Great concept, remember me the super paper mario, nice idea and great development, really cool entry.
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Thank you so much, that gameplay was really nice, even with the wall jump bug the guns sections takes you time XD, more the section when you must go down x3, in a future i will solve that bug, or maybe i electrify the walls XD, thanks so much for playing. Also the transitions are differents, in the web game the transitions didnt appear, in the windows game they are different, event the video at the end didtn appear on web, you can play the windows exe if you wanna see some diffences. Thanks you so much for playing and will play your game soon too x3
Hello, well to be honest the game was created in 3 days, the work and others things leave me without time, the idea of the minigames was another like minigames of warrio series were your uncertain stats give you better chances to get the good choice.
Another thing leave it aside, the micro games, every card of the morning open ocasionally a micro game were can give you extra stats, for example the spinner appears and you can click it faster until get high speed and reduce more anxiety.
Yeah the time is fast, should adjust that better, a little longer so the people can read well the card for example.
Yes the cover is AI Generated, like many of the cards, the time dont leave me choice and to avoid the copyrigths. Also the cards are 10 of each one, not many and try my best to balance the good and bad. The game required a better organization and changes to be honest, but like an alpha i feel very good with it x3
To be honest the idea wasnt mine, was from my boyfriend, he is introverted and when he told me about that idea i love it, he doesnt help me cause he dont like to be questioned constantly and feel anxiety for answer, even when we want to decide something we use a coin XD
Also thanks for that recomendations, i will take all in mind if i continue this gamein a future.