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A member registered Aug 04, 2023 · View creator page →

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not many people write about ogres much less make them the protagonist. I really enjoyed the vibe of the story. you really got the feel of ogres down.

HELL YEAH, Eric the deamonslayer. I really loved how you built up the characters and showed their emotion right to the pinnacle of the story.

I really love the three part layout of the story. you really got the battlefield vibes going with the medics point of view and the tension that come from knowing Oscar is getting messed up. you definantly got the most out of 1000 words 

with the new lore book OPR rewrote some of the lore of the human inquisition. I tried to remain faithful to the new lore. Thank you for the feedback

definitely grimdark. I enjoyed the story. The ending was definitely a highlight.

Viktor’s are officially the worst LOL. I enjoyed the story. I really like how you used the perspective.

I really enjoyed the flow and tone of this story especially in the beginning. the characters seem interesting and I enjoy how you used existing lore to characterize them saving words rather than spelling out everything about them.

A very grotesque and grimdark story.  you wrote imagery very well and there were many descriptions that I could almost see.

I really enjoyed how well this story fit the theme. It was  filled with twists and turns right until the end. 

I really love how you captured the feel of the duchies of vinci while also making them distinct. You used a very interesting and out of the box concept.

I really enjoyed the worldbuilding of this story. There is a nice contrast between the grungy city and the governor and the golden lions. I really liked the diversity of battle brothers and their dementor. 

I really enjoyed the writing of the story.  It was very controlled and consistent slowly adding details right up to the climax. I also really like how to portrayed the DAO. 

I really love the custom artwork. the voice of this story is very unique and works well with the point of view. I recognized some of the names from Tardom's desert adventure. I'm glad they will get their comeuppance.

I really enjoyed the writing style and the characters. the way Bartholomew and Alastayr are written really make them come to life.

this story was really good. I enjoyed the protagonist and their stream of consciousness.  

thank you for the comment. I was pushing for ratmen that were corrupted by living in the radioactive sewer too much however it makes them seem a lot like space skaven more than OPR rats that are sick.

I really enjoyed the confusion of the story. You really balanced the mystery of the situation while still keeping the story clear. 

I really enjoyed the action and tension of the story. I was really sitting on the edge of my seat.

I love the vibes of the story. The tripods looming over the hill and attacking was pretty awesome. I enjoyed the ending. It was a nice build up to the strong emotions.

the emotions of the story hit like a shock hammer. I really enjoy your writing style.

(1 edit)

Lord Blackvayne is back! After three writing jams with him I just keep wanting more. I really enjoy your writing style. it feels vampiric and proper.

I absolutely love the imagery of the story. I could really picture myself in that cold dungy bunker.  That ending though. The sheer amount of emotion it showed without even saying a word. beautiful.

I really like the imagery of the dwarf sitting on his porch smoking a pipe. You did a really good job with your imagery. 

I really enjoyed seeing the story through the gators eyes. It was fun deciphering what the fire bird was and the parrot men inside. I like your mood board photos they seem really fun.

overall I really enjoyed this story. I love the diverse case of characters each with their own motivations and personalities.

I really enjoyed the tension in this story and how it is juxtaposed not to the calm cool dwarfs. Then all that tension pays of at the end for the cliffhanger. overall great story.

I enjoyed this story. I especially like the interactions between Selta and Gorgrok. it really seemed like they went back a long time. The ending was also great.

Absolutely love this idea.  Breaking the mold both in style and 4rth wall really sets this story apart. I also commend you for keeping faithful to the new lore. I'm glad the change archdemon can format a letter correctly LOL.

Just so you are aware I cannot see your short story.

Was that a soulsnatcher?

I really enjoyed the story.

I enjoyed the way that you wrote the alien hives character. They seemed very organic and alien.

Thanks for the comment. That is kinda embarrassing and unintended. Looking at it there are way many similarities. LOL

demons always being portrayed as the antagonists has been getting tiring. I loved seeing the change demons and how they impacted the story.

I enjoyed the fist battle scene. It would be nice to add more breaks within the paragraphs

I enjoy the meaning within the title. The imagery within the story and especially the first part was great. The Jackals are not used often as antagonists. I enjoy the subversion. Savage jackals attacking outnumbered colonist HDF kinda gave me zulu vibes.

Having the story written in a journal was a word intensive process but it really helped the story. The fourth wall breaks stayed within the story. I stayed immersed within the story. I found the story really funny.

I enjoyed your description of the jackals and their shamanhood training. I love how Grisha seems like a flat character but her feeling power and the god telling her that it was her fault hinted at her true nature.