertile forest dungeon. I only have 2 now and I can't get enough for the satyr side-quest.

fail to load: audio/bgm/EI%Infasto%20LadrC3%B3n%20de%20Joyas%20A.ogg
happened as soon as I got to the pyramid. its on mac. 

Sigh... Welp, just Defeated Bastet, Game had been heavily lagging since i arrived in the pyramid city, went up into the dairy farm nursery, explored a bit, game froze my computer, had to restart, now the game no longer acknowledges any of my saves, much like many others here. difference is I only had 6 saves instead of hundreds like some others. also the background music for the pyramid city is misnamed, missing its accented O in the title, causing it to repeatedly give error messages, could possibly have been the cause of the lag. either way, hours of my life down the drain...

(2 edits)

Can't progress beyond the Pyramid before things become so laggy that the game is unplayable. Caused a save file glitch before. Just tried again, got back to where I was, same problem. Idk if it's save file bloat or what, but new games run smooth as butter, but the second you get to the pyramid arc the game starts lagging like crazy. I've never had this happen in an rpgmaker game before. This is the 2nd time I've tried playing the game and had this happen. 

You can use the airship to enter the elemental village on brasswell early

not sure if anyone posted this yet, but the game keeps stopping during the pyramid. i had to change a file to "El Infausto Ladrón de Joyas A.rpgmvo", notice the "ó" in "Ladrón"

Bug report: After leaving Neko village and entering the area leading to Bastet's pyramid for the first time. I got a loading error code that is a constant popup. (Failed to load: audio/bgm/El%20Infausto%20Ladr%C3%B3n%20de%20Joyas%20A.ogg) I can close popup and continue playing but pops up again 5 secs later and continues indefinitely. I was hoping that it was only for this area but after clearing the pyramid dungeon it is persisting the rest of my playthrough :( plz fix.  Love the game so far, great work!

(1 edit) (+1)

i thought i made a comment somewhere around here about that. the solution i found was that a file was misnamed, so you'll have to go into the files and rename it to that. as i recall, it was capitalizing the A at the end, or something...
Edit:  ah, thaaaat's right, i remember now... "not sure if anyone posted this yet, but the game keeps stopping during the pyramid. i had to change a file to "El Infausto Ladrón de Joyas A.rpgmvo", notice the "ó" in "Ladrón""

In this build (.410), when you're entering on airship, playing the music of airship, but when you start flying, the music changes to the one you walk around the world to.

After completing the quest in the Dryad Fertility Forest, the main quest chain disappears. More precisely, the logs are missing, the tasks themselves are working, but now it is more problematic to search for them. Another mistake, how do I get the cowgirl behind the counter at the farm to get pregnant? In .362 it was. And well, there were also a few mistakes in the name of bgm, it was necessary to replace the letter. I'm sorry for my English, it's a translator.

I would like to add, the plants will not spawn outside, is this a mistake or not? How do I make lactaid, I can't find milk plants

Loading Error 

Failed to load: audio/bgm/E1%20infausto%20Ladr%C3%B3n%20de%20Joyas%20A.ogg

The game works fine on JoiPlay, no problems! 

Can't wait for the next update

Crystal: healthy is giving me 20 max hp instead of 2, this with growth spur and the tiles lets you farm a metric ton of max hp in a few minutes

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