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A jam submission


Submitted by CrimsonHearts — 1 hour, 21 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 27 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
It uses Power Ups to scale the Entities

Development Time

96 hours

(Optional) Please credit all assets you've used

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Pretty short and simple, but I like what you were going for.


I liked the bullet hell-esque gameplay and the idea of random buffs/nerfs you can pick up, but they didn't seem to affect gameplay much. Solid gameplay at its core, but can do with some fleshing out.


Appreciate the feedback and I will be expanding on levels and making more power ups.


This is a cool game, I really liked the music and the shooting sound effect feels awesome!  

I would take the time to put in some type of in game tutorial, at least the button prompts in the first room.

I was also confused about the pickups.  When it was spinning I had no idea what to do, it wasn't until a couple minutes in I realized the symbol above them is an E and it was rotating too.  If you want to keep the rotating effect on powerups, make sure it's just the powerup that's rotating and not the E as well so it can clearly be read!  It would also be kinda cool to be able to read what the powerups are before you pick them up, unless your intention is for them to be totally random.  

I also ran into a bug where I picked up a powerup and killed the boss at the same time, so my game locked up.  

Great job!  


Appreciate the feedback a lot

I was planning on adding a tutorial but ran out of time I will definitely do that, The animation was only supposed to be for the power up and not the letter but I thought lets just leave it there. Will probably separate them.

The idea is to have random ones, but I do think having random ones that show what it is before the pick up screen would be cool

Yeah The text animation is an issue I am aware of, I will most likely Improve it so during its duration nothing else happens

Really Appreciate the feedback


I think movement and shooting is quite nice, and overall with some tweaks I can see this becoming a fun game.

As for the enemy pathfinding, perhaps context-aware steering would help - basically, that’s an easier way to have enemies avoid obstacles and keep distance from each other. Although if you want complex level layouts, you’ll need actual pathfinding. When I was fiddling with it, it was not easy.

As for the art, perhaps picking a decent palette on Lospec could work? I think colors go a long way.

Regarding gameplay, I think enemy hitboxes for projectiles could be bigger as that IMO would make the game a bit more fair.

Overall, nice job!


Appreciate the Feedback.

Enemy Pathfinding is a bit difficult to do but I will be learning it for this game, I am also learning a bit more about Pixel art and will try different Palettes.

I will probably Do a lot of balance changing, I'll do some changes to enemy projectiles as well.

Really Appreciate the Feedback


Look up enemy pathfinding techniques. My feedback to you. The premise of the game is good. If you want to further develop it take note of feedback below also. Overall a good submission you've done very well with this.


Appreciate it. I've already started learning about ways to determine Enemy movement, Pathfinding is up there. I do want to make it a full game and have been making a list of everyone's feedback.

Thanks A lot


Enemy movement is hard to get right first time so be patient with it.  I've got bugs in my own game that past me would've broken their PC with frustration haha. But it's important to get regular feedback. There's a jam for feedback coming up:

If you can make a start on your enemy movement now, I couldn't recommend more to submit your game to the above jam. It will help. Best of luck. 


Thanks. I'll be doing the Post Jam now, and push out most updates then and see where to go from there.

I've done enemy nav mesh in 3d so it shouldn't take that much time I hope

Thanks a bunch


Short but fun gameplay! Great work! :)


Ive managed to beat the boss but then I died I think? Is there a way to escape?

Game works well  and could be something with some work! well done



Appreciate the Feedback


It's a cool game, but is somewhat very easy. There is a good variety of enemies.


Appreciate the feedback. I did have the difficult decreased for the sake of it being easy for the jam. Might have to change that.


I managed to get the game stuck by collecting the exit too soon after beating the boss. I think probably the "Foe Obliterated" text interacted badly with the end screen, so that's something to keep in mind for the future.

Based on your description on this page, something changes when you do multiple runs? If so, then I think you should explain that in the game. 

In general I think you should go bigger with effects since I didn't really notice them. If you haven't watched, in Mark Brown's Day 2 stream he talks about this (at 27 minutes playing Drivey Trucks) 

Developer (1 edit)

Ah I see. I did not know that, I had an idea that it might break the game, but wasn't sure. Thanks for pointing it out, I'll fix it soon 

The world grows bigger just means larger dungeons. But since there are only 3 rooms and 2 levels you can't really tell the difference, so that's a mistake on my part about explanation. The power ups are supposed to be different but due to the amount that are spawned in due to an exclusive if statement they aren't compelling and feel different

I do plan on having more VFX for enemies and better moveset for them. Art is a pain but I will figure something out.

I really appreciate you giving the feedback.


I'm too good at this game.

I would like some more levels before the boss and make the upgrades feel more like a reward.

Overall I had fun with this short game!


Thanks for the feedback. I'll definitely make more levels and implement better power ups that feel rewarding. These were more from the top of my head without much thinking

Appreciate it


I feel that the game did not incorporate the theme in a particularly interesting way. I don’t mind that though, I believe that it should only be used as inspiration and not necessarily a core part of the game. I just mention it because the power-ups kept mentioning that I scaled, but I didn’t get it. Following is some feedback regarding the gameplay:

  • The art of course could be much better but I’m sure you already know that. I would say that it might a good idea to try and find a team mate to handle the visuals next jam, so that you can focus solely on the programming!

  • The enemies didn’t feel threatening! They got obliterated by attacks before they even had a chance to get to me! Either they could have quicker movement speed, or maybe projectile attack or some other way to give them an edge. Further, some path-finding would also be good, because this bunch just decided to smack into a wall. image.png

  • An easy trick to get by with so-so art assets is to make heavy use of tweens to animate motion and effects (like death, attack, etc). That way, everything feels smoother and is easier on the eye.

  • I didn’t find much use for the teleportation mechanic.

Overall, its awesome that you managed to ship a game in time! The music and SFX is quite good! For next time, I would definitely recommend keeping a smaller scope (lesser power ups for example) but focusing on the feel of the game, which generally leaves a better impression on people who play the game.

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

The main idea at first was to scale the dungeons but I couldn't because of the time frame. The art I absolutely agree is very bad. I just made some things that looked bad. I wanted to work with an artist but couldn't . The scale up in the power up system, I couldn't balance well in time so I'll do that as well

The enemies were supposed to be faster but I changed that at the end to make the game easier. And yeah the path finding things I am looking to do

I did a little DOmove but then forgot to do it about the rest and will learn more about it

The teleport mechanic is supposed to teleport you further and have an indicator. It's a bug and I have fixed it

Really appreciate the Feedback. You're awesome


I'm a huge sucker for dark games and this is really good . I love the aesthetics too . Well done .

Feedback : would love to have a little depth in the game .  Maybe a little more assets . This game would look perfect in 2.5D 

Overall , I love the game and best of luck :)


Thanks. Making it 2.5D is a bit difficult s but I will try


I love it, haha. The theme is kind of dark, but I enjoy something like that once in a while. Especially the boss fight; that was sick. I also like the different power-ups; I don't know if they are totally random, but it would be nice if there was some sort of method that checks whether or not I got the same power-ups multiple times in a row to give it some more variety. 

Besides that, I really enjoyed it. Interested to see where you take it from here. Good job!


Thanks a lot. The theme was honestly to be even more darker and horror type but my art isn't good. Power Ups were supposed to be random. But I changed an if statement at the very end which caused them to be consistent. I was planning on having a UI panel that shows what power ups you have currently and a ui page that shows all that You've Collected

Appreciate the feedback


Pretty nice, tiny game fitting for a jam.

With some more dev time it could surely benefit from more gameplay variety. It's also happened to me during jams that I try making something with procedural elements and end up running out of time to implement content even if I have the basics laid out.

I like that it presents a theme and sticks to it for the different aspects of design. It also seems that the systems hold up quite well during normal gameplay not trying to break things, which isn't a given in jams. Good job!


Thank you. Yes, I had pretty much spent half the time trying to implement a game loop and at the end I decided not to use it

Appreciate it


Overall pretty simple I would suggest increasing the framerate if possible also the powerups dont appear to be random after the first two I tested it twice and after the first two or three it seems just to give me the same one after which isn't a big deal its just something that increases the variety of what the player can get would be a nice quality of life change. Also it might be a good idea to make it to that the enemies can't be blasted right before they spawn I could just spam left click and obliterate them before they had a chance to attack. Overall not bad I can't wait to see more!


Thank you for the feedback. The power ups were supposed to be random and there are 8 of them but I kind of removed an if statement which caused this.

The enemies one I wasn't sure since I was looking at it from a devs perspective. Much appreciated I'll implement the change. 


The art seemed kinda jank at first but it actually ended up pretty stylish. Like a deep fried feeling, I like it! There could be a bit more gameplay and integration of the theme, but then the boss fight at the end was pretty epic. Great job overall.


Thank you for your feedback. The art is me randomly coming up with wild atrocious Things since I wanted to make a horror game. Couldn't quite get there. But will. 

The boss fight I wanted to be a bit more epic. I'm currently working on the boss fight.

Appreciate the feedback


Please if you are leaving a rating or a comment, give an unbiased opinion and give you're feedback on things to be improved and things that are bad

Appreciate it


Fun game!


Pretty fun game! Enjoyed the premise, the art style grew on me in the end :>