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A member registered Jun 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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This game turned out to be so good! It's amazing! Great job! I love the mechanics.

Thank you!!

This is really well-made! The visual style is charming, and the mechanics present are implemented smoothly. I love the preview shader you have for placing the Out of Order sign, as well as the mechanic of using the sign itself! I also noticed that the audio didn't start until I touched the audio slider, so make sure that it gets initialized correctly. I would also recommend having a separate camera for showing the arms to the player on an overlayed display, because although the way you have it now is more accurate to how the arms would be placed in real life, in games, the arms and held items are typically always visible in the camera's view to give the player more immersion (ironically, since it's less realistic) and information about what they have or are doing. If you don't plan on making this multiplayer or having mechanics that require the player to see the player model from an outside view, you could even simply reposition the arms so that they stick out from the camera, with a little sway when looking around. In conclusion, this tech demo is amazing! Great job making all of this so soon, and making it feel so polished despite not having full levels or art assets!

This is a really cool concept! The art and music are really nice, especially for the time limit, and the premise is extremely interesting, and having different branching dialogue paths is an ambitious achievement. The timer on the dialogue choices is just right, and makes players make snap judgments and keeps up a sense of urgency. I also ran into the infinite listening bug, that's understandable. I think this game has a lot of potential!

This was really interesting! I liked the art style, and the surrealness of the options and scenarios was very cool. Good job with the different branching paths and things. I also liked that there were so many things going on that it incentivizes the player to come back and try to explore different routes.

This is so cool! I love that you were able to make a whole sandbox minecraft-like game in just the span of a jam! The hygiene mechanic is a really cool concept (I love that original Tumblr post that this comes from) and implemented as a well-thought-out mechanic. (By the way just so you know hitting back in the options menu crashes the game on Windows. It's impressive that you have settings at all, though!) It would be nice if there was a way to keep track of your hygiene other than zombie aggression, the particles, and how green the screen gets, but I also get if keeping it ambiguous is part of the mechanic. I would also recommend adding an unbreakable layer to the bottom of the world to prevent people from falling out. (Doing that crashes the game btw). In any case, amazing job with this!! You somehow managed procedural generation and crafting among other mechanics in the time of a game jam!

This is great! I love the ambition of going for 3D assets, and the pixelized cell shading is an amazing look. The lore is intriguing, and the design and effects of the enemies is phenomenal! The old enemy of isometric 3D strikes again in that moving towards and away from the camera is way slower than left and right, but that's understandable, and give that it's horro, it could be considered a feature somewhat. The choice of audio design is simple yet effective. I did get lost sometimes, and the collision of the boundaries wasn't very clear at times, but with a little polish it would be a lot more effective (It's better than, say, an opaque wall for no reason other than just to block the player in)!

Great job creating a full game loop with multiple levels and a boss stage for a game jam! It was cool to see such diverse mechanics implemented. There were a few minor bugs or pathfinding issues but they didn't detract from the experience at all, and since you included a level reset button, the player doesn't have to go through as much work to get out of any softlocks, which is much appreciated.

This is really impressive for a jam game! The cohesive gameplay complete with features that progress in difficulty is well-done, and the art and music are great! Having a fully working and non-janky dialogue system is also quite impressive. This has a lot of potential if you keep working on it!

I like the concept you were going for here! It was a bit confusing to try and figure out, and the music was very loud, but having to keep an eye on multiple vending machines as you spread the infection was challenging (in a good way).

Thanks! The sword is meant to have a fairly long animation lock, though if I ever extend this and add more I think I would speed up the sword swings and have a hammer for a longer, heavier-hitting attacks. If you don't like animation lock, though, then consider using the unarmed attacks! They don't stop you from moving and hit really fast (honestly it's kind of way too OP especially for being the default option, even though each hit does a very small amount of damage). And yeah, not seeing enemies remaining seems to be a big issue, especially with having to track down enemies remaining in the big level. I'll need to add something to help with that, and it would probably help with that issue in the tutorial as well.

Oh, interesting! I think they keys weren't working for me. I just went back and tested it again and it worked fine. I'm not sure what's different. It was really late so it might have been my fault lol

The UI here is simple, yet very clean. I love this concept! It's very original. It seems like a game that would be found on an actual brain teaser site or something. I do want to let you know in case you didn't think about it, by the way: Once you fill in a box with a number, you can change it to other numbers but can't clear it again. Anyways—great game! Good scope, clean execution.

This was amazing! The art was really good and consistent, and it tied the game together. The concept was really cool! I love the idea of having to leave behind abilities to make puzzles harder for getting out, and you did a great job at making a fitting story for why that would happen. The movement and mechanics were were responsive and felt good to use, too.

I love the style of this game! The vibes are immaculate. The gameplay is a bit rough to get the hang of, but it has some cool concepts. Great job for a jam game!

This is really impressive for a jam game! The gameplay loop is simple but complete! I would suggest some additional style things for showing attack range, differences between weapons, and stuff like that, and a more guaranteed way to escape after taking a hit so you don't get stuck and get melted lol. All in all this feels like a completed experience and I'm super impressed. Good job!

This is amazing!! It feels super satisfying to play and is really fun. The story helps anchor you to the setting and the cutout method for using real pictures as sprites is a cool visual style choice. If I had to suggest anything, it would probably be a little more level design and possibly a reverse knockback staling system that increases knockback the more you spam the same attack, thereby preventing spamming the light air attack to stunlock and push back enemies and encouraging the cool combos that exist and the riskier moves that deal more damage. All in all awesome game!

This looks so cool! Really impressive that you managed to do this during a jam. That description reminds me of that blooming dead tumblr thread that went around a while back—is this in reference to that perhaps?

This is really cool! Great execution for a jam game. Love the story concept, too!

This seems well put-together! Good job making this in 3 days, even with the help of template assets and systems. The random encounters were a bit repetetive, but it looked like the level design was well thought-out.

Glad to be part of this group! Good job considering how much you had going on during the jam period and how Godot handles audio syncing. Unfortunately the bugs make the game kinda unplayable since you can't really leave the first area without dying, but the pieces are there!

Amazing game!! I'm not really a player of Foddian Platformers so I didn't stick around much after the first few "areas," but the game is really fluid and fun to play while also being unforgiving. Great job with the mechanic and level design! The art also really pops.

Great job! This was really interesting. Since it's a text-based game, I can't say much about the visuals and audio, other than the black background and white text and font you chose were fitting to the content, and the lack of audio did not seem out of place. The story presented is surreal and complex; I love it!

Phenomenal! Your game looks amazing! It seems very polished, has great concepts & executions of those concepts, and has great puzzles that make you think without being too frustrating. The atmosphere is nice too, with the art and music. Great work, especially for a jam game! Aside from the couple bugs you mentioned, this seems like a finished product!

Amazing job! I know Godot isn't really built for 3D games, so even more props for that! Engaging story and good sense of progression. Nice sound design, too!

Amazing job! Very well-done for a jam game. The game was engaging and understandable, and the story was intriguing. The mechanic was implemented well, and thought was put into how to make the game somewhat balanced, telegraphing information to the player.

Great job!  You employed the rewind ability fairly well, and nice job making levels using the mechanic. Though it felt a bit odd at moments (also, your music wasn't set to loop btw), it was a solid jam game. Also, I laughed when I get to the ending text and realized that this was a reference to that one writing prompt/image lol

Interesting concept! Honestly, the mechanic isn't as frustrating as I thought it would be, but also I'll need to actually test it out with other players, but I'm guessing that it'll just make playing with friends extremely funny (the really dramatic bullet spread will probably add to that lol). Amazing job setting up multiplayer in a jam game btw.

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Great job, especially with even less time to work on this! The concept is interesting and well-done. You did a good job at making the controls forgiving considering what they are. Great music, and I know you said to feel free to poke fun at your voice acting, but I actually thought it was really good! Also, the custom splash screen was hilarious (said even as someone who used Unity for this jam because I'm too lazy/insecure to try switching to a new engine)

This is amazing! Great job, especially for 3 days, if I read that correctly. This game feels very complete, though short, which is awesome for a jam game! The concept is really cool and executed really well. It feels great to play, and I had a lot of fun!

Great game! The concept is cool; I especially like having to use the feathers to probe platforms up ahead (though at first I didn't realize to do that). The movement is slippery but overall the game is well-made. Good job!

Hi! Sorry that you got lost; the game is more geared towards those who enjoy taking notes outside of the game and trying to map out the environment to gradually get more familiar with the maze. Unfortunately, the constraints of the game jam did not allow for ample testing nor more content to put in the game. Thanks for playing, though!

This is a nice demoscene for your game. The Unreal Engine visuals are stunning! The way the audio of the announcement and music was nice, too. An audio or visual cue for when buttons (preferably both) were pressed would have been nice, as would a crosshair of some sort to indicate where you're aiming. The first time I loaded the game I got softlocked by dying from falling outside of the map from the missing wall on the opposite side. Good job getting shooting, a shooting enemy, and button functionality working in the timeframe in a 3D game (especially if I remember right saying that you didn't have unreal engine experience)!

(1 edit)

This game is amazing, especially for a game jam! It's really fun, with a snappy-feeling response despite physics-based movement, and a cool gimmick and abilities. The procedural generation of a small dungeon is very cool and well-done! I didn't know that I could go downwards through platforms at first, which made it a bit frustrating on my first run because I thought I was stuck, but it was lack of communication rather than a bug. Maybe the gun and shield could use some limitations, like a reload or health for the shield that regenerates once it hasn't been in use for a second, but that's just a design choice. I also think that having separate disruption fields for the gun and shield and for the boost and whatever the other ability you might add would be a cool way to force the player to think about how the limitations affect gameplay even more. Anyway: awesome, solid game!

Great game! For a jam, this is a decently complete game. There are a bunch of minor bugs and stuff, such as the things you already know about with finicky pressure plates and dialogue, or the bad ending overriding the others you might have gotten, or putting down the box pushing you out of bounds (to be honest on my first playthrough i used that to skip most of the puzzles lol). Despite that, though, nice job! Nice looking assets and nice sound effects, too.

This is a nice, short little game with appropriate scope for a game jam. I think it's well-executed and has a funny premise.  With some more polish, additional level-building, and a bit of exploration with the mechanic, this could turn into something really fun (and that doesn't mean it's not fun now; it is, just a bit short, being more of a way to show the mechanic off).

Great idea here, and a pretty good execution for a game jam! It's unfortunate that the dialogue doesn't work beyond the first room, and the mouse not locking, lack of saves, and crashes made it more frustrating. This was obviously limited because of the jam but does a good job at showing what was accomplished during it, especially for being 3D.

This was really fun! At first it seems like a shitpost "There Is No Game" clone, but once you get into it, you see that it actually has it's own style, and is longer than what you'd first think. It was also very fun to play. I encountered a bug that stopped the gameIMEAN not-game midway through, and I was genuinely sad that I couldn't keep going. The subtitles didn't always match up with the narrator and the visuals look like I Googled MS Paint or Scratch, but that's part of the style and charm. Still a shitpost, but the good kind that takes effort, if you know what I mean. Great job!

This is a fun little game that fits the theme really well! The variety of limitations is cool, and you did a good job with keeping your scope in check with this small yet complete game. The hitboxes can be a bit frustrating sometimes with how difficult it is to hit slimes, even with directional attacks, but that's just a minor thing that could be worked on, or even made into its own limitation of a short attack range!

I really like the concept of this game, and I think you did a good job making something with it in the timeframe of a game jam! It's very creative, though the lack of time means that the softlocks (which you acknowledged) and jankiness detract from it, and though the "Aha!" moment feels good when you figure out what you're supposed to be doing, the game doesn't fully guide the player to the solution as much as it probably should. The mechanics kind of make this hard, but most of the time, it's unclear where you're supposed to go, and even where level transitions are. I also remember that shift had to be rebound to C, which is unfortunate, because it and V are kind of awkward to reach when platforming, as well as the arrow keys being used for ladders and W and S being used for the layers instead of another, single key. Overall, amazing job! (Sorry if this feel nitpicky I just want to help give useable feedback)