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Composing Jam #7 (24 Hour OST Rush)View project page

Submitted by TurtleBox (@TheTurtleBox) — 14 hours, 9 minutes before the deadline
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Composing Jam #7 (24 Hour OST Rush)'s page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#1323.8683.868

Ranked from 38 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

First things first, I accidentally gated myself into a 24-30 hour period for this project. I'm happy that it's not my best work, but I am happy that I believe it tells the story I wished to tell.

That of the character named Echo. Echo has become victim of a foul curse running it's course through her world. A curse that inflicts a "Forever-sleep" onto those it infects.

Echo, being the latest victim of said curse, must explore her memories, subconcious, and dreams and solve puzzles in an attempt to return to the Waking-World. Each Track serves as a point within the story,

Inside my World explores the vibrant and whimsical world in where Echo lives, every day she explores and ventures around the Island Sanctuary in where she lives. The soft pads and synth lead of the track represent the peace within her world, and the harsh obnoxious trumpets represent her personality and desires for fun and adventure clashing with the upcoming disaster the world must faced.

Inside Phantazia works as a meta track, setting up for the players that this game takes place within the same world and timeline as Phantazia-64, another "fake" game I developed a soundtrack for, using the exact same software, soundfonts, and taken from the same inspirations. This track takes the joyous tones of track 1 and twist them into a sort of ominous melody as Echo enters her Forever sleep

Inside my Guilt is Echo coming to terms with waking up in her own mind, a world in which she is the creator. She discovers the world within her mind, dreams, and subconcious is full of mystery and puzzles alike, and that if she wishes to escape she must solve her way through as many of them as possible.

The new three tracks follow the levels of the game. Inside my World is imaginged as a platform puzzler game with no combat. Inside my Fear explores Echo's fear of the world outside the Island, the ancient temples scattered around it's dense forest, and life after death. She must solve puzzles and avoid traps in a chamber of her subconcious which serves as a large sphere with inverting surfaces. To escape, she must create a path in a sort of Rubix Cube style puzzle, turning the dead outside of the sphere around and into the lively orb that is the Island home she wishes to return to.

Inside my Bravery is a trial of determination and willpower. Echo must navigate a river on a small canoe she remembers from her childhood. Memories of her being seperated from her family on the canoe but eventually finding them inspire her to push through the laughing fog and shadow creatures that watch her from the shoreline.

Inside my Innocence is the theme for a puzzle in where Echo must convince Death herself that she deserves to wake up, in which Death explains to her the purpose of the curse, the presence of comfort in the afterlife, and that we do not choose our fate. After proving herself worthy of a bargin with Death by solving "Death's Design" (A series of the games most challenging puzzles) Echo is given the choice. Wake up, or Rest in Peace.

Inside my Comfort is Echo accepting fate as it is. Believing to have waken up from her Forever-Sleep on the beaches she remembers fondly from Childhood. In her confusion, she discovered she has slept through much of life and is now a young adult. She looks over her shoulders to see her village has grown, and she smiles as she hears the joy and laughter of other humans for the first time in what has felt like weeks.

Inside my Heart is Echo in an ending in where she believes her waking up upon the beach is a fair illusion at the hands of Lady Death. Surely she cannot have just "Grown up" while asleep. She hears the laughter of the village, and sees the world around her only changed for the better, deep down she fears the worst but smiles ready to accept that she truly is, and always will be, Inside her World.


Inside my world
Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
The titling of each track, as well as each segment of the "game" representing Echo travelling throughout a different paret of a world created within her subconcious.

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Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY)

Any project

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I like the instruments at some compositions. Inside my innocence reminds me of Yume Nikki for some reason.  Like it would definitely fit some of the scenes there.


I love the dusty almost cassette-like percussion you use, really adds to the vibey tone you have. Honestly all the instrument choices are great! The production style is also cool, I'm really surprised you did so much of this in one day! Great work!


1st track - interesting use of brass stuff, 2nd track - 2nd track you've got like 'this is a bustling world where day to day life is going on' with the swing-beat. 3rd track - got your introspection going on with the descending half-tone melody.   I must say for the rest and all of it - going down each emotion was a neat take.  Very pleased with this submission overall.


You got a really impressive amount done in the time you had!

I love the approach you've taken with this, it has the feeling of a classic retro soundtrack but with a more modern and abstract/experimental twist that really works, sounds great and is totally to my tastes.

Really strong motifs and melodies throughout and great choices of instruments.

Inside my innocence possibly my favourite, love what you did on that one but I was a big fan of quite a few.


i liked the overall vibe here! it fit the theme very well, and i liked your naming scheme! also, i noticed your use of soundfonts, especially earthbound lmao (i may be obsessed)


If I've used anything from Earthbound I'm super interested in knowing what. I think I said it on stream but at one point I installed something close to 30g of Sondfonts, went threw them in a weekend, and put the ones I liked in one megafolder. 

Anyways, I'm super glad you liked it! 

Submitted (3 edits)

As someone who only had 2 days to work on the jam, I laughed a little seeing "24 hour OST Rush" on your title cos mood. Kudos to you for completing so many tracks in such a short amount of time! And they're all so catchy!! My favourites are Inside Phantazia and Inside My Comfort. Great work~


The feel of  "Inside my world" is endearing in a strange way, reminds of some other game tracks that have that intentional time looseness going on. 

The soundtrack in general gives me Stardew vibes a little, and I'm super impressed you got it all in such a small turnaround! Really great job.


I like the atmosphere and the instrumentation, they fit well into the theme. I appreciate the composition fitting incredibly well at conveying what is going on and what emotions you want the audience to feel, sometimes I feel other mixes tend to get sidetracked or afraid of that aspect. Not to mention, this is all done within 30 hours, that is incredibly impressive. My favorite track is "Inside my Fear", it feels mysterious and I love everything about it. Great work!


Great work for being limited to 30 hours only! Each track brings it's own uniqueness and keeps you guessing in a sense. I do have one small critique to add tho and that is I feel as if the tracks are somewhat repetitive in nature, but that's understandable since you had such short time to create the OST (and plus, my OST is probably more repetitive anyways lol). Everything else from the sound design, use of instruments, and atmosphere I love tho!

My favorite song would definitely have to be "Inside My Comfort," but that's probably because I love well done calm and peaceful tracks. Although all the songs are great in their own way regardless!

Overall just an impressively done submission for just 30 hours, equipped with some creativity and uniqueness!

That's all I have to say really, have a good day :D


How the hell do you get this much done in 24 hours, I barely was able to scrape my measly 1 track submission in the same amount of time xD

It's a super easy listen and fits all your theme super well. This could definitely be in a contemporary 2D RPG without any doubt! I loved that Inside my Guilt you repeated the same little section multiple times, it's like you're stuck with your guilt!

I love Inside my Fear & Inside my Innocence!


Wow! For 30 hours - it`is very impressive result, bravo!
I like overall atmosphere, cohesiveness, nice orcestration. The choice of instruments and tembres also fits the story very well.


I really like the atmosphere here. It's like each song took me to a different region of your world...

I love listening to these ambient soundtracks and trying to imagine myself in a place that fits the ambience. Somehow this one made me think of an abandoned beach ;)


Some really cool ideas here and I think you captured each emotion incredibly well for each song, and pretty impressive considering the amount of time you had! Just a few quick notes:

  1. Someone already mentioned it, but dont worry too much about runtime, short and sweet is fine! Your main themes for each song was lovely, and i think by limiting it to maybe two repetitions tops for a format like this it will help make sure the listener does not get bored, but admittedly this is a nitpick.
  2. This may be a stylistic choice, but i noticed especially in the first few songs that a few notes kind of started to slip off the beat occasionally, i understand this may have been a product of time and that sometimes random things like timings can easily slip through, so dont worry about it too much!

Overall i did really enjoy listening to this, your instrumentation was lovely and again i really liked all the ideas you had and how well the corelated to your story. Well done!


The issue with the first few songs being off came down to a really weird issue with attempting to layer in mastering that I unfortunately, due to my time restriction, wouldn't have been able to go back and fix. I talked about it a bit while live tonight but I forgot to manually sync segments from different tracks when layering, really uncofruntate. 

As for the limiting, I talked about that too. With how experimenting with fades in and out really helps hide loops. I'd probably cut about 31 seconds or so from most songs and have about 11 seconds to fade out. 

I'm very glad you enjoyed it though!


Completely understandable!! Was still an enjoyable listen regardless


An interesting and unique, but consistent sound design. Plenty of material to listen to, especially considering the time you had to make it. Inside my Comfort and Inside my Heart were my favorite, they were peaceful and relaxing, they stuck with me. Great work on the whole thing too!


Thank you!


Wow, it's amazing how you came up with such a clear sonic identity, then composed 8 cohesive tracks in that style within such a short amount of time! My favorite has got to be 'Inside my Innocence', I really vibe with that one for some reason, it's a joy to listen to. Great job!


Thank you, BodoTheSerf.


Nice work! More than a few of the tracks had elements that reminded me a lot of Akira Yamaoka and Silent Hill, which is strange considering it's not even remotely close to the same game style you were going for lol

I enjoyed this, well done!


This is interesting feedback considering I've done two conceptual albums fully inspired by Akira Yamaoka's overall work, lol.

Thank you for the listen.


This is a weird OST and kept me guessing in each track, but in a good way. The composition, style, amount, and production quality are impressive for 30 hours. Great job!


Thank you! I always feel proud when anyone describes my music / art as "weird", positive or negatively. It means I've found success in creating something different enough to create a reaction. 

Thank you for your reply!


I'm not very familiar with ambient music but your work has encouraged me to listen more and try to compose in the style.

"Inside my innocence" and "Inside my heart" caught my attention above the others. If you continue working on them I would love to enjoy listening to them again ☺

Wonderfull ost considering that you did it in 30 hours!


Thank you,  consideration for a continued OST has been on my mind, but if I do it I'd likely go back and redo every track. Sadly don't know if I'll have time for it with a lot of the work I have lined up.


I understand. In any case I will be following your work!


Great entry ! I have some critics, but just the fact that you did this in 30 hours make them irrelevant, so I'll only make the biggest one : I feel like more evolution in the melodies, less repetitions, could bring a lot ! Everything else is delicious, sound design, composition, you really bringed a unique vibe to your pieces. GG !


Thank you! I was somewhat struggling between an internal argument, Make every track a pleasent loop at the cost of them being repetitive, short, and quirky, or try to expand each track at the risk of cutting corners when it came down to mixing, mastering, and the choice of instruments.

I'm happy I went with shorter tracks, it forced me to create a "less is more" offering and I'm proud of the final product.


I realize now I listened and rated this one but didn't comment!!!

"Inside my Fear" was my favorite, all of your stuff gives me major Undertale vibes. You created something very engaging and effective in such a limited amount of time. Great work!


Thank you so much!

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