The rotation theme is executed brilliantly! This is honestly one of the most original games I’ve seen here. The voice work is a big plus, and the visuals are really pleasing too.
You guys put in some serious effort, and it shows — great job!
Game's Take on the Theme
A lunch themed boss rush using a Lazy Susan as the main game space. All mechanics revolve around manipulating and spinning the Lazy Susan strategically.
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
No. The only aspect of the art that we worked on was the boss and his animations. We didn't have the time or manpower to do much of the 3D Modelling aside from the table itself.
If not, please link to any asset packs or resources used here.,, (credit to music in description)
The rotation theme is executed brilliantly! This is honestly one of the most original games I’ve seen here. The voice work is a big plus, and the visuals are really pleasing too.
You guys put in some serious effort, and it shows — great job!
Business meal into a high-stakes battle is both hilarious and intense. I loved the chaotic nature of trying to manage so many things at once, but was hard to get used to it.
super creative mechanic around spinning the lazy susan, its like a rotating arsenal of weapons that both you and the boss have access to. i like how it ties in a bit of culture/customs such as if a plate stops in front of you, you are obliged to eat it, even if it's bad.
i think for me the main thing that's unclear is the energy meter - while playing i could see it go up and down, and i could tell that some actions i want to do like spin the lazy susan or chuck plates can't be done, my best guess is that it's related to having too low energy but it's not explicit. i think it would be useful if you made it more clear how much energy gets used/is required to do a certain action, or how it replenishes.
also if you play pretty equally in skill level to the boss and both of you are constantly regen-ing health, then i find that the level can just go on forever, which is a bit mentally draining since everything is constantly moving and really fast. you might want to consider incorporating some sort of break or forced end (for example, the level is timed, since irl you can only sit at a restaurant for a certain duration before you have to leave).
otherwise suuuuper solid and fun lil game! post processing is hot and lots of room for expansion and detailing in the game art. good job guys!
Certainly unique, I wasn't expecting much going into this one and by was I surprised just how fun it gets.
The gameplay concepts are very simple but make for a very chaotic experience with you scrambling to live whilst trying to take down the boss.
Only real flaw is that the last fight more or less only has one real strat, store plates then get the infinite energy food and spam plates, ideally if you got him to eat a melon. Any other strat wouldn't work as he'd just heal back up.
But still, a very cool idea with some interesting mechanics thrown at you from time to time such as when he pulls out his gun.
Overall a game full of character and a lot of 'flavour'.
Another cool game about your boss being the boss of the level. Teaches you the important of building bond with your boss by having business dinners and throwing plates at eachother.
Wonderful art, nice sound effects too!
Loved this game. The idea is so unique and matches the theme so well! Also loved the creepy design and the music, the boss kind of reminded me of the Mr. Katz from Courage the cowardly dog. I did find it a bit hard to control or maybe the table spins a bit too fast for me. [skill issue :D] Overall great job, keep it up!
Nah that's totally valid, I absolutely think the game as is is very overwhelming for new players with the fast paced decisions it asks you to make. While that is the fun of the game for me, we do understand that we potentially alienate people who want to play the game casually by asking so much of them in terms of multi-tasking and spatial awareness. Thanks for playing!
There were a few games I gave a 5/5 FUN ranking but this is the only 6/5, maybe even a 7/5, simply fantastic, outstanding. You can be so close to winning, but then youre out of energy or plates and and end up giving him a window to regen and back to square 0 in such a non-harmful way. No frustration at all, the tables flipping (or spinning I suppose) is part of the experience not an issue. Infinite energy isn't insta win as you need to gather the plates anyway, so it's perfectly balanced even with that. Trying to give him poisoned food or the big plates when it looks like I can for lethal, only to miss them, or then be out of energy to throw my plates is also realllllllyyyy fun.
Starting the game with these mechanics in mind, to then get hit with a DONT MOVE also is such a great surprise, so entertaining, so fantastic. Your idea for this game was out of this world, the best thing I've played so far and I find it'll be very hard to top.
Also laughed because I was wondering why Don Belphegor on a game about eating, then he hits me with the "Lazy Susan" and my sides are sent to orbit. You're a genius designer and writer, and I love you.
your game like my game but our game more horror than yours but i liked your game good luck i will rate you can you rate my game
This was an awesome game, certainly the most unique take on the theme that I've seen yet. The gameplay was super fluid. Also, massive respect for making the game playable on the web.
Great concept, I really liked the look of the game, and overall just a fun time! I did feel like while playing that the battles could stretch on a bit too long, but it wasn't a big deal. Definitely one of the better ones I've played so far!
I absolutely agree that fights can overstay their welcome, we were trying to go for a tug of war type feel where you and the boss would trade the advantage until you were able to get a good flow going, but as the boss' max hp gets higher and higher the fights can absolutely drag on for too long depending on what his AI does. Our goal is to continue developing this game, so a fix we might implement is having the foods that spawn in for larger HP bosses heal for less since all foods just heal for the same amount no matter what fight you're currently in.
Thanks a lot for the feedback!
I really loved this game, and I also really liked your take on the spin theme! The concept of a business lunch being a boss battle is something that I would never think of, and I think it’s very creative. My favorite parts of the game was slamming the table to make the opponent eat the rotten food out of obligation, and also the emails in between each boss battle because they were a funny read. Good job on the game!
Such an original concept, and it has some really creative use of the spin theme! The idea that business lunches function as competitive food roulette is so wacky, and the art and music reinforce that theme fairly well. This feels like something you'd see in a Wario Ware game but with a bit more of an expanded scope, even if I had a bit more difficulty figuring out how to "properly" play this game I do really like the tutorial and I always appreciate any work in a jam scale that properly tutorializes
Thanks for the playing! Developer difficulty was something we were quite worried about and unfortunately didn't quite have enough time to nail down, so I think the game is probably incredibly overwhelming for new players. I was honestly thinking of adding a little retro-style strategy guide to the Itch page to help people who are struggling to get comfortable with the game, and I think this reply might've just given me the push do go ahead with it. Much appreciated for the feedback
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