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A member registered Jul 23, 2022 · View creator page →

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OMG What are you doing playing my dusty old Flappy Bird Clone!? That's amazing! 

There's a lot of improvements that could be made yes. If memory serves Kiara's hitbox is not quiet the right size for her either. Thank you for giving it a shot though! 

(and Yes, it is a sneeze. If you listen really closely you can hear the BGM of the stream I took it from.)

It is exactly what was promised. Exactly what was intended. For a gamejam that's a rarity. 

Good job.

This is exactly what it claims to be. A game where you pour Iofi a drink. 

You set out to make a very simple game and made exactly that game. With time to spare, with nothing missing, and exactly in the scope of this jam. 

We could all learn something from you my friend. Well done!

You don't have to jump on them, just running into them is enough. Was surprised to find out I was playing as a hat and not the little Haaton. I like this concept, it's pretty cool.

It's perfectly reasonable to call this a demo. It's perfectly reasonable to call it a game too. I like this concept of switching between realities to get past different obstacles. I like platformers. 

Game is cool, good job!

Scored 111. The sprites are cute and the game is very simple. Good qualities.

I will say using Generation as a catagory means *only* fans of Hololive can play but I suppose we're deep enough in the rabbit hole that it's okay. 

Somehow... Sorting by cup size just feels mean. 

It does have a sort of mind-numbing quality to it. Which isn't bad. It's kind of nice?

No idea how on earth you managed 39. The minigames become absurdly fast after a bit. I definitely wasn't expecting Wario-war in the gamejam, but here we are. That said I was never very good at Wario-war. 

I guess it's a good idea though. you add as many games as you have time for and if something doesn't work the game doesn't absolutely *need* it to be fixed because you can take that minigame out. The downside though is that you're making x games in one week while everyone else only has to make one. 

Nicely done. Maybe next stream Korone can just close the blinds. 

I hate that bastard at the end. 

Good job. 

It's not often you see games that screw with the mouse cursor. It's good to experiment with weird stuff like that. 

The little house full is probably full of references I don't get because I don't watch Tempus. 

I like the little red guy. Good game. 

I can't believe Fauna's house has laser beams. 

It's difficult to tell where exactly the hitboxes of certain things are, which can be frustrating even when you're not being chased by clock people. 

This is an excellent title for people who enjoy Red Light, Green Light. 

The saplings were really cute.

Mouse controls are kind of weird here, but they work. I just wish I could kill the zombies, or at least had more tools for dealing with them. Sometimes they hang around the portal and you just have to plow through them. 

This game really wants for a way to fight the zombies. They feel like they have a tendency to camp the return portal so you have to save stamina to tank damage from them.

Somehow it reminds me of Neopets? Not sure if that's just a me thing. It's kind of a cookie clicker if you think about it. You collect material to upgrade things that let you collect more material, but with an added requirement of requests from the wishlist. 

I would probably have spent more time on it if it weren't for the zombies being immortal douchebags.

Were you able to figure out how to attack?

Well, aside from the obvious. 

I couldn't figure out how to attack. I think the UI for it is missing. So all you can really do is run away from the weird racecar shrimp one single square at a time. I did manage to reach Amelia Watson. She just disappears once I do. 

Was something supposed to happen? I can tell it's unfinished but not how unfinished. I'm pretty sure I'm missing something here. 

Kudos for having the guts to take on a GameJam during finals. Just don't overdo it. 

Mumei ghost is fast and scare. You did a good job.

This is really good! I love the mechanic with throwing the pebbles around. I made it up to the 3rd sanctuary but the really tight platforming section with Mumei going nearly as fast as you are is maybe a bit too difficult for me.

The dialogue is fun too, definitely going to come back and try to finish it! An excellent entry to this jam. 

I hope Irys is able to make it to wherever she's walking to someday. But I probably won't be there to witness it. Good game. 

I hope that someday Irys will get to wherever she's walking to. The poor thing just wanted a drink from the corner store but all of these cardboard cutouts of cerberus and green ooze keep blocking her path, and she can only walk in straight lines so she has no choice but to destroy them. 

That background is very retro. It makes me think of the N64. :>

To say I don't like this game would be like saying I don't like eating unbaked cake batter. 

It moves and looks and feels like an RPG. But it's not really an RPG, more like RPG ingredients. You made a thing and that's still pretty cool. Good job.

Sucks to see Ina missing though...

Is it specifically that I broke it!? I had the same issue you're describing, but definitely not on a 4k display. 

It is a good framework for something I agree but as it is it... lacks something...

I'm sorry I broke your game dude! 

I would've liked an options menu or a title screen. Specifically a way to turn off screen shake. I can't tell if Ollie's weapon is terrible or if I'm terrible at using it but I was barely able to do anything as Ollie. 

It also took me a minute to realize that I could press E to switch between them. I'm also not sure that the game is working as intended because the thing you're defending (Is it... a peach?) can break and the game just sort of continues anyway. 

All of that said, it is a game where you shoot things and shooting things is kinda fun. I do like the sprites for Ollie and Moona, they have that blocky like... Pop figure feel. 

I find myself yelling at birds in the snow. A simple and surprisingly entertaining conept. It can be a little bit difficult to tell exactly where you cursor is sometimes. 

I like the way they look when you pick them up.

This is cute! It's easy to unlock all of the customization options just by throwing rocks with gems and nothing else on them into the different locations. I sort of prefer it that way though, because I can make whatever that way. 

I would've liked to be able to name them. I also found out that if you make a feature very small and put it on a pebble, it becomes very difficult to get it off again. 

This looks really cool. A physics based FPS platformer with lots of momentum. There's probably a super high skill-cap here. Fun to move around in once you get used to being so slippery. If you've got a railgun you can basically fly.

I had some trouble finding the targets in single-player and it took me a while to figure out that I was supposed to be destroying them. To me they look like mines and I thought they might be a weapon at first. 

I'll have to get a group together to try it with sometime. Well done!

Thank you! ;-;

I appreciate the feedback, the minigames definitely need polish. There were originally going to be three. I definitely bit off more than I could chew with this one. I'm glad you thought it was cute!

This is a cute little game, I really liked it.

I'm sorry about that, to be honest it didn't even occur to me. I've added a 32-bit version for users with 32-bit machines.