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A jam submission

Toy GrinderView game page

Submitted by Mykhailo Havrylets — 9 hours, 29 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 44 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Godot Version

Wildcards Used
All three, there is multiple endings, there are multiple characters to choose from, and about storytelling with environment, I tried to achieve it short intro and outro scene

Game Description
Small platformer game

How does your game tie into the theme?
First of all, child is overloaded with toys, and it want to get rid of old simple toys, also there is one ending where you destroy scene by overloading with bombs, and also there are platforms that react to character weight


Discord Username(s)
Only Me gravit7700

Participation Level (GWJ Only)
only one long ago, I think I didn't manage to finish it, or be fully involved

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Plane is definitely my favorite! Got me out of some bad spots when trying to go to quick! A fun platformer, nice job!


Thank you a lot!


I enjoyed that the platforming hit a sweet spot where it felt challenging but still fair. Every time I died, it was clear to me what I did wrong and how to better perform the jump next time. There was also a steady progression in difficulty along the way which is great!


Thank you a lot for your feedback. I am glad that you enjoyed played this game


Good music, the theme is so random is kind of hilarious. The platforming aspect needs a bit more polish imo, but it was overall good


Thank you for your feedback! Yeah, I agree I did what in my power for the time I had. I glad it was overall good experience for you

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

Cool that the different characters each come with their own music.  I found the gravity gal* sent me into the ceiling blades more than anything, would have like to be able to toggle that off before flying upward to my geometric grave.  Fun theme, reminds me of a music video of last decade.  Nice game, congratz on finishing this time!


Thank you for your thoughtful feedback, and thank you for playing it! Yeah, indeed, my game has very similar vibe to that music clip, especially to some of its parts. About Gravity's ability, yeah it is the most underdeveloped ability, I just didn't know how to make it more useful without overpowering it. First I though, maybe I just let her switch the gravity on will, but then player could run the whole game without touching any platform, then I though maybe I could make the player just cancel ability whatever they want and then waiting for cooldown, but then passing upward paths of the scene would be very easy, also any bomb could activated very easily without any involvement in difficulties of platform setup. I just decided to leave it powerful but hard to use, that is probably not the best solution, but this is the only thing I came up to with time I was given


Neat platformer, like the idea of the toys dodging the saws. The graphics and sound were good and the controls/gameplay were good, Theme seems a bit of stretch and the saws in the background blend into the dangerous saws - maybe a different color?

Thanks for submitting, it was fun. 


Than you a lot for your feedback! Yeah, a bit different color for the saws could work better at distinguishing between dangerous saws and background saws. I will take it into account for future projects


Really nice, simple platformer. I enjoyed how creative you managed to get with only a few pieces! Some of my favourite bits involved hopping from spinning platformer to another, followed by a jump to a moving platformer. Nicely done!


Thank you a lot


A simple platform game but well made. I really like the initial animation, which is very engaging. A great concept to start with


Thank you a lot for your feedback


Great job creating such a huge level in such a short time. I couldn't reach the ending, because I ran out of lives, but I think I got pretty far. I think the difficulty is alright, you probably tested the level thoroughly to balance the challenge.

I found the spinning sawblades in the background a bit distracting. When I just started, I thought I had to evade them. Also, it's weird that you have a special ability but it's not actually required to get to the next platform: you can do it just with simple jumps. At least that's true for the part of the game that I played through.

It's a fun platforming game. I'm glad I tried it out.


Yeah, I can pass it(after some training - around 10 runs) with few lives spent to the end. I wanted for it to not be too easy, to be interesting.
Because level is not very long(around 10-15 minutes with no dies). 
About abilities, it's intentional, I didn't want to make the level too hard either, and abilities only serves the mean to finish level faster. It would be better to combine it with scene timer, but I just didn't have enough time to implement everything I wanted.
Thank you for playing it, and thank you for your feedback!


I have the same feeling for the movements that abesmon describes in his review. The spinning plateform reacting to the weight has potential but is a bit tricky to use, sometimes you get ejected way too fast. I would like to finish it but the fact that you have to restart everything if you run out of lives makes it really difficult. I think the game is difficult enough without the lives system.

It's really cool to have made a little cutscene for the intro.

With just a few tweaks it could be a really great game ! I hope to see you in some future jams !


Thank you a lot. I thought about lives, this is why I made plenty of coins, also the stage is pretty short, I just needed to make multiple difficulties for everybody to try it out to the end, but I just didn't have enough time to implement everything. I probably will participate in future jams, but probably with teams, because this time it was too overwhelming for me)


You did a great job making such a big level, but the core mechanics lack some tweaking. In my opinion you could improve controls: coyote time, jump buffer, and some tweaking of ascending/descending speed. As for now the movement feels 'jelly'. Also spinning platforms need some changes because now they are spinning all in sync and sometimes it makes them impossible to jump (just add them some random starting rotation!). And abilities is now not really needed. I played most of the level thru without any abilities, so what's the point. Maybe adding some routes for different characters where they NEED their abilities?

Thank you for your game! It was a good time playing it:)


Thank you for your feedback! I will definitely take your wishes into account for future projects


A simple platformer but I kept playing and playing till the next checkpoint! A fair amount of content and multiple characters (glider my favorite) also a few small cutscenes. Overall a simple but really well made game, good job! 

Also a small bug - when I died and instantly died again I got stuck in the ground, can't really reproduce it so might have been a one off, but just letting you know!


Thank you a lot. That's possible bug, I tested game quite a bit, to make sure nothing like that can happen, but apparently not enough

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

A nice and complete classical platformer! It has quite a nice amount of content, with multiple characters, music, sound effects, and even control configurations. As others have said, the background is very eye-catching in a distracting way. One way you could fix that is by dessaturating and/or blurring everything in the background. 


Thank you for your feedback! It actually has applied small amount of blur shader, but apparently not enough) 


You did a good job! The level design is well done. I think that the control, as others said, needs some improvements


Thank you a lot! 


A nice little platformer with cohesive skill mechanics. But I think the rhombus might be a bit too overpowered without implementing a stage timer since I can just wait until the skill has cooled down before jumping and hovering between platforms again.

Developer (1 edit)

Yeah, this is something that I thought about. Not everything I wanted I had enough time to implement, but I will keep it in mind in developing of future games. Thank you for your thoughtful feedback!


Nice work. 

I agree with a lot of the feedback but overall a fun game. 


Thank you a lot


Super neat!!

As others have said, I think the background saws are a little distracting (I thought some of them were going to hurt me).

Additionally I think the platforming is a little floaty but I got quite used to it fast.

Overall a great submission!


thank you for your great feedback! I will definitely take it into account for the future projects

Submitted (1 edit)

A fun platformer with (mostly) good level design and good music. I do have nitpicks though: the background saws are distracting, the jump is too floaty (at least for my taste), and the rhombus hitbox is a sin.


Thank you for your feedback. I will take it into account for future projects


I like how you can choose a different character and i like the art and my only complaint is the I thought the saws in the backround could kill me but i figured it out pretty quickly  


Thank you very much. I tried to make the difference between background saws and others by making parallax and enabling blur shader, maybe I could add more blur


Fun game. I like the ability mechanics. And when a bomb drops ... so satisfying!

That said I think jump controls could use some fine tuning. It feels very floaty and slow to jump.

Great job!


Thank you for your feedback. I will consider it for future projects


Fun game! I think noticed a potential bug with the gravity toy, if I use the ability I just die by getting chopped by the ceiling. The aesthetics give off a charming "Toy Story" vibe aligning well the premise of the game, colorful and vibrant, I really like it, also the little intro is nicely done.

A suggestion for improvement could be making the platforms more interesting (for the overloading theme of the jam), maybe progress-bar in the UI for feedback on the weight or something like that.


Thank you for your thoughtful feedback. Yeah, gravity ability is the most complex among all of them hardest to use, and probably less developed among all of them, there may be bugs. Yeah I wish to add some more stuff if I had time. But I will take your wishes into account for future projects

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