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A member registered Oct 06, 2018 · View creator page →

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I understand... my game also suffers from a lack of text to explain things.

I find that in my experience, text that is forced upon the player tends to be skipped. I while back I worked on a game before where there was a text box that says "do X", a playtester skipped it, and then immediately asked me "I want to do X, but I can't figure out how to do it".

But when there is text that players can open at anytime, or players seek out, I think they're much more willing to read it since they reached it voluntarily.  So maybe the tablet could be a way to show info?

I can tell you worked a lot on the sprites though, the production value of the UI elements and presentation shows. 

Quite ambitious! There is really a surprising variety of environments in this game, with a lot of 3d environments that actually feel quite different from each other.  You do end up navigating each level a bit differently and they indeed feel like very different locations.

I know that with Game Jam constraints balance is pretty tough to maintain, but I do think that more enemy variety and balancing can help a lot. Since there are only melee enemies, ranged skills are very powerful. With a few upgrades I did not end up using my melee attack much. You can also defeat a lot of enemies outside of their aggro range, maybe making them aggro onto you if you hit them would quickly make the levels more challenging. 

I think there is a lot of demand for a 3d hololive adventure game. 

I think... I ran into a bug? Suddenly my resources started shooting up like crazy. Not sure how I triggered it.

Anyways! I think just a little bit of time for someone to get used to the UI before the timer starts counting down could be useful as it did take me a while to figure out that you could switch between characters and give them unique weapons.

I also kind of wished that the weapons had more unique requirements, as you don't really have to alter your strategy very much to max out each weapon (assuming you don't run into the infinite resource bug)

Congrats on finishing your first Godot project!

It's hard to finish a game in only a few days but you did it!  The premise of the game reminded me a lot of chaos theory.

The game did get a bit predictable though, as I was able to find a pretty consistent position to click on the screen so that the balls would always fall into the leftmost target. I think a few things that can make the pattern of the balls more chaotic can help with the premise of unpredictable events. Things like moving bumpers, bouncier balls, spinning elements, etc.

The art style is very consistent and the writing does help carry the game through.  The presentation as a whole is great with the enemy types, fonts, and UI being very coherent in presentation. 

I think the game could use a few more numbers for displaying things like HP and stats. I would sometimes get a stat increase on a character and not be too sure what it means. There is also an issue where if you hover over an item the textbox explaining what the item does goes off the screen.

I really wanted to understand how this game works since it FEELS like it could be a very unique puzzle game. And unique puzzle ideas are kind of hard to come by. But I really had a hard time figuring out the mechanics of the game.

I think just a few more hints somewhere could help a lot and help me engage with the mechanics. 
On the other hand, the presentation of the game is really well done. The little intro dialogue, the sprites, and even the itch page itself added a lot of production value to the game which added a lot of "weight" to the puzzles.

The tablet you can interact with is cool, but I wished it provided a bit more explanation regarding how the game worked. I feel like there is a lot of opportunity to even give tutorials or hints in a way that still feels mysterious and fit with the vibe you have going on. It would be satisfying to figure out as well!

This is... the perfect Ririka game. 

I really hope Ririka finds out about this game. The game over screen is so funny. 

Not much else to say really, simple concept executed well. It does everything it needs to.

Well done! It takes a simple looking concept and iterates on it surprisingly meaningfully. I enjoyed seeing new mechanics/obstacles pop in that kept things fresh as the game progressed. And the difficulty progressed naturally as these mechanics started to overlap with each other. There was quite a good variety of challenges with the tools and obstacles that were given and they felt very explored. It feels like a complete package that uses everything that it presents well.

Now, I also got confused a bit in the tutorial with the double jumps. But everyone else already mentioned that.

I didn't even know there was a secret level until I looked down into these comments so that's actually really cool.

Controls and movement felt shockingly good for a game jam game.  Punching was also very satisfying. That's quite impressive as it can take a lot to get that right.

There are also a few things I thought were quite cool in this game. For instance, I think what you did in the Title screen where you punch the rock to start is actually really clever. It's both a "tutorial" and a cool intro that reminds me of old arcade games.

There are however... SO MANY ROCKS. There was stuck at 9 rocks for a very long time, and there were a few moments where I saw some rocks in tricky to get to locations and was like "Ah! So that's the one the devs wanted me to get to." I had a few "platformer puzzle" type moments where I would try to figure out how to get to that rock... only for it to be empty.

I think some indication of where the necessary key rocks are could help. Maybe a little glow or slight change of color. Or... another option could be just putting more keys. Since figuring out how to get to some of the tricky rocks is actually pretty fun. It feels like you guys put a lot of thought into some of the paths to these tricky rocks.  It's just that finding out the rock is empty is kind of disappointing.

What was the 2nd white feature going to do? Would it give you a 2nd dash? Double Jump? 

The silhouette is a good idea for solving that issue. Yeah, I think the camera thing has been something that everyone has brought up. It would definately be something that I'll want to fix if I keep working on the game.

I noticed a lot of players would end on 2/3 pieces. It makes me wonder if a re-try mechanic, or giving more time would help with that. 
Anyways thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for such kind words!

Thanks for playing the game!

I thought of the game a bit as a risk assessment/resource management game, where the lantern time is used to encourage you to try to plot out paths that are shorter or less risky. 

I think a game where you have unlimited time to explore would be interesting. It would be more sandboxy in nature and exploration-focused rather then optimization focused. But it may end up being a pretty different kind of game with different pacing.

It's incredibly impressive to get so much done in such a short time. Clearly a lot of work has went into this.

Well... you know me IRL so I already told you everything I thought and all the nitpicks I had with the game lol. But one thing I will say is. There is a lot more to say about the game because you have provided so much that the players have a lot more to engage with, and as a result there is a lot more feedback and a lot more that can go wrong.

I hope you don't let it get to ya! The premise is cool and combined with the visuals this is a game I could see myself getting excited for even outside of the context of a game jam game.

Thanks for playing the game! Your words mean a lot to us, as we thought that your game was also very well-made. So hearing this from you guys is great.

As for the feedback. All of it sounds very useful! We actually didn't get that much playtesting in (not as much as we hoped) so feedback like this is very useful.

I'm hoping to collect some feedback, fix some bugs and maybe post it as a little game.

  • Art is very well made across the board. The amount of animation is impressive for a game jam.
    • Generally all the attack animations are quite nice But in particular, the Ina tentacle spin, and Gura wave look particularly cool.
    • In combination with the SFX the gura wave is actually quite fun to use. Waving through a big group of enemies is cool

However, I feel like the enemies are a bit too tanky. They take a lot of hits to be defeated and it’s hard to tell when they are defeated since you are attacking such a large crowd of them. It sort of makes it difficult to feel like you are dealing damage.

An hold to auto-attack feature would be very much appreciated.

Also, it can be a bit difficult to tell what the random buffs/debuffs are. You are often looking so closely at the action that it’s hard to notice the buff/debuff icons on the top right of the screen.

  • Some kind of Visual Effect when they change can help.
  • Also, I am still not quite sure what the buffs/debuffs are. I do notice my cooldowns going down sometimes so that may be at least one of them.

The title screen alone adds a level a production value that really elevates the feel of the game, as does all of the unique character portraits and assets.

(1 edit)

This game has Zeta in it and as a result I love it!

On a more serious note, I feel like this game tries something unique and exeecutes it quite well! It can be very hard to execute something new , so doing it in 2 weeks in a way that demonstrates the mechanics clearly is very cool.

This is a game I could see expanded upon and made into something larger! (If you are into it)

The attack animations are a nice touch and really help make the game feel complete and have the flair of a bigger product.

  • Being able to test out the controls before the game starts in a safe environment is good game design.
  • Also showing the controls in-game is quite nice.
  • There is a bug where Baelz can still get hit by projectiles in the top row while she is in the middle row. Her hitbox may be a bit too big.
  • Art generally looks good. However, more importantly, it's very consistent and fits together. I think that's a smart approach for a game jam. 
  • A win screen and win condition is automatically a big plus for me. However, it may be nice to have some way to tell how far along you are in the game. Like a timer countdown or some other UI element to know how close you are to completion. I actually didn’t know that the game had an ending until it suddenly happened.

  • Kronii’s animations are very well done and add a lot of charm to the game Good impact on the punch animation in particular
    • It would be nice if some of the backgrounds and menus were also drawn in the art style. Or if enemies had “hurt/defeat” animations since it worked so well for the Kronii sprites. But me wishing for these extra things is really just a testament to how well established the Kronii art is.
  • The game having an ending helps make the game feel a lot more complete. It gives the game a lot more purpose. But some way to better keep track of progress towards the ending would be useful.
  • There is an bwhere you can interrupt Kronii’s punch with a same punch if you spam the attack button.


My Zeta Bias aside, I feel like this concept has a lot of potential and the idea is quite fresh. It's something I could see developed further.
That being said, the multiplayer was a bit broken when I tried it and I could not get very far when I played with a friend. The Bazo player had a lot of difficulty moving after being connected. The fact it works as well as it does within the timeframe you have is impressive though. I've worked with network games before and even getting them set up in any form is tough.

Very well polished! Very well scoped. I think it’s one of those cases where the game is really as good as I can imagine this concept will ever need to be. It’s not missing anything and adding anything to the game would be fluff.

Not too much else to say. The art is pretty and music fits well. 

The addition of a score server is extra cool and adds something special. (even though I suck)

Good example of a game jam game! A Well scoped, well defined concept executed well.

Everything that is in the game feels complete and it doesn't feel like there is really anything missing from the experience. (I may add some kind of hitspark on hitting Baelz but ah well)

Art style is simple, but very consistent and as a result looks very nice. 

I suck at this game.

Not really sure the connection to Hololive, but the chaos mechanic reminds me of GTA Chaos mode. I enjoy watching streams of those so I can see the chaos connection.

However, the enemies are quite tanky. They take 7 shots to kill, I think, which makes it feel like losing is inevitable from running out of ammo. Once you are out of ammo, I pretty much just run away from enemies. The chaos timer is also a bit too long. On a typical playthrough I usually just run into maybe 1 or 2 effects before running out of ammo. 

(1 edit)

  • Art is pretty. Characters and tiles all look great.
  • UI is also quite pretty and creative. It’s like a better looking version of the UI in my game.
  • Not sure what the mechanics will be just yet, but just looking at the game, it looks like you’ve got some interesting ideas. 

I’m hoping to be back once you release a more complete version of the game. The art and concepts feel like there is a lot more that can be explored here. I see potential! 
(Don't feel too pressured though)

Good example of a simple game executed well.

  • Nice artstyle that is simple but still feels complete and clean!
    • Even little things like the Sakura blossom on the lose screen help very well.

  • The music fits very well, to the extent the game can sometimes give you quite a cool vibe. Almost Zen-like
  • Has just enough complexity that the game is very easy to pickup but still enough to remain engaging.

However, I was not quite sure what the random debuffs/buffs did. I think I have a few guesses for what they could have been doing. However, it’s hard to look at that section of the screen while you are busy collecting taiyakis. An effect or sound when some effects appear can make it easier to tell when you are getting buffs/debuffs and better associate them with events happening. I think… some of the buffs/debufss changed Miko’s speed and the Taiyaki spawn frequency.

  • Cute for what it is and what it tries to do. 
  • The randomized Bae rat body parts being a nice feature.
  • However, it’s a bit buggy, I could only get them to “play” once and afterwards I could not get any rats to be placed specifically on the right side of the board.
  • I know you didn’t get to it, but an objective or score system would help a lot as then there is a goal to work towards. (But you probably already know that)

For me, It does help a lot in terms of stress to know that you are working on a game that is technically “finished” (you can beat it) and you are just improving the game rather than working on something that is not completable. Because of that, I probably would have focused on adding things like score or a simple win screen before moving on to more polish focused tasks. But it's important to follow what suits you for game jams.

Quite ambitious for a game jam, since there are a surprising variety of enemies, encounters and traps in the game. In addition, the art is actually quite large with animated enemies!  The walking dice enemy was quite well animated.  SiThe game having a beginning and ending cutscene makes the game feel complete. That’s not easy this much done and congrats for making a complete package.  It's something to be proud of.

There are a few bits of feedback. I was not quite sure what the puzzle in the Choose wisely section is. And also there were a few other rooms where I wasn’t sure what the puzzle of the room was and ended up walking back.

Interesting concept, with randomized rooms. Actually kind of similar to my own game’s concept, so it was really interesting to see how another team tackled the concept.

I think for future jams, reducing sprite size or room size could help keep things more focused and allow you to better emphasize the things most important to the game. The scope of this game was actually quite ambitious. Although it may be possible to make a game of this scope, reducing it could help focus what you do have in the game a bit better.

  • For example, having fewer enemies may allow time for a unique attack animation, which could greatly help with the combat feel of the game.]

Bonus for surprising number of options in option menu

Nice little gags like “Self-implode”

  • Simple art with pretty cute expressions.

However…. I could not figure out how to serve any drinks successfully. 

I did notice that the cup changed colors at one point after mixing. It is usually yellow, but it was red at one point. Not sure if that meant anything (or if I hallucinated it, I only saw it once). I am assuming you need to guess the drinks from the way the customers introduce themselves, but the puzzles may need to be a bit clearer. Alternatively, there can be a bit more feedback after getting the mix incorrect.

  • Bomb launcher was a cool powerup. I had only picked up power increase powerups and thought that was all there was so the bomb launcher caught me off guard.
    • Not sure if there were more powerups that I missed besides bomb power and bomb launcher.
  • Not sure if there is an end either. I got to the third world but did not find an exit. I was breaking blocks to see if it was hidden but didn’t find anything. 
  • Also not quite sure what the dice drop does. 

Simple little game. If there was a score or a ending I think it could add a lot to the experience. But alas, game jams are game jams and time is tight.

Lots of cool visual effects. I don’t know how to do those so they impressed me.

  • The whirrly effect when you start a fight is cool
  • The storm attack effect looks cool, but maybe takes a bit too long. I thought the game crashed.

Neat project, but the game froze after the tako attacked me once. Card battler is pretty ambitious for a game jam so I’m glad you were able to get what you did done.

  • Short game, but some nice little touches for the game jam:
    • Jeep hops around, pretty cute
    • Having an ending cutscene is also quite nice.
  • Art style is simple/silly but well suited to a game jam. Lighting helps a lot.
  • Found some bugs that did make things a lot easier
    • Sometimes I would seemingly float throughout the stage. Not sure if that was a bug or not, but it did make things a lot easier.
    • Also, I could shoot through the thin platforms which made fighting the enemies a lot easier.
  • Interesting concept, upgrading through dying, adds a difficulty scaling aspect to the game where you have motivation to try dying less and experiencing a harder game. Not a bad game design concept.
  • My high score is only 2 deaths but I did run into the glitches I found earlier.

- There are Cool mechanics you added, they actually surprised me and the game was a lot more then I expected. 

  • The art changes as you go up, which helps keep things interesting things to look at.
  • There is also surprisingly good pacing. I thought that I saw all the mechanics, but a new one would be introduced a few rooms later. It keeps the game fresh even as you go up and kept me playing for a lot longer then I expected. (I don't like rage games usually)