Hola, estoy buscando jugar y calificar más juegos para esta jam. Puedes dejarme un comentario a continuación con tu juego.
Apreciaría si pudieras probar el mío de la misma manera ;)
¡Gracias! :D
if you happen to have a controller laying around, and like 3d top down twin stick shooters, then maybe play and rate my game ‘Stay Calm’? => https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-12/rate/2969404
In case you do not have one, here is a gameplay video (with huge thanks to HexNuclid) which might convince you to leave a rating based on what you see there => https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2253652240?t=00h37m00s
I need more ratings to reach the 20
Rate AreaBNB by FlamingTrashCanStudio for Brackeys Game Jam 2024.2 - itch.io
Played yours just now, here is the game we made: https://jenus358.itch.io/custormer-service
It actually takes place in a supermarket as well, but you play as the cashier instead of a shelves refiller!
Storm Shelter is a mix between Tetris and autobattlers where you have to build a house for the Guy to defend him from a bizarre storm featuring a variety of storm-themed enemies.
I made a 3D flying game about diving into a raging tornado to collect cargo and materials. I know downloadables aren't the popular way to go, but it's less than 40mb! I'd love for you to play it (feels very good on an Xbox controller imo) and I'd be thrilled if you could rate it!
Hi, this is ours, a monster taming deck building game called Monsters of the Storm
testing yours! If you like to test ours, here it is: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-12/rate/2972570
We only need one more rating, maybe yours?!
Stack junk and try to catch as much rain as you can during the storm.
you can play and rate our little space game her https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-12/rate/2974025 and i will return the favor
Leave comment on my game https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-12/rate/2968707, I will sure check your game back before the deadline.