Good art.
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Roll Bot's pageGame's Take on the Theme
Your character move by a spinning wheel that allow you to roll on the ground and on wall. Game animations are made exclusively by spinning sprites
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
Great simple game, bosses are well telegraphed
my only problem is that movement felt too limited in 4 directions, as the player cannot jump and dash at the same time, sometimes it felt clunky due to that
Art is really cool, makes great ambient, the fights are hard but its possible to win, and all boss designs are nice as well. I rate graphics, fun, control and music on top but I like everything, also, if you have some time, please, rate my game too, thanks!!!!
Great game, well-balanced fights and really interesting. I particularly liked the final boss, and the art and VFX in this game are fantastic too! I just wasn’t a big fan of the second boss, he had too much HP considering there were few openings to hit him. Nice work!
great work on this! boss fights were fun and loved the gameplay of climbing up the walls built into escaping dangerous abilities from the bosses. was a lot of fun!
The control is fluent and the visual fits the game very well
I love all the boss designs. Great job, keep creating!
Really nice game!
I loved the smooth animations and sounds, the player moves and controls really well and the bosses are nice and creative!
I have one small complaint tho: the bosses have a really large health pool but they don't change attacks during the fight, making it a bit repetitive
Really liked the wall climbing!
Good game overall!!
Game is very well made and underrated. Every boss is unique in design and gameplay, controls are well-made. Remind me of old stickman fight animations i watched as a child. Strongly recommend to everyone.
Good game, just a bit annoying when trying to attack bosses when on walls since it’s hard sticking onto the wall while actively hitting the input to go away from it
Oh! I had fun playing the game! *_* The music is really well done ❤ The controls were a bit difficult at first, but I got used to them. However, some players might appreciate the option to rebind the controls. Anyway, you did a great job. GG! ❤
Honestly superb boss design. Each have unique attacks and all have both visual and audio cues to warn the player before actually attacking. My only minor complain would be that the controls were pretty hard to get used to with space being used to dash rather than jump, but I got the hang of it after a while. I also really enjoyed the animation. They're all very smooth and the particle systems compliment them and the general art style a lot!
good game overall, the issue just need little resolution adjustment and maybe it will be better if you can make replace the right click button and went for full- keyboard control.
i'm not good at judging, but good art and i have fun with it *thumbs up*
The balance on this game is excellent. One critique I have is it didn't feel that satisfying to land a hit on enemies. But I understand we didn't have time to make a 100% complete game. Dope entry overall.
Damn, really cool visually and gameplay wise. I like that core mechanic of rolling on surfaces being constantly used to dodge. Would be nice if you could add some dashing sfx and more juice when hitting the boss.
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