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FoxSouls 2View game page

Repair robots
Submitted by snugglypuff — 2 days, 51 minutes before the deadline
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Game's Take on the Theme
You can rotate the boss rooms

Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
Art - yes, music - no.

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I really like the mechanics with this one, and how you can use the rotation to hover in mid-air. The game felt well thought out and the bosses were tricky but not too difficult. I also appreciate the controller support. Great game, I enjoyed playing! :D


A great game and a great boss design that works excellently with the stage rotation! All attacks are extremely easy to read and anticipate, and the game is demanding without being unplayable. The controls are very pleasant too! In short, I had a lot of fun :D

Bravo !


Shredbot was really good.


Awesome visuals, the game looks incredible! Very polished and complete. Congratulations on the submission.


I really like the turning of the room itself, and as Misfire said above, I must admit I was confused at first because I couldn’t understand why I was healing the boss xD

But otherwise well done, I really like the use of the theme!


I honestly forgot I was repairing the robots at the start and got super confused why I was healing him haha, nice take on the theme with good controls and mechanics


Very good use of theme. I love the atmopshere of the game, and the main boss fight music is catchy. Great work!


Very good, controls are convenient, gameplay is fun, pixel art is beautiful.  Quite original way of using the main theme.  Haven't faced any bugs, can recommend.


I really liked the way you had the level rotate for the theme, I had fun replaying it a few times. The tutorial was nice and easy to follow.


Cool game, fun and good style. Mechanic was unique enough. Have nothing to criticize


Game is good and has a potential. I do like slow and fast falling and room spining mechanics. i did enjoyed playing it but there is few is things that I didn't really like. 

A melee attack is completely useless. It is worth making sure that player has some kind of unique additional task that would force the player to use it, or else remove this mechanic because of its uselessness.  

Also, throughout the game, the player has no reason to release the shot button, which forces to strain his finger on one button through whole fight. It would be better to make the gun fire after one tap and the player would just have to aim at the target.


Game is good and has a potential. I do like slow and fast falling and room spining mechanics. i did enjoyed playing it but there is few is things that I didn't really like. 

A melee attack is completely useless. It is worth making sure that player has some kind of unique additional task that would force the player to use it, or else remove this mechanic because of its uselessness.  

Also, throughout the game, the player has no reason to release the shot button, which forces to strain his finger on one button through whole fight. It would be better to make the gun fire after one tap and the player would just have to aim at the target.


Thanks for the feedback! I'm wondering if the melee attack did more damage and/or the buff it applies did more it would fix this or maybe not.

After reading your feedback and VoidChair's I'm thinking I could have redesigned it to be a boomerange type attack where if still allows you to keep the healing buff up on the boss, but you lose the beam while the wrench is out of your hands. So its better to be in melee when you can. Or just remove it lol. 


The concept of spinning is really interesting in your game, well done!!


What a brilliant concept, super fun, the mechanic fits the Jam theme pretty well, awesome work!


Cool game! The spin mechanic itself is very interesting, but I ended up not using as much because it felt a little disorienting to me. That why I couldn't beat shredbot I guess XD Nonetheless, great bosses design, great artwork, great game!


Thanks for checking the game out. Would you mind expanding on why the mehcanic is disorienting? I was worried that this might be the case.

Do you think it could be the speed of the rotate ( should it be slower? ), the character position moving after a rotate ( should I have the camera attached to the player instead of the room so the player is always followed? ) , is the character not easy to visually track and you lose it after the rotate or maybe something else?  

Reason I'm asking  is that I'm thinking of moving forward with this concept after the jam and want to make it easy to follow.


Really nice game! I had a lot of fun with the bosses (the hard really got me swearing, and I admit I couldn't beat them, that's a skill issue on my part). 

The bosses are overall designed great, and most attacks are telegraphed well (the only one I felt was a bit unfair was the gunbot aimed projectile, that spawned directly on top of the character with no telegraph I could notice while I was meleeing it).

The controls are good, and the rotation mechanic really well implemented and requires quite a bit of strategy of how you position yourself. Only critique I have is on the jumo, as it is not really useful for how short it is, I feel it could be made a bit better even if technically you can simulate a jump by rotating the room in various ways.

I hope this could be useful if you plan on expanding this! :D

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for the feedback! Yeah I definitely should have telegraphed that bullet attack better. Maybe show a charge up animation  there or something. 

I'll keep that in mind for the jump. I think originally I had a platformer in mind and my lizard brain just thought I needed a jump. I probably should have turned it into a dash.  If I decided to continue with this game or something similar and some sections didn't rotate, the jump would actually be needed and would probably get tuned to feel better for platforming. But in the context of this jam is should have been a dash I think.


Enjoyed this game more than I thought I would! Played all 4 battles and found no bugs or issues.

The boss attack patterns are fun to learn and you can develop speedrun strategies. All of the visuals work well together; I particularly like the laser beam effect and how it works in general. 


Very creative mechanics, the bosses are well thought out and everything works really well.

I had a lot of fun !


This was fun! I really enjoyed some of the visual fx you implemented. The rotating arena was a good take on the theme.


I like the arena spinning mechanic, I think you implemented it really well. The little time stop while spinning and the ability to slow and speed up your fall gives the player a lot of control and just makes it feels great to use. 

My main critique would be that the melee doesn't feel rewarding enough to use considering how risky it is to get that close to the boss. The buff it offers isn't all that noticeable, and it's generally a lot safer to use just the laser, since there's really no drawback to playing that way. 

Also, I appreciate that you included key rebinding, I find it more natural to view clockwise as right and counterclockwise as left (should've included rebinding in my game lol). 

Game's fun, I enjoyed both boss fights, and I like the premise that you're repairing robots that are trying to kill you. Nice work :)


Thanks for the feedback! I mentioned above in another reply that I probably should just redesign the melee attack or scrap it. It had a place at the beginning of the jam, but as the game evolved it fell off.

As for keybinding, that was one of the major things I wanted to add to this jam so I'm happy people like it. I'm also looking to add this into the mix I think it was GM637 that linked it in the discord, but it looks neat

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