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A member registered Feb 07, 2018 · View creator page →

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Hey thanks for the feedback!
Yes we did do the modelling, those alone ate up a good portion of our time. We have received a few notes that the combat was a bit sluggish it was our first time doing anything revolving around a combat system for a game so we were unable to properly smooth it out. 

 We'll look into your feedback and see how it all feels possibly adding it in an update at some point in the future. Thanks for playing!

Thanks for the feedback glad you enjoyed it despite the control issues. We are working on a fix to the issues listed most of which have been resolved on the dev build, we're just waiting for the end of the jam before we push it forward to here. Hopefully we can convince you to give it another go when we do, would love to get further feedback.

Thanks for playing!

Very strange, worked fine for me just then on a fresh install on chrome so not sure what the problem would be, maybe some setting on your end but I'm not sure. If possible would you be able to provide more info as to what actually happens. Like can you hit the run game button, does it just get stuck on the splash load? Would like to know if this is an issue we can resolve on our end or its some weird browser error. 

We do plan on updating after the voting window so hopefully you can try it out then should be more polished with the controls and stuff so would likely be a better experience anyway.

I love games that do these light horror/creepy themes like the ones this game presents. The parallel worlds is done very well here and kept me wanting to keep going and see what came next. Was expecting a monster or something at some point but I'm glad there wasn't one as i feel that may have ruined the experience. The ambiguous ending is well done as is the whole game really, love this one to bits especially the little mage protagonist. 

Fantastic work, one of my favorites for the Jam!

Okay this one might take the W for me personally. Making something like this in nine days is impressive as hell, so much detail and polish it honestly felt to me like a complete game. 

The entire thing feels so cozy to me, like an old ds game that I'd cuddle up on the couch with. Honestly I don't think I have any notes other than I'm impressed, the art, music, features, everything worked well here. From what I can tell it's a one person effort so kudos to you for making something like this in the time provided. If others did help with the project then extend my kudos to them as well.

Fantastic work, this was awesome!

Very Clever, the whole idea reminds me of the shadow clones from Mario galaxy except these ones don't hurt you. Love the broadness and creativity with the different uses for the reflections all of gets explained very quickly in the first two levels alone. 

From what I can tell this is your first game and it's impressive, would love to see this concept expanded upon I feel like there's a lot of interesting ways you could take this idea. 

Keep up the awesome work, hope to see another entry from you in the future!

Very challenging puzzles. Kept me wracking my brain for a while trying to find the solutions. While the movements did mess me up a few times I don't think its a major issue, just confusing especially when planning out how best to move the right character. Couldn't beat stage 4 my brain just couldn't come up with a solution that fit within the step count.

Good job on this one! Might return to finish some of the later puzzles another time.

Beautiful. I love games that have emotive story telling and while simple this one does it in a great way. I love the creative ways you've incorporated the different stages of grief into the gameplay while still keeping it in the realm of expectations for a 2d platformer.

I do enjoy the choice on stage 3 giving a different ending and how the path chosen even reflects, the type of decision being made. 

Overall fantastic entry one of my favorites this Jam. Keep up the awesome work!

Love this one. It's a nice blend of tactical combat and puzzle solving all rolled into one. Had fun figuring out the best lines to take out the enemies and figuring out if I should focus on one or try and get cheap damage on multiple. Lots of potential to expand here with levels and maybe some more enemies or mechanics. One thing I'd love to see added is the ability to see which entity corresponds to the one in the Turn Carousel, would help with planning out next actions and make things more strategic in my opinion.

Great job with this one, this was awesome!

I can't remember the game name but this reminds me of some old flash games I'd play on school computers. It does a fine job of giving appropriate hints to spare from some of the major guess work for what each object does, though there were a few levels that felt a little too random in what the goal was. 

Overall though this is impressive and quite polished, the only real complaint will be a copy of Arctia's comment about the text stating a rule does go by a little too fast. 

Solid work on this game, this one rocks! Great job!

Glad to hear you finished it! Sorry about the control issues, it's been our number one complaint so far but we are working on a fix to those and a few other things which should come by once the Jam voting is finished. Really appreciate the feedback both positive and negative, really helps us out. 

Thanks or playing! 

Happy to hear liked the art style, we decided to go that way to better highlight the echolocation mechanic as a main focus and so that I could learn the shape language of pixel art without worrying about colour palettes and all that stuff. Glad you enjoyed it and I hope the controls weren't too frustrating to play with. Thanks for playing!

Glad to hear you liked it. I hope the collisions didn't get in the way of your enjoyment too much, I'm fairly certain they are accurate to the size of the size of the spike but maybe the combination of that and the player hitbox could be making it larger than it appears. I'll look into it for an update. Thanks for playing and providing feedback! 

Nice art style and wonderful designs for the different characters. Mechanically it played fine but I think could be made better with more time. Lots of potential to expand on this one would love to see what more could be done.

Great work this was fun!

Cute game, liked the little ghost character a lot. I do agree with other commenters that a retry button on the gameover screen would be useful to have rather than needing to reload the game every time I die. Also having more feedback when the character gets hit, even just as simple as playing a short sound effect can help in that regard. 

For your first game jam this is great especially seeing as you did everything yourself its impressive. Keep up the work!

(1 edit)

Oof this is a challenge, couldn't beat the minotaur after nearly 10 minutes of attempts but had fun trying. The mechanics are solid and loved the variety of attacks for the minotaur. Think it could be made better with some telegraph from the minotaur as to which attack it was about to use found the sudden charge got me more than felt fair. 

Have noticed one bug, for some reason I died halfway through the minotaur fight to a normal pink/red bullet even though I had 4 hearts left which was a shame as it was the closest I got to killing the minotaur. 

Overall solid game, enjoyed the concept and gameplay a good amount would love to return after an update.
Great Job!

Very nice use of the reflections theme. The audio was nice though I did notice the sound settings on the volume would reset when I loaded into a level. Have found an issue when I reloaded level 8 from the main menu I was unaffected by the spikes entirely. I could just walk through them for some reason and couldn't actually beat the level as the door to the exit wouldn't open.

Outside of that though the game was interesting and fun, solid work for your first entry!

A solid base for an interesting shoot'em up. Did run into a bug that caused the ships to desync from each other making the bottom ship only able to move up and down not too sure what the cause was though seemed to only happen when I wasn't in full screen. Also had a bit of flickering with parts of the background textures.

I think if given some more time and polish this could be a very fun game. Great work, keep it up!

Nice and simple. Would've liked to see more done with the switching of characters I think there's more potential if further expanded upon that could lead to some interesting platforming or puzzles. Great Job on your first entry!

Got a decent score of 20550. The overall gameplay is solid, and the slight variation in enemy attack patterns is nice. Really my only complaint is the immense slowdown/pause that happens when I kill an enemy it just went on for far too long and took me out of the experience every time. As others have stated lowering the time on the pause would greatly help with the game feel. Otherwise great job!

Very nice, loved the art style and audio, it all complimented itself quite well to give a nice atmosphere to the game levels. It might be because of the other games I've played this jam but the lever puzzle had me stumped for way too long until I figured out the solution which was relatively simple in retrospect. Would've liked to see more but what is here is nice. Great work!

Nice little game. loved the pixel art and the overall idea was quite nice with needing the proper element to take out enemies. Not a fan with how much health each enemy had combined with the fact they just ignored the walls though reading other comments I do see that was an unintended bug. Otherwise great work it's an impressive piece for your first game jam.

Took me a while to properly understand this one, first playthrough felt impossible mainly due to all my minions just dying too quickly. Got the hang of things in the second attempt but ended up dying when like 5 enemies spawned out of a mirror and just hugged me to death in like 3 seconds.

Liked the art-style and the music I found to be quite fitting for a vampire game. Overall its a good entry, just took me  a little to properly grasp. Great job!

Had a feeling I'd see something vampire related this jam and this was a great way to do so. Gets fairly chaotic once more people start coming on screen especially when they group up not sure if that's a bad thing though as I did have fun needing to quickly figure out targets. 

Great game, Fantastic work! 

Beautiful pixel art and a calm atmosphere. While loud, the music is nice and accommodating to the game. Enjoyed the subtle complexity to the puzzles in each room, getting more and more complicated and needing different skills to solve. Overall very well polished and quite fun, would love to see what else could be done with the puzzles.

Great job! 

Ignoring the fact that bats aren't actually blind this was very fun and cute. We actually considered using a bat for our game but ended up changing it. I do think the head bob can be turned down a bit as it did get a little uncomfortable in the cave area. I did enjoy the echolocation and while you can spam it I found it wasn't needed to do so but could probably use a cooldown.

Little tip for adding debug stuff, in Godot you can check for debug builds in gdscript using "if OS.is_debug_build():" then just putting whatever code you want underneath, helps if you want things to be used by devs but not accessible by the end user. 

Really enjoyed this game I liked it a lot. Great job!

Very nostalgic, reminded me of being back in school trying to draw these things in my notebook during class. Would've liked to see more unique designs but had a fun time with this one.

Great job! 

Enjoyed the variety of upgrades here, lots to choose from and fun trying them out. Did notice that if you have a controller plugged in it just wouldn't register keyboard controls, and for whatever reason moving diagonally with a controller just made me move slower than everything else. Outside of that had fun with this game great, loved the art and music. Great job!

Fun game, good use of mirrors and switching up the environment to suit there use. I do agree with others that the wall interactions feel off particularly with how easy it is to accidentally get stuck on them. Only other issue I found is the delay when landing from a jump. Found it often got in the way of the experience. Other than those I did enjoy it, would love to see more.

Great job!

Fun little puzzle game, liked the steady increase in complexity from each level. I liked the little shader effects on everything thought that was a nice touch. I personally wasn't to big of a fan of the fact I could just spam my shots with micro adjustments until I hit the right hole, I think some limitation there could help with me needing to calculate the shots a bit better.

Otherwise this was nice. Great job!

Happy to see you enjoyed it. I hope the controls didn't ruin the experience for you. As stated to others we are planning to do an update to fix the controls so hopefully the game plays better once we get that done after the voting period. 

Thanks for playing!

Glad you enjoyed most of the game, I do wish we picked up on the issue with controls earlier but it's turning into a learning experience for the team next time. I hope the controls didn't ruin your experience too much. We do plan on releasing an update to fix the movement controls after the voting period so I hope I can convince you to give it another go once we do.

Thanks for playing!

The movement really is the main problem we've been facing. We do have plans to fix it in an update so hoping you give the game another go then. Glad you liked the rest of the game, we are very happy with how everything else turned out. Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing and giving feedback! Glad you enjoyed our game!

Sorry about the jump controls, I hope it didn't sour your experience too much. We plan to update the game after the voting period so I hope you give the game another try then. Thanks for playing!

Quite nice. Puzzles were simple enough to understand and solve while still giving a slight challenge through the movement system and differences between rooms. Enjoyed the slow introduction of mechanics as well. Kind of wish there was more to play but great work with what you've been able to make, keep it up!

Had a lot of fun with this one. great use of the theme and the chosen wildcard. 

Got confused at some points to which character I was controlling with the inputs would often move the wrong character when trying to aim.

It did get overwhelming with where to look, often found myself struggling to focus on both the enemies and the orb but that just added to the challenge and was satisfying when I was able to clear enemies and keep the orb bouncing. 

Big props to the composer for the banger of a soundtrack, the music here goes hard! Though amazing work all around!

Impressive work for only 5 days of development time. Haven't played Balatro so can't compare the games, but this great, liked all the small visual elements and shaders, the overall game feel was excellent.

Really bugging me we didn't notice the issues with the controls earlier, glad you enjoyed other parts of the game though. Thanks for playing!

Appreciate the detailed feedback, helps a lot for when we go back to fix it. Glad you enjoyed the other aspects of the game though, hope you come back to play again after we update the controls. 

Thanks for playing!