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Change scale of objects and enemies to go through levels
Submitted by Emilien (@emilien_fort) — 1 day, 11 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Theme interpretation#164.2354.235

Ranked from 17 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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I really liked the sound design, look, and feel of the game. This was a very literal, but great take on the theme. Unfortunately, you can just hold any object under you and spam jump to bypass most obstacles, but I realize dealing with all the edge cases of a physics system in a jam is pretty much impossible. Great job though, I really liked this one.


Thank you very much for your comment :) And I'm glad you liked it!

Yes, it's like a funny cheat code x) 

I may have some ideas to make the game in a better way, I'm currently working on a new version (much more complete). I'll keep people in touch :)

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I see that you are using Godot too! <3 And really happy to see the implementation of Godot Jolt here.

Just like you said, if I rename the .dll the physics just broken (in a funny way) 😅. It's really fun to learn how physics engine extension works.

For the game-wise, it's really cool! The 3D looks well polished, and the movement/look was really nice! I really feel the Portal vibes when playing the game.

A small feedback: probably just me but I hear strange buzzing sound throughout the level. It might be couple of stuck object with collision (?) but I'm really not sure.


Yeah Godot the future haha! Yes without Jolt, the physics was so trash. 

No worry about the small buzzing, it's the noise caused by spotlights x) 
You know, when you're in test during class. There is no sound, except the lights which are buzzing. It's a very disturbing noise, and I wanted the same thing for my game (to get an disturbing atmosphere)

Thank you for the feedback anyway :) And I'm glad you liked it :D 


The theme implementation was done very well, and the puzzles were quite easy. 

The enemies need a health bar or some indication that they can take damage (like a hit animation) because I didn't know they could die, I just baited them and ran around.

At one point, I fell off the map

And the 3rd level could be exploited


Thank you for your comment, and for the feedbacks!

For the enemies, I don't think I will implement health bar (I want as little UI as possible). But I'll have to add more feedbacks so we know we hit enemies

haha for the exploit x) I think every levels have some exploits like this :D

Thank you again :)


We ended up on a very similar style of game, I really love your take on it! The stylized art is fantastic too. I had a similar issue to someone else in the comments where I scaled a box up and ended up locking myself out of progressing. Other than that, my only major gripe is with the menu audio. I definitely see what you were going for but that buzzing on the main menu was so irritating that I had to drop the audio to half just so I wouldn't have to hear it which probably only hurt the audio later in the game for me. I definitely get the almost VHS scratch you were going for though, just probably should be tuned down a little bit. Otherwise, had a blast exploring the level and you did a fantastic job of slowly introducing mechanics and explaining them.


Thank you for your comment :) I'm glad you liked it!

Yeah, the more I hear it and the more I agree. That buzzing thing wasn't a good idea x)


Even if the concept isn't exactly innovative, this game implements it really well! I really liked the level design and difficulty. The jam needed a game like this! Good job!


yeaah thank you :)


Really cool game, totally got a creepy vibe. Almost gave me Superliminal vibes, really enjoyed playing through. Well done!


Thank you man, I'm glad you liked it :)

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Overall I really like the game feel and execution of the ideas. Very similar to what I was going for in my game (although this one is much more Stanly Parable, Superliminal, Portal, whereas mine was more like Half-life + Terraria had a Portal baby). Great job!

Misc Notes:

That audio buzz at the start might be too realistic, I thought the game was crashing on launch. might want to reconsider having that on the main menu on startup...

jumping is a bit floaty, might want to scrap gravity based jumping for a velocity curve jump if you are going to have the player doing anything more than basic platforming.

Getting the enemies to die is a bit clunky and frustrating (if they are supposed to take 5 cubes to the face to kill, at least show that in a health bar!). 

Also the cubes spawning and shooting out off-center to the camera makes aiming hard, if you want the player to be shooting cubes accurately as an attack you might want to change that, or just make the ragdoll kills easier to achieve with less accuracy.

The enemies are super creepy and creative. I love their aesthetic and animation and sounds. Great design all-around;

being able to store cubes after shooting them would be cool. without adding that one might be tempted to conserve ammo by running around picking up the same cube which would get tedious. 

Maybe even scrap the ammo system entirely, make cubes disintegrate over time or even better after a certain number are in the scene and let the player shoot as many as they want with a cooldown. This might get weird with using those same cubes for puzzles, but it also might be a really cool solution to the player just using 30 cubes of ammo to solve a puzzle vs. them knowing they can only use like 3-5 cubes before they start dissolving the older one. This has the added benefit of once a puzzle is completed, they can just move on to the next section and start shooting cubes to use for the new one without having to run around collecting cubes or whatever. This would allow you to have longer form levels with less elevator intermissions.

The enemies need more audio cues so you don't just enter a room and die immediately when they are right there. It can also be annoying when focusing on enemies in front of you and one gets you from behind completely silently.

The audio for the enemies reminds me of Alan Wake 2 shadow people which is neat. This game was more entertaining than that one though :P.


Woah thank you for your comment, and for all of those feedbacks! I appreciate :)


rescaled a cube behind a door which disappeared, locking me from progressing the game. Very cute concept, very Portal inspired which I like. Bugs aside, the controls feel very sluggish and the jumps make it seem like we are on the moon.


yes it's something I need to work on

Thank you for your feedback, and thank you for playing it :)


I had a smooth experience brought by well elaborated level design. Amazing work.


Well, it's a pleasure to read this :) Thank you for playing! 


Fantastic level design and a cool premise. The creepy vibes are immaculate. When the music finally started, so spooky. Also, having the controls appear on the walls as you walk through the space was very effective. I really liked the look of this game, it reminded me of Control mixed with old Pixar short films. Very cool. Finding a hot dog in the toilet was weirdly terrifying.

One small bug, I did glitch through the floor in the first scaling room.

Overall, great work!


A hot dog mmh? :D

I'm glad you liked it haha, thank you for your comment!


Really cool game! In the second level I found out you could glitch through the level the same way you can in skyrim, by jumping on top of the cube while you're grabbing it, but anyway really good job! 

One thing you could add is a button to respawn the cubes at the starting position, I had the cube in level 2 disappear because I scaled it up instead of down


yeaah thank you :)

Yes, that's something I could do for the disappearing cube. I think I'll work on a better version, so I'll try to find a way to stop cubes from disappearing x)


Creepy vibe always gets points for me, very neat aura.  Just the positioning and layout of certain spots just reminded me of Half Life and the facility level in Goldeneye.  Also love the surreal "sort of" real look to everything, really messes with your head in a good way.

One thing I'm not sure was intentional, there was a green cube early on in a corner and I meant to size down but sized up instead, and it seemed to disappear.  I think the space it was in would not have allowed a larger cube so maybe that had something to do with it.

I agree with Lanyard about nudging the player, at least until you get into the game a little bit and they're familiar with the basics.  Overall, really enjoyed this one.


Ah yes, I see where the disappearing cube bug occurs (beginning of Level 2, am I right?). It's not intentional. I think I should add a system telling the cube if it has the space to grow or not. If it can, it grows. Otherwise, it stays at its current size. This way, I think it would prevent these annoying bugs. 

Thank you for your comment and for the advices :)


I love the animation on the hand for scaling things up and down, probably my favorite detail. Reminded me of Superliminal at times, worth checking out if you haven't seen that one. Definitely hit the theme right on. You made me want to go back to Godot and play around in 3D there, looks like it's come a long way since I was using it as my daily engine.

I'll offer a little critique too. I think the level design could do a bit more to guide and nudge the player, use windows, perspective, and lighting or other things to kind of signpoint "You want to be over here", establishing the context of the given "puzzle". That would have to be balanced against the mystique your game evokes, which is one of its strong points, so tread with care.

Thanks for the entry!


Thank you for your critique, I'll take it into account :)

And thank you for your comment. I'm glad you like my game!


This game rates really high for me, the atmosphere/graphics are great. It has portal vibes. I will say I found ways to manipulate physics and get places I probably shouldn't have been able too and even clipped out of the map at one point. But great job


Thank you for your comment, I really appreciate :)

Yes there are "hidden ways" to cheat the game lol x) 

Thank you again!


Oh man, this game has an amazing vibe to it. I love the filter and textures, they feel almost PS1-esque. My laptop was a bit too underpowered to play the game at a constant framerate, but it was still loads of fun. The unofficial "missing dll" mode was rather humorous as well. This game is really creative in both concept and artistic execution! GG!


thank you very much!!

Ah it's unfortunate for the framerate. The game isn't probably optimized x)

haha yes, the missing dll becomes a whole new experience!

Thank you again :)


I really like the moody vibe this game gives, good job!


Thank you very much :) Very cool to see you like the vibe!


The game explains itself very well but it was a little glitchy :)  If green cubes stuck somewhere they just left the room and 1 time I was out of borders and fall down the world. Theme usage is on point.


Thank you very much for your comment :) 

haha yes, there are lots of glitches speedrunners will like


Very interesting concept, it feels like a mix of Portal and Horror, those QR guys made me feel quite uneasy whenever they went crazy! 😶

The scaling aspect reminds me a lot of our project, since we share a lot of mechanics like grabbing, scaling and throwing items, just in a different context! It's like we shared a team that wanted the same mechanics but with different visions about the project hahaha! 🤣

The puzzles are solid and make good use of the presented mechanics, but the QR guys on the other hand require a bit more of work. It feels somewhat unfair to die sometimes, and I think it may have to be with the width of the collisions of the enemies.

Also, I've found an interesting glitch, if you get on top of a green cube and take it, you can fly anywhere! I guess this was not intended, but it's fun as hell and it's helped me to beat the game hahaha 😆

Good job overall!


Thank you for your message :)
haha yes I discovered the flying green cube and decided to let it that way because it's fun (speedrunners will love it) x) 
Thank you for your kind words!


It says my graphics card doesn't support this type.................. I have GeForece RTX 2060. Once the game loaded it was just buzzing. Play in browser would be appreaciated.


ah so strange :o I don't know what cause this :(

It's true I didn't try to put it for browser, I should have tried