A very original card-based battle system! I like that you can choose 3 planets for the fight, but it would be great to see their skills before the battle starts. A nice turn-based game!
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Planetation's itch.io pageGame's Take on the Theme
All about this game are spin/rotation/swap. Planets, skills.
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
Yep, still use some sound effects with free royalty
If not, please link to any asset packs or resources used here.
Very original the turn-based battle mode by first choosing the planets. Congratulations for the work. Best of luck in the Jam.
Pretty fun card battle, cool entry!! I really like your presentation in this game, the UI felt like it took up just the right amount of space on the screen and communicated the important things to me clearly. The offscreen wizard hand was a nice touch, and I really liked your different planet sprites. Selecting 3 planets with different strengths and weaknesses based off their real life properties was a super interesting idea for a game too. I wish that there were more interactions between the 3 planets so that you could experiment with different combinations and synergies. Like for example maybe using Pluto (smallest) and Jupiter (biggest) in the same team would have some kind of unique combo based on their sizes. I really enjoyed your drawings and animations for the Rock and Ice bosses but wish there were a couple additional ones (that being said I only had 2 bosses in my game too xD). I think the biggest room for improvement is to have more synergies between the cards to add more depth to the card-playing mechanics, in the current state I found myself just choosing the highest damage attacks until I won the fight as there was little reason to explore my options. (edit: I also think you could have done a bit more with the theme, as the only reference to spin were the planets themselves and the planet selection menu, the gameplay itself had little to do with it.) Overall, I enjoyed my time with your game and the art and presentation are really lovely. Nice work and keep it up!!
Hey what a neat game you got there with unique spin mechanics! Mercury ALL the wayyyy! Congrats on submission, and good luck!
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Nice game! As someone whose team also made an planetary artstyle, I think you nailed it! Well done
very in depth with all the planets having multiple abilities and everything. I think what would have been good is if the player started with just 1-3 planets and got more as they played so they weren't overwhelmed with options upon starting the game up.
The concept is really interesting, I have never thought about a card game based upon planets and space, I really think you can make something great out of this! The art is very cute too, Good job!
cards had lots of different effects, but the delay after playing a card was a bit frustrating, it felt like it slowed down the game quite a lot (at least to me)
Hello, thank you for your feedback! In fact, I spent most of the time creating the game working on the system of playing cards - counting, activating and all that. Then I was caught up in the deadline and I simply didn’t have time to make sure the user saw it. This is my first such large (for me) game, and I realized that for my future games, the first thing I will do is work on feedback for the user.
Love the visuals. The characters look fun and unique. I also like their names; reminds me of Dark Souls. The SFX were a tad loud. The music was nice, had a game show rapid-thinking vibe. The UI felt a bit cluttered at first but I got used to it eventually; cluttered or not, the individual elements on the UI looked nice: buttons, tarot cards, sliders, etc. An ingame tutorial on the gameplay or perhaps just more feedback on the results of what I was doing would have been nice; I did eventually get more comfortable with it, but initially things felt rather bland due to lack of understanding. Also, your use of the theme was neat.
Overall, a cool game.
Fun card game with lots of different skills and attacks. I did find the second boss quite difficult though :D Good game and the boss art and their dialogue was great
Really enjoyed the art on this one--that first boss is really disturbing! I like your take on the theme, and the mechanic you used was simple yet compelling. Needs a little work on balance--bosses were really difficult, and I found that defensive skills were mostly useless, just because you're taking so much damage all the time. Every turn not spent damaging the boss reduces your chances of winning. Great work, though! Very fun to play.
Creative Idea! I was wishing for a little more juice on the effects / feedback for what was going on. But overall, thought it was cool and the cards were unique
Really neat game overall. I liked the art of the bosses and planets. Inspire was a cool mechanic, allowed me to clutch a few boss kills.
Very cool interpretation of the theme. Graphics are very nice. SFX have some impact to them.
Planets were all different enough for one another to be interesting. I enjoyed exploring the planets abilities and working out how to combine them most effectively. I also liked how important the reveal ability was for progressing - I ignored it on my first playthough and got absolutely hammered because of it.
For improvements, I think the game is a bit too hard. I'd also appreciate it Boss Attacks description stayed on the screen for longer after they attacked; sometimes I would miss them.
Overall, strong submission. Nice one!
Nice art. the gameplay is easy to understand compared to other similar game i have played, a fun experience for me. Good work!
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