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A member registered Jul 05, 2019 · View creator page →

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Love the artwork in this! Game feels really polished, and everything looks so cute and fluffy. As for the gameplay, wish there is a skip button or you can click to immediately skip the rolling animation. Currently it is taking a little too long each turn personally.

Definitely the best looking 3D game in this jam! I love all the little details sprinkled around the levels, and the sprite work is stunning. Gameplay is solid, although a little too easy. I believe the only biggest flaw is that there isn't much content at the moment. Hope to see more variety of enemies, levels and upgrades added into this game!

Yoo the writing's really fun. Good job getting this game out in that last 4 hours(according to kanos) fam. Full respect.

Thanks for playing!

Really cute short and sweet game! Love how each world you jump in has its own vibe. Would be cool if there is some backtracking elements or some tasks that somewhat links the world together, like maybe the fryer in KFP broke down and you'll have to bring the meat to Calli's world and use the lava for example.
Would love to see more!

Thank you! This is one of the jam entries that I barely have confidence in, so it is really uplifting seeing comments like these! Really important points you have brought up as well. I do have a bad habit of often overloading players with mechanics too much and too soon, so this is something I should really improve upon.

Ohhh, I played around and fell into the pit, and just made them bash each other until the end of time. Didn't realise there is actually a winning condition. Yea you should probably mention it in your page at least.


Really creative way of implementing a "fishing" game mechanic, I really like it! Like tex mentions, additional abilities from crafted takos instead of just being trophies would be really cool.
Also, since this game is about Ina, maybe in the future you can develop the lake to go deeper (perhaps with progression from upgrades or crafted takos),  and you'll start to encounter horrors or eldritch being and stuffs to fish up? I think it would add that Dave the Diver's/Subnautica's addictive element of exploring the deep to this game.

Works fine so far, pretty good base for a multiplayer brawling game.
While I understand this is a demo, I feel like the system is developed well enough to dedicate just half a day to add a simple goalpost for players to play with during the jam.
Maybe just a simple score system for when players get pushed off the stage, or just some "break the targets"/"board the platforms"/"collect x pon de rings"/"reach the flag" thingy and see which player completes it first etc.

This is impressive! I think my favorite in this jam so far. I love the cozy, laid back atmosphere, and everything in this game is on the quality (especially the art) that I would not have questioned it if it is official work.

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游戏做得很不错,还挺好玩的。圖形也很有风味,我特别喜欢你用了3d model来做2d sprites。关卡设计上可能需要多一些顾虑,目前都是每个房里堆满了5-6个敌人。既然玩家能跳,可能可以多设计一些需要用跳来过关的挑战。Boss也有点太难了,召唤的小敌人数目太多,不到几下就有10多只。

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Appreciate the experimental approach here, this is a very interesting premise! Not sure if they're the inspiration here, but I love ace attorney and zero escape, and games like these scratches that itch. Visually nice looking and the dialogue writing is pretty in-character as well.
A few things I'd like to point out:
- There is some resizing issue apparently, and changing to full screen messes up the hitboxes of the clickable areas. I think you might've already found out the fix for this based on below comments, otherwise you might want to try changing the Display->Window->Stretch->Mode to "viewport" in your project settings, and test it by resizing your game windows
- There are some really important dialogues that could be missed if clicked mistakenly. Dialogue also registers a click to progress even when I am clicking the translation scroll button, so I had to reload my save to read it again. I'd suggest to maybe have a dialogue history option, or just allow the dialogue to run again (or at least a summary) instead of showing a "I've already talked to xxx" message.
- Also, this might just be personal preference, but maybe instead of directly giving out the words, you can have some riddles or incomplete clues to piece together, so you can get a more puzzley gameplay into this game as well.

Really cute clicker game! Its simple but effective at what it does. The celshading style really pops in this game, and the 3D models are really well made!
Would be nice to see a little more eye candy, maybe just a simple effect when clicking the rock or just show numbers flying out or something.


Thanks! Hope you're not doing it blind and trying to get them all since there are only 8 endings 😅, the rest were cut due to time constraint but still has a slot as a placeholder.

Fun short game with decent challenge. Love the benevolence of not putting players way back at the start of the level for every mistakes, since I die alot in these kind of games XD.
Controls are tight, and every death feels fair. While the ambiguity of jump distance/height is present, the 2nd jump and mid air pausing is such a genius way to counteract it, since I could essentially "correct" my mistake in my first jump.
Not quite seeing the theme implemented here though, or could also be I missed a secret or something. Otherwise, you could have some optional collectables that leads to a different ending maybe?

Yep! Sorry if it wasnt clear, but you'll need to put in the items stated in the wishlist into the storage by the end of the day.

Thanks for the heads up and feedback!

Thanks for playing!

Thank you for your feedback! Definitely agree on visual clarity for the hands, did try to make it a little clearer by redrawing hands of each character and also shifting the skin tone a little, but I'm thinking of maybe adding a colored outline or such.

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Also, I really like the inclusion of FAUNA FROM HOLOLIVE PRODUCTION AS AGENT 47 in this game. Very cool. You have great taste my man.

I like the upgrade system, it leaves alot of room for customization! Quite alot of variety of upgrades for a gamejam game. A little floaty on the controls side for my liking, but might just be me.
Overall, pretty fun, and there's alot to tinker around with!

Fun concept you have so far! Would be nice if there is some sort of challenge to it, as currently it doesnt seem like you can lose or is in any urgency. I think it'll also be rather cool if it follows va11halla's footstep and go towards the VN direction.

Thanks for playing on stream! Your feedbacks are really helpful!

Thank you! XD
Love your team's submission as well!

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Thank you! Glad you liked it!
Love your team's submission as well!

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Thank you for your feedback! There are actually gimmicks further into the game which requires showing at least 1 hand before (somewhere after 70), but point taken! Maybe not removing them completely, but I can definitely reduce the number to reduce the clutter and make upcoming hands shaded darker.

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Thanks for playing! Very good points you've made! Absolutely agree that visual indicators should be clearer and should space out more to reduce clutter.
As for choosing Miko and Aki, it was mainly because they are the members that are the most involved (from my knowledge) with tsunomaki janken during that era.
For Aki, Watame would sometimes have Mukirose take over her Janken segment. Her segment would usually involve a "pose", and any hand viewers play would be a losing hand (this couldnt be implemented for obvious reason, so I went with the compromise of "posing with her")

As for Miko, her livestream would usually overlap with Watame's show during that time. Whenever it happens, she would livestream her "reaction" to it, and would play along during the Janken segment. Running joke is on her lose rate on these live, which is amazing honestly looking back.
Did try to make it more visually obvious by having a somewhat different skin tone (Miko's is darker than Watame's) and a differently drawn hand pose for each character. Maybe they could also have a striking colored outline to increase the visual clarity.
Thanks for your valuable feedback!

Yea maybe not the timeline spaghetti part, but on the "jumping into each unique stories and fix things".
Would be really cool if each stories are like holomember's lore debut (but not like the original where they ended up in hololive), and Shiori have to jump in and fix them.

Yes please do flesh this out more! I honestly feel that this is on the quality that livers are willing to talk about or play on stream!

Thank you! Though I did personally felt that I aimed a little too low content-wise for this jam, especially after the 1 week time extension given from previous jams. 😅

Yo Kyouki chill lmao I only asked for a 100 😭

Looks interesting so far, but I was not able to progress beyond this screen and am stuck at turn 1 it seems.

Some additional comments:
- I think screen scroll should be used instead of sharp screen switching. There are way too many blind jumps required.
- On some occasions, Bae will be standing on platforms that are out of screen, and I cant adjust my position on the platform safely.
- Overall difficulty should be adjusted. The new mechanics are cool and all, but some maneuver requirements with these mechanics are way too complex. (there is one part on the cloud where I am expected to predict the bounce from the ceiling, then bouncing back from the wall in front, and perform a back air jump into a small gap that I barely made it altitude wise)
- 2 exploits, you can save scum by refreshing page without going to menu if you fall, and saving while in the air will allow you to lose horizontal momentum. (you can make full jumps, then exit out and return, Bae will fall straight down)


Very simple but cool use of multiplayer feature! I like that there is also solo mode as a fallback for friendless like me.
Game seems to lack BGM, even though I noticed that there are credits for BGM, is it only me?
Another thing to point out is that bomb feels completely outclassed by the pistol, is there any point in switching to it? Maybe give it a lasting AOE explosion after it reaches the ground or something?

Short and fun! Love the idea of grid based danmaku.
Feels like visibility of the hitbox is my only issue here. Perhaps you can have the tiles highlighted when bullets are in the area to give a clear indication?

Simple and fun! Miko looks really cute here!
I think the below comments have already pointed out what I wanted to say for the most part, but just to add on, maybe you can also have some optional taiyaki's that holds buffs/debuffs, so players holds a little more control over what buffs/debuffs they get.
Also, maybe more variety of buff/debuffs? Something that is more obvious to players, like longer/shorter table where you gain/lose a lane, controls reverse debuff where every 2 of them cancels each other out,  decrease/increase visibility on the bottom of the table etc.

The sprites are so cute lol. I really like the different variety of enemies here.
I've completed the game twice, but still confused on how I made to to the end. Not sure about the "Choose wisely" part (my decision was not made wisely at all), and the map sometimes loops back to where I was, but it wasn't actually the same place because I went through the same path and it led me somewhere else.
Otherwise, great job!