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Voices of the Void 0.7 feedback Sticky

A topic by mrdrnose created Mar 02, 2024 Views: 71,079 Replies: 471
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There was a problem when downloading the new version 0.7.0b3, the antivirus simply does not allow game files to pass through and deletes them when trying to download. And so the new base is good, but there are problems with the AI of Omega Kerfus and the fact that the usual Kerfus cannot jump onto the threshold of the base and you have to go out and pick him up, and 1 bug in which the doors near the structure with satellite antennas simply disappeared forever.

(Another topic) And it was funny for me to watch those who accuse you of Russophobia and do not want to find out more information about why this happened, because the community rules were (seriously) violated. (I’m just a Russian speaker, even though I’m from Ukraine)

P.S. I just lost track of when games became about politics instead of entertainment.


"P.S. I just lost track of when games became about politics instead of entertainment." тогда когда на компьютерах смогли запустить что-то более сложное чем понг.


My Windows Defender and browser have detected a virus in a new version that was published three hours ago, is this normal?


first suggestion: Is it possible to give the drone its own controller and we can use WSAD and stuff to fly it? or if not can the click and drag bars be WSAD? its super annoying to use the bars.

second suggestion: emergency generator reset button on main generator hub next to base with a day reset timer and it causes all the generators to power off for [insert how long here] and resume fully charged. (maybe its a expensive buy upgrade)

Third suggestion: Gnome?


Downloaded the new version. When checking, the browser blocked the file due to "viruses"

I'll wait a few days,If the browser continues to complain about the presence of "viruses",I'll just forget about this project

This is a false positive.  There is no way the dev would deliberately put an actual virus into their game after working on this for so long and fostering a rather sizable community to just piss it all away.

Why can't you just turn off all the defenders? People are so scared of trojans still, that pisses me off

this is Yandex, not a standard defender.

because its so bad even without them my browser blocks it. idk what virus it thinks this is but it's BAD

yay, I'm not alone with this problem

I had the same problem, just add the folder where you download the file to the exceptions for the time of downloading and unpacking the game, Yandex Browser relies on antivirus information and subsequently does not allow you to download the file

The only two files that were changed are VotV-Win64-Shipping.exe and VotV-WindowsNoEditor.pak, and none of them contain any viruses after unpacking them, I even checked with some online antivirus tools, they didn't detect any threats, so my guess is that when compressing game files into 7zip format somehow a binary sequence similar to trojan code was produced, it can be easily fixed by just compressing files in different format or with different settings


Hello dear mrdrnose. I really liked the 0.7 update. 

-Changing the checkpoint: initially it seemed unusual to me, but after that I realized that the checkpoint began to look much better. The banal addition of a breaking door makes you come back and check:or maybe there is something interesting there?

-Base change: well, the base has become many times more like a research complex and at the sight of it and its equipment, it feels like we were sent here because the staff that was at this base...

The servers were moved to a separate room, which is extremely convenient and logical. Now I even want to put cameras on the base, because in order to get to the sleeping place you need to go through the corridor > stairs > corridor and only then go to bed, and who knows, suddenly something might go wrong during your journey...

-Remodel of some objects and map elements: personally, I like remodels, I was able to get used to it quickly to them. -The result of the update: the update turned out to be very good, at least being on a new base it already changes the atmosphere of being on it quite a lot.

-Regarding ideas: I have a few ideas of what can be added to the game: 

1. Motion sensor cameras: This is a camera that captures every movement (exception:Dr. Kel, kerfuses, omega kerfours and micro movements of objects) Let's say the camera will send the picture to Dr. Kel's email, or automatically add them to the "pictures". 

2. The Observer Entity: From time to time, you can hear the click of a camera behind your back or from behind a tree in the distance. After that, you will be able to find in your mailbox a photo of how you are doing some business. This entity is not aggressive, you can make it a not very long event (the entity will also be able to take a picture of you when you sleep) This entity can also just stand and watch you, but after you notice it, it will hide behind a tree. (if you take a picture of it, then a photo will be added to your inventory that you can put in your mailbox and after a while the entity will take this photo from you instead of putting food or something else)

3. A sharp change in the flow of the river: The usual event is when the flow of the river begins in the opposite direction (perhaps at this time there will be something floating about the river...) 

4. Trap: A simple trap for catching someone or something can be located in any bush on the map.(also in the amount of 2-3 pieces in the old barn) It is not recommended to hit it because you will get a lot of damage, but not fatal and you will have to limp to the nearest first aid kit (an ATV can help you to get to them faster) 

5. The humble essence: You can see her far away from you, after which her face will change to distorted and scary and you will have some time until she gets to you (if you saw her in the forest, then she will arrive at the point where you last looked at her, if it was at the base, then she will start walking on your base and cry, if you hide well, she will stop crying and leave silently (you will understand this by the characteristic steps) 

These are all the ideas that I can voice HERE...

SPOILERS? My kerfus OMEGA by sometype of problem its dont fix servers how to fix it?


delete "the end is near" signal, i lost 40 hours IRL time

Kerfus got stuck in the lake, couldn't make it up a steep slope. Almost drown.

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I don't know what kind of virus is there. But it was deleted because of speedingUPmyPC and Wacatac.B!ml, this file is written as a virus.

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SPOILERS? Kerfus and Kerfus Omega has little... bad AI that will be good idea if Kerfus AI will be rebuilded or updated.


Idea for prank event.

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So far, I really love the new changes, but just a few things I think could be tweaked.

The base redesign makes the base feel much more "official" with the new rooms like the server room, break room, and such. There's much more room to breathe and decorate in. It's good to spread out the key points like the terminals, severs, breaks, and bed, so not everything is in arm's length. I especially love the faded murals that really sell the age of the building and add a bit of personality to it. Any (potential) redesigns of the base should definitely keep those in.  However, I do wish the base exterior didn't stick out like a sore thumb. I think the dark concrete color could be lightened a bit to better match the white/grey of the satellites. The parking lot ends rather abruptly, making the base feel somewhat out of place. Lastly, I hope they'll be future additions to justify having parking spots as the walking trails don't seem to fit anything bigger than the ATV.

Many new features I love like the mining rig for points and the very helpful console commands. The weekly results bonus are s a nice touch to provide dynamic feedback to the player while giving a reward. However, Dr. Bao was understanding that I couldn't process to level 3 when I began up until the weekly results, which negatively affected the bonus. I hope this gets corrected. Also one more nitpick, I think the welcome email in new games should reflect sometimes needing to go up the tower and turning the drone back online.

I'm still pretty early game, but first impressions are looking really good. I understand there's a new reputation system and other features I've yet to explore, so I may leave another comment once I play through the whole game. Keep up the great work!

The new update is pretty cool, and I think the new events are pretty spectacular. 

[Spoiler warning]

However, I believe that the rozital hole event can be a little confusing for players (me, especially).  There isn't a good indicator as to how you're supposed to "end" the event, so what happened to me was I was stuck in my base for a couple days unable to sleep or save.  The reason why I was stuck in there was I hadn't saved in quite a while even before the event, and I didn't know how much damage the robot's lasers did so I ended up avoiding it so as to avoid losing all that progress.  Since the event wasn't despawning and I kept doing stuff at my base and making any progress I was going to lose greater, I eventually did go there to try to end it.  I didn't know that simply entering and leaving the area would end it, and I thought I had to deactivate the laser in the hole.  Ended up going down the hole after a frustrating few minutes.  Needless to say, I died and lost all my progress (1hr's worth). 

That was pretty much the only gripe I had with the update, but other than that I found very few issues/bugs.

Except for the fact that you can't pick up farming pots, that was a little annoying.

at satelite "Lima" there are 2 doors in the exact same spot.

Hello, i have a bug in 0.7.0b3, after i cleaned my base from all the garbage and saved, i came back day after and loaded that save, all the garbage came back :(

you will have more garbage to sell ;D

Hello mister MRDRNOSE ive beem playing this game for a while now and testing new versions all the time, if im correct im trying now 0.7.0b3 where omega can fix  the servers again, the only bug ive noticed was that satilite doors are doubled (a door inside a door) other bug is that sometimes when interacting with any machine the camera dosent go to machine but yes out of angle (fix by getting out of interaction and interacting again) and other is (not exacly a bug) but ive noticed that one of the satilites depending on position (clips inside the mountain) i gess the only way to fix that would be by changing the terrain or moving the building it self. Other than that i havent found any new bug. but i would like to know how this game came to be, is there any way i can see the story of the game, what engine was made of, as i recal by reading somewhere it was (source engine) but i would like to know more. and great game you did here, keep up the good work, 10\10

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мррнос ! Я из твоей игры достал 3д модели и у меня появились вопросы!!! У персонажа за которого мы играем есть поза в которой он сидит!!! Почему ее нет в игре! Это же можно легко засунуть! Здесь только статичная поза. Но есть и другая!

Windows is blocking it as a virus

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It’s also blocked for me and here’s the name of the file, I hope they fix it. Most likely this happened due to the fact that when the file was converted to zip format, the code became similar to Troen code: Trojan:Script/Wacatac.B!ml i translated by a translator so I apologize for the mistakes

so far, the only fix is to exclude the file from any antivirus programs


why not add thirst to the game? since the game has plastic bottles as garbage, but our character only eats. how about adding other video cards? which depend on power, like the cameras in the game.

I've been watching the progression of the game for a while and 0.7 is amazing. The game feels like its taking shape in a way that is both pleasant during the day and deeply unsettling at night. The base upgrade is top notch, it looks like an abandoned facility compared to the proof of concept layout it had before. The expanse of the surrounding forest is frustrating until you get a feel for where things are located, which I think it should be. Getting lost in the woods because you went off trail is just another part of the mystique. 

If you do anything to ease new players navigation, a small hand map version of the large map on the wall would be nice, but unneeded. I say that because the option to set your compass to the dishes and transformers already works fine.

I can't wait to see how your game progresses!

Removing Lockers

I've recently Been wanting to remove Lockers from my base But There's no feature.

(Yes i know this would mess with The Locker Event but I'm fine with the lockers in the main signal room.)

I understand if You don't add a feature for this, but I feel Like Me and Many others want this feature.


Я кайфую от новой базы, но, думаю, стоит исправить баланс. Например, злое солнце слишком имбовое. Это буквально бесконечная еда. Надо либо уменьшить питательные свойства, либо увеличить урон по игроку, чтобы не фармил

it will not let me download. its listed as a virus. i tried multiple browsers. they dont even give me the option to "download anyway" it must me rly bad

its a new stupid update to antivirus, there's a forum page on how to get around the issue. 7zip compression algorithm has unfortunately generated false positives for years now and big companies are covering their ass about viruses and such by simply taking your direct control away


I can't play it, It says "pa07_0011.7z"


Have you tried unzipping it? With 7zip or other? .7z is a container. Like rar.


You need to extract it from the archive first with 7.Zip. We're in 2024 and people still don't know about extracting archives... 

Download 7.Zip > Install and setup > Go to the VotV archive you downloaded > Right click > Hover over '7-Zip' > 'Extract to "/"

Since it's possible to stay awake for days with caffeine,  the player could maybe go a bit nutty.

... you think you're sane?

Everything is fine, just FINE.  Nothing weird going on here. Nope, just a cozy job.


Please add a tablet to view the cameras, it will be very convenient to use drones, also about cameras with motion sensors, you can just add motion detectors and a camera trap. You can also add an observatory to take a picture of an object in the sky, you can add another way to earn points, compiling spectrograms of an image from the observatory, you can add a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram to determine the size of the object. With the fuel cell, it was very pleasant to see the glow of Vavilov-Cherenkov, but it is still a pity that the activity does not increase with close contact of fuel cells.

In the observatory, you can put a generator with RTG as fuel, you can use a fuel cell in it, as a minus of RTG, you can add an increasing radiation background as a result of long operation and overheating.

ADD A TROLLEY for an ATV, tired of riding with a box on balloons.

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Относительно недавно наткнулся на эту игру, наиграв пока что 47 дней, и выглядит очень годно. Да, без багов не обошлось, например на версии 0.7.0 (эксперементальная) застрял на 25 дне, видимо скрипт ивента забаговался при входе в гараж. Сейчас на 0.7.0b3 застрял на 46-47 дне из-за события с фиолетовыми лучами и роботами, где стоял железный павлин.  А так в игре не хватает пугающих элементов, не скримеров, а каких-нибудь мистических, как с манекенами. Для примера что-то из паранормального: ходишь, делами своими занимаешься, а потом в комнате, например, стол перевернут или стул в воздухе летает, ну что-то типо того. Еще бы переделать включение ПК и его использование (например включение на системном блоке, а использование на мониторе), а то я часто выключаю комп, вместо просмотра почты. Даже не смотря на все это игра супер.

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guys, maybe im doing something wrong, but some of the setting  doesn't work. i try to change the resolution of the screen, but it doesn't change. or maybe im so stupid that i can't figure it out.

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I might've missed it if it exists but I would KILL for spray paints, or even better, crayons, something to make custom graffiti and wall art to really let the schizo juices flow, the ball of yarn was a great addition but causes performance issues when you use it as much as I do lol

You can create a custom poster with transparency for that, it looks exactly like a graffiti, doesn't affect the performance and can be placed on any surface


sure, but I want to actually draw in-game, posters aren't super immersive and are only really good for set piecing/making videos

guh, my kerfusO can't find broken servers, all doors unlocked and not buggy, he runs away fora  bit and comes back after a few meters

mrdrnose, you can add a collector to accommodate the "SCP" with an endless descent, in the collector you can place both a pipe decoration and a fiber optic, and a small boiler room.

Please add a vacuum cleaner, broomba collects another broomba, collecting small debris becomes more unbearable, especially starting the game over.


I love this game!

I relate to science and research. You managed to create an interior that can be seen often in research bases, labs and so on. Of course I'm talking about such isolated places where the bosses don't come and it takes 2-3 people to maintain the infrastructure and conduct research. Since scientists are people with endless motivation for research, they pay all their attention to research. For example, my partner once did project 15+ hours without a lunch break, eating the usual chocolate bars and coffee, lots of coffee. Her workplace was full of garbage. One might conclude that scientists don't clean up or like to mess up their workplaces, but they don't. We do regular cleanings and if it needs to be perfectly clean and sterile, we do that too. Some of us are perfectionists so you will find their workplace perfectly tidy and free of foreign objects.

There really aren't many games about scientists and exploration. There are many games that use the topic of scientists or the topic of research but that's where it ends. The game gives you a chance to feel like a scientist, to feel the excitement of research and being in an isolated area alone.

This game is the perfect horror game. Man is more afraid when the danger is unknown. Fear of the unknown is more frightening than anything else. You have managed to create the perfect system that forces the player to constantly leave their comfort zone for various reasons. It could be collecting data, fixing servers, or transfomers. It doesn't seem annoying. The player wants to explore but in order to explore he/she needs to keep all the infrastructure in good condition.

The game in its current state can already give a good experience.

I especially want to talk about the atmosphere of the game. Starting from the tutorial the player can notice that there is something wrong here. When you start the story mode you will notice more details and you will have suspicions. An observant player will realize this when he/she first explores the lab. There will be a feeling that something is wrong, but the player will always miss something, as if there is some important thing here but not enough to make a final conclusion.

You've already done a lot of work and you've done it wonderfully. I want to see what the game will be like on release and what will be added to it in the future. Thank you for your project!


Add a grid to the wall map, the digital map can be replaced with a tablet, it is also worth adding a grid to the digital map, so it is easier to determine the sector where movement was noticed on the radar, and in general it is easier to navigate. I also want to have a zoom function on the radar


В новой версии будет разрешение 21:9  3440х1440 ?


So far i love the new map, the basement and stairway is causing more anxiety than id like to admit.

Also that locker scare almost gave me a heart attack, god damn.

There are quite a few posts here, so I can repeat someone's idea, sorry. 

How about putting some cameras on the base from the start of the game? Install a pair on both floors and one on the street just so the player understands how they work. It would be fair to make them non-detachable from the walls (well, if possible) and give them different picture quality

There is one disabled camera from the start of the game near the main entrance with bad quality that you can enable, just noone notices that it is there until they will want to put a new camera in the same place. You can even see this camera on the radar


Yes, I found it just yesterday! It's just a pity that it has such a bad quality, I can't see anything. The video quality, as for me, should be better and we need some more cameras inside the base. 

By the way, cameras work a little inconveniently in the sense that they do not appear in the camera list if they are disabled. I wish this could be fixed as soon as possible...

Нашёл дырку в полу, слева от двери, на втором скриншоте наглядно показано место. В принципе ничего такого страшного но выбраться от сюда невозможно.
I found a hole in the floor, to the left of the door, the second screenshot clearly shows the place. In principle, it's nothing so terrible, but it's impossible to get out of here. 

Вылезть можно просто встав в то же место где дырка в полу и нажав два раза на пробел



Oh, I have an idea about a tool that can repair cracks and damage on the wall and floors in the base in the base. unless of course this already exists.

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I saved after processing the ''the end is near'' signal to lvl 3, do I really have to start from 0 because of that?

just delete everything related to the signal

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I did, erased the signal from the drive, destroyed the drive, checked the saved signals on the pc to make sure isnt there either but still got the ending. I saw someone on reddit saying that once you process the signal to lvl 3 there is no going back no matter what you do so wanted to double check by asking here.
Edit: I actually tried doing it again and this time I did get the message saying ''G O O D'' wich means I avoided the ending. I dont really know what I missed the first time but yeah, procress lvl doesnt matter, saying in case anyone with the same problem/doubt ends here.


I love the concept though I think that the amount of information to be dumped on the player all at once can be a bit overwhelming to some people, me included.  I left a suggestion in the last few minutes of the video that I think would make the process of learning all the mechanics flow a bit better for when the game is completed. Loads of potential here though, that's for sure, I'm a huge fan of anything space related, so I love the idea of scanning for mysterious messages and decoding them.  I'll leave my video here in case you wish to either watch me fumble with the mechanics for an embarrassing amount of time or simply to hear my thoughts and suggestions at the end of the video.

Привет, у меня проблема, в меню да и в самом игровом процессе съезжает меню, не само мень но приходиться водить по всему экрану чтоб найти нужную кнопку. / Hi, I have a problem, in the menu and in the gameplay itself, the menu slides down, not by itself, but I have to drive all over the screen to find the right button.

может быть проблема из-за разрешения


I have two questions. how to climb with a grappling hook, and how to insert a video into the plasma?


scroll wheel to grapple with the hook I'm pretty sure, and to insert a video to the tv you need to put the file into the assets folder in the game's appdata directory I'm pretty sure. if it's not in appdata it might just be in the place all of the files you extracted are

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first time player here

Overall a very fun game and I hope the rumors that you plan to quit working on it are not true as for bugs I can only think of 3 bugs I have ran into on

1. There is a unknown signal I can't seem to process to level 3? everytime I try the signal gets deleted?

2. the first kurfur  I got despawned or something on the radar it says it is a little bit north of me anyway got a new kurfus and he has yet to desspawn

3 And lastly kurfur will not fix one of the servers in the base. My guess is something in the code makes it so he does not "see" the server so it's like it is not there.

anyway i'm on 7.00010 I think you may have a update past this but worried I will screw up my save if i update


could you increase  the spawnrate of crystals in the cave, i spent like 3 hours just to get 4.

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Just played up until Day 36 on the super experimental version. (wanted that sandbox mode lol..)  I have loved everything so far this game is both relaxing and terrifying. It gives me a sort of X Files meets Half-life vibe to it for me sorta like Abiotic Factor does. 

The best thing for me is I can upload old coast to coast episodes about aliens and play them through the radio in game or watch people stream the game through the TV to really give it a spooky feel. 

One problem I have encountered is that upon hitting Day 36 my computer that searches for signals is now just a permanently black screen and is unusable, I am not sure if its part of the game or a bug but I can't sell signals anymore.
I love how random the events are and they always throw me off no matter how much I try and prepare for the next thing. Keep up the great work! 

the breaker might be off? idk might be a bug but it's worth checking if you haven't already

Everything else seems to work fine its only the computer used to search for signals that is pure black, I'm on Day 36, I've had a bunch of different events happen but Im assuming its just some sorta bug still trying to find a fix lol.. 

First time trying Voices of the Void and this has been amazing so far! I love all the events especially the one with Arirals leaving food for me. Would it be possible to share shrimp pizza with Arirals in the future? :)

For some reason Dr.Bao's replies to receiving unusual signals doesnt seem  to work - the email messages are just blank

in my opinion, I think the game, even if unfinished, is more than ready for a steam early access release.

perhaps the reason you haven't uploaded it to steam yet is because you don't want it to be too well known before it's even more complete, but honestly I think it'll be very well received.

i love the new base but id love a way to patch up the walls, clean some of the stuff that cant be cleaned right now, like the bloodstain in breakroom and the windows, and lastly be able to repaint the murals or something. even if its just a upgrade bought in the pc or whole new mechanics built around it

Deleted 14 days ago

i tried that, but it refused to work no matter how many times i dipped the sponge in water.

who needs a preview for the video, here you go. The link will then be on the video skin.
кому нужно на превью для видео, держите. Ток сылку потом на видео скинте.

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I know there's a digital version but early in the game it would be nice to just have a paper map that I can hold in my hand.  I eventually realized to use the compass target but I often forget where I'm going or what is around me so having a paper map as a reference would be cool I think.  The paper map doesn't have to do anything fancy just gives the player the opportunity to do compass/map orienteering.

Oh and to touch on a point made by NiCOVER a few posts ago, I also work in research and in field experiment sites.  Maybe a day or two after learning the controls and the game loop I really felt like I was back in the lab fixing equipment and having to prioritize my tasks to maintain experiments but also prepare for upcoming ones all while putting out "fires" whenever things break or malfunction.  I've never played a game that encapsulated this feeling and also make it fun.

I absolutely love this game. I have sunk hours and hours into it and have deliberately avoided looking anything up. I got my friend to play it and was immediately delighted by the way she had a completely different experience, based on getting different (I am assuming random) events and scares. The way we talk about the game is like we're two people working the same haunted job miles away from each other, discussing our findings, giving tips to stay safe, and checking in to ask the other "was that always like this?" etc. Lovely. 

I have but one simple request.

Please please PLEASE add a setting to keep the game from automatically muting whenever the window is unfocused. I love the in-game TV and radio, but this makes it almost impossible to use them.

Thank you.

While the digital map can be handy to use it you still need to get off the atv to take a peek,

Something like a Compass that can be equipped to simply show X and Y coordinates while driving would be of great help, specially if you want to chase a dot on the radar based only in coordinates on the fly

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"Эти пещеры апдейта просят!" 

 Доброго времени суток. На тему версии 0.7, была добавлена отдельная локация с системами пещер, где собственно добываются материалы для создания радиоактивной капсулы. Если говорить вкратце, локация ужас и лучше бы я туда не лез. Рассказываю по подробнее, в чем заключается проблема данной локации.  Подготовившись к вылазке, начал исследование пещер, что они из себя представляют? Рандомно сгенерированные каменистые коридоры с развилками, подъёмами и спусками. Тут начинаются проблемы. Склонистые пути бывают двух видов: 1) Которые адекватно уходят под углом примерно в 40°; 2) Которые уходят под 90°. Проблема в том, что такие склоны бывают чуть ли не за километр. Теперь представьте, единственный путь добраться до заветного кристалла (кристаллы к слову, и есть те самые радиоактивные материалы), вам нужно пройти через ДЛИННЕЙШИЙ обрыв, выжить, а затем подняться обратно с помощью своего никчёмного крюка. А если вы не достаточно ловок, то вы с вашим крюком благополучно улетите вниз и разобьётесь. В другом случае, потеряете крюк, и останетесь там навечно. Суть надеюсь уловлена, по крутому склону очень трудно подниматься, а таких склонов вы встретите десятки. 

 И фиг бы с ними, но проблема заключается еще в другом факторе. Чтобы найти радиоактивный кристалл, нужно спуститься в саму преисподнюю, за километры вниз от места выхода из пещеры. И догадайтесь, как туда спуститься? По десяткам обрывам, а потом по ним же подняться к выходу, а я как понимаю, реактивный ранец еще не придумали. По этому, дело это займет не мало часов. Лично у меня за 5 часов попыток добычи этих кристаллов, увенчались с десяток другой откатов на сейв до входа в пещеру, и с разрывом моего мужского очага. Лучше сами попробуйте и узнайте, какого это.

 При всем уважении, может это так и было задумано разработчиком, но как по мне, уж слишком сильно нужно жопу разорвать ради радиоактивных материалов. Легче переслать по почте радиоактивную капсулу с прошлой версии, чем лезть в бездну, хоть я не сторонник такого действия.

i've been playing for like 9 hours, i haven't seen any entity, why is that?

i keep having the problem of corded items i buy spawning in with their plugs stuck in the ground. so a toggle button for all of them like kerfur has would be really helpful. my coffee machine is unusable because i can't reset its cord. :(

i would also really like to be able to turn off the warning screen when the game boots up. like, a checkbox in settings or something. just kind of annoying having to skip it every time i boot up the game, but not a huge deal.


There is an interaction spot that retracts the plug. Check rear side of the coffee machine, it's somewhere near it's bottom. Warning message - VoidMod. (manual installation)

I think there should be a way to rename planets before saving them. Because planets of level-0 cannot be renamed, as they need to be saved first, but when saving, they become a copy file that can’t be put in a box.

(1 edit)

I found a way around by saving lvl 0 signal on to computer then renaming it, after you rename it to what ever you want just save again (make a copy) and after making a copy of it just process it to lvl1,2 or 3, and here you go it wont be recognized as a copy now. 

(2 edits)

i have a idea about game how about do you want exit? button from game to menu because i some time forget save my game.

I’m really enjoying the game but I have a disability and find the server fixing mechanic a blocker for the gameplay loop. I saw in older versions that the server puzzle wasn’t timed and I was wondering if there could be option to go back to that as an accessibility/difficulty feature. Also an option for UI scaling of the HUD and terminals would be nice :)


Timer when fixing servers doesn't do anything except gives you additional 10 points when solving the math puzzle faster than your previous time, it doesn't limit your time to fix it

and that means you get more rewards for actually getting better if you really struggle with it at first :)

Your character refusing to eat something they've eaten a lot of previously is neat, but becomes extremely un-fun when you're away from your base and starving to death, I've basically soft-locked myself like this.


You can disable food tolerance in settings in 'E' tab

not sure if this is a bug or something i'm not getting, but every time i play the new release, i'll eventually reach a point where things get set into "event mode" (can't sleep or pause), but nothing seems to happen. i don't see anything on the radar, i don't hear anything out of the ordinary, i don't spot anything going on outside; i just can't sleep or pause anymore, and it doesn't go away until i quit the game.
is there something particular i'm not seeing, or that i'm supposed to do or look for? or is the game not causing an event to happen when it should?

Deleted 108 days ago

That is because you play on Easy++ difficulty, set it to Normal and you will get 3 satellites and more drives in daily task

Very unique view of horror games. Really love the concept of slowly changing routine, when player slowly adapt to some things and events and environment constantly changing, keeping to freak the player out. Somehow reminds me PT: feels almost the same game concept. I'm pretty indifferent to horrors, but this piece got a goosebumps on me!

However, should confess that I dropped it on almost half of the storyline. As a player I have problems managing time for a game sessions. Usually I give 1 hour a day for gaming, which is I guess normal for everyone, who doesn't have a tones of time. But this one requires at least 2-3 and even more to dive deeper in experience. Within one hour there might happen almost nothing and I lost my interest quite fast. That's not what I would except from a horror game, it mostly feels like sandbox? Actually the first 10+ game hours felt like that... I don't know. Maybe there's a point for major changes of some concepts, at least to review and refine the beginning gameplay and, if it's possible yet, to fit experience for a bit shorter game sessions as described.

And a minor thing. I actually love a trick when you cannot hit the pause during the events. I lost my sht when saw something suddenly approaching me on radar and couldn't stop the game. But... It was really bruh during the "Bad Sun" event. Had to wait the whole day just to stop game. This is quite unfair and cruel in my view...

But these are just very few things and it's still playable and enjoyable, considering the current raw state of the game. Would be glad to participate in development tho.

~ Спасибо за творение <3


I thought of something it could be added: a screaming entity, an entity that would apear at random in the forest at night and would make a loud scream ( a scary one) that you could hear even from the base, the entity would walk around at night and if see the player would chase him very fast and scream on hes face very loud causing him to ragdool and not be able to get up for 5 ingame minutes making the player vulnerable to whatever is nearby, then the entity would dissapear and apear any other night. (Screaming lady) it would be a kinda disfigured old lady with very long hair that when she screams the hair spikes up like a monster, and she would move very fast when she sees the player, she would move as fast as the ATV, and even sometimes if you are unlucky she would spawn inside the base, the only way to escape her attack would be to stay still without any noise or light with you on, coz she only see movement, light and hear your footsteps. then once you see that she is far away you crouch away slowly to get away from her. I think that would make the game at least 50X scarier. Also you would have a low chanse of finding a signal with a image distorded of her face and that would make her spawn.

(3 edits) (-1)

mrdrnose, I have some ideas for your game. I really enjoy it btw.

My ideas is: 

1 ) portable radar and portable camera monitor (You can do it so that if the tower goes offline then radar/camera monitor don't work, and back to normal as you repair the tower.  ) Can be bought in store 

2) some sort of jetpack for story mode, it consumes gas, but has height limit, and slow speed (like walking) can be craftable more strong, long-working and fast version (like omega kerfur) and "stock" one, can be bought in store 

Its all for now, maybe i update my ideas later 

(Update of ideas):

3) Pet ariral (After the event and the egg under the door, the player could have the opportunity to grow it into pet ariral using a new item - an incubator)

4) an incubator (can be bought through the store, needs power from socket to work)

5) trash - gas converter (can be crafted with kerfus parts and other materials, converts trash (full trash bags) to gas cans for generator/ATW. Needs power from socket to work)

6) Easter egg "Joel's anti-alien alarm" signal. May appear randomly and spawn some angry ariral entity around base if it be sent to headquarters, because they play it and arirals get mad at player for it. Its gonna be fun 

A handheld radar is an already existing item in the game, just not in story mode yet.


Add to the radar the ability to represent the position of objects in polar coordinates (data center, take as the intersection of axes), arguments: tired of finding the direction to objects using a protractor. You can add a compass with azimuth calibration in the store. Please add a grid to the existing map view (including on the radar) to divide it into sectors for better positioning.


I'd say that the game is coming along quite well, I adore the new events added with the update and was thoroughly spooked or startled by a good number of them! As for ideas I have... I sort of caught myself thinking about something seen in the tutorial; There's the bottles on the table, perhaps we could have dr. kel have themselves a 'harder' drink considering how stressful it is to be left alone out in the mountains?

Outside of that; I don't find the damage system too annoying, makes me more careful maneuvering around as I'm quite prone to violently impacting the dirt in most games I play. The new base is quite a lovely change as well! Everything included. Everything. The personality of it is quite fantastic! The murals, the little scrawlings, the kitchen, the breakroom- everything! It feels more 'homely' than the previous four-room base, but also more dreadful at the same time considering some choices made in it's design. I cannot wait to see what you have planned for future updates!

(2 edits)

I read all 150 posts and it inspired these ideas:

Possibility to move the refrigerator and bed using Omega Kerfus. You tie it with a rope, the omega runs back and the bed comes off.

Radar on a portable map.

Somewhere to the side of the gate I saw a wooden tower, I tried to climb on it, but the map didn’t allow it. it would be cool if you could climb on it.

Consequences of constant coffee consumption.

Allow kerfus to enter their own passwords.

A special control panel of your drone with a camera and the ability to control it at least with arrows.

Mushroom hydroponics.

Add "Run Home" to Kerfus' capabilities. This can be used in conjunction with a chair - give her a chair, sit on it and tell her to run home. OmegaTaxi)

Let some letters or something else arrive in your mailbox sometimes.

The "Disable disabling pause during events" setting.

Change the computer to turn on. It turns off too often. Let the monitor only be used and the computer will need to be turned on using the system unit.

Add an mp3 player so that you can turn on music while you are running somewhere, headphones for them that will drown out background sounds (And you will be afraid that you will not hear something important).

I hope the translator didn't make any mistakes :(


some of these exist!
You can see beacons you've placed on the portable map, (and radar, and the atv compass bar)l I do agree there should be an (expensive!) module to see the radar pings on the digital map though, or maybe make the map use a battery and more of it the farther from base you are

Eating lots of caffeine makes you get hungry and tired very quickly

You can grow mushrooms by crafting them into fish bait, and using their pieces on farm pots (not normal plant pots)

The mailbox actually serves a purpose; It's how you get items between saves and save resets, It has a continuous inventory!

And finally, you can give omega kerfus a radio, and it will play while they hold it :)

I drink a lot of coffee and don’t notice a strong effect, I meant some kind of (spoiler) monsters like if the stamina is low? or the same monster that takes you into a nightmare if you haven't slept for too long.

By the way, I knew about the radio that I could give it to her, but I forgot xd. I didn’t know the rest, thanks! By the way, I noticed one consequence from coffee - camera shaking.

This is my favorite game at the moment!

It would be great if it was possible to combine a digital card and an quad bike. Due to the inconvenience of using the map on an quad bike, I travel only on foot.

you can my friend, you just have to get crafty :)
also you can place and activate beacons at places you want to come back to, and they'll show up on the little black bar at bottom of your screen on the quad bike, the radar, and the digital map!

Kerfus version with ariral plush 

Очень крутая игра, интересное совмещение хоррора и симулятора. По поводу багов и улучшений:
1. Хотелось бы улучшить ИИ и проходимость омега керфура. Он далеко не всегда может пройти в комнату трансформатора и тупо крутится у входа не понимая что ему делать. Так же было бы круто увидеть у него возможность открыть двери с паролями и закрывать их за собой.
2. Было бы круто если бы керфурО можно было отправить чинить все трансформаторы не только когда они ломаются в 0, то есть просто отправить его перезагрузить все трансформаторы, чтобы свет не выключался в самый ответственный момент.

В остальном всё отлично, больше багов и недочётов я не заметил.


А в будущем можно будет варить метамфетамин? Просто симулятор УБОРЩИКА, РЫБАКА И МАЙНЕРА - это мало

failed to open descriptor file uproject

что делать?

(4 edits)


  • Camera tilt does not update while using terminal (stays stuck tilted instead of returning to center)
  • Transformer building blocks the noise from the transformer almost completely unless the player has a line of sight to the transformer's button, causing the noise to cut in and out abruptly when moving past the doorway.
  • Disabling 'Props impact physics' makes prop impacts have no sound


  • UI scaling (inventory especially is too small on my screen)
  • Show item name when looking at it
  • Show item durability when looking at it
  • Add 'item name' column to inventory
  • Drag to reorder inventory
  • Make crates easier to break (large crate takes 34 hits with a hammer (!))
  • Stomach rumbling sound when hungry
  • Yawning sound when tired

yes super yes to the last 2, I want to be able to play with UI off for recording, and in the same vein I would like a cheapo compass item (just points north, nothing else) and add points balance + balance after purchase to the store checkout 

The crowbar is for breaking stuff, the hammer is there for a cheap solution.

the moon


Add outlet extension cord.

does sombody know y it does not let me start the game


it would be nice if special tools like the fishing rod or pickaxe could be bought from the store once found in case they get lost

Automatic lighting suggestion.
What about create the tool that allows set turn on/turn off timers for electric light sources. Can save time from running all over the base if you don't need light during daytime, and also less number of active light sources can decrease resource usage for low/medium-end PCs.
(1 edit)

Wish it had 16:10 Aspect Ratio support. (1920x1200 is my screen resolution and its 16:10 and the game only has 16:9)

 [this is just to recommend adding support for non 16:9 ratio monitors.]


Just add your resolution to %LOCALAPPDATA%\VotV\Assets\res.txt

If there is no Assets folder then launch the game as administrator and it will create it

Loving the new base. It really nails the feeling of an old government/research building that's seen better days. Not sure if this has been touched on already, but now with the expanded base, parking lot, etc., the area around it feels a little too small. Looking at the bridge, road, and tight space around the base feels like there's no way you'd be able to get a car in there to park it, let alone a truck to use the loading dock. Maybe this is already going to be addressed in the future, but I also think that adding an actual paved road (even broken or in disrepair) from the checkpoint entry up to the base and making it pass over a larger bridge would add to the 'immersion' of being in a place that was once heavily used but is now almost abandoned.

Also, I had the thought that it would be freaky as hell if you were returning to your base or walking around outside it and suddenly could see someone who looks like you standing in a window or sitting in your chair... like a doppelganger type thing.

Great game! The atmosphere and sandboxy gameplay are top notch.

I assume a large scale map rework is coming down the pipes eventually with the new base and new(ish...) tree meshes we've seen

You can add the function of drawing on the map using a pencil.


love the update, very interested in the watchtower outside the map, gives firewatch vibes. may be interesting to introduce another character that lives in the watchtower, that you have to deliver supplies to once a week. maybe you never meet them as they're out whenever you deliver, but you talk via email. they could introduce a new event line with eerie vibes. maybe they go missing and you can take over their duties, earning income for reporting observations. then you can find out what happened to them

a cool addition to the game would be different colored string. maybe green, yellow, and blue?

Make shrimp foods in general valid for rep and theft (pizza and soda, not sure what else there is)

I found a bug

One of my cameras near the cave turned off by itself (i know thats intentional), but when i went to enable it again i was unable to interact with it in any way. It didnt have collisions either and basically the camera is not usable anymore.

(1 edit)

There seems to be some issues with the lighting? In the bedroom/kitchen you can see some light coming through the wall from a first floor room coming in, this happens with other rooms as well, like the break room. The problem seems to go away when you turn up the shadows quality in the settings, but it also makes the game drop a good 30 to 20 frames while in the base, but that's only when in the base, leaving the base it works fine, maybe only losing like a few frames,  its the worse in the main hallways and the bedroom, idk if it's cause my set up isn't good enough or if its a weird problem  (I play on a MSI laptop with a 2070 super graphics card, I think that's at least decent? but i'm not really smart when it comes to computers so idk.)

Картинка замораживается и только сворачивания на фон помогает обратно разморозить, но как только захожу в игру она опять замерзает 

hi, im a chinese fan of your game! how can i contact you devs, i want to do chinese translate for your wonderful game!

There are many objects that have the Hold option but cannot be held.

I assume there's something about the game that makes removing it really annoying or maybe even impossible, so instead Dr. Kel should be able to lift weights and take illegal supplements until he is swole enough to Hold these objects.


This game is very special and I like it. I can see a very good part of sandbox, work simulator and Ariral dating sim, so I look forward to development of this aspects of the game. But I also understand that most of the people like the spooky part, which I am not a big fan of.  To solve this interest conflicts I would like to see more difficulty settings instead of story/infinite/peaceful game modes. There are a lot of good story mode events connected to Arirals which i don't want to skip. I also don't like to hurry, so I made my ingame day length 2x and very happy about it. current difficulty settings does not let you to manage your work amount, survival feature difficulty and frequency of different types of events separately which is not very good for me. Maybe I want to play hardcore survival(in the way of food consumption) work simulator, or change my game experience to the endless barricading against huge amounts of entities. Or I completely don't want their existence next to me and just want to endlessly feed my Ariral friends(or wives) with shrimps. (Also it would be a big loss if they will leave us alone on this base).

I very appreciate your work at balancing all of this aspects in this complex simulator. To not make it insignificant there are need to be basic presets for the best experience but it is always awesome when you can play a sandbox game in the way you personally want to.

In current state this game nearly ideal for me, but some future additions can completely ruin it for me(like if there will be some really dangerous creatures which you cant resist e.t.c), so I'm very interested in fine tuning my game experience in the way I want.

I had to eat a rotten deer to get rid of the ghost XD


I think... uhhh... alien??

but seriously, the base looks REALLY good. Major improvement. The only issue I have is that it's a little too big for comfort, and I don't like the idea of having locked doors in my own house...
Besides that the textures look SUPER nice and it adds a ton more lore just by looking at it. :D


I think a nice addition would be that when wearing the night vision goggles, the number of visible stars in the night sky would increase by an order of magnitude. Not only is this realistic, but would encourage the goggles use at night.

My game is overheating my PC (Not laptop) and when I'm tries to save progress, it's literally shutdowns my PC due to overheating.

Ventilators can't handle the game's overheat.


if turning down settings doesn't help there is unfortunately not much you can do, the game is still very unoptimized being a pre-alpha with one actual engine dev stretched very thin already.

Your pc is shit and does not work correctly. Clean it from dust

You may need to replace your PSU.


was the gravity ariral event removed?

I believe it's tied to the reputation now. If you raise it too fast like I did you'll have almost no events until [REDACTED] arrive, since most of the past ariral events are tied to negative rep now, at least judging from my and my friends' experience.  For example I didn't even get the blue lights. 

will the event occur if I lower my rep or will it just not happen since I'm already past the day its supposed to happen?



Something seems to be wrong with the frequency of the unique signals in the latest patch. In 6.0 I managed to filll the entire gallery in about 35 days, in 7.0  I only got about ten unique signals in 45 days.  It was all asteroids and planetoids filler signals. My friends had the same issue. Not a single one of them got the Evil, even though I was sure it's scripted to apper during day 30, which is a massive shame since collecting the bits of its story is one of the best experiences I had in this game.

Great work with the new base though, I love it! I hope there will be some events with the creepy coldroom in the future. 

Watched the progression of the game via some Youtube folks, and playing the current version was a thrilling experience. It's not often a game thoroughly hooks me like this, which makes the way my game ended feel rather anticlimactic. I ended up getting something that would lead to an ending, the one that has a strict time limit to defuse? But I wasn't aware of what this was and had saved after that time limit had started. This has led to the save effectively being bricked, and whilst I know I can reset all events and objects on the file screen, it seems like an odd outlier compared to most events where pausing and saving is disabled. Which I guess would lend to the effect this event's meant to give, but it's rather unsatisfying having a Day 43 save lose a bunch of progress because an actually-dangerous event ended up locked-in.

One particularly annoying incident isn't going to totally dampen my interests, however, and I'm looking forward to where development will go from here.

if it is the bad signal, simply delete all evidence of it; you can an email that hints at this but its the only hint
there is no true game-overs yet, but minor softlocking is possible; this one should be fine, however
other softlocks can be resolved with the different reset options for the save

Yeahhh that's the thing - I may have dawdled prior to saving after seeing the signal because it caught me by surprise, and only after I had three separate friends go "the consequences!!!" did I try to wipe it. And I did try, but I think I dawdled too long, because I tried speed-running the process (wipe signal on PC, remove signal from tape, smash tape to pieces, turn off all the power, put PC into 43-foot hole in ground, bury under rocks and boulders etc etc) but I never got the follow-up saying "gj bud". My main suggestion I guess would be to give that an event flag so you can't pause or save after processing the signal, same as with the other spooky moments.

Обнова топовая. Но немного непонятна добавлення механика репутации с арералами. Сижу 24\7 на этом сайте, но я всё ещё не до конца понял, что и как


I just want you to know I've been ranting nonstop to my friends about how perfect this game is.

I'm a weirdo who mods Skyrim until it turns into "camping in the woods freezing to death" simulator - who grew up playing 'House' in videogames that absolutely were not designed to play 'House' (hoarding bananas like food in the og Mario Kart 64) - who craves an immersive sim that really scratches that itch. And boy, does this do that.

The mechanics to clean up and decorate the base make me giddy, dragging a bucket of water and a sponge only to spill the water halfway down the hall. I lost my shit when I realized I could not only microwave my food (in a working microwave with a rotating platter!), but I could accidentally over-microwave my food and burn myself trying to eat it. I saw an entity on the radar and turned to sprint towards the door to go chase it down, and tripped over a drive box I'd thoughtlessly left on the floor.

There's magic in this game, and I hope you know we see it. Not just the cool alien shit, but every detail you've no doubt spent countless hours implementing and perfecting. Thank you for all your hard work, and I look forward to whatever you've got planned for the future.

(5 edits) (+1)

I dare call this game an immersive sim.  I adore everything you've all done with it so far, there's so much I have to rave about.

>> Lots of spoilers though for anyone reading. <<

You have a real skill for making things so grand and awesome, Pyramid was an amazing sight and the Golden Wisps felt like such a threat that I coddled myself and all my most important belongings up in the bedroom, just listening to the radio and watching the stars until things blew over, and all of that culminating in Pyramid's appearance made it feel like the valley forest was rid of an evil, especially from the max reputation gift. Your worldbuilding is top-notch, it's so subtle yet so vast, it makes you think, "What else could be out there?" "Are these two planning a resistance?" "How did these frankly very marketable plushie collectables get where they are?" It's amazing. The silliness of the game is also wonderful, I can imagine Dr. Kellen being the protagonist in a chronological animated comedy horror series, tripping over things while running for his life from nothing one moment, then sitting at his desk wide eyed while listening to horrifying processed signals, holding onto his Ariral plushies the next.

This is in pre-alpha 0.7.0 and is Name Your Price. I so badly regret not having a credit card yet, I'd gladly pay for this wonderful experience of a game. You've gone above and beyond with this so far and I cannot wait one bit to see how the forest shapes up through development. Now onto actual ideas, the reputation system is wonderful and I hope it'll be expanded upon in the future. 

Maybe some sort of event where, at max reputation, an Ariral directly uncloaks near and hugs the player while at their desk or doing something specific, catching them off guard with a delightful scare while they're busy. If you plan on giving the Rozitals the Rep system, maybe they could send the little guard bots to your base to scout for you, and you have to hide inside and put things like curtains over your windows so you can keep working. - By the way, Esraniki's gift made me feel so warm, and now I just love the Arirals even more. 

Small side bits, I played this with day length increased to 128%, I think it'd be a wonderful idea to finish that. I also experienced a large decrease in frames when in the new base, then again this build is highly experimental to my knowledge. That being said the new base is something you warm up to, which I think is the best way it could be handled for this game.

What if you leaned into the coziness of the game a bit, adding a blanket for the player to wrap up in, maybe a hot cocoa bag for the coffee maker. And this is a huge reaching idea - I can't believe this game is still in pre-alpha - but maybe a seasonal system, I take this game takes place in a northern forested area, so I think it'd make sense for winter snow. Maybe upgrades to the ATV to add a snow plough, a rake reskin for the broom to rake up leaves into piles like the trash balls so you can dive into them and break a fall.

I do hope development carries on well for everyone, and be careful with your scope on things. Demotivation is the worst.



Lots of forum posts with people struggling to free items and garbage and such stuck in weird places... perhaps there is an opportunity to add a new item to help that doesn't feel cheaty? Perhaps an object/small item that you can steal from the arirals that will warp everything (furniture, objects, even entities like kerfus) in a small radius around it back to their treehouse a few meters off the ground? And it would also give a better way handle the stolen objects from arirals instantly teleporting back to their base- after kicking your teeth in, they would use the warp item to teleport their stolen stuff and anything of yours unfortunate enough to be around it back to their treehouse?

Definitely technically complicated but I feel it would help a lot with the FAQs about this stuff and save object resetting (yikes)/fetching items to stuff in the mailbox killing the vibe

(6 edits) (+1)


This is my first time playing, and I've only experienced the game prior through watching twitch streams on day ~30ish prior to this update. I played until day 50. I mention a few times about looking up secrets. The secrets I looked up were how to enter the dark hole in the cave, how to enter the bunker, and places to dig up items like the EMF detector. I do feel like I cheated with the EMF reader, since it's right next to a POI, which I could have found without a guide had I more patience, and I probably would have found the keycard had I put more effort into investigating the bunker.

I enjoyed the game a lot.  Discovering secrets was really fun and satisfying when there was some indication that a spot HAD a secret. It felt like putting a puzzle together.  You have really good game design intuition and it shows through how addicted I was to the game. There was a few moments where I just stared at my screen in disbelief because of how well some events just flowed into the game.

Observations and feedback and incoherent brain dump about the game:

  • The rep system is very powerful when you're at "Loyal", and I'd do my best to max it out asap if I was using the food decay and tolerance system. Would like to see some advantages and events that aren't just getting free food. Maybe make the rep scale non-linearly so it's easier to increase at low rep and harder to increase at high rep, since if you know what you're doing, you can max it out in a day.
  • I bought the wall fixer thinking that I could use it to remove the cracks on the walls and floors of the base, which wasn't actually the case. Hopefully I can remove them in the future. There's also some non-removable grime on the base that I hope to be able to remove too.
  • I built a gpu miner with 3 fans and many GPUs and it eventually overheated. I heard the explosions but didn't think anything of them since I've never heard it explode before and the puffballs make the same sound. Definitely my own fault for letting 8+ consecutive explosions go uninvestigated. I don't really understand why the fans exploded too though, it seems a bit punishing to lose everything but the rack when you overheat, since they both have large costs to obtain.
  • It seems like the secrets and hidden items of the game are 30% discoverable naturally through regular play and hints, and the rest are completely hidden and only findable through spending a ton of time testing obscure things. Is that intended to be how the game will eventually release? Or will more secrets have some sort of hint/indication for how to find them? I'm not saying to make all the giga obscure super secrets have hints, I'd  just rather not have to use a wiki to find half of what the game has to offer.
  • Omega Kerfur trivializes half the gameplay prior to obtaining it, absolutely massive and vital upgrade that really enables the player to explore more.  Maybe there should be some amount of maintenance or upkeep cost to having it? It's easy to get once you know the steps to do so, but I dont know if you're wanting to balance the game towards players having prior knowledge of stuff.  Also the petting animation being so slow and drawn out feels weird and not as fun as stock kerfur. I look forward to replaying on a later update and trying to get like 10 of them.
  • Kerfer pathfinding will get stuck on stuff I place in the hallways. If go to sleep and kerfur is set to patrol or return to me, it will smash into them and knock them over, which sucked when I had a hallway shelf holding all my tools.
  • It's hard to tell how damaged I am. 100%-50% HP have the same look to me, but maybe this isn't how health works and I misunderstand. HP in general is hard to gauge, but I never really had a problem with dying unless it was explicitly my fault.
  • I put like 10 cameras around my base, I finally caught an entity on one of them and was ecstatic. Would love to see more features involving cameras or other surveillance systems. Maybe an upgrade for a monitor dedicated to showing a cam-feed?
  • I played without the funny setting nearly the entire time. Having watched streamers, I knew about maxwell and argemwell, so I'd type it in the console and look for them. I didn't realize that it was a funny setting only thing, so because it didn't respond with an error message, I just assumed that the 'go find maxwell' text had been removed. I dont really understand the purpose of the funny setting, since even with it off, a lot of the events I got were pretty goofy in their own right. Maybe you should indicate what the funny setting does so people who come in expecting the streamer's experience arent missing events and features they want to see. The only reason I didnt turn on the funny setting was that I thought it'd ruin/replace the scary events, which isn't the case.
  • Going to the cave entrance and getting "I dont want to go in there" when I have my flashlight on, is sort of obtuse when the solution is just to be holding a light source. The only difference is that the flashlight is glued to Kel's head or whatever. I could just be unimaginative though, maybe add a baby idiot mode for people like me without a twitch chat to tell me everything.
  • The day length setting got me confused and I played a bit on 50% thinking that it'd be 50% the normal day's length, but it was actually double.
  • There is an entity on the southeast corner of the radar that moves in and out of radar range. If you have the noise alert and upgrade the radar speed too much, it will beep constantly when this entity is active because it's constantly detecting them go in and out of range rapidly. It still beeps constantly from this on slower radar speeds, but it's more tolerable.
  • I lost the night vision goggles in the middle of the forest and never found them. A feature that helped you find or replace lost items, especially the one-per-file items would be nice.
  • The metal detector is really weird to use, feels super inconsistent in a way that I dont know how to describe. I point it in a direction, get a white/green beep, go to that exact point on the ground, and it will be red and nothing buried.

Posting here instead of bugs as it's not really a bug, more a feature request.

Bloodstains can currently happen underwater, and don't seem to go away when it rains. Would be nice if rain/water affected stains outdoors, especially after the [REDACTED] event. I have so much cleaning to do...

maybe an option for a cleaner base on start would be nice. my OCD brain didnt play the actual game for the first few hours i just spent the whole time cleaning

After sinking an ungodly amount of hours into 0.7 I want to say that this version is amazing. The new base is at the peak of being comfy and unnerving at the same time for me. Has to do with those monotone concrete walls and murals all over the place. 

I do not know if the ATV is made to be so jumpy and prone to 180 degree turns at high speeds, but it seems to do so more than in 0.6.3 and before. The pressure washer is slower than the ultimate bucket+sponge, which is disappointing since I had to steal in from the space catgirls to test out (but maybe that is the point). Other than that, I think that a cheat or a tool in sandbox mode that cleans up all the trash at least inside the base is a must. I am somewhat tired of cleaning up this dump over three different save files just in this version alone. 

Otherwise, great stuff, devs! Can't wait for what you have stored for us next, both in gameplay and storywise. Been a while since I was this invested in a game.

P.S.: Looking out for an ariral ending in the finished game because of a certain reputation event ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )


День добрый. Дай больше места холодильнику. Иногда с ним что-то происходит и он перестает нормально открываться. Как ни пытаюсь открыть дверь - она о что-то стучится(судя по звукам) и захлопывается обратно, из-за чего очень трудно что-то взять или положить. Предполагаю, что дело в нехватке места, из-за чего дверь стучится в стену справа от холодильника. 

Так же добавлю проблему чисто от себя: Играю на относительно слабом ноуте, поэтому все настройки выкручены на 0, а разрешение ставлю на 50-60 для хотя бы стабильных 20-25. Текст на экранах с таким разрешением, естественно, не видно. Но во время событий возможность паузы, а соответственно, и настроек заблокирована. И бывает такое, что не могу нормально разобрать текст письма/хэш-кода и прочее. Или наоборот - снизить разрешение для повышения ФПС. Такая вот личная проблема. 

Насчёт холодоса. Ты когда его часто закрываешь, он задвигается назад. А из за того, что он открывается в сторону стены, то пространства для двери там нет. Поэтому просто пододвинь холодильник на себя и всё пройдёт

when i download  the game and press launch it opens my files instead of running the game

Я не совсем понял твою проблему, но попробуй запустить её от имени администратора

(1 edit) (+1)

Love this game. Start playing in this patch, Ariral's rly cute, feeding when i sleep. Kerfur is also сute, but also very useful. I can't say what was in the previous patches, and give a better feedback, but I will continue to follow the game, as I really liked it.


Currently playing the pre-alpha build , it appears i have completely lost my ATV. It does not show up on radar or reset.

Everytime i launch my save it says "No ATV detected. Respawn..." Yet it does nothing.

Anything i can do about this?

I was kind of frustrated to learn that the Backpack doesn't increase your inventory capacity, but just is a carry-able container. It would be nice if it just expanded your carry weight while equipped. Mainly because I keep forgetting that i'm wearing it.


ребята помогите пожалуйста не могу запустить votv выдаёт ошибку cauldn't start C:\Users\MSI\Desktop\Votv\Binaries\Win64\Votv-Win64-Shipping.exe'' VotV CreateProcess() returned 2

Нужно добавить игру в исключения файрвола, заново распаковать и запустить, так-как часть файлов отвечающих за запуск были заблокированы им. 

epic update, but thing ive noticed is that the shadow isnt animated correctly, it just stands. Crouching doesnt change anything, looks like your phasing through the ground

Deleted 85 days ago

it is april fools, brother
they will revert afterwards

Deleted 85 days ago

I love the new base,  the basement had me on edge the first time I went down it was great! I love the new garage location and what you've done with the stair case to create the same unease as the old hole did but I do have some feedback; most is immersion related. (I do draw comparisons to the old base but I still prefer this new one) I did write a lot so I've boldened parts to it can be skimmed.

(Non-base related)

 The (removal of) ATV Knockdown  The game had an incredible piece of emergent gameplay, I hope it can return and I hope I can find a way to do it justice in text. It has to do with how pursuits play out and how the game's systems played into them to make for a high tension and immersive experience. The ATV came with a great risk/reward feature. This came partially from being able to knock yourself off the ATV, partially from the environment we're driving it in, and partially from the lack of damage we'd take from these collisions. The bottom of it is, the forest is treacherous so when navigating normally you have take your time to get between trees. When you're being pursued it created this emergent gameplay I love: "Do I take it slow and safe, risking the thing catching up but staying on the ATV or Do I try and boost to escape losing maneuverability and risking hitting a tree". Hitting a tree became a punishment in the place damage typically takes and created an incredible horror experience with frantic re-orientation and split second decision making if you did collide with something. By extension this lead to moments of "Do I try and find my ATV or do I run and hope I'm fast enough" ATV knockdowns made you vulnerable, it was exhilarating and felt like a natural world interaction. I miss the ATV knockdown and I hope it's revisited. It managed to create the game equivalent of a protagonist tripping during a chase in a horror movie with all the excitement and frustration you'd expect but I think overall contributed to a positive horror experience. I do also hope that if it's revisited that the player doesn't take damage from the collision, as the chase between you and the entities should be the stars of those scenarios, the knockdown is punishment enough.

(Base Related)

Kitchen Cabinet Doors - I think they're an unnecessary interaction cost for the player. I don't know if it's a design choice to be tied into a future event but I think the swinging doors should be used a little more conservatively. Their awkwardness takes out you of it, but I do very much love the physicality of storing items in the gameworld so it would be nice even if they just became open shelves. It obviously isn't realistic, but I think a gameworld that feels natural to interact with physically creates a much more immersive experience than a 1:1 realistic one.

Room Separation/Overall Size - I hope we get a little more space in commonly used areas of the base for customization. One of the greatest strengths of the original was the large open rooms (both the bedroom and the terminal room). I loved using the furniture to create my own areas within it (the pre-existing walls helped with that as well). I had a corner with the corkboard and printer to document sightings, I had a corner dedicated to hard drives, and just a decorative corner as well and my room was decked out with things I'd found or other decorations You could tailor the space to how you were playing the game and none of it was a hassle to interact with because it was right there in the same room (Corkboard for example. It didn't matter if an event trashed that space, since it was right beside the main terminals I was more than happy to reconfigure or restore it while waiting on signals same with the bedroom). The new base is a lot bigger but it's very segmented and it's largest area (the hallways) I can see serving a gameplay purpose for events but we've lost a lot of practical player useability (and the larger base makes it more of a chore to fix things in other rooms). We've lost a lot of space in high traffic areas to customize and it's a bit of a bummer. Now it might seems silly to be talking like this about customization but it does play a big role in the horror aspect. You make the base your own, it creates a false sense of security as you create a 'safe' feeling space for yourself. It really lets you pull the rug from under the player when events occur in the base or something happens  within it while they're out of the base.

Decal Vents - it sounds weird but, they take me out of the game. Decals are used throughout to add more detail but I think a good strength of the old base's bare minimum design was pretty much every detail (minus the floor drains) were physically there in some way. This is great for the horror, because it doesn't matter if the vents were tied to any events; just the fact that they were there and the idea that maybe some monster could use them added to a sense of paranoia in the base. It also just adds a layer of physicality to the base, selling the player on the idea that it is a tangible place that you're in and immerses you. The 2D vent decals just yell "Hey, don't forget this is a game world!"

These are a bit of small nit picks but I don't know the intentions for the design so really don't want make a concrete judgement on the base as a whole.  Overall the base feels less natural to interact with, the larger base and new rooms I think open up great opportunity for future events within the base. I do find the overall size of the base paired detrimental to the (in-game) day-to-day experiences of the player, just because of the much higher interaction cost to do anything within it now. It really seems just to open up design questions for the base. a large base is great for longer events, but are they frequent enough to justify the size? Does the larger size events/mystery outweigh the associated player fatigue from the higher interaction costs to play within it? What's the balance between physically simulated gameworld interactions, game performance and realism?

I really hope you don't take any of this as being overly critical. I feel the need to stress that you've managed to make a game that I can simultaneously jump fling myself off mountains and towers unscathed not only immersive but also incredibly scary. The way you blur the line between the game and it's world and interconnected them in the horror has really lead to a one of the kind horror experience.

(1 edit)

Not sure if anyone else is having this problem but my radar keeps detecting an extra entity then going back to the original number every minute and it's really getting on my nerves when im trying to get signals done because of the detection alarm blaring...

I believe it's an fps issue, but yeah, the radar seriously needs a silence function

(5 edits) (+2)

Please tell me that inventory system is going to be improved?
Hotkeys are very clunky and I constantly forget the key combinations. Would be a lot more intuitive if just selecting the item put it into your hands instead of having to frustratingly try to hit that key combination to put the item back into the inventory when I want to switch. Drop can be its own button.

Reduce the amount of buttons needed to the bare minimum.

It is quality of life issues like this that can make people quit already at the tutorial.

I'd really like a volume slider for the radar/detector, when I play with that stuff fully upgraded, it really quickly gets on my nerves.

(1 edit)

yeah I typically only level the radar between 8-12 and often turn it way down when I don't need it and ignore the hit to my funds since money is unlimited after a certain point anyway
the radar interaction needs to not just be to turn off the alarm but turn off the new ping alert too

I'd like to see the Voices of the void having subtitles for deaf/hard of hearing! (maybe unique diagoles, and sometimes creepy texts!)

Love the game. Runs smooth except in the rare cases of events making changes causing minimal skips for a few seconds. My biggest request is to have a return feature for the remote drone when you press the green return button. Like modern drones that return to point of launch. Otherwise there's lots to do.

I do find my-self a little lost on what to do from time to time. I try not to search up hints in efforts to avoid spoilers.

I'm in love with this game though and the subtleties of non-major events.

Definitely avoid the forums if you do not want secrets ruined, there's so many casual spoilers here.

Simply doing your job and exploring and playing with all the toys in the shop and world in your off time will get you most of the interesting secrets and events- there is a huge amount of easter eggs that you likely won't find without SOME internet browsing but they are mostly easter eggs/silly memes and references, nothing important. The only tip I would give you for weird secrets you can figure out yourself but need a pointer for even thinking to try is that the tutorial is bigger than you think.


Is it intentional? I found it near satellite uniform

It is, you will see what happens in few days ;)

(1 edit)

Anyone found a way to clean up blood yet? 

Neither the broom/mop nor the sponge help, and i don't see any additional cleaning products or something like that.

SPOILERS for a pretty big event below, beware.

The event where the hole gets opened up is very cool, but the requirements to make it end are very specific and not intuitive. Approaching the hole seems to be discouraged, as the little machines shoot at you, but in order to end the event you have to basically get right up on the hole (and do nothing but look at it?). I had to look for a solution, because at the time I had already viewed the hole on the camera and flown a remote drown all the way to the bottom of the hole. I did not think there was anything to gain by going to it in person besides potentially getting killed and losing the event.

I gained interest in this game by watching a friend play it. It took some getting used to as far as controlling goes. That seems to be the only issue I had to get into it. The tutorial was fine, just my concept of how to manipulate and work within the confines of the engine was a bit of a curve ball, but once I got passed that, the gameplay loop is hella addicting. I played it for hours and hours, and I'm up to the point of just after the big square coming by if you know what I mean. I'm by no means done, as I've just started mining bitcoin farming for credits to customize and change my base.

One thing I have an issue with is remembering where everything is. Yes there is a digital map you can buy, but it won't work while riding the quad and it takes up a bit of space early game. I found myself either struggling with batteries, then struggling to remember I charged, then remembering where things are. sv.target is a great early game feature, but I find it incredibly difficult to stay on target while riding the atv and using the digital map. I can't seem to figure out how to nail the digital map to the atv properly. It either spins or makes a bunch of noise. Another issue I have is using nails/axle nails seem to dettach from wherever they're nailed when you reload the map. (Save, close, comeback later) So, I feel kinda defeated if I used a bunch of nails cosmetically in the base for nailing things to walls or other objects. I would definitely love if you could save the "attached" state as well as their position, because it seems to save their position just fine when it loads in.

If you could posibly fix that and maybe have an ATV upgrade path to have it's own HUD map on the dash, or a purchable item, like "Smart glasses" that provide a minimap in the top of the screen, would be great. Could even add something like when you look at a satellite it has an overhead display of "A - X" or "T0-2"

I even thought of just setting up a pathway of glowsticks to show me the way to all the transformers instead of having to stop and sv.target'ing anotherone is fine in the beginning, just wish progressively the loops becomes easier and then I can focus on the rest of the game instead of always being caught up in annoying busywork. Yes it is important to gameplay initially, but late game, I don't see it as important. Right?

I think a nice change would be making the drive rack vertical, and pulling out a drive from the rack will hold it instead to avoid the issue of it shooting back into the rack. Another nice QOL; Holding a drive allows you to left click for interactions - Inserting a drive into the console, placing a drive into a rack/box.

My masterpiece example of the VDR™ made in Paint.

you actually are already able to click on drive slots to insert drives, but I think you have to be really close to do it. It's how I fix my drive slots when they bug out

First time playing the game and I am loving it so far. The gameplay loop is very rewarding when completing tasks successfully, seeing my money go up gets me exited to buy upgrades so that I can do tasks faster so that I can get more money and buy more upgrades. I got to congratulate you MrDrNose for creating a survival horror game that actually has a fun gameplay loop. Most horror games I’ve played feel more like an interactive movie, this feels like a proper game.

why i can´t do Maxwell code in 0.7 ???

you have to activate the "fun mode" or something in the options

Добрый день, хотелось бы увидеть в новой версии модуль(или без него) для квадроцикла, который позволяет крепить предметы к его креплению. Очень было бы удобно для карты, что б каждый раз не слезать с него и не искать в инвентаре карту.


Everything is very good! (Only I have problems with optimization, but this is because my computer is crap)

Could you add something like weight gain? For example, if a character who is already 
100% hungry for some reason eats more, 
then over time he slows down and can carry less things (because he already carries some “weight”), 
because the game at the moment simply writes “I’m not hungry right now,” 
I would like some kind of punishment for players who continue to press EEEEEEE when completely full
(1 edit)

mrdrnose, i know there is almost no way of this happening but i figured i would shoot my shot, is there any way i could do a few voice lines for the character (mainly falling grunts or hurt noises), I'm not a voice actor, but i love the game and thought it would be cool to at least try and ask. just as like a temporary thing, i always loved the game and even if its only in an old version i would love to be a small part of it.

I really like the game and I'm looking forward to the next versions with new content! But it seems to me that something stands out a little from the general process where the player does most of the actions manually - upgrades of radar, sensor, modules, etc. which are currently just bought for points in a separate menu. It might be more interesting if hardware upgrades could be bought in a store and installed on their own. For example, at the beginning of the game, give the player only a few servers, and he must buy the rest in the store and connect them himself in the server room. Or change the boards in the radar, connect solar panels to the ATV, and so on.

Запустил игру впервые. Разрешение экрана в настройках выставлено  правильно, но игра не все равно с черным квадратом 

по периметру

Could you add the option to change the amount of drives and satellite hash codes? The game feels like work. I want to explore and be scared, not record drives, fix satellites, get hash codes, do package, sleep, repeat. The hash codes are also too long, what's the point of of them being so long?

thats the game, later it becomes a 5 second task. The daily tasks arent mandatory anyway, maybe focus on selling the garbage piles by putting them in garbage bags then in item boxes for the drone to take :)

it is very funny to respond to 'the game feels like work' by telling somebody to focus on the excessive amount of garbage in the base

that said, while the daily tasks offer a lot of credits, they aren't mandatory (and the X drives daily becomes trivial once you have some download, detector, & processing upgrades)
it's also worth using the hash code driving time to do some exploring! if you route your dishes so you're taking the shortest path, you'll have plenty of spare time to find some really cool stuff around all those dishes.
head out in the morning, get the codes, and return when it gets dark or when you feel like it!

Is there a chance we could get a subwoofer that connects to the radio? having a "screen shake" effect in time with the bass? its not a big suggestion but I think it would add a bit of fun to the game. :) loving VOTV so far, I play the game when I get off work. 

I know this may be difficult to pull off, but is there a way to get this game working on MacOS devices? I'm stuck with a 2019 Mac due to a certain choice my parents made, not the biggest fan due to how limited I am to certain games. I love this game just from the videos I've seen on it, and I would love to play it someday. It would mean a lot if this was compatible with MacOS.

you can play any windows game if you use bootcamp (an official apple service), but you'll need a windows installation still, and that costs money... though maybe you can find some helpful places online :)


You can run Windows games without installing windows, through WINE

(1 edit)

After having complete story, and gone to infinite mode. I was hoping for more events to happen in infinite. Though I know story is meant to have the most content, I would like to see more ported or happen to infinite. It can get pretty stale when not a lot is going on. Also a fix for trash getting stuck in walls. Had a metal can escape under the floor and had to turn off "Physics impact props" (I think it was called ?) cause there was a metal can stuck in the floor constantly banging. Tried everything I could, including a glitch to get under the base (which I actually appreciate since sometimes stuff like Kerfur or plugs get stuck under the base and that's the only way to get them out).  But even with that glitch, I couldn't reach the specific piece of trash. And I like having the setting on so I can break stuff and hear things getting hit. 

Besides those things, this game is one of the MOST amazing indie games I've played, and I only provide this feedback as to further help development so the game can be the best it can be. It's so good in fact, I showed it to my close friends. Every single one of them downloaded it, and played it for hours, and hours. I plan on donating eventually when I have the extra funds, but will be more than happy to purchase this from Steam when the time comes. 

P.S. In the like far future (or whenever possible, if possible), after a lot has been done. I would LOVE to see a desert map, similar to Signal Simulator. I think this games love, passion and mechanics mixed with a Nevada / Arizona base aesthetic would be perfect. And plus, Signal Simulator is a dead game, otherwise I would try that. But it's just not worth it. 

(1 edit)

Hey i just got the game and love it! however I've been having issues locating the satellite dishes when wondering the surrounding forest and thought of a way to implement a G.P.S. system:


mobile map making it easy to find dishes + base when exploring


requires active satellite dishes (inactive dishes creates "dead zones")

only shows approximate location (a circle around the player moving  around the player)

can't be used to pin/waypoint points of interest

requires batteries in order to work

expensive to buy


if you want to add to the anomalies in the game you could also add one that effects the G.P.S. either harming, breaking, or jamming the player/G.P.S.

just my thoughts on an issue i seem to have other than that love the game and i hope you have fun making the game!


there is a portable map

(2 edits)

Bug Report.

  1. I comes to Whiskey at night around midnight. And hear sounds Like sounds of intervention into base.  Tries of code enter, opening door, and sound of steps on concrete. 
  2. On win 11 if i sleep my pc, after waking up the picture of game is splitting like not problems with horizontal sync. But after 5 or 10 min problem is fixed. I'm not sure why but restart fix it instantly.  
  3. Resolution and mouse problems. I have 2K display but i can play only FHD because of mouse position.


  • Are you plane to add mods option for community? Or i can add some gameplay or graphics mode already? 
  • Are you plane to make the game opensource or not?

Thank you a lot for the game! 


I don't know if somebody already said this

I'd like to be able to sv.target a satelite with just the initial letter instead of writing it's full name


And autofill by TAB and Up button for prev commands

(3 edits)

Bug Report.

  1. Refrigerator can be moved. If you move it's door cant be full open. It's always try to close because of collision with wall. And i don't find any variants to move it and fix the problem.
  2. I can't stand back vending machine when i fall it down. It's just BOINK! me every times. Maybe add some  wheel block for to bring it to its feet Using hook and wheel block.
  3. Socket of coffee machine fall through floor and i can't use it or fix it somehow. 

Thank you a lot for the game! 


first one is usually caused by a roach nest or prop getting under the fridge, you can still move the fridge with the broom
You push/pull harder if you move in the direction while doing so, and where you "grab" the prop matters, it actually attempts to pivot around where you started the grab, not the center of mass of the object. You can also hold sprint, then grab, and it will push even harder but it will try to prevent the prop rotating, more useful for pushing tables and such.
And for plugs falling through the floor and getting stuck through walls and such, there is a button on wired machines near where the wire comes out to reset the plug location

Thank you for advice! I'll try it next time! 

Overall I like this a lot. I'd like to know (and this may be too early in development to tell) if there could be any console ports down the road (I'm mostly saying this because I don't have the greatest of laptops out there). But if so, is the Switch one of them? if not it's fine, I'm just wondering. :)

I'm not sure how other people feel on this since i've never interacted with the community, but the entire trash/dirt clean up feels like more of a chore than literally anything else in the game. For me atleast, it makes the game unplayable. I love games like  House Flipper but when I want funny signal game, I rather not spend my first few days of playing cleaning up trash (irl days). A setting, mode, or even a cheat to just have the entire base clean at start up would be incredibly nice, as I can't stand the dirty base

This was probably said so many times, but again, it would be an awesome feature if you added multiplayer! My friend and i want to play the game with eachother.

Ребята разработчики добрый день! Сделайте пожалуйста текст на экранах внутриигровых мониторов чётким и читаемым независимо от разрешения экрана, выставленного в настройках в параметрах рендеринга. На слабых компах вместе с общей картинкой мылятся и надписи, читать невозможно просто - приходится пользоваться приближением. Причем, приближение не работает, когда ты сидишь непосредственно за устройством - приходится из-за него вставать, читать с приближением, а потом садиться для взаимодействия - крайне неудобная штука. Пока ничего более критичного не нашел, в целом, игра уже очень нравится :)

(1 edit)

(sorry for the long post)

Hello MrDrNose I don't know if anybody has asked this yet but what about the idea of adding guns to the game I understand if you don't want to make it that kind of game and want to keep guns out of it. I remember the previous base having a pack of bullets that you could find but during my time in the old base I never found a single gun but if you ever had the idea I have some details I think you might like 

  1. I know how you like small details like with the food box whenever you eat all the food in it all that's left is the box I was thinking that whenever you shoot a gun you would have casings come out of it that you could pick up (another small detail is when you eat the MRE bags that they would leave empty bags like you can find around the base).
  2. You can pick up the casings and sell them or a new tool would be a reloading press that you could attach to the workbench and use to reload the bullet casings back into live rounds this would also need the addition of gunpowder which could be like the gas cans that will blow up when thrown to hard and bullets to be put back into the casings.
  3. You can take the live rounds or if when you buy them they come in a cannister you have to load them into a magazine for your gun unless it's a bolt action which loads from the top or a shotgun which loads from the bottom and the magazines can also be dropped on the ground or your character puts them into their inventory and it has empty mag/magazine as the name.
  4. More equipment for the guns as far as I know there are two equippable items and those are the welding mask and the backpack there could be another like a bandolier or an ammo pouch that allows you to hold more bullets or magazines and causes them to take up less space.
  5. The guns can have a natural wear down process that as you use them they will wear down overtime and you will need to clean them or they will jam and break.
  6. There can  be multiple types of guns like a rifle, machine gun, pistol, revolver, shotgun, and a taser.

I don't know what uses these guns would have yet as there is not many entities that will attack you outright (at least none that I've found yet) possibly for hunting if deer or other animals are added or an extra layer of protection the player might feel from them even if they do no damage to entities.

and thank you MrDrNose for this wonderful game


when I go into any game mode and my mouse is hovering over menu selections stuff it won't let me select it and i have to have my mouse way lower depressed things but from that I really don't know because that's a really big bug and I really haven't done anything because of it

Can't throw things in my hands with R button. Bind settings are set to default. Whenever I press R it's trying to put item in the inventory

I loved the game. Like a lot!
It was my first time playing on this version of the game and I am happy that it was.

However, my biggest gripe with this pre-alpha is that the "end" achievement should appear earlier. Some late story based events could have closed this one off, but instead I felt dragged over uneventful days before getting the achievement.

Other thing is physics bugging out so much making us loose certain items, or have them become unusable. Those are necessary to fix.

Thirdly, and this is a bit nitpicky, the nature of some moonlogics of the game make exploring its secrets not that fun. The internet will always provide the necessary steps to explore the game 100%, but would be nice for many mysterious activatable elements to be 1st, worth it. And 2nd, be interacted with in more than 1 way. The game is pretty much an Immersive Sim, and would like to see you incorporate the mindset of an Immersive Sim game to some of these secrets and elements. It would make more players find more ways and discover more things in the game world without the use of the internet. An example is the locked Bunker. If that card gets shoved out of view, you hardcoded a solution where it teleports on top. Not good at all and is really a bad solution. Make it possible to enter the bunker in more ways.


I've sunk countless hours in this game, but I'm just sick of it now after this update. It's the transformers, solely. I have a huge handicap when it comes to finding my way to things and especially finding my way back, but with the satellites, I could manage. But having the transformers drain this insanely fast and having to practically every day go check EACH one to find the SPECIFIC one that's running out of power and then find my way back is a nightmare.

I've used the map, I've used beacons, it doesn't matter, it's still a nightmare. The transformers power drains way too fast, and it's taking me so long to find a specific one and reset it all the time that I only have time to do my dailies and can't do signal hunting anymore, the most enjoyable part of the game for me that isn't the cool spooky events.

I also ran into a bug where all three transformers were reset and at 100 yet one of them was still marked at 9% power and it drove me insane lol, it was the last straw for me. In a future update, please consider making transformers less punitive, the power lines more visible, and maybe a way to differentiate the three so I know which power line to follow in the first place, they are just far too time consuming and frustrating at the moment


there’s a command you can input at any terminal that will pull up the transformer status. Type :


- and it will tell you the percentages of each transformer, listed as tr_0, tr_1 and tr_2. You can then target them the same way you target satellites, so for example you would type :

sv.target tr_1

-to make the compass point towards tr_1. 

Hope that helps!

(1 edit)

I already use tr.check a ton but I didn't know you could target them like satellites, that should help a ton, thank you! I also downloaded a mod that makes the digital map slightly better, especially since it turns the player dot into a player arrow which shows which direction you're facing. 

My feedback still holds though, maybe having them show on the digital map / on a map inside the base to show which one is which number would help? I can only assume that's planned already tho


There is also an upgrade in PC that you cn buy to make transformers more reliable/stable and once you max that out you don't have to check them very often.

what if there was an even that was when you were out of your bace all of the satalites look at you when you are at the top of a moutan that wolud  be so scarey sorry i cant tipe well

this is the first version i've played, up to day 44, really good, just two things:

is saving ever going to be made functional during certain events, especially when the danger isn't actually nearby? it is incredibly frustrating to do a lot of work on the base, see that an autosave failed, and have to make the choice whether to engage *at all* with whatever's going on or just hide and ignore it so that you don't get killed and lose work

like, the way save disabling currently works encourages some really degenerate gameplay where you DON'T interact with events at *all costs* if you've been spending the downtime actually doing something and see a failed autosave. and while only a few events *can* kill you, the ones that do can really set you back in these cases and there's no clear way to tell without spoiling yourself, or to prepare for it because that null error is your only warning. this is very bad for a game where these are the most interesting and unique things that happen.

also please put the transformers on the maps or something lmao it was incredibly unclear if they even existed when i first dropped into story. 
there's no clear indication of where they are in relation to anything else so unless you put some serious legwork into writing down their positions using the digital map/driving around the nearby dishes, routing between them is just pointlessly hard.


kerfus broke my game when he was activated and i slept he completly froze my game


kerfus stuck out of bounds somehow ??? silly lil guy, cant figure out how to get em out

Hook over, Activate so he turns off, throw over, hook back over. *To use the hook and pull yourself crouch and scroll the mouse wheel.


Just want to say thank you to the dev ( I think there is one for design and one for coding, and of course one for music) for this fantastic game. You helped me slack and decompress in my last semester of college and this game helped me through it. I started with version 0.7 and the few bugs I did encounter I am sure the dev is already aware of. This is a hidden gem and I have been recommending it to all my friends. I love the radiant and random events that could happen and not knowing if I was bugged or if there was something else going on always kept me on my toes. I love the structure of gathering signals, fixing towers, collecting hash codes, processing, and sending signals to buy more junk to clutter my workspace. This game just feels good. I am very excited to see an over-arching story mode where the story events start to make more sense and have more meaning and I am just so excited to see what Mrdrnose has cooking up for this game. There is so much potential and I am so selfish I can't wait for the next update I need it NOW lol. Thanks again to the devs I hope you get the recognition (and cash money $$$) you deserve for this project. 07 

Still enjoying this update, the base, and its secrets.

also I began picking up Blender and am looking at 3d game engines. I will safely blame mrdrnose for any games I make that are in 3d because inspiration is a deadly thing. Curse you for making such a good game. XP

seriously though, thanks for the game, it's been my go to relax (and get spooked) game for like a year now. I am so excited to see where this goes and can imagine the final version will blow us away.


Love the game, for the people with potatoes, would it be possible to somehow render text at higher res than everything else? Wanted to play at lowest at 60% 720p, but the the text is unreadable :(

If you were wondering, these are my specs:
cpu: Intel Core i7 - 7600U

gpu: Radeon R7 m465 (equivalent to GTX 295 or GTX 550) (2GB VRAM)


+1!!! before i upgraded from potato to pc tower i had too. plus maybe some more in depth settings to tinker around with for extra performance increases.

i have a big suggestion. a battery recipe. electronics trash (maybe plus empty battery?) it literally makes sense. a battery is a complicated burrito.


I would like to see an event in the game so that if the compass is set at night or in the evening, it will point not to where you need it, but to a cave or other places, because many players do not walk at night and sit at the base


The Exploding Mushrooms/Acorns that happen over and over after about 30+hrs kinda get annoying but thats a nitpick from me. Thank you for this awesome game! 7.0 has been great, the size of the new base is perfect. Blood seems to reset after leaving the game, though clean up in one sweep. (annoying after blood rain event)

Grabbing drives from Drive slots: The small issue I have here and often is that the drive wants to maintain the distance which pushes it back into place, having the carry distance with the scroll wheel set to a distance would be nice so you dont accidently pick something up and the max distance. 

Stats! Stats would be awesome, [Total Signals processed] [Food Eaten] [Distance Walked] [Distance Driven] [Time Played] [Times Jumped] [Mushrooms eaten] ect

Something to spend high volumes of money on would be great, some very pricy decorations as a goal to aim for in later game times would be kinda cool. 

Something I do is use that extra storage room next to the breakroom to make a physical backup with lvl 3 signals, I have about 100+ saved into physical drives, archiving seems to be kinda fun, to see the actual progress made physically. 

(1 edit)

I really enjoy your game and have a couple ideas:
1: If your ariral reputation is high enough they will rescue you if you fatally trip or crash once a week by taking you to their treehouse or your bedroom. When you wake up there's bandages around you. (and maybe extend it to the night they drag you into the forest while you sleep regardless of rep as they would feel responsible)

2: Some pranks the arirals could do is one where they sneak behind you and use a squeeze horn behind you or a air horn at low rep. they run away if you turn around before they do it and drop the squeeze horn. Another thing is they can learn pranks from you if you make one slip on a banana peel or throw something like a pie in their face and eventually enter a prank war.

3: With the climb mechanic you could have it slowly make kel stronger such as for every 10 times he climbs he gets 1 point in strength and strength would primarily just increase max health and ease of lifting/throwing objects. Also possibly have a joke scenario where the arirals are too afraid to mess with kel because of how buff he's become after 100 points of strength.


A suggestion: Make the main chair in the scanning room be spinnable, just hold left or right directions and spin until you get nauseous! :D


it would be funny


Here's an idea. When the maximum level of relationship with the arirals is reached, they will give points. Through these glasses they (the arirals) can be seen. I would like to see even more interactions with cat wives. The game is good!)


I've managed to accidentally hit 'Menu' when trying to click 'Help' in the pause menu on multiple occasions sending me back to the main menu with no confirmation, losing some progress in the process. A secondary confirmation window, "are you sure? y/n" would go a long way

fridge doors got stuck after gravity event in 0.7v and dont open all the way

sweep it with the broom

Love the game and the mechanics so far i only ran into 2 problems 

The first behing kerfus konstantly glitching under the building and the 2nd behing the absurd sizes of the generated caves i personaly whould limit the size of the caves that can generate and maybe put in a limit on cristal spawns per generated cave that way you have a reason to fully explore the cave

The game is lots of fun, even in its pre-alpha state. I just donated $15. You deserve it, and I can't wait to see the full release!

I had an idea for an enemy you could add. What if there were an abandoned Kerfer that stalks the player from the forest and both attacks and helps the player in different ways.

I have a few ideas.

1. general screen blackout and auditory hallucinations when tired.

2. most Players stop being afraid when they realize it's all the pranks of friendly-playful cats. I suggest delaying their appearance and enhancing the atmosphere with NPCs that will cause Arirals to appear. For example, Unknown organisms or groups that are aggressive to the player and their capture is engaged by a group of researchers who landed on the planet.

3. Mushrooms and cones - they are everywhere, they cause a big drop in fps even on not weak PCs.

4. Add the ability to donate in other ways. 

BTC wallets or other.


Hello. I’m playing this game in “peaceful” mode without scary things (15th day). But I’ve got 3.33 event in the basement meat room and sometimes nightmares.  So what events are still available in peaceful mode except theese ones? And for ideas: let breakers, servers, transformators and satellite servers break in peaceful mode, because there’s no big reason to make omega kerfus or buy the regular one: there’s nothing to break except tower.

Это уникольний экспириенс (во-в-ком-случае таких-игр-не-видэль) игра затягивает на многи-часы, ведёт поиск-сигналов. увлечение. Я lluseblulus cosmos и вы cdelali ego dlia menya её інтерёсне! Истолковые рахличные механики скрашивали рутинные работы на базе. Можно разговаривает на тему ВотВ в одной из стран, когда я помогаю вам в развороте!      

 хочу предложит какой нибудить в мирскую жизнь, что это каких-то нибуддов сооружения и не сооружения, активновские, а то мир пустовал и её сигналы! Это было сделано для того, чтобы сигналь не был одним из самых богатых людей, которые использовали 250 штук сигналов и в том, что они были похожи на других людей. Что тот считает, что его слова являются по-себе крутая игра завершает работу.   ПС. Не умея я писат красиво сочиния. 

First time player...

The game absolutely TERRIFIED me for a while... in a good way :D
First (ingame) week or so I was happy-go-lucky... until I noticed things...
...SMALL things that didn't add up... which cascaded into me constantly locking doors and changing codes.
Well done!

- The path-finding of the Kerfur is nuts, especially around / in the base, getting stuck all over the place.
- It would be nice if the Kerfur: had a charging station where it returned to - rather than returning to the player.

Starting out I had these CORE issues:
A: Couldn't figure out how the 2nd science station worked (changing speed, rather than the value was one level of abstraction too high for my brain).
- I gave up and ended up checking a YT in order to figure out how to do it.

B: Couldn't figure out the exact format for the sheet on the box.
- At first I turned the pages into a "TAG" that I attached to the box.
- It was not obvious to me that I could just put the page on top of a box and it would "stick".
- I gave up and checked a YT on what I was supposed to do - where I learned that I could click "report" to get it pre-filled.

All-in-all...   I've had a GREAT time in this little game.
I don't have Paypal, but I sent $10 your way via a Twitch-streamer. :D
Thank you!


Splendid game, lots of fun. The glitches I've experienced you seem to be fixing in that update post of yours (especially the damn hallucination burgers getting stuck in things and destroying my ears.) I think it would be fun to leave in the ariral picking up things it shouldn't though. There was nothing more shocking I've seen then it rip a lamp in half, pick up the top half and throw it at me. Could be a fun feature.

make the first kerfer have a idel

what do i do if my omaga kerfer just disepers, he was there and  i re-opened the save and he was no were to be seen just gone ,and i had him for so long how do i get him back?

Literally cant play the game because of some descriptor file not being able to be opened

pls help trying to make this work is cancer

try redownloading the game with your antivirus disabled, also you can try opening the game as an administrator

(2 edits) (+1)

At the beginning of the game I almost dropped the game. Nothing normal happened in the game for 10 hours. Stupidly sit cleaning the base and catching signals for 10 hours. From the beginning I expected that the game will be scary because others claimed that it is a horror, only in the process of the game I realized that it is not even a horror although people said the opposite. But then something unimaginable started and some cat girls appeared and started beating me 10/10


please add task bar it's so hard to understand what to do


You have no "tasks" or "quests" in this game. Read your e-mails, do the hash codes, download signals. That's your job. 


I love the game, but one of my sole gripes is the container management. Anything with a size larger than 450 flat out cannot be stored in containers like the mailbox, solely because it cannot fit in your inventory to move it to the container. A very nice feature would be being able to use alt+drop to store your held item in a container. That's like my one complaint.

game is awesome!  i have 2 suggestions to make items easier to use:

1. ability to select items with mouse scroll wheel

2. show the item name when it is selected

(1 edit)

If yall are curious about “where can i find alarm from bad sun event?” Then here is a link to it


Thanks to Kylis


i guess i'm probably late to the party given the dev replies all dried up within the first page or 2 of the comments lol, but i love 0.7! i don't know specifically what build i had played before, but i believe it was when story events ended at like day 30-ish. regardless, i think everything new to 0.7 is great. in 0.7 i finished a story save and have played 25 days of infinite with a few light mods. i've tried to skim previous posts to make sure i'm not making repeat suggestions, and have highlighted the important parts because i got a little wordy lol.

  • i'm aware that the following idea would add orders of magnitude of complexity to some game systems and a lot would probably have to be rebuilt from the ground up. the modular nature of the crypto rig is really interesting, and i think it could be cool if more relevant base upgrades operated modularly too. i imagine things like instead of just ticking up a value for "download speed" you would have to buy and hook up new servers, maybe the server room starts a lot more empty. maybe in lieu of transformer stability you could install alternative power sources (for all i know maybe this is something like what's imagined for the finished version of WIP generator by the hole). i think it could be a lot of fun to have to manage space and run cables between different machines and interfaces. additionally, i've personally never actually bothered messing with breakers to increase efficiency or reduce power consumption because i think it's too abstract of a benefit and too inconvenient to really bother managing in real time. i just tr.check regularly and tend to them while i'm doing hashcode runs or whatever. i think limited space and your willingness to stuff the base with loud, ugly machines or even just deciding how to use a limited number of electrical outlets would be a much more interesting resource to juggle  for operating capacity/speed. deciding if i want to have lights off to make the signal processes run slightly faster is mostly just an inconvenience. i get that it contributes atmospherically, efficiency at the cost of comfort, but beyond that imo shutting down entire functions of the signal station just to make one run slightly faster, only to have to go turn the other one back one once you need it in like 2 minutes is not an interesting form of resource management, especially when you can just not. to be clear, i think maintaining transformers as a ticking clock to force you out of the base is good, but managing the breaker switches for energy efficiency or operating speed is a system i never engage with and don't find to be an interesting extension of power management. "i wish i had to maintain transformers less" is a problem i never really felt like i had and it's better solved by stability upgrades anyways. "i don't need X so i'll turn it off so Y runs faster" doesn't make sense to me because when i'm at the signal desk at all i usually have all the terminals doing something. maybe this is all a me thing though, maybe everyone else swears by breaker management and only ever needs one thing at a time idk.
  • playing through 0.7 story, one thing i kept thinking was "wouldn't it be fucked up if i heard the drone pulling in and then it wasn't the drone?" especially with the new gifts kel can receive from their colleagues, i think a great scare would be to go "wait, i didn't order anything" and then be met with a surprise much less pleasant than fancy sushi. won't say anything more specific but i think it would be a good familiar cue to hijack.
  • somewhat related to the previous idea, it would be cool if events could hijack or shutdown some of the custom things like the tvs and radio, or for that matter, if there was a specific event that overrode them with something spooky. when i'm playing votv i use the tv and radio to try and fill empty air. i tend to quite like a repetitive mundane task, games like papers please, or indeed catching, downloading and processing completely normal asteroid #476, but eventually i'm going to need something to put on in the background. i tried not to load up either with anything too ridiculously immersion breaking, though i've got my fair share of silly things on my tv and radio alike, i tried to keep them thematically relevant or at least plausibly a radio or television broadcast. all this to say that ultimately even if i'm just using it to fill air, filling air provides comfort. i'm aware that i'm in control of the buttons i press and deliberately putting silly things in a game with scary things might involve those things clashing, but votv is also a silly game and i like having both. i think letting you have fun silly things and then taking them away to instill fear is i think one of the things this game does best. a particular random event that got me REALLY bad when it happened to me was the game very literally spontaneously taking all of the comfort out of a familiar environment. even something as simple as just shutting them off or having them only pick up static while an event is happening would be cool, and again an event that specifically plays something spooky through them or otherwise renders them a threat without warning would create an air of distrust around something otherwise pleasant that i think would be neat too. tldr make feddy fazbear yell through the tv at 3 am (not clickbaait)

I want multiplayer in this game, it really wants to be multiplayer and it will quickly gain popularity on steam with multiplayer, the game is absolutely super, more events and even more screamers and entities with events


if you add multiplayer, then my friends and I will play for you 1000 hours or more, I hope that you will hear me.

(1 edit) (+1)(-2)

Mrdrnose, i'm need multiplayer mode, i'm think this game  really needs multiplayer. If you add multiplayer mode, i'll stop playing dota 2. I'm think this cause deserves to add multiplayer mode. 


I completely agree with you, I think that multiplayer in this game is the best thing that can happen to this game


0.7 is the first time I've actually picked up the game after watching Joel play it over the course of many streams since it seemed like a great jumping into point.

My honest opinions:
Fishing - This one came to mind first because it was the last thing I was doing when playing the game. I feel like it was dangled in a few ways at me over the course of my playtime (bait in the store) but I had to look up online how to actually do it. I feel like it could be introduced a little earlier.

Base design - I absolutely love the new base design and the abandoned visitor center-esque feel is unique and gives a vibe all on its own. With that said there are a TON of lockers in places where there maybe could be something else. Every room actually does feel unique, I personally made a habit of using all of them for some reason in particular but I'm sure some players might just make a habit of avoiding them altogether, I don't think that's a bad thing but there's definitely room for some hijinx.

Objects - I had some issue with curtains being funky and getting stuck in limbo between two rooms despite me doing my best it free. Buckets are suspicious, they phased through my walls and ended up outside. As for object variety in general, I think there could be more 'fluff' time wasters. Things like planting and fishing are great because they can give the player something to keep going back to disconnected from their 'job'

"Happenings" - I love the current direction of how events unfold and you seem to have just the right touch in terms of their interaction with the player. I did have some events play back to back and had like a week of nothing happening which thinking on it, yeah that should be about right. I shouldn't be able to predict when anythings about to happen, long as they're not non-stop one after another.

Work - At one point I think I got to the level of just churning out signals easily. I think maybe there could be some special days that say "We noticed strange readings in sector x,y focus on that."

annyway, great work!


Please add a softer and quieter sound for tree branches hitting the earth, now it sounds like if someone hits a table with a hammer and it breaks the immersion quite fast, especially when you start a new game and have this long walk to the Base.




Quite frankly, yes, I can be easily scared by a loud and sudden noise in a dark forest, just like any other person. I just don't think it is the "right" way to scare the player. This game is supposed to scare you with it's atmosphere, not a random loud sound from the forest. 

If you asked me, I find it genius. The way to make people uncomfortable, making them uneasy or letting them think somethings stalks among them. At first i didn't  even know the sounds were created by falling pinecones. But I wouldn`t wish to remove or making it quieter, with the amount of spooky stuff that`s already in the game.

ATV desperately needs some sort of a physics rework, currently it behaves horribly, especially on steep cliffs and ESPECIALLY when pressing shift to accelerate. It sometimes just randomly spins in place, even on pretty flat terrain. I've experienced multiple cases of the ATV randomly turning in one direction and crashing into a tree, sending me flying or even worse, leading to a fatal crash. Please look into that, the vehicle is barely usable right now. Maybe implement an upgrade system, so you can buy some new ATV parts which you have to manually install (something similar to the mining station) that increase its stats, like fuel capacity, max speed and steering responsiveness.

This game is kind of fun once you figure it out, but I strongly suggest the devs put a lot more work into a properly functioning tutorial that has a defined end point.  Lots of weird quirks integral to gameplay that aren't explained at all.  Graphics are a mishmash of styles with no clear direction - do you want it dark and gritty or bright and colourful?  Currently its a jarring combination of the worst of both.  Gameplay has so much potential but this game is currently bogged down by a lack of consistent direction.

This is a small suggestion, but can you make the kerfurs have the option to stay within the base in patrol mode? I always have to idle them or make them follow me and it can be annoying when they're moving away from me. Then when they get outside it's frustrating to find and chase them. Just something small. Thank you for all your hard work, MrDrNose!

If I'm not wrong, there is a mode on kerfus that says stay here.

Yeah, but I like them patrolling just not to where they wander out the base and you have to find them or they escape somehow. But either way it's just a small suggestion.

just lock the doors

That's the point. It's annoying to keep the doors locked. Pulse, if your outside and they're patrolling then they get out once you unlock them to get in.

oh my god the tutorial easter egg is so enchanting but the ending is so underwhelming please expand it please please

(2 edits)

It's not that I don't like the base from update 07, but its format seems a little strange to me: everything looks like it's designed for several people, judging by the full parking lot, administration room and freezer, but the bedroom, shower room and so on are only for one person, also I don't like its new color, due to the fact that it is very dark, it is difficult to see it at night, I generally liked the base from 06 more, but I like the number and location of rooms, the fact that the base is being expanded. Also, for example, there are vending machines with soda and snacks on the base, which someone has to fill, but this base is autonomous. so it looks more like an office in the city.Anyway, thanks for your efforts, good luck in developing the game.


That's kinda a part of the over arching story line. The base WAS once used by a group of people. Not anymore though. (That's why there's a lot of notes and other hiding things within the game about the other people.)

(1 edit)

By the way, yes, I didn't think about it, but still parking in the absence of a normal road to the base (there is only a path) looks strange, and I still don't like the new dark colors

UPD:By the way, I noticed something else, the base is quite black on the outside, and more gray inside, and several different styles are used inside


0.7.0 was rushed, terrain was not added, next update will probably add actual roads

It's fantastic!!  I feel so at home/terrified at the same time.  When ANYTHING happens I panic and crouch and try to pause the game and realize I'm in deep when I cannot.  This is such a gem of an idea, I find myself playing this over Elden Ring and I'm a big FromSoft fan.  I keep coming back to get more signals and clean the base up more and coze it up.  Too scared to play story mode, I play Infinite and go out only during the day.  But those time when I have no choice but to go out are nights I remember.  I use the digital camera all the time, to show my friends later when I tell them about what crazy thing just happened.

  I'd love to see more immersion in the form of a wrist watch or maybe handheld compass/mounted (for ATV).  Also a way to pipe the sound from a TV/radio throughout a base if one desires or to your ATV.  Maybe speakers that you 'use' on a tv then mount on a wall?  It's already such an amazing game though I'm enamored so whatever you do, whenever you do it, I'm here and excited.

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